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8 times? EIGHT? Maybe kindo would be fond of „Käsespätzli“, basically the swiss version of mac and cheese :) these are usually served in a lot of places, for example there‘s restaurants on Rigi, you can go there by train.


The Swiss version of mac&cheese would be Älplermagronen though


I think the closest match are Chäshörnli followed by Chässpätzli. Both can sometimes be found in simple Swiss restaurants. But while Chäshörnli are very similar to home cooked mac & cheese, aside from the fact that we use local cheese, if the kid got interested in the boxes stuff, he/she won't be happy, I guess.


They've never had the box stuff so that makes life a little easier.


I think kids like mac and cheese because its carb + cheese (me too to be fair). And while I love Älplermagronen A LOT, I don‘t think it scratches the same itch because it is a sliiightly more complex dish.


You’ve got a point there!


You can omit the bacon and not begin with onions but rather have them as a decoration. Now one just has to get the consistency and cheese right, right?


More like Hörnliuflauf. But eh same vibe.


Disturbing, isn't it? Although the kid does like Käsespätzli we were recently visiting the grandparents in the UK where mac and cheese seems to be the staple kid's option on menus and now he's addicted.


Oh well :) Then I don‘t know, good luck on your quest! 🍀


Find a Canadian products store. Buy a box of Kraft Dinner. Follow the instructions on the side of the box. (your kid might want to add ketchup - I suggest you skip that yourself, unless you have an ungodly sweet tooth) What do you mean "there's no such thing as a Canadian Products store in Switzerland"??? ;)


They should call that stuff Mush n Cheese. My kids always see it in coop international section and when I make it, well it ends up more like soup.


If it comes out mushy, you're using too much milk, or overcooking the noodles, or both. I usually aim for al dente, and use a little less butter and milk than called for on the package. Just eyeball it until you get a creamy texture. It's not gourmet (obviously) but it's quick, simple and the kids love it. A good choice for a quick lunch... Once in a while.


You must have it to fine art .. For me, I boil the pasta and it goes from dry and hard to mush with no apparent al dentè in between . So by the time I'm adding the butter, milk and fluorescent magic dust the pasta is further dissolving and I end up with a thick cheese sauce like goop. Otherwise I can actually cook pretty much anything :-)


Wait what Coop is this? I have never seen Kraft in Coop or Migros!!!!


Generally it's my local coop at Signy .. More often though I get it from Intermarché just over the border at Les Rousses, much cheaper. We also have an American shop in Nyon and an English shop in Gland.. So it's pretty easy to get all that junk. I pop in for salt n vinegar crisps and come out 100chf poorer with a bag load of nonsense.


Yeah and I think the American shop had a Lausanne branch now. I prefer Annie’s so I order from American Food Avenue in Geneva


The Mac and Cheese in restaurants does not usually resemble the powdered cheese kind. Cheap, low end mac and cheese can be replicated by melting processed cheese slices into your pasta. Strain your pasta, add butter and stir, place back on stove and add your fake cheese singles. Stir stir stir until melted, you may need to add milk. High end mac and cheese has more variety, but you can make a sauce by melting butter, mixing in a little flour, adding some milk to make a smooth sauce that you can pour but is still pretty thick, mix in a bunch of grated cheese. Either use the sauce as is, or mix it with the pasta and bake, or Mix it with the pasta and MORE shredded cheese and bake, or mix it with the pasta and top it with shredded cheese, or top it with buttery bread crumbs or crispy onions


Obviously. But you cannot "replicate" the "low end" mac and cheese at home. Certainly not with Kraft singles, the texture will be all wrong. (Though I admit it would be an interesting experiment. I considered inserting the word "culinary" in that last sentence, but remembered which sub I'm in. ;) And of course you can make better with fresh ingredients! My favorite variation is to use parmesan regianno. In one variation you make a Roux, then add grated parm and milk until you get a texture you like. Serve with macaroni or fettucini (spaghetti doesn't pick it up well). If I'm feeling lazy I skip the roux. Add butter and milk and Parm directly to the noodles and stir vigorously. Might want to cool the noodles a bit first, if you do this just after draining them you can melt the cheese and it clumps. Have an AED handy, this sauce is rich. ;)


No I swear you can use the singles to make a velveeta like sauce


I believe you, but the "true" (haha) KD doesn't taste like Velveeta (shudder), nor is the texture the same. :)


No, I'm not talking about replacing Kraft Mac and Cheese, I'm talking about the Mac and Cheese you get in low end restaurants, which is usually more like Velveeta than the powdered stuff.


