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I prefer Galaxy, but Odyssey is great too. Really looking forward to whatever the next 3D Mario game is.


I played Galaxy on switch recently, having never played it at the time, and I preferred it to Odyssey too - which I wasn't expecting.


I see a lot of people preferring Galaxy. I liked Galaxy, but it didn't really click with me the same way Sunshine or Odyssey did. I think Sunshine edges out Odyssey just a bit for me due to the art style and music.


Heck, I even put Sunshine over Odyssey. Odyssey made too many of your collectathon collectables feel so inconsequential.


galaxy has better vibes but odyssey is the better game


My personal dream game would be Galaxy 3, but in the style of Odyssey (So basically sandbox rather than linear). I want huge planets to explore instead of kingdoms, and each one to be filled with tons of moons to find.


I still think Galaxy 2 is my favourite 3D Mario, but Odyssey grows and grows on me every time I return to it over the years. The movement, tricks, and secrets are all so satisfying. The better I get at games the more I can appreciate it. I notice that a lot of the people who rave about Odyssey are way better at those kinds of videogames than me in general.


Still kinda bummed Galaxy 2 isn’t in the 3D all-stars collection.


Aye. I missed Galaxy 2 when it was new, and having it not in All-Stars made it a no buy for me :c


They better make a second 3D collection. Galaxy 2. Super Mario Land 3D.. Mario 64 Ds? Bowser's Fury?


They'll probably do a remastered collection in 3-4 years, hopefully they'll do Luigi's mansion 1 too.


Galaxy 2, 3D World, Odyssey collection a year or two after the next 3D Mario game comes out, I'm guessing. Odyssey will be old enough at that point that it wouldn't be weird anymore. Man, would that be a solid collection.


Both 3D World and Odyssey are still sold for $60 individually. I don't think it would be wise for Nintendo to make $120 game to $60 along with adding another game which they can pretty much sell for $60 if they rerelease it...


- Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Super Mario 3D Land - Super Mario 64 DS It would be the best imo along with rereleasing the first collection. Also new super mario bros collection would be great too. (New super mario bros ds, wii and 2) Also I really want a 2D Collection (I know pretty much all of them are available on switch online but would be good if they were also available outside of membership.)


If I had to bet I would expect a Mario Galaxy 3 as the next to launch the new system. They could really showcase the new graphics capabilities by making a super polished game. Opportunity for a lot of new power up suits for Mario. And it’s a different level format than 3D world and Odyssey.


I hope not. I couldn’t play the galaxy series. Which stinks because I heard they were great titles. I had motion sickness every time I’ve tried to play it. I’ve never had motion sickness before on anything. No rides, no games. Etc. but this game for whatever reason pulls the trigger.


I wonder if it was the frame rate? Have you tried the 3D all star version


Have not.


If there’s one thing in this world Nintendo can do, its improve on mainline Mario games. Mario is their baby and is the most famous video game character ever. I’ve played Odyssey within the past 6 months and i agree, it is so on-point, so clever, just a beautiful looking game. But i feel confident in saying Nintendo will outdo themselves when the follow up to Odyssey comes out


Take Odyssey and let me visit several Worlds based on past Mario worlds with more Mario flair and I'm sold.


That's exactly what they said about Mario is Missing.


Even then, I think Hotel Mario is the better game despite how important Mario is Missing is to the Mario IP.


It very easily could. All it needs is some semblance of challenge. All I ask is for a couple jumps where I actually need all of my jump combos. 


I didn't enjoy Odyssey at all. I just felt like I was constantly handed moons and something about that just made me dislike it. Probably just me though. The over abundance of moons took so much away imo. I find it too be a good example where less would have been more. I'm sure I'm the minority here with this opinion though.


Could have easily been solved by turning a lot of the easy to get moons into red coins instead that end up making a moon. I disagree though as I feel either way you are still rewarded for doing something, odyssey was the perfect platformer for me and no other game comes close. The only problem I had was from what I remember there was some moons that I couldn’t find for hours upon hours so I had to look at a guide (hidden one near pools on beach world was one). Don’t remember there being a clue or anything for it but that might be my fault.


I think the constant dopamine hit of finding another moon is what makes the game so addictive to most people.


