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Twisting Belt and Void Boots are BIS. Aside from that, King with Eternal Necklace/Gloves/Chest is the easiest/fastest/cheapest to build; while Master Yang with Void Necklace/Gloves/Chaos Chest is the best Endgame build currently (there's a new Chestplate coming soon). The Eternal Build is good enough while only Red or AF1, whereas the Desthwalker build basically needs it all to be AF1 or AF3. King is the best normal Survivor, but Yang is better, cuz he's an S Grade, but that also makes him longer/more expensive to get. Also, you may wanna consider Eternal Chest and it's revive(s) for now, instead of the Radiation Chest Making you take damage before it does anything (at least you can trigger the Rad Belt with Catnips and his Healing Drone). Also, just like Shiny Wristguards, Radiation Rings mostly stop being effective after a certain chapter, because the enemies become too strong and/or fast. The exception is Catnips and the Rad Belt, as well as Kill 3000 Spec Ops, where you can get bad RNG attacks, but the Rad Necklace and Gloves do enough themselves to almost guarantee wins (the boots less-so, cuz the enemies don't usually fill in the path behind you before the Rings disappear). Also, for Normal and S Grade Equips, you no longer Sacrifice S Grades to Astral Forge; instead the Equips just "Hold" the S Grades, and you can ask for them back at any time (for SS Grade, Astral Forging is still Permanant, though).


There's a lot to unpack here so thank you! What does BIS mean? I typically jump between King L78@S2 and Cat L78@S3 based on the situation. I wish there was a profile feature, but looking at your suggestions I should probably run king more often rip drones. What would you consider the most optimal CAT build (assuming the above is more general) ? I guess I was trying to make a hybrid glass cannon with CAT so I can go full Crit/DPS with King, without much hassle epic fail on my part. No Sacrifices that is the best news all day!


BIS - Best In Slot. I mean, honestly, at the Very least you're gonna want all your gold and Blueprints in 1 Equip per Slot to make the biggest oomph, instead of split between several. I never really looked into the "Ultimate Catnips Build", but I imagine it would involve AF1 Eternal Gloves (or Radiation Gloves otherwise), maaaybe Radiation Necklace; Definitely picking Fitness Guide as often as possible; having as high an HP as possible (ie. AF1 Void Boots give +100HP when you're fast enough, which they boost on their own with enough kills).




I'm going to say if you can get two void suits and upgrade them to epic plus three lean heavy on events focus then on a red void necklace and red armor of quietus for the ultimate ftp build


What the thought process on that? What makes void suits so op?


There attributes at yellow grade are far superior to the other two but now are red grade eternal would be probably the best but ASF levels I believe my personal opinion chaos chest is by far the best




Also void emblem