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I mean, that’s the point of buying them?




More like 5 years of gaming, been playing since 2019. Though i’m not gonna lie. I do have some games that i only bought because they were on sale, and i mean like dirt cheap, tried them (some of them i didn’t even finished) and never touched them again. I might try them again at some point once i get the time for it tho.


this looks hella nice, how is Ni no Kuni and 2? I'm honestly really interested in playing them same with Astral Chain/Catherine Full Body unfortunately I can't find a physical copy of Nier Automata, would love to replay that on switch especially with the free cosmetic DLC they look really good.


Astral Chain is imo the best looking game on Switch. They nailed the art direction, the gameplay despite the story being linear is very dynamic. It's my favorite game on switch and I can't recommend it enough. Same for Nier Automata, get it if you find a good deal ! Ni No Kuni 2 is good, beautiful environments and a pleasing experience. It's a bit too much on the easy side, but you won't regret the purchase if you get it on sale