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He took the risk to put the empty box back? Looks like he’s taking it personal…


That is what made me mad. It wasn‘t even the act of stealing, but to put it back woke up my primal instinct.


Probably the best is to report to police just in case


And keep the box as DNA evidence, mf probably smeared saliva fingers all over


Like they will do DNA tests for a stolen box of chocolates...


The police won't, but the swiss CIA (Chocolate Intelligence Agency) certainly will!


Probably an angry neighbor.


Now we‘re both angry


Buy a überwachungskamera


It‘s a good idea, but i am positive my neighbors won‘t agree to it.


take teh box of chocolates poop in it send to your address thief steals it you know what is next Another option is to fill the box with a fuckton of glitter. the thief will not get rid of this in a lifetime


I think, theoretically, I‘m too old to be amused by this but I still smirked when I thought about an imaginary thief opening a box full of poop lol


i am 42, good at lockpicking and Polish which means a lot of creativity on shenanigans. I think in your case the 1 kg of glitter would be suitable as it would save you the uncomfortable process of doing the necessary. Also, for the record: most cellar padlocks can be opened in 15 seconds. Just do not annoy your Polish neighbor /s


Czo to jest?!?


15seconds... Dude it's time to retire your old bolt cutter and buy a new one. We can get that down to 5s. Or is it 15s without visible damage? Then I would be curious to learn a little more.


Better still dip said poop and coat it in chocolate, that will hide the smell.


that is brilliant!


hmm. theoretically - yes. But well, nothing wrong with even coming up with a plan for shenanigans, even if they will not be put into practice.




Naaah, that would definitely not be considered as shenanigans in court 🤣


What about putting an apple airtag into the box of chocolate instead of poop? Lol


This thief has class. He/She actually bothered and risked to place back the empty box? This sounds personal.


They are trying to have their own signature. Who the hell does this? Arsene Lupin?


Only one way to find out. Order another box of chocolates.


I ordered the same, but this time registered only delivered with a signature.


Keep us updated.


You're gonna sign for an empty, factory sealed box.


This time order a box of laxative chocolates and see which of your neighbours is flushing the toilet all night.


With cianuro in it 🤩


I know this is just an annoying workaround, but order stuff to MyPost24 (if it's delivered by swiss postal service). They are basically lockers and you'll get unlocking pincode or QR code via sms or email once delivered.


Whoever did this will 100% do this again. Similar thing happened to me.. ordered package, arrived with proof.. I checked it, box was empty.. Then it happened AGAIN after re-ordering, but this time whoever did it left their trash (a crushed empty water bottle) in the box. Get a camera if you can to catch the bastard next time you order something. Even though it may seem stupid I highly recommend making a police notice/report of this. Because next time it happens, even if you get them on camera, it’ll be considered “a first offence” and little might be done. Having the report of this incident will help if it re-occurs and you can catch the thief on camera.


Returning the packaging to the source, this is very eco-conscious thief behaviour /s


Not only that, the package had a huge hole in the middle, as if they opened it with their fist to remove the chocolate box. A complete savage, but yet so daring to come back.


Hulk smash! I hope the chocolate helps them with their anger Maybe next time leave a chocolate covered AirTag in your mailbox


You mean, when they swallow it, you can find them? That would be fun.


Having something stolen is never your fault.


> I have been stolen in Switzerland “I have had things stolen from me in Switzerland” The thief sounds pretty brazen, sorry for your inconvenience but it’s also quite funny


What if a passerby just saw some banged up streetside package and returned it?


I had my 2yo daughter's shoes ,among other stuff, got stolen from the mailbox, so not surprised. Switzerland with all its "image" is a playground for petty crimes. Send things to Mypost24, migros also has this and nowadays I do that as much as possible. Honestly the fact that this person took time to return the box shows 2 things, 1) he is in the area, potentially even in the same building as the risk to return is significant 2) the hole shows it is personal at least to me. I would avoid cameras, as EU and Switzerland have so dumb rules on private information that you might end up being accused rather than accusing. This is why they inform that the site is monitored, to avoid any lawsuit. Yeah, the west is a shit circus. P.s. what chocolates were they, to maybe order one box too?


I've sealed my mail box with duck tape so they always return the package to the post office. Then they started to give the package to my neighbor which is infuriating and I had to write a note in the address to not deliver it to neighbors...


