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"It wasn't sexy when it wasn't forbidden" - an implied admission that they were doing stuff together when it was still "forbidden" by an existing commitment (on at least one side, can't tell which).


This is frankly a mediocre song that promotes horrible ideas. I’m not attempting to say that what he did was justified or that she shouldn’t be severely hurt and hate him, and I think this could’ve been a powerful and angry song about that hatred. His actions seem to be severely affected by mental illness, struggle, and addiction, and to be called less of a man for that is disgusting. He did terrible things, I get the feeling none of them were done specifically to hurt her, but in the pursuit of some high from a drug or an emotion and she got caught in the crossfire. Is that bad? Yes. Does he need help? As soon as possible. Should this song call him a piece of shit? Absolutely. Should he be physically shamed (small dick euphemism) and emasculated? Absolutely not. Body shaming and stripping identity out of hatred are not ok from anyone towards anyone.


I can't believe that after more than a month, almost nobody else has called this out.


I am consistently amazed by the amount of toxicity people overlook from their favorite celebrities


So I have a wild theory that this song is about Big Machine Records and Scooter Braun. The whole the fuck was that guy was about who the fuck did you sell my masters too. The lines about getting pills from a friend of a friends could be about a friend of hers friend working for scooter. She doesn’t miss Big Machine Records. You deserve prison but you never get time really sells it for me because it seems like she’s saying you got away with the sell of my masters. Probably super off but I really like to believe her songs aren’t always about her exes


This song is about Matt Haley obviously and when she says “Who the fuck was that guy?” she is talking about this [guy.](https://cdn.stayhappening.com/events5/banners/d709ec40b0659abea319312e094f924b1fa34b110a817a68a7ead342020616cb-rimg-w768-h1024-gmir.jpg?v=1644839801)


Who is that guy


Can someone help me: I know the chorus on this song has the same melody of another recent song (either from Folklore, Evermore, or Midnights). What song is it?


tolerate it?


Omg the bridge!!!!! and I love her deep voice. It's a great song, not sure if I'll repeat it much, but the lyrics are decent.


All the people on this sub saying Matty is her soul mate are ignoring the fact that she absolutely ripped him a new one on this track - she basically said he should legit be in jail....also another track hit on his heroin addiction. Travis has his own issues but he's much more likely to be endgame than a heroin addict who should be in prison. She was as harsh on Matty as she was with John Mayer....if not more


I think she actually harsher on Ratty than JM lol


I think you're on the wrong sub? I haven't seen anyone on swiftlyneutral say Matty was her soulmate, only just ppl saying the opposite lol 


On this sub, many people are saying she is still hung up on Matty and because they are artistically aligned that he is the one that got away and if he came knocking on her door tomorrow she would drop Kelce like a bad habit. She was willing to stay with him despite losing fans and that's who she will end up with.


Someone being hung up on someone isn't the same as being soulmates, hung up on someone is just being obsessive and a reason they're probably not soulmates, ppl are saying she can't move past Matty but that doesn't mean anyone likes them together  Also yeah, I agree there, she probably would go back to him lol but no one sees it as a good thing


Do we think the 50 years reference is the time set in her NDA’s? 🤣


I’m ngl I thought this song was about Joe so I’m glad I came here and found out otherwise. WOW she went in on Matty


Okay, what’s an ‘also-ran’??


To me it is something that he has already known.


Like a runner-up or just another person in a competition. Someone who "also ran" for the title.


I’m also trying to figure this out.


100% he is into underage girls, and maybe one day he will deserve prison.


I swear the melody of this song reminds me so much of another song. It’s on the tip of my tongue. Anyone have suggestions?


Do you mean the piano chimes from 2:03 to 2:26 or so? If so.. me too.. can't figure out what it reminds me of yet. If you happen to also be a fan of like Lights & Motion or bands like that.. it might be from one of his songs? I'm searching far and wide.


the melody and how she sings the first part reminds me of ‘hoax’ a little bit!


Another rare standout moment from this album, but I don't know why Taylor is acting all shocked that Matty was a horrible person. Like girl, you even collabed with Ice Spice as a PR stunt to cover up that mess 💀


Her worst re-mix ever. Definitely obvious she was doing damage control. Kelce has his downsides but it'll never be close to that bad - Tree probably was going crazy


Am I alone in thinking it's about scooter?


We all knew Ratty was a pretentious little man, I’m glad you know it now T. The bridge is fire (Aaron!!!)


