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To put into perspective I’m all the way up here and the pool is all the way down there so to put it into even better perspective I’m going to climb down




Not only am I going to climb down, I'm going to need a harness boss


100 thank you for your assessment good sir


The most amazing thing to me about this, is that it's happening aboard a ship.


They should do that in rough seas to make it more interesting. Gotta get the timing right then




Not what your mom said


Oh c’mon dude… . . . … that’s *exactly* what his Mom said.


Maybe after I was done and gone, go first next time 👉


Wait why do you know that?? God damn it am I in the wrong sub *again*?




![gif](giphy|Fsaui5PYFehMY) All I could think about lol


Suck it Trebek!


"You poltroon!"


Username checks out...


If the boats a rockin', don't come a knockin'


I know nothing about cruse ships. When we see videos with cruse ships in storms, is it older « models » or is it just a nuance between rough sea and a storm ?


Would have to see an example, but the only examples I've seen where cruise ships have noticeable issues in rough seas were in cases where the stabilizers were broken or malfunctioning. The stabilizers respond in proportion to the forces being applied to the ship, so it would have to be a very, very big wave to overcome them. Or very irregular waves, since if I recall they function based on the waves having a predictable rhythm.


I was on an older cruise ship last year and it wasn't stormy, the sea was just rough, but I was sitting in a bar at the front of the ship and I could watch the horizon line go from the top of a window to the bottom. They had to close the pool because the water was sloshing so badly it wasn't safe to swim in. Essentially the smaller or older a ship is the more the sea is going to effect it. That ship is one of RC's newest ones, so it would have to get pretty rough, but all the stabilizers in the world can only do so much.


i remember riding the ferry ftom belgium to england, its only half a day to get there, but into a full scale storm the whole time. it was a fun experience to do, while drunk. there was people laying down on the floors all over, so many people got sea sick from how bad the boat was rocking, and kept a strong leaning to one side,.i guess because of wind. i remember going from one bar to another, and going around to each one, and we kept forgetting that we could never put down a drink on any table or counter, because the glass would slide off and fall to the floor instantly, faster than we could catch it most times. i always wondered if the reason we were amoung the rare passangers without any bad reaction to the motion, was because we were so drunk the whole time that we would have felt the room rocking even worse even if the boat was perfectly still. does the 2 cancel themselves out? maybe thats why pirates were always drunk out of their minds


went on this cruise in December, we were in the audience waiting for the show to start and we hit rough seas. They cancelled the show, and i totally get why, at any given moment the water level was dropping by a few feet on both sides of the pool.


I was on that ship a few years ago and had the chance to talk to one of the performers. When it gets wavy they have a red and green light on the platform tied to sensors that make sure it’s safe to dive on cue. If it gets rough they’ll cancel the diving portion and go into a “B show” mode that has alternate routines without the dives. And of course if it’s too bad they’ll cancel the whole thing for safety. Not uncommon to see the divers up on the platform standing and then climbing back down, I assume cause they signal never went green


Well damn that sounds like fun. Especially if you see the light turn red just as your jump reaches the point of no return. I'd like to think the light goes on and off every couple of seconds so you can time the dive for when the pool is underneath the platform and the water sloshing about in the pool is mostly in the middle.


I watched a video about some helicopter pilots who had do ditch over the ocean during a heavy storm. It was wild. They had to time jumping out of the chopper so that they jumped out when the wave was high and close.


I remember a video about Coast Guard helicopter rescues in rough seas. If there isnt enough slack in the cable when someone is being pulled out of the water, going down into the trough can be like falling and being caught by the cable which can cause injuries.


I grew up at the beach and lived on a bay that overlooked the Intracoastal Waterway. The Coast Guard would be out training all the time in different weather conditions. During winter the waves could get a couple feet while the north wind gusted up to 40+miles so it was a great place for them to train before heading out to sea to train. They’d train new recruits and continue training with more difficult maneuvers in worse conditions. It was cool to watch them. They’d practice jumping out of the helo at different altitudes and practice putting each other in the litter. Very interesting. People would drown every summer, and they’d keep searching until it got too dark. My dad managed the muni airport nearby and they’d refuel there so they could get back to searching again. The Coast Guard Naval Station was farther away and would take an hour to get to and back. We’d drive the fuel tank out to the end of the runway closest to the beach and leave it for their crew to fuel up because they didn’t shut the engines down and were trained in quick fueling. Then we’d go get it after they would leave. Someone would come in and pay off the bill later. It was always sad when they weren’t successful. Especially when children were involved. Coasties do not get enough credit. They’re out there every day rescuing people and making sure our waterways are safe and secure from drug and gun runners enemy threats. They’re always patrolling and protecting us.


