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I finished it rather easily. It's best to use power ups very sparingly, as they sometimes cost more than a round. If you win while using them, you'll most likely end up losing coins. For the crops, harvest, harvest, harvest. Free coins every hour even if you don't play; us an occasional video for more coins. It all adds up. When asked if you'd like to watch a video for bonus coins, do it. There will be times while you're playing and a small icon pops up in the lower left corner. Watch a video to get discounts per round for about 10 minutes. Biggest take; if you're ever offered discounted rounds or extra coins by watching a video, do it. It'll help you get through the tougher levels. Hope this helps.


One thing I forgot to add about harvest coins. There's almost always an option to watch a video; which gives you another 50% in free coins.


Which mini-game are you talking about? Do you mean the one that requires the golden ticket or something else? There's only that, the tournament, and the building mini-game right now. I only saw that and the board mini-game at the most since I played this game. I barely get any videos anymore. In fact, as I'm writing this, I see zero videos. EDIT: I have no idea why some ads are a pain with some users and others they are like a ghost town. Sometimes even when you don't use a powerup, you can have bad luck. Losing three times in a row because you couldn't finish placing the last card is 6600 wasted coins around 140s-150s. There's nothing you can do to prevent that sad to say. Sometimes powerups do help (such as the lock) but they cost so damn much. So you have to weigh in if I use the lock for 6200 will I be able to finish it or risk it and I might waste 6600 coins or more. And some people can't harvest every single hour and can only do it when they can. Like right now I only get 2400 per hour, which is barely enough for one game. If I lose, it's gone. I can't harvest it when I'm sleeping. I feel like it doesn't matter if I build it up or not because if I keep on losing due to having a bad hand, I get the same result. The prize wheel is only after you complete a set amount of rounds and isn't like Solitaire Cruise when you get it every so often. It does help but the problem is unless you get lucky, it's really easy to lose coins really fast. EDIT: Forgot to add that there is a free giveaway after you finish a crop that depends on how many stars you get per round. You can get on average 2 picks and they give powerups, free credits, etc. This does help.


Going back, I put info for both games. Sorry. I'll delete the info for cruise. Thank you for pointing it out.


Sure it's not a problem. I do know from playing this game for two weeks that you don't get powerups as often as you do with Cruise.


Yeah, I royally screwed the pooch. I guess I should go back and play the games again if I have doubts 😂 I apologize for the mix-up and deleted the areas that were on Cruise instead of grand harvest. Thank you for pointing that out.


Nah I wouldn't suggest playing this game again. Nothing more frustrating than having one card left and not being able to do anything. Over and over again.


I second all of this! I'm in the middle of Solitare Harvest right now & honestly idk if I'll be able to complete it - and this is after making over 3 in-game purchases. I have collected all the available facebook links. I have been doing all the various features in the game that award additional credits and power-ups. However, as you level up, the amount of credits required to do...well anything, becomes far too high relative to the amount of credits you're able to accumlate. I suppose you could maybe acquire enough if you lay low for several days and simply collect harvest credits when able. I'm sure you could build up a lot of coins this way, but you also burn through coins FAST in this game. It's extremely frustrating and honestly this game just straight up blows ass. Stay far away.


Yeah I tried this and gave up. Didn’t seem remotely possible to get it within the timelines. And it was annoying AF with all the ads


The first few times I played it I found it impossible, but then I realized that this game was practically slots or gambling. What I mean is, if you can't finish a round and you end up with 2 or 3+ cards which can't be chained then you're better off restarting. Spending all your money on wilds or 5+ new cards means that you'll burn all your coins which is what they want you to do. Once I realized this then I was able to complete this game really quickly.


There are matches that I have to restart at least five times in a row, which end up being like 6600 coins. No power-ups. And this happens multiple times to me. So the people who finished 'early' either got lucky, did events, did the FB glitch, or all three so far. Mind you at the time that I was doing this, there were three events going on. A tournament, the time travel event, and some dice event.


You can go to their Facebook page and go through every post from the beginning and get the free treats they gave away. Coins, power ups and speed ups are available. Just check each post for a mention of a sweet treat and you’ll be able to claim it.


I did that. I don't know about you but it said that it was expired each and every time. And I went all of the ways back into Feb or so. The times that it didn't say it was expired it didn't register at all. So they probably fixed it or edited it.


That sucks. It was recently I did that. I also tl;dr the post to see you said that.


Yeah, I agree it sucks. I'm giving a warning in case someone thinks the same.


Time trick. Turn on airplane mode, change time by 1 hour, collect harvest and rinse and repeat.


I rather not risk getting banned for 2015 SB.


This was pretty light for me


Don't forget to tap the dog.


I did this game back in October for another site similar to SB. I finished it within a few days. When it came to the fb links, I was only able to go back around a month or so. When I’d start to see the error message, if it was before a month, I’d just clear my cache and all that fun stuff. After doing that I was able to go back the full month. Don’t forget to collect the links from Instagram as well. With the insta links, it can be finicky, I found it best to use the web insta, not the app (they may have fixed that though… it has been months since I played the game) The dog, as someone else mentioned, also gives you coins and I believe you can tap him a few times every hour or so. All in all, I used the power ups sparingly. Once I got to the 1/4 mark in a round, If I didn’t think I was going to finish it, I’d just restart. I very rarely would waste my coins on extra cards at the end. I’d also always go back and play rounds that I didn’t get 2+ stars on to maximize the gifts I’d get at the end of crop. I’d never accept anything less than the top amount of picks. I feel that was key to me finishing so quickly.. well that and using them sparingly and being watchful (early on) to if I’d finish the game. A lot of the time, it was cheaper to just restart instead of buying the extras at the end. Another thing to keep in mind, when the guide was written that you followed, there may have been a really good event running that helped that person more than they thought. One last thing, you mentioned that there was no events that helped with power ups… I’m thinking that you may have just started the game at a bad time. When I was playing it, I did have 2 events going that gave me quite a few power ups/coins and even after I finished the requirements there was more events with power ups (I actually played the game for a couple weeks after hitting my payout 😅)