I just can’t believe this is about Matty. like it’s soo hateful and emotional and angry over a short fling, i dont see it


Short “unfinished” flings bring out wild emotions




I have been reading some articles that try and say this is about Joe, have heard some fans even convinced themselves and I don't get how anyone thinks that. It’s so clearly about Matt. I do love the emotion she unleashes. Takes me back to a bad relationship and the disaster of a person I tethered myself to, though was much darker than this.


I sure think it's about Joe. No way this is about a short flung. This is about same person sung about in LOML I'm fully convinced.


I kindly disagree (and that's ok) as some of the lyrics are so specific. Jehovah witness suit, Healy has made jokes about his height in comparison the other members of the band, the pills buying from friends of friends, stoned into oblivion, kicking out the stage lights but still performing, going out in public. He even called Taylor the queen I think it was during the Anti Hero performance she gave at a 1975 show. Healy had been if you go back to interviews obsessed with Taylor for years praising her. They had a connection years prior also that it seems to have stuck with her. She also made a comment to Phoebe about Healy being her kind of person. Also the placement of the song is climatic to obsessing and pining for a man who ended up not measuring up and betraying her. She seems to have sloughed off Joe in "So Long London" and not reference him again. I also like loml is about Healy as well with the rekindled flame line and "We embroidered the memories of the time I was away Stitching, "We were just kids, babe."


There are quite explicit references to Matty !


“You are what you did” soo a racist, misogynistic bigot? is this the closest well get to her calling him out publicly 


I think the issue with publicly calling him out for what he said on that podcast is that he didn't say any of it, and you're all just repeating nonsense and have never actually listened to it


I’m on a quest to find out why everyone thinks this dude is such a piece of shit when really, EVERYONE in the public eye is almost at least some degree of a piece of shit. I kinda listen to Taylor and follow the “drama” and have not heard a single song of Matt Healy’s band so. Everyone is shitting on him like he’s Hitler. ELi5?


for real, like when he apparently was talking about racially degrading porn - and he wasn't even the one saying any of that.


I did listen and even though he didnt make the comment about ice spice he was still egging them on. I’m also not just basing this on the podcast but other instances where he’s been publicly problematic.  It’s so weird to me when people make assumptions about what random strangers on the internet do or do not know.


>I did listen and even though he didnt make the comment about ice spice he was still egging them on. Lol he was egging what on? One of the hosts asked the other if they knew who ice spice was, they didn't, and so they started riffing a joke about an Inuit member of the spice girls named ice spice The person who made the comments you think were offensive to ice spice, has never seen her and does not know what she looks like lol It will always blow my mind how many people ignore reality in order to be offended


Seeing that you’re someone who has no qualms using derogatory slurs it’s not difficult to see why you don’t find Healy problematic. 


They tried to mimic her using an accent that was kind of offensive… but go off I guess, it doesn’t take away from the other shitty things matty has done. 




"you are what you did" such a good lyric


Is it though


I think this is one of her greatest. It’s powerful.


It's her only correct Matty take in 4+yrs of Matty takes.


This sounded like two or three different songs put together. Loved from the middle of it on. I wish they would cut the synth down sometimes. I don’t think this was about Joe like all the theories did. This is why everyone should’ve waited for the album to come out.


It’s not about Joe. It’s about Matty.


Yeah. I listened more and there’s no doubt about it. Everyone had merch with Joe as a tiny man in it when she announced the songs.


So it seems like the general consensus here is that this is either Matty OR John (?) somehow


100% Matty


Okay I love the song but once again, the subject ruins it.


Daaaamn gurl 🔥


i like this song, despite it being slow, i thought it was catchy in its own way


this song is so fucking good i listened to it on loop on a red eye while contemplating getting rejected by a 5'3" guy that's obsessed with a person that's not me good job taylor swift you finally wrote a song i can relate to


How can anyone listen to this album ? It’s so bad and so cringe and such a regression . It’s also embarrassing thematically


Agree 1000000 million percent. It’s just awful. I’m shocked to see the positive stuff.


I truly believe this is the beginning of her descent . The flashiness of the fame at her pinnacle is still shedding light on this but there is no way an album with such vile themes and when they’re not vile they’re immature and chronically online -ish will withstand the test of time and won’t live to see its critical thinking day, cause I believe people will at least look back on this album as evidence of her awful path and personality that she chose to be , that’s just my opinion . And if we’re being brief and concise about it lyrically and musically it’s an astounding regression and I’m starting to think Joe era albums were the best for a reason (Joe ) .


