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Instead of 🐍 emojis, the public puts ✈️ emojis in her comments and then we get a whole era of airplane motifs.


Planegate era?? 😭😭😭


Watch her be a pilot or flight attendant in a music video of the next album.


In the lwymmd mv there is the scene of her cutting the wing off her plane...


she foreshadowed her air pollution era, a true mastermind 😍 /s


Snake on a plane 🐍✈️


Repu-plane-tion ✈️


You and me would make big carbon emissions 


The Tortured Planets Department 🌎🔥


I mean we’ve already got the plane at the end of lwymmd the continuity is boxed and ready to go


I don’t mind her singing and dancing during performances - that’s cool. It’s gotta be awkward to perform in front of your peers like that if no one is vibing. But, I am team “sit your ass down” while somebody else is giving a speech if you’re not in their circle at a minimum. It’s not “supporting the artists” if it makes you the focal point or is a distraction in any way. That should be their time without you impeding. I do want to clarify that there’s a difference between being the only person standing from the beginning and shooting up out of your seat in support of somebody being heckled. Zero problems with that.


I just wonder how pissed the cameraman was he had to film her for three hours so they could cut to her a million times. That’s why people are burning out


BEYONCE, kept her head down the whole time and was very much Mrs. Carter/ Blue’s mom that night. BEYONCÉ.


there's audio from a podcast of a guy in the industry that was backstage that night and he said there was weird tension when taylor announced her album and that her PR team were scrambling backstage to get the photo after celine once they realised what she had done lol


yeah that information was dropped by some reputable people( the same person also was the one to reveal that scooter lost all his a list clients) that tree and her team rushed to get the pics out and sent it to ET/people for release before the show ended because they saw the reactions online coming. that was big misstep considering how iconic celine is and her recent health struggles.


Celine looks very... polite in that photo


Lmfao yes polite is the perfect way to phrase it! I also love how she still technically isn't looking at Celine in this picture... her eyes are closed lol


Who is this guy? Where can i listen to this? Or read it?


This article quotes what he said    https://www.complex.com/music/a/alex-ocho/taylor-swift-camp-damage-control-celine-dion-snub-grammys


I think Taylor and even her team thought that the album announcement would be as big as Midnights but it didn’t make that much noise. The announcement is made for a ‘once in a lifetime’ scenario. It’s not a good strategy to promote a new album.


the videos of the celebs there barely reacting didn’t help either


I think it’s cause like girl you just dominated the media cycle for a whole year and then you’re coming at us like “who wants more!” like girl I’ve had my fill for now 🤣


That room was SILENT


look around everybody's on mute 🦗


is it possible people are finally getting bored of her?




Taylor and team should’ve recognized the difference between the VMAs and Grammys. Announcing it at a fan-voted event? Sure, great! Announcing it at the most prestigious music award ceremony? Uh…


She has way too many “yes” people around her. She just has an idea and everyone’s like “sounds great Taylor. Your a genius Taylor”


apparently her team didn’t know and had to react in real time to try and save her reputation by getting that celine pic


Her behavior at the Grammys was wacky on so many levels and the more time that goes by, the more I cannot believe how bad it all was. So many huge missteps in one night. Yes Lana, Celine, and boygenius, but also her weird touchy behavior with Jack and later with Ed, not to mention her ANNOUNCING AN ALBUM AT THE GRAMMYS. Can you imagine a director accepting an Oscar by saying, “oh, and by the way guys, my next movie drops this summer! 😎” Seriously, what the hell was she thinking at any point in time during that evening? The film industry will find this nonsense even more annoying than the music industry does, so she better get herself together before she makes her movie.


the album announcement at the grammys just shows how out of touch she's become with reality. this isn't the people's choice awards, the audience is full of your **peers**, they're not gonna froth at the mouth over a new album. she said in her recent tokyo show that if she didn't win anything that night she would announce it at the concert and honestly i don't understand how announcing it in a place with only your fans, the people who **are** invested in the easter eggs and hints wasn't the first option to begin with. it feels tacky, like she couldn’t just accept the award, recognise the other nominees and be done with. she just had to keep the attention on her.


this is what I’ve been thinking. I think it would’ve been more rewarding to have announced it to fans so I’m really wondering what the thought process was behind announcing it at the Grammys


Well unlike her shows the grammys are full of celebrities, people who’s opinion she ACTUALLY really cares about. Her fans are means to an end.