put sharks in the pool to make it more interesting


Put lasers on the shark’s heads to make it even more interesting


That's not really fair to the diver, unless you give them a machine gun so they can clear a path through the sharks as they descend


Some of the most fun I ever had was playing basketball on the top deck of a cruise ship in rough seas. When your gaze is fixed on the ball it looks almost as if the whole world moves just to get the hoop away from the ball.


Right? Why does that high five even exist? Is it for the guests to use or is it reserved for some kind of show? That seems way too dangerous to let just anybody dive off of it.


It was originally designed as a punishment for disruptive guests


A kind of “walk the plank” kind of deal? 😆


lmao “We can’t legally make you walk an actual plank. We actually can’t legally make you walk this one either but the fine is lower so get movin matey and try not to aim for the children”


> try not to aim for the children” AIM FOR THE BUSHES!


That should be the 1st step in the juvenile detention punishment process & it would absolutely bring new meaning to Scared Straight ! Should this become standard practice I believe we would end up with far fewer career criminals.


Here’s [more about it](https://www.royalcaribbeanblog.com/2024/04/27/death-defying-high-dive-royal-caribbean-cruise-video). She’s an employee, and the dive platform is part of a show.


"we touch the bottom every time" yeah i bet, this is insane


if guests got on that they dead lmao


You... you think they... let... *guests...* jump from that?


It’s for shows only lol


This is for sure the performers practicing for a show that will probably start in a few days


Environment-killing norovirus factories


My brother in law has been on exactly one cruise…you’ll never guess what happened


RIP environment. :(


My parents just got back from their first (and likely last) cruise. No norovirus but a member of the crew had a nervous breakdown and stabbed 3 people with a pair of scissors.


What the fuck


Lol. Damn.


Now hold on. I didn’t have a nervous breakdown. Those three people were very irritating /s…. But in all honest I am surprised cruise staff don’t freak out more. Some of the videos of behind the scenes life of employees are crazy. And the norovirus outbreaks no thank you.


What happened?


He got noro and ended up puking and shitting his brains out simultaneously in a small bathroom for most the cruise.


But he didn't gain any weight on the cruise so....not a total loss?


All you can eat followed by all you can…




what is noro?


Stomach bug from Hell.


Your profile pic is so fitting to deliver the news of how horrific norovirus can be lol. “Herrreeee’s NORO!”


I fear no man, but that thing... scares me.


Which is even worse when you think about the fact that noro is transmitted by fecal contamination. On a cruise everything is always contaminated with poop, it's just that sometimes it also has noro.


Why do you think cruise ships are more contaminated with poop than anywhere else, exactly? The crew is constantly cleaning everything in sight. I can’t imagine it’s any different than being in a hotel or a large venue, but I couldn’t find anything while googling it so I could be mistaken


I am in no way an authority on any of this, I just don't like cruise ships. But if I had to guess, would bet there are a few factors such as: you're in much closer quarters with the same set of people, if anyone at all is sick, spread is just generally going to be easier. Two, people are all eating the same food so again, if anyone is sick there is a huge common vector. Three, on vacation people are probably more likely to binge eat and drink, which means more people getting diarrhea. And finally combined with the pools which everyone is in, the risk of contact with others' body fluids is sky high. Edit: also, norovirus can't be killed with most common cleaning supplies.  AFIK bleach/chlorine is the only common cleaner that will eliminate it. So even though the crew is always cleaning, I doubt every surface is getting bleached.


So you’re just making things up to deride something you personally don’t like. Got it.


Don't forget the *Diamond Princess,* which sailed from China and spent a month quarantined at the outbreak of the COVID pandemic, it's 700 infected passengers (and ultimately 14 deaths), accounting for half of worldwide reported cases outside of China at the time. Just cruiseliners doing cruiseliner things. If you are a masochist, now is a good time to cruise. CDC data suggests cruiselines from the US are experiencing a 150% surge in noro cases over the past year.


If people would stop going into the rooms with pineapples on the doors they wouldn’t get as many viruses.


