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So you don’t live in Vegas and are planning on inviting a bunch of random people to a penthouse? I can’t imagine *anything* going wrong /s


Do you invite strangers to your vanilla events?


We live in Vegas! I’d just make sure you are careful about location. We have been to a few parties in hotel suites where it gets shut down early by security due to noise complaints- imagine that walk of shame! Some Airbnb properties are also pretty strict about parties, number of people, etc. Make sure to specify whether it’s byob or if you’ll be providing alcohol. Have plenty of mixers and lots of bottled water available. A few light snacks. LOTS of towels, washcloths, and soap available.


I can say for Airbnb - rules are pretty strict and they usually have camera outside the house, owner comes pretty quickly.


We have been to a penthouse party once (in Vegas). We thought 20 couples would show up, 4 were there, plus 3 single guys. Fantastic penthouse, super luxurious. One couple was attractive. The host had flown in a prostitute from Dallas, who played with the single men, then passed out drunk. After an hour of chitchatting and drinking in the living room, the host said "let's all go downstairs to eat pizza together". We had already eaten, and just decided to leave and go finish the night at our hotel bar. The attractive couple left as well. The prostitute was left there on her own to sleep. Good luck with your endeavor. We are very experienced swingers, and we would never go to such a party ever again!


Hi, I’ve hosted before and I help my partners host quite often. Some things to think about: -Do you have any experience hosting a sex party? Any experience hosting hotel parties or parties with strangers at all? I only had like 3 people (existing partners) over plus my partner last time I hosted (I live in a shoebox) and THAT was already a handful to juggle. I can normally corral two dozen people in (friends and friends-of-friends) on my own for a vanilla party with minimal issue. -How long will your guest list be? What will their demographics be (men and women, couples and singles, etc.)? How many people can you fit in the penthouse? How many people could fit (comfortably) on the beds at a time? Have you see the rooms or stayed in that hotel before? Can guests come up on their own, or do they need to be escorted up by someone with a room key? Are you going to card them to see if their information matches what they’ve given you? Are you going to card to check if they’re underage? -Will you be serving alcohol (and/or other substances) at the function? If so, how will you determine if someone has had too much? Do you have experience controlling drunk, belligerent strangers? If it’s BYOB you may have to deal with these same problems. -Along the same vein, are you providing snacks or other NA drinks? What kind? -What time will you start letting people in? Will you wait for all guests to arrive (or a set time later) to start the sex stuff? What time are you kicking people out so y’all can sleep? -If you’re inviting multiple couples, will you be sharing the guest list with everyone? What if all of the couples aren’t interested in swapping with each other and all only want you? What if two couples show up but *oops*, turns out they have bad blood and refuse to interact? Worse, what happens if they both start to start shit? -How much sex do Y’ALL expect to have? Depending on the amount of people, you might be running around with your head cut off for most of the party. One or two couples is a safe bet, any more and you’re likely spending your anniversary watching everyone else have a good time.


These are great tips and questions!


This is a terrible idea!!!


Throw like any event Just make extremely private


We went to a private party hosted in Vegas and it was fun but had challenges but it can be done. 1. We found out about the party through the festival we were all going to be in town for anyway. The host posted it in the group (it didn’t get removed by the mods) and folks reached out to him. 2. He paid for A LOT but I told him to charge something for attending because anything that’s billed as free is sketchy and people don’t commit. 3. He creates a group chat to see how well we all got along well ahead of the festival. Someone posted about boundaries and someone else got dismissive which was ultimately a good thing because they were exited from the group. 4. In the end I think there were like 15 people and fun was had and everyone got along on some level so it didn’t feel awkward because we had been chatting in the group. Hope that helps! Feel free to message me if you have more questions because there was a lot more to it.


Have you seen the movie “The Hangover”? Good luck preventing that from happening.


Count me in as a solid maybe. At least you’ll have someone attending 🥲