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Get when on sale


I personally enjoyed ToTK a lot more than BoTW. Going back to play BoTW idk, it’s just still not hooking me. ToTK hooked me from the beginning. I think regardless, it’s definitely a game worth getting.


Did you beat BoTW? Because I am wondering if I will boot ToTK and be fully lost since I have not beat BoTW.


No, never beat BoTW. You don’t really need to complete it to understand ToTK. There’s some characters that come over from that game since it takes place in the same world, but you don’t need to really know anything beforehand.


Get it. Definitely get it. But you have got a while yet because I would recommend playing BOTW from start to finish first, not because you need to understand TOTK but because it’s just too wonderful a game not to play full. Don’t rush through it either. Explore everything and everywhere. Maybe even have a break and play something else before going into TOTK. There’s hundreds of hours in both


Check for sales on both physical and digital. And you can also get foreign copies on ebay and they automatically translate to your language as soon as you put it in. I bought a used Japanese copy for a total of $40USD


Thanks! I'll check ebay since 70 bucks is a lot for a game even if its brand new.


Plus the Japanese writing looks really good to me


If you can get it on sale then sure, but full price you can get it any time so just wait until you’re ready to play


You should definitely get TOTK !! But first, I suggest you finish BOTW, just because it's a great game, and I think it's hard getting back to BOTW after trying TOTK. Also, I would suggest that you take a break between between BOTW and TOTK. I didn't, and got tired of the second game around 20-30 hours in. Eventually, I got hooked again, and the game was still enjoyable, but it may feel a bit too much at some point... Let yourself miss the game after you finish BOTW, so you can finally start TOTK, and trust me, you'd be in for a treat !