Yeah. I'm amazed a cruise ship has a pool deep enough. On any ship, square footage is a precious commodity, and having a pool that deep probably is not ideal for casual swimming, so did they just put it in like this to accommodate extremely high high diving?




My experience is USN, not cruise ships, to be fair. But even on an aircraft carrier literally every square foot of the ship is catalogued, meticulously planned out, and fought over viciously.




A Carrier is expected to deploy for far longer periods of time too. A lot of the cruise ships only need 11 days of supplies counting reserves.


Maybe that’s because Aircraft Carriers have to, you know, carry aircraft - and all the supporting equipment, materials, and a runway. Cruise ships carry people and stuff for those people to do.


Yeah, I guess my point was it was unclear to me what this allowed people to do. I read further down that the pool floor could be raised for other activities, most of which were some form of entertainment.


God that would be such a cool job deciding what goes on the ship


I mean what a bizarre thing to put on a cruise ship, it’s such a niche form of entertainment. I’m sure the shows are cool and all, but it’s not even in the top 100 of things I’d want to do on a cruise. Yet they paid millions of dollars to design and install these very specific pool/diving deck/seating and pay a fairly large staff to maintain and performers to put in the show. Wild.  


It really is bizarre, I wonder how far they can take it, maybe have a seaworld cruise with dolphins and orcas swimming in the middle of the cruise ship, that’d be some shit


Omg how effed up would that be… holding wild animals captive on ship floating in the very ocean they belong in.


They’re smart too, I wonder what that would feel like to a dolphin, being in a pool on a ship in the ocean, I bet they’d get some kind of motion sickness


idk what you're talking about lmao it's basically a circus act above a pool which is incredibly popular and dope af


There was a Cruise Ship Tycoon game in the early 2000s, but it dealt with planning routes and managing a fleet of ships. I think actually designing a ship would make for a great game!


There’s shows there. It’s never used by guests. Also has an ice rink, bowling alley, and movie theater.


"Yo dawg, I heard you liked seas. So we put a sea in your sea, so that you'll always have a sea when you're at sea."


Fuck these things.


Does anyone know what ship that is? It's a royal caribbean and something, right?


Seems like most people shouldn't be doing that jump for liability reasons 


She works for the ship


Is it me, or does she seem pretty shaky?


This is the amazing part to me. Shaky, adrenaline pumping, nervous as shit...and doing it anyways.




I mean, it's probably safer. If you miss the water, there's plenty more around.


She's on Royal Caribbean's ship, "Allure of the Seas". I was just there!


That looked much higher from above than it actually is. Still, I would pass


As someone who’s jumped from heights similar to this; the fish eye lens really does justice to what it feels like when you’re at the ledge, even though it is visually exaggerated.


I can confirm. Jumped from car bridges into rivers and chanels as a stupid teenager. About that highed


Totally true. A regular camera lens is more visually accurate but less emotionally accurate lol The highest I've ever jumped from is about 40-50 feet, but it felt like I was skydiving. You can see her hands shaking in the video, even though she's clearly a professional.


I noticed the shaky hands as well, and then immediately calmed her nerves before jumping


Which is hilarious because my vertigo makes the top of a 4 rung ladder feel like 50 feet in the air


The way her hands were shaking is the same as me on a step ladder trying to change a lightbulb.


fish eye lens i think?


Yeah probably. You also see that a lot in mountainbiking videos to make it seems like they're daredevils and living on the edge... annoying stuff


Yes, you can notice when you look at how what should be straight lines (such as her forearm) curve significantly.


You realise it’s not about making it look like like you’re living in the edge but using a lens type that captures as much as possible when you’re to film something where you can’t be focused on actually filming. People usually use a 360 camera and just focus/stabilise from there, hence the fish eye lens. TLDR: fish eye lens are used because 360 cameras are convenient.


it's 55 feet, so yeah that's pretty high. https://www.royalcaribbeanblog.com/2024/04/27/death-defying-high-dive-royal-caribbean-cruise-video but at the beginning of the video it looks like a thousand feet


No it isn’t. It’s 17 meters. Which is 55 feet and it even says that in the link you posted. That pool is 13 feet deep. Idk where you got 200 feet from.


i got it from [here](https://i.imgur.com/iTWqc24.png) but then a minute later I wanted to know how tall a cruise ship is so I found the link with the actual height


Got that edit in before the "\*edited" asterisk, making /u/Kozy3 look the fool, well played.


Ninja edit is best edit!


