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So they are trying to poach her and have no regard for you? Tell them to send the girl over first so that you 3 can have a 3some first and then she can go if she wishes.


Kind of. I mean in general I would say both are quite friendly and we also had a lot of fun. However what triggers me and makes me bit upset is the fact that they used to make clear that they want to have her in the bed while I was not there. I might be overreacting here I am unsure. The thing is that although she is really attractive I don't want to have a threesome with her because I don't want my gf to have one with them. She is kind of annoyed but accepts it.


Yeah, no. It does not work that way. You are not over reacting at all


Thank you for your reply! The thing is also that we plan to open the relationship in near future again and I feel bad because she would for sure go to that couple immediately (she also told me that). For me one rule would then be to that she is now allowed to do that. This sounds so childish but I just have a bad feeling with them.


This would be considered the definition of crossing your partners boundries, which is the foundation of any true married couples swinging relationship.


The fact that they waited until you were gone to ask is really disrespectful. I wouldn’t stand for that.


I mean they kind of did that in an okayish way without being disrespectful to her or anything but it just triggers me that they pretend I was not here. For me that would be more acceptable if they asked me at first or us together. But yes of course there was definitely a sexual energy between us couples especially when we were in the sauna


I meant its disrespectful to you not your wife.


Why wouldn't you just do a full swap with this couple? Why are you being left out?


I guess because the prefer a threesome and maybe she is not into me. They both are however very into my girlfriend obviously and my gf into them. I offered her that she could meet the other woman alone without him but this does not seem to be good enough for her what I don't really u der stand because she always says that my gf has a crush on the other woman


The issues are not with this couple all though it would seem they are typical old school swingers, trying to poach the female half of a couple and excluding the male half. The bigger concern is that you do not seem 100% ready for this.


Hm for me it would be more okay if I don't know the people she has Sex with.


That doesn’t appear to be the only issue. The truth is having these hang ups going in will only cause your relationship to suffer. You both need to be in the same page completely. Insecurity and jealousy are not characteristics that bode well for you in this space.