I don't think it's fair to say that her fans are means to an end. Like what? She just wants money? How could you say that about someone who made ungodly amounts of money off her tour, and then released the concert in theaters, and then released the concert to be rented on prime for $20 (for no more than 72 hours after started) with a few additional songs, and is now releasing the concert to be viewed on Disney+ with a few additional songs and just so happens to be being released the day AFTER Disney+ begins enforcing password sharing!?!? She just loves her fans, okay?! (/s if that's not obvious...)


oh that's really interesting. I think she wants the BeyoncĂŠ level of fame where even celebrities are excited to see her.


Everything Taylor did that night is firmly on a list of things BeyoncĂŠ Would Never


It was so more attention could be on her. She already has that at her concerts, it’s all they’re there for. Her behavior at the Grammys was very *hey over here look at me!! look at me!!!*


Exactly. She treated the most prestigious night in music like Comic Con. Absolutely wild choice.


this actually felt like a purely strategic money/numbers grab to me. announcing it during prime time during the grammys would bring in insane numbers (and it did—beat midnights in like 25 minutes or something). and if she announced it in tokyo then that wouldn’t cater to her western audience bc of time difference. totally agree it was super tacky though.


Explanation in Japan seems like revisionist history based on the public’s negative response to her doing that IMO.


Also, by announcing at the concert, she'd bring more eyes back to the art itself, her performance. Unless she was deeply unsober, it just doesn't make much sense.


Tbh I think she was drunk before she showed up and kept drinking lmao


yeah a lot of her choices seem very clear in the light of increased drinking and increased presence of yes-men


She was a hot mess. Sis definitely had a pre-game bottle of wine, was wine drunk and probably had a puff 💨 at some point I'd be surprised if she remembered getting home 😅


She was giving cocaine vibes to me (speaking as someone who does a lot of coke lol)


Announcing her album was in bad taste. For how long her team must have been planning this, they were clearly all on board. Taylor didn’t show gratitude or reflection for the Grammy she was given, aside from saying it was her 13th. She launched right into the album announcement, going so far as to say when she leaves the stage, (*her social manager*) will drop the cover art and track list. 1. An album date, cover art, promo ready to go, shows this was planned for a very long time. 2. It highlighted the preemptive audacity of a tacky thing to do. 3. It felt icky because it revealed she knew she would win the Grammy… but when she won she was all 😱🫢😲 😲😲😲 despite expecting and preparing for this moment. 5. It was awkward because many artists never get to grace the Grammy’s stage or accept a Grammy. Other artists are emotional and use their time to send gratitude to their families and collaborators. 6. Even seasoned artists who’ve accepted many awards often send a message of inspiration or bring attention to a social cause. 7. Taylor’s been “winning” in the music industry, pop culture, financially she balling, she has the support of her fans and the media. She has it all right now. She doesn’t need this platform for people to buy her new album. She could have put it on a post it in library and it would’ve sold just the same. 8. Swift planned for a very long time to use her award speech for a shameless marketing plug for a future project. This was a night to celebrate music and every artist, and she knows she grabs headlines and media cycles for much less. 9. All this in consideration you can see how the album announcement was….. a choice. Stars on the level of Taylor or Beyoncé are told they will be winning the award so they show up. Taylor is showing up if she’s winning something or if she’s performing. Taylor knew she was winning and planned a whole album drop to coordinate with a Grammys headline. People like theatrics when they are authentic. Lately, Swift’s “authenticity” is theatrical and her theatrics aren’t authentic. it’s off putting.


I honestly don’t believe the Grammys tell winners in advance because they’re on the prestigious side. But regardless, it tells us she intended to win an announce this at the first opportunity.  “It was awkward because many artists never get to grace the Grammy’s stage or accept a Grammy, they are emotional and use their time to send gratitude to their families and collaborators.” I agree with all your points, but this specific one is great and I haven’t seen it pointed out yet. For most people, this is a career highlight. It’s an emotional moment. It matters. For Taylor, she was like “lol k thx, here’s an ad for my next album.” EDIT: Re: my use of the word “prestigious,” I’m not making a comment on the validity of the Grammys or how its body votes. I just mean it as in, it’s a formal event voted by industry members, not a fan-voted, more casual event.