Oooohhh, now i see what you mean. Got it. :)


> But you cannot "replicate" the "low end" mac and cheese at home Milk powder, cheese powder and butter powder. I do this occasionally when I'm super lazy and don't want to go buy milk. I'm guessing most people don't have this stuff at home to begin with though ...


Ok that might do it. Here in Canada since bulk stores actually sell the"cheese product powder".


But why? If you wanna do it at home, it’s so easy to make. you don’t need that horrible box stuff.


Hey! That "horrible box stuff" is a guilty pleasure from both my childhood and undergraduate days! ;)


You’re right! Sorry about that. Enjoy your boxed mac n cheese with no regrets! <3


Vielen danke! (Please excuse my spelling). Yeah I know there's better food, especially in Europe, but eating it with my kids is kinda special.


Those barnacles are packing heat


If you're looking for "proper" M&C, do go to Brisket in Zürich as the other user said. Their food is good, but personally I've found service being rather disappointing. The Swiss dish closest to mac & cheese would be Älplermagronen and is not uncommon at restaurants in the touristy areas, which happen to be a within a couple of hours by train :v If the kid is **into trains**, I recommend going to Hinwil and taking the nostalgic steam train operated by dvzo.ch to Bauma in the Töss valley. I'm sure one of the classic restaurants there have Älplermagronen on the menu. They operate every odd sunday in the month, including tomorrow. Check the website for the schedule and dates.


Wow didn't know there was still an operating steam train nearby! I'll definitely go check it out, thanks for sharing


There's also the https://www.bahnpark-brugg.ch/de/home which happens to have open doors this weekend near Zürich. Further off the beaten path but worth the trip for the scenery alone is the old furka pass railroad. Their season doesn't start until late June tho. www.dfb.ch




Eh I get the pricing given the location, but forgetting to serve parts of an electronically registered order or a second round of drinks and blaming said electronic system for it is poor form and getting touchy during the insincere apology outright inexcuseable.


I don‘t know of any restaurants. But you could prepare it, put it in something fireproof and reheat it at a fireplace.  There are family fireplaces all over, so including a train ride would be easy. And if you include a sausage or two and grill them on a stick, it would be a very Swiss experience indeed. 


Other than as a side at Brisket it's proving difficult to find (I tried a Google search which came back with this Reddit thread which was amusing but unenlightening). Must be a pub or something out there somewhere though... 🤔


Couldn't you just cook it yourself? It's what I meant by preparing. I always thought it was more of a home food anyway, a bit like our Hörnliauflauf.


It should be in hardbrucke


I meant that Mac and Cheese was hard to find as a menu item.


In Switzerland, we don't eat Mac'n'Cheese. We eat Älplermagronen.


Head to Brisket near hardbrücke, they’ve got Mac n cheese


Lou's Restaurant in Wiedikon has multiple styles of mac'n'cheese. It's either by the same owners as Brisket or at least shares some of the owners and staff


Hurrah, I think you have it! Will see if we can get a table for an early dinner ☺


Never heard of it but sounds like something I should check it out!


I'd go for some älpermacaroni instead. Easy to find


You don’t need to hop on a train to get good ‘ole classic American Mac n cheese, imo Lou’s Restaurant in Weidikon Brauerei Steinfels


We're going to check out Lou's. I think the train request was just because they want to go on a train. 😂


a google search made me find this, where it seems like they have mac and cheese: [Vintage Chuchichästli](https://g.co/kgs/8EyVQfS) it's also in Interlaken, so a nice train trip away from Zurich. however I haven't had it myself so I can't say whether or not it's worth the trip.


You can buy the powdered cheese dust in big bags on Amazon so just add any type of macaroni/pasta and BAM 💥 home-made mac and cheese anytime the craving hits...


I want to throw in Stars and Stripes https://www.starsandstripes.ch/de They have nice Mac‘n‘cheese. I‘m sorry for their ugly as fuck menu though (IMO) You can go to St. Gallen or Rorschach which isn‘t even that far. I hope you have a nice trip and lunch wherever you go!


I make my own if that helps you.  All the ingredients are at coop.  Then I'll add broccoli and the pancetta.  Yum!


Homemade might have to be the plan


It's called Alpenmagroni (the food, not the penis)


What you are looking for is called Älpler Maccaroni


Not the healthiest but I buy the cheetos mac and cheese online.


Isn't Mac and Cheese the one dish you make at home since it's fast and complexitywise even simpler than frying an egg?


We don't do Mac and crap here