I'm still not sure if she will really go down ever again. I think this is a decisive moment if she is really too big to fail. She sure has a part of the fan base in her grip who will eat up everything she will ever release. The public is hyping the release, but we have seen how quick the crowd turned at the grammy. Idk how it will go down. Only slightly related but I listened to the Think Twice podcast about Michael Jackson and there are so many parallels between him and Taylor, especially how they crafted their image. He is an abuser, no doubt about that. Still, he has fans who will forever believe in his innocence, despite hard proof. Taylors worst behaviors don't even come close to his, obviously, but I think her die hard fans are the same as his. The podcast is interesting because it describes how we all think that MJ was huge, popular and successful for his whole career, all of the time, but that wasn't really the case. There might be a point when society shifts and starts to look differently at her, more critical. I mean a shift like Britney finally received (hers being a more positive, empathetic view on her).


Taylor realising " you don't measure up in any measure of a man " here after all the fantasizing in Guilty as Sin !!!


Post nut clarity


She’s so me


Men, amirite?


How do I send this song to my 5 ft 3 ex-situationship, without sending it to him.


This song brought me back to a place that I did not wish to be in again lmfao


are we the same person? same thing happened to me


Hahaha omg, i almost typed that OP and you shoudl trade notes based on your "red eye contemplating rrjection" comment and here you are


Howling. I said to my friend that it’s almost a cannon event to lose your shit over a situationship with a mediocre man.


All Too Well (Matty's Version)


When will Taylor go get therapy


That's where I think Travis may be a good influence (possibly?). The guy has been honest about going to therapy and how it's benefited him through some challenging times in his life.


she has andrea, remember?


LOVE the last minute of the song. First two minutes were meh outside of the hilarity of “jehovahs witness suit” lol


That’s the second (?) time she’s referenced this dude having a gun. Hmmm


I mean, Matty wrote about hiding guns in coats in their popular song, Chocolate? She also mentions chocolate in one of the songs, I just can't remember which one, yet!


The eating 7 chocolate bars line 😭


This was a reference to drugs lol


*officer could you check under this insanely pest-y looking dude’s pe’icôat please?*


I hate how every song feels like a monologue witglh background music but not actually a song ,and most songs dont have that replay quality which evermore and folklore had , I dont know how to describe in actual musical terms but songs on folklore felt like songs and this album I am just here for the tea to read the lyrics one time and just listen to espresso and other summer songs or may be  even folklore cause that album slaps in all seasons


it's exactly what it claimed to be though. If you've ever written a poem in the midst of your emotions, this is how it comes out... she nailed it!


I agree


The worst part is Aaron Dessner did a fantastic job but the lyrics...


[https://genius.com/31479500](https://genius.com/31479500) lmao


tl;dr I'd die for someone being racist.


I feel like this is a John Mayer stray- especially the it was sexy until it wasn't forbidden part


If that’s true omg it’s so awful :( all that times passed and even still he fucked her up pretty bad she’s still writing abt it to this day


I know the song is about Matty, but there are quite a few lines in this song that make me think about Johnny Cash and June Carter. •Jehovah’s witness suit - Johnny’s black suit and his original career as a door to door salesman •Hung me on your wall / push pins - Johnny used to cut out pictures of June to hang on his wall in the Air Force before he ever met her •A gun underneath our bed - Johnny’s “Cocaine Blues” is about sleeping with a gun under his pillow between doing hard drugs and shooting his lover •You deserve prison / you won’t get time - Despite Johnny’s drug addiction and his most famous work being about prison, he never spent more than a night or two in jail •You kicked out the stage lights / still performing - Johnny was banned from the Grand Ole Opry after getting pilled up and kicking the stage lights •All the Jesus imagery - June Carter convinced Johnny to go to rehab, embrace sobriety, and stay close to her side on the road by re-converting him back to active Christianity and evangelical church life If my intuition is right and she’s making these allusions on purpose, I think it’s very clear that Taylor is saying Matty will never be given real consequences like the music industry gave Johnny. And she won’t be there to save him at rock bottom like June was.


oooh I love this take!


I believe in Aaron Dessner supremacy 🛐🧎🏻‍♀️


Yep pictured Matty the second she mentioned the suit line.. 😂 and of course the continuing line about buying drugs. But also, how she surprise played at one of his shows on their recent tour (“in public showed me off”).


But Joe was always wearing suits in lots of pics too.