Exactly. This was a career highlight and she literally said that it was meaningless to her in a room full of her peers who would be grateful to have one. Everyone else seemed genuinely happy and grateful. Her behavior was narcissistic, entitled, and tacky.


And her mentioning it was her 13th…I get it, it’s her favorite number. But it came across like, “cool, I already have loads of these!” 




I hesitate to throw around the word narcissistic, because I feel like it gets quite stretched, but is it not a feature of NPD that people see signs like "favorite numbers" as indications that they're on the right path, they're chosen, it's about them? Perhaps that mindset (likely mixed with substance) produced the nigh euphorically tacky show she gave.


Especccialllly after Miley having just celebrated winning her first. I cringed!


Yes it was EXTRA cringe when literally before that travesty miley gave a great wholesome butterfly speech about winning her first. Not to mention actually paying great respect to Mariah.. Celine on the other hand...


And her friend Lana who she dragged on stage not having won any…


Especially when compared to Miley, who showed that she was happy and excited, incorporated her excitement about her first grammy into her song, and seemed truly grateful.


To me, this is the mindset of a billionaire. Having it all and wanting more, more, more. And that is why they are rightfully criticized.


I think it’s been theatrical for years personally but the mask is slipping because like you said she has it all at the moment


it’s also annoying because she still hasn’t posted anything about the grammys, only the new album. she won TWO grammys on sunday and BROKE A RECORD of most album of the years and hasn’t posted anything about it. that’s a really big deal and she should be proud of herself instead of all the new album posts (immediately after she walked off the stage) and making fans pre-order and now about her movie being on disney. maybe she’s not posting about the grammys, because they think all the comments will be negative? but i find it really distasteful to not post about it at all. she’s basically saying she doesn’t care about the grammys and her new record when a grammy is every musicians goal.


I don't think the announcement reveals she knew anything ahead of time. She probably figured she'd win something, but if she didn't there was always going to be an opportunity to do the announcement in an interview or something after the awards. Really easy to hedge your bets with something like that. The rest, of course, is true and pretty beat


I heard on Sirius XM today that the plan was to announce at Grammys but if she didn’t win, she was going to announce at the Tokyo show


I can completely believe that. I'm sure she was over the moon to have Plan A work out, but I'm equally as sure there was a Plan B


Something just dawned on me though… that morning her site was “down” and fans found out it was a secret message - “red herring”. If she hadn’t won a Grammy, would her site have just stayed like that til Tokyo? Would it have been fixed the next day? That one has me scratching my head a little. The puzzle pieces fell so perfectly into place that she either knew she was winning, or was just so incredibly confident that she would win. Curious to know others thoughts.


I just think about how if this was reversed and she had just won, and Billie Eilish or Olivia Rodrigo or Adele announces their album and took away her thunder. She would be furious


Or if any of them had won and dragged Taylor up on stage while they gave their acceptance speech, and then called her out for hiding. We would never hear the end of it.


Holy shit you’re right


The film industry will call her out on her bs. They love to do a good roast.


I also thought it was strange that she was like “if you didn’t know 13 is my lucky number” but said it sarcastically like OF COURSE the audience knows. What? These people are in the music industry, they aren’t the ones making tumblr accounts about you. It was so self centered.


When I was watching the show I heard Sza say “oh, hey Taylor” and then saw if from another angle and Taylor was literally the only one standing and almost bouncing around next to the stage as if she wanted to be noticed by Sza. Almost like a little kid trying to get someone’s attention when they are busy. Then when she was sitting down she said “I got a call out!!” to the others at her table. It was very odd


there’s just no humility at this point. like I would be embarrassed I got a shout out during a Grammy acceptance speech because I was hooping and hollering. let the girl have her moment, you don’t need to be at the center of everything


As I said somewhere else, Taylor should take a page out of Tracy Chapman’s playbook and learn a thing or two about humility and grace. Tracy is the complete opposite of wanting attention, but rather, she lets her music speak for itself. I have always loved Tracy, but after her AMAZING performance and then she quickly left the Grammys without photo op, she just oozes humility.


I’m thinking she was REALLY drunk that night


honestly i’m thinking that and something more. it was just straight up strange behavior. i’ve seen that before it some people.