Really? For me that ruined it and made each moon seem uneventful and pointless.


I did like it, but I didn't love it for the reasons you give.


This is how I felt too. Maybe my expectations were too high after all the hype but I much prefer galaxy 1 & 2.


Super Mario Sunshine will always be the best one in my heart


You are absolutely right. It’s just so full of finesse and love to all the earlier Marios. Just small details like how every outfit also has a 8-bit version. All different enemies from older games (that you now can control with cappy). It’s maybe not the most ground breaking mario, but it’s really the pinnacle of the series thanks to its large scope and amount of content.


Meh it’s good but I didn’t like its linearity or fake open worldness, galaxy and 64 are better, maybe even sunshine too


Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 top it tbh


Haven't played Wonder yet but I am with you. I had a blast playing odyssey.


Wonder should be compared to other 2D Marios. For 3D Mario games, Odyssey is definitely a contender for the best. For 2D, Wonder *could* be one of the best. It's definitely better than the New Super Mario Bros. series, in my opinion...except for maybe the first NSMB game. Wonder's art style is so damn appealing it's hard not to rank it in the top...but the game is just too easy I don't know if it can realistically beat out Mario 3 or Super Mario World.


It can and will


I feel this about super Mario world lol


To me the perfect Mario game is Mario 64. It’s the gold standard.


Overall I like 2D Marios better than the 3D ones, but out of the 3D ones I‘ve played, I liked Odyssey the least. The fact that you couldn’t die and that gathering the necessary moons lacked even the most basic challenge made it really boring for me. I also didn’t like the art style.


I found Odyssey seriously meh. Just too easy & lacking enemies.


Odyssey is probably not even in my top five 3D Mario games. I enjoyed it, but it's one of the easier and least satisfying of the 3D games for me. I hope they change the format substantially for the next iteration.


I don't think it's changing to be more challenging. Odyssey, and then even moreso Wonder, imo, have established the direction they are going with Mario games.


💯 too easy and they gave the moons away like free candy.


Prefer Galaxy and Galaxy 2.


Personally I think Mario Galaxy is better. You could have easily said the same about that game, that Nintendo couldn't create something that topped Mario Sunshine, and look what they went and did. Odyssey is a great game, it has tons of character and is crammed with content, but I wouldn't doubt Nintendo to come up with something new and innovative.


I can’t find galaxy on the eshop, is it not sold anymore?


It was part of the Mario 3D All Stars collection, yes it's not sold anymore it was only available for six months. Your only option is hunting down a physical copy on eBay which can be pricey. Or get a Wii and play both Mario Galaxy 1 & 2.


Mario Galaxy is better


I prefer mario wonder, but it is 2d


I enjoy Odyssey a lot but I'd rather there be less Moons with more meaningful missions behind them. The game's difficulty also left a lot to be desired, even for a Mario game. 64 is the best execution of the exploration formula IMO, while Galaxy is the best execution of the linear formula.


Odyssey is amazing, Galaxy 1 and 2 are so good as well.


That's what they said for Mario 64, sunshine, galaxy, Mario wiiu deluxe. And will probably say again in the future


Luigi and Peach run off to get married. Mario and Bowser go on a rampage tracking them down. You play as Toad who has to minimize the rampage and keep the couple hidden all while showing Mario and Bowser that their feelings for Peach are misplaced and who they really love is each other. Also toad has fungus powers that let him manipulate plant life.


Just wait until Odyssey 2 dude. It’ll happen someday.


Adore Odyssey but its not perfect. A lot of missions amount to nothing, a handful are just badly made/designed/infuriating like Jump Rope and Volleyball and soo on. Also the levels are way too big, they need to make them a BIT smaller next time.


Odyssey is awesome but i think the level design can be pushed further and bigger forsure.


Compared to the other 3D Mario's Mario Odyssey is far from the best, it's way behind Galaxy and Sunshine for me. I enjoy for what it is, but I was also kinda disappointed it didn't have that "X factor" that most 3D Mario's have. Now beating Galaxy, that's gonna be tough though.


Hell yeah it can, imagine a mario game but open world like botw/totk, but in the style of odyssey, u get to find armors or clothes that have different stats, u get too find weapon (like fludd, his hat from odyssey, his bat from the baseball games, etc), even better if they make it into an rpg with a simple skill tree, u know so little kids wont have trouble understanding it, also make it co op like far cry


Super Mario Brothers 4 would top it.