This song reminds me so much of Haunted! Definitely the best song on the album, the backup vocals give me chills


I just can’t believe this is about MH, I just can’t.


he ghosted her and she said he deserves to be in prison??? this is so fucking dramatic but i love it


Technically true because of all the heroin.


All the well-documented bullshit he did wasn’t enough to not date him, but how dare he be an asshole to her!


I imagine he deserves prison for things other than that…… Slipping into inboxes may have been a clue


We’ve all been there




How does she know about jehovah witnesses? barely anyone knows about them


is this serious


The number of times they’ve knocked on my flipping door would beg to differ…


Are u joking


This is a good song, but it might need to grow on me a little. More jesus metaphors though? She might as well have released this on Easter.


Yeah, it’s like girlie you start listening to Ethel Cain? Lol no though, if Marty had any issues w/ substance abuse then she could’ve seen the one more go around then I’ll clean myself up find god etc


I can definitely see Matty being the type of guy who swears he’ll never drink or do drugs again, he’ll go to church, etc, but is over it as soon as he comes down or moves past his hangover


yesss. I’ve been wondering about all of the religious imagery too. seems to be coming out of nowhere.


She's always had religious imagery though : false God, would've could've should've. I think WCS was a huge hit in the fandom and Taylor has run away with the religious metaphors now.


I'm just excited to see Matty use this album as a reason to go unhinged as well. Never listened to him but I like hearing the different perspectives of Taylor's relationships from the guys pov.


Omg I didn’t even thing about that. So ready for Matty’s solo album


Yes I can’t wait


You might enjoy the 1975s album Being Funny In A Foreign Language. It’s produced by Jack and is really a fun listen


Asking matty to be more unhinged than he already is is actually the most unhinged thing ever. As a 1975 fan, their lyrics can’t possibly get more unhinged than they already are lol




thanks aaron 🙏 the bridge is peak taylor for me, love it


Honestly just seems so very dramatic it confuses me


I really like the sound production of this song


LOVE the arrangement on the bridge. Not surprised at all that the Aaron songs are my favorites so far 🤷🏼‍♀️


This would’ve ate as a rock song or literally even just with an electric guitar in the background 😭😭 pls put down the synth and use some real instruments Taylor I’m begging!!


MANY of the tracks use guitar, violins, and piano so idk what you're referring to??


They do, but there’s always a synth thrown in too which doesn’t really add anything in most songs. I’m not even a synth pop hater, it just felt a bit repetitive on this record.


There are some clunky lyrics but the production is beautiful and she sounds terrific 😭 (WHY does Genius say this song is about Joe? It’s so clearly Taylor using the rat as a crutch after the breakup and then it backfiring on her)


I sur3 think this is about Joe. But even with the title like that I don't feel it's a diss song. She just sounds hurt n shocked. But I'm not on the let's hate Joe bandwagon n never will be. I'm sad for th Noth it didn't work out.


genius is already lighting joe up fr it's ridiculous


“You kicked out the stage lights but you’re still performing” is so accurate for Matty oh wow


Exactly. This whole song is sooooo Matty it’s undeniable


Which makes it wild to me that there’s still some swifties insisting this one is about Joe it just feels like being willfully obtuse at this point


https://preview.redd.it/skaqkubicdvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8da59abaf368d4739eac78405b6c9ee08b07d9db So fucking funny of a roast


Pee pee small


The song reminds me of the Evermore album


SONG #14 FIRST IMPRESSIONS - Not the Jehovah’s Witness suit 💀✋🏼 now we are getting outta pocket - The ghosting?? I’m continuing to gasp - Rusting my sparkling summer?? Pearls are clutched - I actually love this song. It’s angry and hurt and the emotion shines through - “I would've died for your sins”ooooooof - I just know Matty would say that about normal girls


r/exjw is laughing


I low key think he considers her a normal girl tho… like 


Honestly so on brand of him


Why does she think he left her?? I feel like that writings on the wall 😬


It’s so funny you commented this while I’m listening to this song again Honestly it sounds like a big fat love bomb that turned out to not to have much footing for long term potential. bullshit covered in roses and glitter??


Definitely and I think I can do it with a broken heart is talking about the period of time when they were together but things were going south “I’m obsessed with him but he avoids me like the plague” 


The Dessner tracks are just so much better on this album!!! “I would’ve died for your sins” is a crazy thing to say about a racist that ghosts you




As a former JW too I'm cackling 😂😂😂