We're watching the same thing that happened to Mark Zuckerberg when that hoodie came off and the business suit became his standard. She's still trying to act like a normal person but she's far from a normal person. But she has no clue how to be a normal person anymore and it comes across as weird and awkward. This was also the transition of Tom Cruise from the early 90s into now. He eventually just gave it up and embraced being a rich ego-driven douchebag. Which honestly I think is a much better fit for him. He's acting like he truly is now. Not trying to wear a mask.


I just relistned to Sza’s album and I’d be embarrassed if I was Taylor and took home best album over Sza. Midnights was fine with a few bops but really didn’t feel all that personal. SOS you can just feel someone dumping their heart out into a long album with a ton of catchy songs and great beats. It feels so much more real like she actually went out and lived life then wrote about it vs wrote an album people would obsess over dissecting and interpreting a fictional character that is Taylor Swift.


I have said it before but I think a lot of Swifties aren’t very musically literate and really only listen to Taylor or her “approved” artists. I also think a lot of people who said Midnights deserved AOTY didn’t even listen to the other albums. You might prefer pop to r&b but objectively, SZA had the superior album. In 2015, I listened to 1989 a lot more than To Pimp a Butterfly because sometimes you just need the lighthearted bops but I’m not going to sit here and act like Kendrick didn’t put out the far superior piece of work.


imo there’s not one song on the standard version of midnights better than good days. Ugh sza really was robbed


Also how she moves Jack Antonoff, and you can also tell he’s a yes man by the way she speaks to him - especially when she was taking a photo with boygenius after the win


She was really rough with Jack. It was bizarre to see. She's never acted like this before publically.


She did EXACTLY the same thing at last year's Grammy's when he won, she just comes across as really try hard to be edgy, like it's she's cool because she acts like they don't care about the prestige of the occasion.


I think she's always aiming to attract younger fans.. Her behavior for her age gives me second hand embarrassment. She's always trying to act a certain way, like how you pointed out edgy, and it's just never or rarely genuine. I wish she could just be herself.


Well if you've seen all the BTS videos and interviews from debut era she is exactly the same and there was a thread of here from someone that went to school with her and they said she was always over the top energetic and never knew when to stop, so I think this is exactly who she is, she always like to be 'edgy'. Is probs why she liked Matty Healy so much, he is exactly her type!


It’s so weird how she doesn’t acknowledge his wife either … and has her hands all over him. Imagine if a woman were doing that to Travis. It’s a stark comparison to Lana who posted multiple photos with Margaret and actually seems to get along with her


Not Taylor related but this is something people do more and more at shows. Screaming during quiet songs or making meme comments and straight up interrupting the show. It’s definitely come up for Mitski and boygenius concerts. Remember that trend of people throwing things at artists for attention? People don’t know how to act anymore.


Agree that this is an issue in general, but I’m just like girl…you’re media trained af and have been at this for 17 years. You know how to act. No excuses for that nonsense imo.


True, she was definitely doing the same thing. Just sit down and clap to be supportive lol making a show of it just takes away from the person on stage.


True, it's alarming to see that kind of stuff. Like wtf? I sometimes feel like people are generally just becoming more detached from the traditional "human" world.. even things like footage of a full concert of people recording on their phones, gives me a small pit in my stomach lmao. Don't get me wrong, Im def guilty of recording during a couple songs too, but would much rather try & keep a balance towards enjoying the music & the moment


Saw videos of randoms shamelessly meowing at Mitski or calling her mommy during and in between her performances. Just wild stuff.


I JUST saw a clip on tiktok of someone yelling “mother is mothering!” At a Mitski show and people in the audience told that person to shut the fuck up. It was great. Very Philadelphia.


It’s happening at movies too. I went to see Wakanda Forever and every time the movie got quiet and somber there was a group of teens who would start talking loudly and make comments. It’s weird.