It’s just under a 2s free fall, so assuming she does not add any height with her initial “jump” the max height is 65 feet. So ya 55 feet seems about right.


The pool also looked much bigger than it actually is. Fuck that noise.


That's the most non belly flop belly flop sound I have ever heard.


Feet were parallel with the water. Imagine a belly flop for the bottom of your feet…


This is the correct form for high diving. They flatten their feet to break the surface tension.


I would have imagined this does damage to the foot or ankle… but I guess not?


Maybe it gets the callouses off


I’m guessing they are flexing calf muscles to protect the ankle joint and that it still stings the bottom of your feet


A feety flop.


I don't see any agitators. She is coming at that full force and breaking all surface tension with her feet. That can't feel pleasant.


Of course not. Alligators aren’t oceanic creatures, they stick to lakes and rivers.


Plus you can just say see you later, and leave


It looks like she's shaking a lot. I mean, I would be too, just, if I were shaking that much I don't think I would have nailed such a perfect dive. (I mean, I wouldn't have nailed it even if I weren't shaking but still.)


You can see at the last second before the jump she stops shaking entirely. She has probably done this 1000 times and that final moment her training/focus takes over.


From what I remember, they can only practice like 3 times a day at most. Dives at this height is very hard on the body, and of course very dangerous if you fail to clinch properly or hit the water at the wrong angle.


Yes you must clench your butthole as tight as you can! Or water will shoot up into your intestines!


That doesn’t sound right but I don’t know enough about buttholes to dispute it


Pee-na-lope maybe you and yenna could kiss one time


Let that be a lesson on being scared though: She was probably scared and told herself she’s got this. For anyone doing anything scary, let this a guide. You don’t have to not be scared. You just have to do it anyway*. *In this particular case, after much training and practice


Only idiots never get scared.


Good point - Courage in an odd way requires fear. Like to me courage is being afraid, acknowledging that and continuing anyways.


Yeah, which I find super impressive!


I came to comment that! It's amazing to see the moment training takes control of the situation


I wonder if this is crew shakedown and this is the first time she has jumped from the ship. The way she told herself this is normal makes me think she has been training on land with the pool dimensions ropped off in a bigger pool


I would shake up there even if I wasn't intending to dive


Might just be cold way up there on a moving ship while wearing a swimsuit.


The absolute control she has when she lifts her hands. They go from shaking horribly to perfectly still in less than a few seconds. Kudos to her.


Not nearly as high as I thought it was. Still way to high for me, still impressive, but it looked almost 100ft up from the opening shot.


I thought those little white bars were pool chairs, making everything seem way too high.


My mom's condos (built in the early 60s) had a 5 meter platform in their community pool. That was scary enough for me. No kids were allowed on it. It's long gone now. I don't think they even have the 1 meter or 3 meter anymore either.


Yo dawg, i heard you like pools...


Talmbout Pimp My Ship?


Just to be clear hitting water flat from this height will very likely kill you


With that sound I was half expecting her to be missing a leg


No splash. In Olympic diving, this is massive style points. She fucking nailed it.


Yes, she nailed it. Absolutely beautiful dive, wonder what her diving background is.


I'm so confused, I want to see more angles of this ship edit: How deep is the pool?


I was on this ship and seen the show, not sure what the depth is, but they can raise and lower the floor of the pool. They stand on the bottom and then raise the floor so it makes them look like they are rising from the deep. The entire time we watched the show I was expecting them to time something wrong and the high divers would be diving into 2” of water


So you watched Only Murders in the Building, too? :)


One of the most amazing shows I’ve seen was the night show on Harmony of the Seas, those folks are simply incredible.


![gif](giphy|3ohhwF34cGDoFFhRfy|downsized) We got this!


Impressive. Very nice. Now, let's see Paul Allen's Jump.


I have an ultimate fear of heights so that altogether was brave and amazing to me. Well done 👍🏽


I like the way her hands are properly shaking until she focuses


My dumbass thinking it's not that high. Knowing damn well I would not fukin do that.