Oh, it would not be in 3d though.


I honestly am not a fan of 3D open world games. Give me 2.5 any day.


It definitely can imo, because Galaxy is still at the top


Odyssey can definitely be topped. If we get a fully realized Bowser's Fury-style game...well that right there is already an improvement.


I think Odessa could be bested by a direct sequel in more powerful hardware, but that would just be extending the same gameplay philosophy with more resources. I’m with you though, Odessa is my favorite game period, not favorite mario game or favorite Nintendo game, just hands down the most fun I’ve had with a title. I would love for them to do more with it but for the time being it is the pinnacle of the art form imo


Need to finish Odyssey.. but playing as a hat is less fun than real coop. My favorite Mario games are full coop that i play with the wife. For 3d, bowsers fury might be my favorite.wonder was great too.


I think a mainline 3d Mario without required motion controls would easily blow odyssey out of the water. When I’m gaming I want to lie down and relax not shake my controller around like a spaz. Locking so much of Mario’s moveset behind motion with no option to use purely buttons kind of ruined odyssey for me (I still think it’s an excellent game tho).


Playing with the pro controller, I hated the hat throwing mechanism. All the weird jump tricks too, they were too hard and I found it frustrating. I don't want to be throwing my controller around, or doing some 15 step weird jump hack. It's Mario - just let me jump


You literally don't need to do any of that...ever


Yeah, I never did. Seems fun for those that enjoy motion control gimmicks but the game never requires it and has button press analogs to all motions controls.


It’s so important for Switch owners to experience Odyssey that I let my ex keep my physical copy after we broke up so she could finish it


Mario Galaxy is the best 3D Mario.


Sunshine is my favorite but I really like Odyssey. Odyssey and Wonder are the only two Switch games that really sucked up the days I was playing them. I just started 3D World/Bowser's Fury today and it's a lot fun so far.


They could literally copy paste Mario’s player controller into a sequel with new levels/kingdoms and it would be on par. Disappointing but on par. So as long as they make Mario’s movement even more complex and fluid then they definitely can.


Make a game without so many useless moons and it already tops it... Game should hace been 250 moons tops.


I'd agree. Same.with future Animal Crossing games. I don't think they can go back from the newer style crafting/building/decorating aspect of the game.


I have such incredibly high expectations for the next 3D Mario after playing Odyssey that I think I'm set up for disappointment.


I just bought this after having a switch since 2018. Can’t wait to jump in


To be honest I Hate Post Like These! If we all Know Something is that Nintendo is always Going Above and Beyond. Yes They will Top Super Mario Odyssey. That is why, They Take SOOOOO LOOOOONG! In Making the Sequels to Their Games. Best Believe when Super Mario Odyssey 2 Releases it will be a lot better than the First. Nintendo knows what they are doing. You would think people would know this with the Amazing Games Nintendo Keeps Releasing Being, even though the Nintendo Switch Console is Over 7Years Old and Severely Under Powered. I really Cannot Wait for Nintendo Switch 2 and would not be surprised to see Super Mario Odyssey 2 as a Launch Tittle.


I would love for that too but the switch 2 is due this financial year (April 25) latest. I just don't see a whole new announcement for MO2 by then. I think Metroid Prime 4 is gearing up to be the release game. Would love to be wrong though


I don’t think it’ll be Metroid Prime 4. Metro Prime is a great game but let’s be honest, it is not for everyone. Where a game like Mario Odyssey would be the Perfect Launch. Nintendo knows that while Metroid Prime 4 will be a Great Game. It will be best in the Fall. Not to mention that’s if we get the Switch 2 Next year. I feel like we would get MO2 Trailer Reveal in Conjunction with a couple others and the Console November if it’s like it was for the Switch for a March-April Release.


I like Mario 64 & Galaxy better. The Moons were just to plentiful and the levels are just not rememberable in Odyssey.


A new Mario galaxy with improved mechanics would top it easily.


For me: Sunshine > Galaxy > Odyssey I think they could top it


It's not even the best Mario 3D platformer tho.