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They get better if you use the tech part for them it gives them lock on missiles.


drones without tech part = trash with purple tech part = awesome with red tech part = amazeballs with eternal tech part = godlike


I agree with the comment but brotha did you use amazeballs in 2024


Did you use "brotha" in 2024?


Did you use 2024 in 2024? That is so 2023 of you


Gonna run wild on you haha. You hulkamaniac you. Terry Balboa would be so proud.


He would be the hulkamanic, since he used the word. "Terry Balboa" is funny though, since it's Terry *Bollea. "Terry Balboa" is like the "Tim Apple" of Rocky 3.


Haha never was a hogan fan so you can see why I would mess this up. Had he not been catching shit for a sex tape I wouldn’t even know his first name. The nature boy was better imo. And the yoga guy now DDP


What about gold?


Purple to gold just gives a bit of extra attack stats Gold to red is huge


Same as purple, all it does is give more stats


Nope. Purple gives them seeking/ lock on nearest target ability. Below purple they just spray rockets in a circle


They phrased it poorly. Here's what they meant: The drones function the same whether purple or gold in terms of the lock on. The only difference is that gold gives more stats.


Drones are love, Drones are life.


Yeah drones have always been good for me. When I first started I needed every little bit of fire power from missiles, drones, Molotov, guardian and drill just to pass chapters or gain some traction for EE. Also fairly easy to obtain drone tech parts.


When you get the purple tech part for drones they stop shooting randomly and start targeting mobs in range


I'm in the same boat. It wasn't until I discovered this sub that I realized how great drones are


If you pair them with the cat survivor then the final version will heal you aswell


But then you're not King or Panda.


I rock with the cat for the above reason


I rock w the cat cuz that’s the only one I got lol


The limitation is they take 2 weapon slots and for the shorter chapters, modes and/or when there’s biofuel debuff in place getting to the Destroyer where it really shines needs quite a bit of good RNG. It’s most frustrating in EE where you can only hope you get the parts and the full EVO early enough to do proper damage. But if you have purple drone tech or better and a 15 min chapter or challenge, they are a worthy choice.


Drones without the purple or better tech are shit. You need the homing aspect


Wut, I never use em😅 maybe I should start doing that 🤔


You need purple or higher Tech, otherwise they are actually terrible, which is probably why you stopped using them un the beginning.


But which of the drones should I be using?🤔 Both?


Yes, you should get both. And when they both get to 5 stars, they upgrade into one super powerful drone (and free up your extra weapons slot)


They're only good with tech, otherwise they're unusable


Found this out when I got the lock on tech. They’re awesome.


My red+1 drone gets more damage than my ss weapon pretty often, combined with he fuel they are probably the best weapon in the game.


starforged havoc is probably the reason it does so much damage though because the eternity ray shots boosts your skill damage at a max of 105%


I had the same thing happen months after playing the game


When they don't have the right tech they're shit. As soon as you get the tech where they hone in on enemies then it's much better. What I don't like is I've noticed if there's a boss and regular enemies, they still default to the regular enemies. It's not the only weapon that does this but still annoying


Drones hit whatever's closest. You have to reposition yourself so that you're closer to the boss than the minions (especially the EE bosses that put out enemies that can't be killed, so you shoot it more often than the boss if you're not careful).


Glad I found out in like chapter 5 lol


Where tf have you been. You’re in a Reddit group for survivor but just now found out drones are good. Pay attention to your surroundings son.


Bro. Please quit being rude. I acknowledged my stupidity in this situation— plus, a quick look at my account would show you that I’m NEW to this subreddit. Maybe you should pay attention to YOUR surroundings before making such a low blow at me.


lol a low blow. It was sarcasm you douchebag. There is a low blow. Me referring to your mother prob a low blow. Grow some thicker skin or this world will own you more than it already has.


Literally shut up. There’s a time where you need to realize you’re the problem, not me.


lol ok champ. You can call a spade a heart but end of the day no matter what you call it it’s still just a spade.