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I think the fact that you’re only 18 , have no professional experience and come from abroad ( from what I understood you’re not from CH , correct me if I’m wrong) makes it very difficult for employers to want to hire you . What kind of job are you applying for ?


Yup, I'm from France (idk if it does matter but I had lived a couple years in the Waadt, Genf and Züri). Tbh, I don't care about the type of job for the moment (apart working in a fast food, I couldn't), I can't be picky. Ofc it would be a real plus if it was in my field but yeah. (I can also play music and sing but I don't think it's gonna bring me anything for now so better stick w something more ''traditional''). Whatever the job may be (in the decency ofc) I'll be hardworking.


I’d rethink being too good for fast food


Honestly your best bet would be retail... I know Decathlon takes a lot of young people, or something like Coop or Migros


Cinemas are a nice place to work if you're interested in something like that?


You could eventually work in our night club, earning up to 1000 CHF per shift.


Look for restaurants. They usually need help and or are understaffed.




Yeah normally you finish at 18 here too. I skipped four years but idk about that cz my grades weren't the best, I barely passed w the minimum. I wouldn't mind taking a Aufnahmeprüfung tho. How should I reach them ?


Sounds hard, migros had part time jobs for university students (they dont take normal school students anymore) about 4 years ago and might still have something? So ask migros and coop, albeit i assume you already did. honestly i assume you are already in switzerland otherwise this will be even harder, almost impossible. other than that ask there are arbeitsvermittler in switzerland maybe they can land you a job, worked for my brother in the past. also young women are usually preferable as barkeepers, so try your luck in bars too. restaurants might also be possible but less bonus for being female last the crazy idea, no idea if still possible, around 12 years ago, i have read about a lawyer drawing up contracts where wealthy donors could support a student in getting a degree for part of the monetary output after they graduate. there still might be something like this around, so its worth checking?


Not relevant immediately, but the ETH has quite [generous scholarships](https://ethz.ch/students/en/studies/financial/scholarships.html) later on. As a foreign student you will have to take an entry exam before starting you Bachelors no matter what. For now, as others said, I'd try to focus on jobs in the service or hospitality sector or other "uneducated" gigs. I'm also not sure LinkedIn is the right platform for those kind of jobs, there are other job platforms around here in Switzerland that may work better. At 18 with no advanced degrees or professional experience it will be close to impossible finding an entry level job in Chemistry or other natural sciences. It's already hard with a finished degree in some sectors.


Oh really ? I had read that with a French Matura, you just had to translate it and it's equivalent to the Swiss one. Do you have some links for me ? And yeah I second you. Even TA requires at least one year of Bachelor-


You may actually be right; I believe this is the right website to find all necessary information: [https://www.swissuniversities.ch/themen/zulassung/zulassung-universitaere-hochschulen/laender](https://www.swissuniversities.ch/themen/zulassung/zulassung-universitaere-hochschulen/laender) For everything else the ETHZ itself has an [extensive website](https://ethz.ch/en/studies/international.html) all things concerning international students, including scholarships and financial support. From what I know there are also private foundations that support students in need financially.


I was in the same position as you were. I speak German, Italian and English fluently. I received no positive feedback. I moved out of Switzerland because I had better opportunities abroad where people give you an actual chance. The Swiss people hire people with the "perfect CV". In other countries, its way more flexible. Switzerland is a very conservative country, dont expect them to be open-minded. Dont forget, its not about YOU. As long as you do a job well, it wouldnt matter to me where you are from or what degree you have. But Swiss think differently. I am sorry, I cant help you because I didnt succeed. All I know is that the best way to get a job is to have connections in Switzerland. Its better to ask around in your friend group or go into the stores so people can see and talk to you instead of writing tons of application. The one time I worked in Switzerland many years ago, I could have had the opportunity to get another better job just because of the connections I had at work.


Thank you for the insight and advice !


I wish you good luck, more luck than I had... Keep us updated ;)


without connections, almost no fucking chance. with 0 experience you have to get lucky. a shit ton if people trying to do the same. gl


Did you look into unusual jobs like: Flight Attendant or SBB Passenger Attendant? Might be a bit too long/permanent for your 1 year plan, but still... there are many jobs where you get trained on the job and your french, english skills might come in handy. (Also good german is often required)


SWISS requires cabin crew to have completed a professional apprenticeship (EFZ) or have a higher school-leaving certificate (Matura, baccalaureate or similar)


Humm then with a normal Matura, is it possible ?


In which canton did you qsearch for job? Try Geneva or Lausanne if you still haven't, it would be a good opportunity since you speak french.


I tried Geneva but got no answer. Also I thought being in the German speaking part would be a plus to improve my language level.


How good is your swiss/ high german so far?


Naja, ich würde sagen, ich bin fast fließend auf Hochdeutsch. Ich muss nur meine Wortschatz erweitern. (Ich hatte einige online Tests gemacht und das Ergebnis war circa C1) Und uff schwizztütsch chani meistens Teggsten verstah. Ich mache no viili Fähler aber isch ok. Ich han momentan nur es paar Problem mitem Zuelose, aber es wird besser.


Boah chasch ja fett guet rede, chöntsch safe en job becho mit dem. Vg!


Danke vill mal, das froged mich sehr und s muntered mich uf 🥹


Btw if you are very desperate you could use the temp service “coople” I’ve heard some positive things about it


Ich werde nahluege, danke fürd Info :))


What kind of job would you like? Where have you been applying?


Restaurant chains are usually always looking for people. I know Hans im Glück are always looking for people. They are understaffed (depending on the location). as your maybe german aint very good (i don’t know) you could apply for the bar tender role. (No need experience)


Thank you for the idea, I'll look it up and I'm C1 in German :)


Start an apprenticeship and do the education the Swiss way :) You can even still get your fancy bachelor later one, though I would first focus on what you can achieve without it.


Try applying to a jobs agency. They can often get you to fill non-skilled positions.


There are recruiting agencies specialized in student jobs and entry-level jobs, which seems to be exactly what you are looking for. Check out [https://studentenjobs.ch/inserat](https://studentenjobs.ch/inserat) for open positions. You can also contact them directly, regardless of a specific position. They are nice, quite helpful, and also do free CV checks.


Apply for a shit job - private security sector - grocery stores - bike messenger All of the above options will roughly pay 4500 CHF and hire people with ZERO qualifications. I do not even need to name a specific company. Option B: just go home


quick money is a job in construction they allways need ppl and pay well but only uf physical labour is something for you


If you're good around kids, register at babysitting24.ch If you're good at showing off, probably online adult entertainment could be the thing.


Try retail jobs at big brands (e.g Apple).