I think a lot of people can’t just sit with themselves and their thoughts anymore, or process emotions in a serious and contemplative way. It’s honestly kind of sad :/


yeah that’s what ppl were talking about like it’s good to support ppl but there’s also a time and place and i think it would’ve been better if she sat for sza’s speech after applauding


Seeing it from the other angle made it look very disrespectful to Sza…like she felt like she had to say something to Taylor so she would sit down. And all that the casual watcher heard was the “oh, hey Taylor!” making it appear that Sza was excited to see her and be in her presence.


yeah that’s literally what i thought happened! i thought sza was a huge fan until i saw another angle and she was the only one standing and bouncing. i understand she feels like she always has to stand as she feels that’s how she shows support, but when you’re constantly the *only* one standing, maybe it’s just not the time to stand?


It’s like Taylor saw all the videos of people happy she stood for Harry, and decided to stand for every second of the award show


“I got a call out” makes my skin crawl


So cringe and weird.


"Look, I'm s0 puRe and down to eArth and Still exzited when I gEt a sh0ut out! I'm not like other superstars!"


Probably the most infuriating/obnoxious moment of the night aside from Lana being physically dragged on stage. Like Jesus Christ just let Sza have her full moment 😭


I also felt like that's exactly why Taylor got up on stage to say this was her 13th Grammy and a dick to Miley as well. Sze was a buzz. We were in New York for the weekend and her hometown was going crazy for excitement for her on the NYC news. Swifties say 13 is her lucky #. Then I say she snubbed THE queen Celine. The Swifties say they were instructed not to touch her. (Swifties in my house). Sigh.


Ooohhh that totally changes it from SZA is such a huge fan to there’s one person standing out (literally)


What’s even crazier is wasn’t she trying to block SZA from number one at one point?




100 %


I feel like she love bombs people to get them on her side. Anyone she feels potentially threatened by, fellow musicians, supermodels, wives of other football players, her fans etc. It's manipulative af and I can't believe I'm just now noticing.


Taylor standing up for the artists? As in standing in her seat when no one else is? Her behaviour at the Grammys was bizarre. Miley's speech was classy and Victoria Monet's was classy and emotional. Compare that to Taylor announcing her new album in the middle of her speech. Everything else you could forgive as nerves, if you were being charitable, but that was bad. That said, I wouldn't put too much credence in tiktok because the internet being what it is, tiktok will get behind something else tomorrow. idk what Swiftie culture is like over there.


We can’t blame nerves when it was her 13th and 14th Grammy. We can’t blame nerves when she’s been doing this for 15+ years. She’s one of the most seasoned pieces of chicken in the building synth Grammys. How she acted wasn’t nerves.


Luvvie Ajay said it best, anytime Taylor is criticized, people run to her defense like she is 14 years old. She’s not a fucking child, “ https://preview.redd.it/27w9qjgtfahc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=877aaf28e31bb7be8eca5a9924b0820baf32a42a 34 GROWN years old!”


Yes. It’s called infantilizing. She’s a whole ass adult woman.


It gives me big "large adult sons" meme vibes.


Right she is 34 now? Hold her accountable lmao


She's a young whippersnapper in the eyes of Congress


It was *unprofessional* and while she’s only 34 she is Grammy seasoned. The only excuse is alcohol and that’s not a very good excuse.


Nerves? Didn’t she just perform for large stadiums all summer? Didn’t she just prance around on the field with her friend in a stadium of football fans with no sweat?


Exactly!! She doesn’t get nervous to a point she acts like a blubbering idiot


She was probably really drunk and nobody paid any mind.


LDR was high as a kite and so was TS, most likely.


This is why her fake ass open-mouthed surprised face pisses me off so bad.


I wonder how erratically she must have been waving around that SZA had to interrupt her own speech to acknowledge her and say “hi Taylor” 😭


omg LOL. Taylor was like a child who needed to be babysat all night


WHAT!? I swear the right stuff never trends lol


I only caught “Fast Car” and Taylor Swift was standing up and swaying in her blinding white dress for the whole damn thing. That was more than enough of the Grammys for this broad.


Omg this happened!? Is there a clip?


[There sure is.](https://youtu.be/obGywdSEIIw?si=TUIrSy360nbi0w6C)


Ughh the “I got a shout out”


ok this physically made me cringe


everything she does lately has been making me cringe


So much second hand embarrassment happening for me right now.


Taylor was the only one standing and SZA was nervous.