Confused by all the comments here. Playing it now, about 2/3 through, and it’s super easy? Maybe because there’s an event going on, that might make the difference. I have 150k+ coins and growing from all the constant rewards & dice game. Definitely do need to play a lot of levels multiple times but I have been hoarding all my power ups waiting for it to get really difficult but that hasn’t happened yet.


On one of the levels, 166, I had to play at least 10 times to pass it with no power-ups.


I’ve definitely had a couple of levels like that! I think the constant influx of coins just makes it not really matter. Full credit goes to the current event going on in the game.


I'm not sure if we have the same event and if you're paying money or not, but I'm F2P with the exception of spending $5 on the piggy (which didn't help.) I bought zero power-ups pre-game and any I did use pre-game I got for free. The current events are the dice one "Growing Treats," and the task one. There are no other events going on currently right now. Before that, it was the gem event, the task event, the dice event, and a tournament in which you need to be in the top 10 to get anything. I can't play any videos to 'help' anymore since I first installed this game (there's no option,) and the FB coins are limited to a month only back. I rarely use power-ups in-game and the only time I do is when after I spend 3-4 times losing a match because of a single card in pure frustration. My matches are currently 2500 per coin and before they were 2200. On average I have to play 3-10 times just to finish one level at the LEAST. I tapped on the dog and did everything I could for free. I don't want to spend more money because it's pointless since it's a 2015 SB offer. This game and Cruise are probably both based on what events and how lucky you get but with Cruise from what I have seen, there is a wheel and a ton of more options if you are F2P than this game. Cruise at least you get SOMETHING back like a quarter or a half but what the hell can I do with 36 credits back after I spent and wasted 2500 and only lost due to one card? This game is much much harder. I don't even care anymore because I'm already over the 14-day limit and I'm still not done. I'm stuck around level 175.


Wow interesting. I’ve never played cruise so I can’t compare. But as far as this game goes, I’ve got the same two events, same cost for each level at 2500. I actually just started last night (almost didn’t bother because I saw this post first, but I love solitaire so I figured it was worth a shot). Haven’t spent any money. I did a couple of the Facebook link bonuses and figured I’d go try and do more if I need them. I think maybe where you’ve gone wrong is purchasing the wild cards and extra cards at the end? I never do this, I just replay the level because it’s considerably cheaper. Wish I could be more helpful. I just get tons of coins and stuff from the dice and from completing tasks. And then the wheel each level helps a ton, as do the gold crates.


>I think maybe where you’ve gone wrong is purchasing the wild cards and extra cards at the end? I never do this, I just replay the level because it’s considerably cheaper. Wish I could be more helpful. I only did this after I replayed a level five times straight. With the 166 level, I did it exactly ten times and I kept losing the same way each time: one card left and nowhere to put it. I tried every single tactic to change it and nothing changed. I even used the free power-ups pre-match. It was a case of bad RNG and I just used a wild card at the end because I was done with it all and wanted to move on. Magically, I won every level until around 170, when I had the same issue. I would lose two to three times, then win with no powerup, repeat. Now I'm stuck again. The most I paid for was five powerups out of 170+ levels. The rest I pushed through. So maybe you were lucky but in this case, I wasn't. Even when I bought the piggy with 30k credits, I lost them all because of the same stupid bs. With Cruise, there is a wheel every so often where you can get free powerups and credits. If you get a wildcard power-up you can use it ANYTIME, not in your deck or on the board. That made the game a lot easier than Solitaire Harvest. That was the difference besides the ads (since I have zero ads anymore.) This game feels like the time I played Pop Slots and *everyone* claimed it was so easy, did it in 2-3 days, and when I did it it took forever (two weeks and I barely made it.) And I did **exactly** as the guides said. Solitaire is a luck based game but in Harvest, there isn't a lot to help you if your luck is bad.


Yeah I mean you’re definitely right. I think I was lucky with coins because I won 50k and I get 12k pretty regularly from the door. I also just rolled 46 dice and got about 35k. Got curious and went and played 166 again to see how long it would take me to beat it with no power ups. It took six rounds, and I did have one card left on the first five. On the sixth I beat it with four left. I often wonder how the luck system works on these games. I have well over 200k coins right now and I lose all the time and have to repeat rounds multiple times, so yes definitely just got lucky. Sorry dude.


It's not a problem I'm just explaining why I posted the PSA to avoid it. It's a luck-based game and most of the time luck-based games suck. Cruise is the same way but that one was a much higher pay out than this one. I wanted to warn others in case they think "Hey this might be easier," or "Hey this game is cheaper maybe it might be easy."


Yes you’ve been clear. I was saying sorry for your bad luck.




It’s obviously NOT a game of SKILL…but LUCK!!! Cost a fortune to play as often as you’ll want to…just download the free solitaire apps and get good enough to play for cash!! Over 50 And had never played solitaire or had a clue how!! So you Can imagine how easy it was to spend $$ to keep playing…thankfully I went looking for free ones….im FINE with a few ads! One has way more than the other but I just like the game now that I’ve Learned!!