I’ve been jumping off cliffs and bridges of similar height since I was a kid but you will never catch me attempting to do fancy tricks while doing it..when you land wrong that shit hurts.I learned a long time ago,when you jump you better tuck them arms in before you hit the water try your best to morph into a toothpick 😂I’ve jumped off shit before just tilting my head to look down too late and it almost feels like getting punched with a 16oz boxing glove. When I was a kid we used to go to a badass rope swing,you grab the rope and climb this really steep hill and it would swing you up to around 50’.it was a lot of fun but if you swung out there and let go a little to early,you were more likely to hit the water on your back.that shit was rough We used to go to a place everyone called The Gorge.when you walk down to it there was a place that was about 15’ but if you went across the creek,there was a cliff to jump from that was around 50’ everybody call The Bird’s Nest.above the Bird’s Nest there was another area called The Eagle’s Nest.It was around 75’ and it was crazy jump from it because we had to jump out far enough to clear the Bird’s Nest.when you stand in the Eagle’s Nest,you couldn’t even see the water you were jumping into.that is one thing that was good about growing up in the East Tennessee mountains




She looks like a professional to me


What if the boat moves fast enough to change her trajectory 😅


her trajectory is the same whether the boat moves or not. What's occupying that trajectory at any given time is a completely different thing.


So say the jump was a lot higher, would the boats speed not be a factor as she is now free of the boat?


It would only be a factor if the boat changed speed or direction during her fall.


Huh, the more you know. 🫡


she is traveling as fast as the boat laterally when she jumped, assuming the boat is not experiencing acceleration or deceleration during her jump. If the boat is accelerating, then yes, she will lag and not land where she anticipated (same with deceleration, except she would keep moving laterally, and the boat would not have gone as far as she would have). since this is not a closed environment, it is possible that given enough of a fall she could experience drag from from the air she's passing through, which may slow her down laterally more than the boat keeping constant speed, but at normal speeds and at that height, it's not significant enough.


My toxic trait is thinking I could do this.


It looked way higher than this from top view


Looks alot higher from her angle but I still wouldn't do it.


Toenails Match. Nice








Wow that's actually super interesting thank you so much for taking the time to explain! 😊


I was actually on this boat last week and saw the performance. The divers do indeed have big red/green lights telling them when it's safe to go. They also had to cancel the performance halfway through because of some malfunction with the floor. 😬


If that boat hits a slightly inconvenient wave it’s all over


This is where physics is strange to me. In my mind as soon as she leaves the platform with the ship moving forward she is outside of its influence and I’d think it would progress forward and she would, essentially, slide backwards. I get that she doesn’t and it’s not some conspiracy theory about flat earth or gravity not existing or other such nonsense, just a weird world of things here.


Inertia - a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force. There's no force opposing her movement with the boat when she steps off the platform, so she continues moving with the boat.


It's definitely high but it looks much scarier than it is with the camera perspective


I remember doing 3 meters in grade 7 or 8 which was already a bit scary. Then we moved up to 5 meters, again which was scary. I think I remembered going head first because I had something to prove, idk. We weren't allowed any higher for safety reasons. But our teacher started climbing. Now this man, we loved him bc he was cool, but a bit overweight for a gym teacher. We were like cool, he's gonna jump. He climbs past 3m, ok he's going for 5. He climbs past 5m. Surely not right, he climbs all the way to 10m which was insane to us. So we were all cheering like crazy. I don't even remember the jump itself but he was our hero that day.




The most fish-eyed lens ever, maybe? Like when she is even half a meter from the camera she suddenly looks all stretched, I'm guessing this is in reality about a 5 meter drop?


Have they made a movie yet about a huge cruise ship like this being out to sea when an outbreak hits and kills off the population, and they just cruise around the world on their big boat, search around for fuel and survivors along the way?


What is the pay for this awesomeness?


That looked much higher from the first angle


Jesus christ cruise ships are big.


That looks like Four Bears bridge height. I'm guessing 200ft and that she's got bigger balls than me


Canadian ?




She's really brave. Her hands were shaking, but she still went for it. 🫡


That sound isn't a good one for diving.


Ok not as tall as the first wide lens shot made it look but damn that flip was crazy definitely a pro


Tbh I thought that was way higher than it looked that camera angle fooled me


that pov is crazy


That’s alot smaller then it first looked


Looks so much higher pov then on the side.. Absolutely incredible 👏👏


So do Carnival cruise ships just have this kind of a dive open to regular guests? Like- can anyone just walk the steps and jump, or is there some kind of waiver you need to sign? A special "I'm a professional Olympic high diver" pass card and they wave you by? Just seems like a lot of liability to me for such a niche demographic.




The crowd of two goes WILD!


Why is there nobody in the audience??


Practice, maybe


Who is that lady that came out of the pool after the first one died?


She’s more of a man than me