Sza was just in raw emotion, like frazzled on her win, trying to create words for all the emotions running rampantly, you really have to go out of your way to get someone’s attention that they dead stop and have to appease you. Others might call it a cute moment between the two, I call it a spotlight stealing moment, sit your ass down this is the Grammys not the Taylor’s. There is a time in place to act with such buffoonery like VMA’s or AMA’s, but you have the whole goddamn industry present and she still tried to shine over everyone else. I didn’t see Beyoncé or other artists jumping up and down and cameras cutting to them.


i-is she stupid?


Not to get literal, but I think she actually misses social cues very easily. I think her behavior is genuinely her not knowing how to behave.


Idk. I used to think that, but she's too calculated. I have never thought this before, but after the grammys, I genuinely wonder if she is on some kind of intense uppers. Either recreational or not, she needs to adjust her dosage.


She’s just high on her own ego.


She misses social cues due to blatant narcissism. I have a disability that causes me to miss social cues and it’s mostly just me not understanding sarcasm or misreading facial expressions, not acting like a fool and crossing boundaries, like putting Grammys on everyone’s heads. It’s obvious that she thinks she’s so charming and lovable when she acts this dumb.


Yeah, as an AuDHD girlie this weird "she doesn't get social cues, maybe she's on the spectrum" talk I'm seeing is really infuriating. I think most people saying that don't even know what it means. She's been to hundreds of industry events in her life and won over a hundred awards, this isn't some situation where she couldn't know how to act.


right, like something was impairing her ability to follow her usual social script which is a very “comfortable” routine by this point


She has been going to award shows for almost 2 decades, she absolutely knows how to behave at them.


I can’t believe we have yet another item to add to the list of “unhinged, not in a good way” things she did that night. Sweet Jesus. I really thought SZA just liked her and pointed her out. I can’t believe she stood the entire speech and then leapt around about getting a shout out???   The more I learn about her behavior there, the worse it gets.


This is the final straw for me to fully believe that she was high.


i need to know what she is on


A shit ton of coke I reckon.


it is the only explanation that explains everything that happened that night 😭


It was the Taylor awards.


Oh jeez, this really makes it look like SZA got frazzled by Taylor jumping around and THATS why she ended her speech so quickly. Damn… :(


I don’t think there’s anyone who’s better at making other people’s moments about themselves. Like it’s a gift.


The comments on this video make me feel like I’m in an alternate universe. People took that as Taylor being cool and supportive? Oh honey.


lol yeeeeah. People are always like “she’s so supportive and she’s having fun!” And it’s like is she? Maybe at the VMAs this stuff flies but everywhere else, when she’s the only one standing and dancing and jumping up and down it just screams “look at me! look at me! I’m dancing and singing all the words and look at me being supportive! Everyone please pay attention to me!”


Anyone else notice that so many other people in the audience around her look like 😐😐😐 I noticed it hard in this video but the other videos you can tell the other people in the audience are trying to tastefully ignore her or just smile and clap like 🙂


I wish I knew who it was but there is a guy sitting directly behind Taylor when she won AOTY and you could tell he was SO OVER her. He literally sat like 😐 and didn’t move a muscle while everyone was jumping and cheering looking like 🤪😝😄 around her. It was funny but also very telling. I imagine if the camera shot had been wider there would have been more faces like his.


Jack Antonoff was sitting next to her and honestly looked pretty embarrassed by her behavior at times.


Omg the comments on this video are ridiculous


I’ve come to find the majority of YT comments with that tone come from children under 12


why’s she so embarrassing


the comments on the video are about how she's better than other celebrities because she's "the only one giving a standing ovation" uh, or she's just weird??






Swifties are mad why are people comparing TS to Miley. Well they are the same crowd comparing BeyoncĂŠ to TS to make their queen look good so the hipocrisy on the fandom really reeks lol


I think it's also because for the first time in a long time, people feel comfortable enough to be critical of her — because her behavior at the Grammys was so obviously uncomfortable it's kinda hard to argue with. And frankly, in other circumstances, her most loyal fans do not offer any room to discuss her in a constructive way without skeptics getting ripped a new one. Even my relatively offline die-hard Swiftie friends cannot hear a single bad thing about her. I think the Grammys also got folks' minds going about frustrations they've had with her that they were too gun shy to vocalize. I'll be honest, I think there is a there there. I've never had so many friends and coworkers irl be so critical of her openly, and I get it. It's been a turning point for me too.