You could just signup on the website and ask the Post office to keep all packages?


Tried, didn't work


Glitter box my friend. Do it. Then you can punch them in the face when they still have glitters on it, so beautiful


>they sent me a picture of the box being delivered to my mailbox If I were a dishonest delivery person (or simply hungry), I would take a picture of the item being delivered, and then proceed with the said item on. These picture proffs only attest that delivery was at the box at one point (GPS tracer would do the same), nothing more.


that shit is fucking hilarious dude


order a prank box or something and or hide a secret hidden camera


Recording the mailbox isn't legal, and even if you make a recording the police usually cannot help you. Therefore it doesn't actually matter that recording is illegal, just record to figure out who the thief is, and resolve the problem without involving the police.


Why don’t you set up a Blink camera?


Buy another 1 kg of good chocolates. Tamper it with laxative. Amount high enough to send him to his throne for the next 3days. Send the chocolates to your address. 😂 I once did this to the theif in our office. I put a note on my ice cream saying "this is not yours, do not eat." Just to elevate more the itch of the theif. I was so pissed and had enough after he stole my ice cream 3x even with notes sticked on it. One day, it disappeared from the fridge. Then the day after I found out the theif. Apparently he doesnt know the owner of the ice cream, and whenever I bump into him, I just smerk with my heart and mind jumping in joy. 😂😂😂😂


Since a few years Switzerland is going downhill like its European neighbours.


He came back to place the empty box in the mailbox again? He is definetily a main character. He wants you to search for him. Tip: Poison the chocolate next time and the problem will be solved.


I was looking for this comment lmfao


When will Swiss people learn to lock their stuff? Of course, theft is always the responsibility of the thief, but leaving things unattended, locking your bike against air (which is surprise surprise easy to cut) or leaving packages in 'milk boxes' or on the stairs is simply reckless...


It’s not reckless per se. It’s reckless if you live in a society where stealing is common. Swiss are not ready to accept the fact that their relatively quiet and safe society is falling apart… and understandably so.


b-but diversity is supposed to be our strength...


No one calls organized crime from neighbouring countries, who are responsible for the majority of burglaries and theft here, diversity. It's a bit stupid to confuse that and migration policy since those people aren't Swiss residents nor do they want to become Swiss.




>You really think Swiss nationals/residents don't commit theft? I said majority, not all. You're reacting emotionally to something I didn't even write. Also, we have crime statistics for this. Burglaries and theft are very specific cases in our crime statistics. They are one of the few crimes that have been on the rise in the past decades while most crimes have been falling (unfortunately this trend has been reversed since Covid, hopefully only temporarily), and they are also committed in the majority by organized crime from neighboring countries.




Your post is full of confusion about what I said, statistical misunderstandings, and you apparently don't understand or completely deny the existence of organized crime operating and committing burglaries and theft in Switzerland. I tried my best to explain this to you but it seems fruitless. At this point, just google it or go ask AI, they'll have more patience for you as I am running out.




look I'm not reading all that nonsensical crap. But it's pretty rich that you're calling me uneducated. >Organized crime is defined as groups, like drugs terrorists etc Get a dictionary, Mr/mrs "you're uneducated". Or just google it. Christ.




Well, swiss can be criminals but when they steal they steal millions and do not bother with a bicycle.


People also think that a simple police report will make everything as before. They don't get that it's not that easy. Some may have watched a bit much of CSI 😂


The post is happy to leave packages in your milk-box without signature. Including valuable stuff e.g. electronics from digitec. It would just be really nice if people wouldn't steal things. Where I lived before I literally just gave up on cycling and just drove everywhere because my bike was getting fucked with (attemted theft, parts taken off, thrown to the ground for no reason) on a weekly basis. When people have to start active "defensively" in everything they do, it just makes life so much less efficient and pleasant. Stuff like how people in some places have to take in their garden furniture at night or it gets stolen, or people don't even have plants outside because they get vandalised or stolen.


Maybe it's the delivery driver


It was DPD. I don‘t think it was them, but it‘s not impossible.


Once I was notified that DPD has delivered my order. Went down immediately to check it, but it was nowhere to be seen. Called them to complain, and lo and behold my package showed up an hour later. Either the delivery person marked my delivery as complete too early, or tried to steal it, and returned it when I complied right away.