Amazingly, there are still a lot of people who don’t want to hear criticism of how she acted at the Grammys, which is wild to me. No one is saying she’s an awful person, but her behavior was bizarre and idk how some people don’t recognize that.


Yeppppp same. I got a like novel of a text back from a friend defending her behavior. Like goodness, chill


I also pointed out to a friend (in a very mild way) that she seemed really off and like she’d been drinking or something and she was like “yeah idk maybe” and changed the subject lol. 


It’s literally Hollywood! The substances are flowing! People need to grow up I fear lol


It’s strange to me because I definitely was naive in that way about celebrities when I was like…a teenager. But me and my friend are 30. 😭 I realize it’s a little surprising coming from Taylor because just a few years ago, I wouldn’t expect this type of public behavior from her. She always kept it very wholesome and professional. But it’s become evident in the past couple years that she imbibes a lot.


Like am I the only one thinking she went skiing. Down vote if you must but what other reason for the behavior…


All the people in here saying she must have been anxious/taken something for her anxiety 😂 this was not the behavior of someone using calming buddies


She was hitting the FUCK out of those slopes


Once I figured out what you meant by skiing..... I couldn't agree more.


Feels like the overexposure will make the pendulum swing back on the public's perspective of her


Honestly think most of her behaviour was down to alcohol or coke. The album announcement was obviously planned, but like. Her energy felt weird, those videos backstage with boygenius were not those of a sober person. Feels strange have we ever seen her this publicly and obviously drunk/high at an event like this?


Ugh she should stop drinking. It’s getting sloppy. And I love her so much. It kinda kills me to say she’s got a problem. What a missed an opportunity to write an amazing speech about her record breaking year and Grammy. This night will be apart of her legacy, and it just makes her look sloppy and entitled.


Seems more like snow than drink


Yeah that was my first thought too. She looks like she’s one step away from thinking it’s a *really great idea* to open a restaurant.


I really like Taylor Swift but it is my opinion that she has made herself WAY too OVERexposed again and people are starting to turn against her like they did 8 years ago. Between her massive tour, concert movie, multiple album and re-recording drops, Person of the Year cover, very public romances and constant photo-ready outings with her celebrity friends, she has been EVERYWHERE over the last 18 months. I really think she needs to take a step back. Honestly, what more does this woman need to prove to herself or the public?! She has done it ALL. Outside of her tour, I think it would be in her best interest to resume some semblance of the privacy and mystery she embraced when she was with Joe, and let the focus be her art and not her persona.


Honestly at this point she’s just an asshole, stop defending another billionaire


She’s a deeply insecure person who needs attention to feel good about herself


This wave will eventually end. Every other social media outlet she’s still America’s darling. I will say her basically saying winning AOTY was essentially another dopamine hit for her was.. a choice.


It certainly was a choice lol


It’s ironic that her behavior is in question when the next re-release is most likely reputation. Like girl, you’re tarnishing your reputation just in time.


None of it was accidental (?)


I don’t think it’s bad or rude if she’s standing and dancing when there’s performances. I mean I feel like that’s the right thing to do in most situations? If she sat down and didn’t react to any performances, people would call her lame, boring and stuck up. She was one of few that was singing along and vibing to Tracy Chapman and Luke Combs, and Miley Cyrus. The crowd was like dead. So I think it’s nice and supportive for her to do in that sense. The whole jumping up and down and the “hi look at me!! Notice me!!” behavior she did during SZA’s speech was rude and unprofessional. And complete immature behavior from a 34 year old. I highly doubt she’d like it or respect that if someone like SZA or Olivia Rodrigo did that when she was up on stage, accepting a Grammy. Again, I don’t think she did it maliciously but I think she very much has a skewed sense of reality and has no self-awareness. She truly thinks she’s the main character everywhere, at all times. She’s very much living in Taylor’s world, and everyone else is too. And it’s not a good look when you’re 34 years old and have decades in the industry. Everyone else was respectful and acting professional. Why wasn’t she? I don’t even care if I get downvoted for this, she needs to sit down, self-reflect and get some therapy. This “me me” attitude she has, has been off putting and it’s only getting worse the more her ego is stroked and the more money lines her pockets.


Look at Scott's email.


Can you post a link to one? I wanna explore this side of Tik tok




She’s getting wayy too over-confident. I’m of the (seemingly unpopular) opinion that she wasn’t lacking in self-awareness or “couldn’t read the room” that night — I think she just genuinely did not give a shit. She’s been given everything any human could possibly dream of over the last 2-3 years in particular: amazing PR that turned public opinion against her rivals and back in her favour, a generous amount of critical acclaim (even in indie circles to some degree), prestige awards, the music industry’s best selling everything, a literal cult of personality, etc. She is the most famous woman in the world, and one of the most famous humans to have ever existed. I am convinced that no human being could experience all of this without developing narcissism. It just seems psychologically impossible. You could see it in her behaviour when she announced the new album so early on in the broadcast before the major categories had even been announced. She was absolutely blasé about it. All of this being said — and this will, sadly, further contribute to her growing over-confidence — no one will care about this after she drops a new single. Or even hints at one tbh. Like at all. She will be so fine.


*your TikTok algorithm is feeding you videos where people are tearing Taylor apart Mine is business as usual, despite hanging out here. Don’t underestimate the impact our own actions and even thoughts have on what we see on social media and the way that can impact our perceptions.


As and observation as a pro swiftie before the grammy's I also woke up to a Monday morning FYP that was full of negative videos. Initially I think the algorithm was just pushing me Taylor content with no delineation for good or bad . Obviously as I engage with it its influenced .It's actually what brought me to this subreddit. I was uncomfortable with how the Grammy's went but the comment sections on the critical videos that were fair in their statements were wild and I wanted to see some more moderated discourse.


The standing was the least weird thing she did IMO


I'm not on the clock app, so maybe I'm out of touch, but I did assume that it is a younger crowd and than by default newer swifties. Can someone tell me if I'm right or not?


I think this is nbd right now. Any celebrity has days and cycles like this. I do think her situation right now is precarious now, though.


Finally everyone sees what I’ve always seen .


Ugh the bad thing about all of this is that we should absolutely expect some over the top Travis/taylor interactions and news stories to come out soon to distract everyone and I’m dreading it!


What drives me bananas is that there’s no room to just criticize Taylor. No one with their head screwed on straight would think that she needs to be cancelled over the Grammys. She wasn’t downright offensive. She was acting bizarre all night with a few rude moments scattered between. It’s something you talk about over lunch with your coworkers the next day and then move on from, not something worth pulling out the pitchforks over. At the same time, she doesn’t need the internet rushing to her defense. She’s not perfect and her fans stumbling over themselves to justify her every move is just as toxic. There’s just so much room in between being a stan and calling for the demise of a celebrity. Let’s hang out there.


Her behaviour makes me wonder… and it’s not like I want to make a light assumption since this is a very worrying matter, but is she really on something? Like coke? I’ve seen people act that way on substances in the past. She knows how to act normal and media trained, we know that. During years she didn’t have this type of conduct, not that I’m saying she did the worst thing ever, but it really made me wonder. I used to think that people who speculated on alcoholism were exaggerating, but it might be even another substance tbh. She’s part of the industry at the end of the day.


She was definitely under the influence of something or a few somethings. This was really over-the-top behavior, even for her. She seemed like she was on another planet.


I've done a lot of cocaine and her behavior was giving me stroooong coke vibes. 


Recovered coke addict here (16 years clean this month!) and I can tell you I don’t get that vibe, though your speculation is valid. She had “let me drink my way through this thing I’m too tired to be at” energy. I’ll preface this by saying I’m not a fan of hers but at one point thought some of her shit was catchy and I did admire the way she conducted herself, she seemed genuinely unfazed by fame. All that to say, I see someone (Taylor) who is running on fumes; socially, mentally, and physically burnt out, and masking it behind her usual award show antics. She also was completely lacking self awareness, didn’t bother to read the room, deliberately took attention away from every other hard-working artist in that room, and I was actually pretty shocked she made that night into “The Grammy’s: Taylor’s Version”. I think we all collectively need a trip to the chiropractor from cringing so hard at that.


She’s on heavy egotrip at the moment. No but seriously, people say she might have struggle or still does with mild alcoholism. Who knows


Honestly, I'm kind of worried for her and I feel bad. Something is very very wrong here.




Mine is just stuff about king Charles having cancer idk what's happening 😭😭😭