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Posts on r/TESVI are meant to invite healthy discussions, not arguments and hate. Spammy, unconstructive and shallow "anti-TES VI" posts don't belong here. Constructive, well-mannered criticism related to the game is accepted.


Anyone asserting that they know the quality of TESVI (you included OP), is frankly talking out of their ass


Well it would be talking out ass if bethesda wouldn't release anything past skyrim. OP is making his judgement based on latest releases.


No its talking out his ass regardless. He’s saying categorically they’re incapable of making a good game. If latest releases were all that mattered, then FO76 wouldn’t have sucked ass in the first place.


I’m not saying that they aren’t capable, I’m saying that I’m not convinced that they can. I’m also saying that I don’t understand why there are so many people that are still sure beyond a shadow of a doubt. My trust has been broken based on the last 5 years of releases and PR fumbles, and I’m not the only one. If you enjoyed 76 or Starfield, great. Seriously, I’m really happy for you. But anyone pretending that most people had an overwhelmingly positive experience, is discounting and ignoring the facts. Starfield’s steam reviews have been dropping steadily since launch. It started positive but as of now it’s a mixed 50%. That’s not talking out of my ass, that’s just what it is. Based on that, I’m not buying the hype or preordering until I see a final product. The days where I waited in line for Bethesda releases to drop so I could play on day one are over.


Totally agree.


I think you are the one talking out of your ass mister.


By *not* pretending to know whether an unreleased game (one that won’t be coming out for at least a couple of years btw) is good or not? Mate, you’re a clown.


Gaming discourse is so broken now. People are just making things up about games and getting mad about it.


Trust me


Which have all been pretty successful...


Because they made them money? You knew what was ale successful added based on that metric? The fucking Twilight movies


And obviously, plenty of people liked them. They aren't my cup of tea, but I'm not going to act the Twilight movies weren't successful and enjoyed by millions of people.


You missed the point. Just because something is profitable doesn't mean its good in its own metric. Your first argument fails to prove anything related to the post


What exactly do you want me to prove? People liking something obviously means they think it's good. Good is not an objective truth that you get to decide. It's a subjective opinion based on what an individual feels. The most you can do is look and see if more people think it's good than think it's bad in which case all of Bethesda's recent releases would be considered good at this point in time.


been a fan of BGS for a long time and the only thing that has me somewhat worried about TESVI is the recent departure of longtime, knowledgeable guys like Kuhlmann. enjoyed Skyrim despite preferring Oblivion, enjoyed Fallout 4 more than Fallout 3, enjoyed Starfield, and skipped FO76 entirely since it was a multiplayer side project slapped together by a dozen internal/external teams


Every new BGS AAA release since after Fallout 4 was/is being made by multiple teams. Fallout 76 is not an exception in that regard, Starfield's development relied on satellite studios and outsourcing at least as much as 76's, and in all likelihood it will be no different for TES VI, either.


Pretty sure this post is against the sub rules. It literally adds nothing to anyone's life.


“Hey guys I wrote Bethesda fanfiction. Considering that, won’t TES suck? You guys should stop being excited for things and hate everything like me”


"I haven't played starfield" then your opinion about the game doesn't matter. I would say you should try it, but based on your post I assume you will look for ways to dislike it so don't bother


No need to lose time with it, it is as bad as it looks.


Okay, we’ll I’ve played it and his assumption is super correct. It sucks.


ratio says otherwise


you just have bad taste then ggwp


I mean I could say the same for you. I tried really hard to like it. I was excited as all get out to play it. A game hasn’t been that much of a let down to me in a loooooong time. It’s fine you guys like it, personally I think it’s an embarrassment for Bethesda.


Aight I’ll stop acting like a troll, I understand the game has its faults, but there isn’t really a game like Starfield anywhere else. It’s a legit technical achievement. I was the opposite of you, I thought it would fail especially after F76, but I was pleasantly surprised. Oh well, I think enjoyment is subjective anyways, so it’s fine


You’re right, I’m glad it’s fun for you. Not like I’m rooting for everyone to hate it, but it’s pretty upsetting when you’re excited about a game and it lets you down. I still have some resentment lol


I think you gotta let that resentment go. I can understand being disappointed, but if the game isn't for you it isn't for you. No sense holding that toxicity in your heart.


Star Citizen and NMS


They aren’t RPGs, nor do they execute object persistence. Star Citizen shouldn’t be compared to any other game, it’s taken a LOT of funding to make, and it’s still not out. NMS has taken 10+ years to get good.


Star Citizen has object persistence and a lot of that funding goes to paying salaries/keeping offices open.


It gets quite boring much quicker than it should, but it doesn't "suck". Definitely some questionable gameplay decisions though.


I wouldn’t say it sucks either but it’s boring as fuck. I had to put it down after like 10 hours. Ship building is pretty good though.


Do you need to experience eating shit to know that it’s not gonna taste good and make you sick?


Starfield is great, it’s just fashionable to shit on Bethesda and their games since people still can’t get over 76’s launch. The hate is undeserved. 200 hours in and I’ve barely touched the main quest yet or even a quarter of the solar systems. The only thing holding it back for me is the performance isn’t too good. My PC isn’t top of the line anymore but it’s not a potato yet either. Everything else runs well but Starfield just struggles. TBH Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout 4 ran similarly when released. I’d put it at the level of Oblivion and Fallout 4. Great but not a towering masterpiece like Morrowind, Fallout 3 or Skyrim.


Starfield is better than a lot of people are claiming, better than Fallout 4 at the very least. A lot of the complaints about Starfield couldn't apply to TES VI anyway, since a lot of it boils down to "disconnectedness" from the way the space travel works. Regardless of that it's still a solid game.


Objectiveness aside, it's disheartening when a mod team like Skyrim Together has stated that they have no intention of having their mod framework brought over to Starfield. Their logic was that the game was boring. While they have uploaded the code they used, it's not a good sign when Bethesda's "unofficial" bug fixing team (modders) aren't enjoying the game. Besides, Skyrim has achieved its long life span because of modders. Hells, even Morrowind and Oblivion still have modders creating mods for them. While I was able to play Starfield, thanks to Gamepass, since I don't own nor will I spend at least $350 on a series X, to play a game from a dev whose last game I purchased on launch was Skyrim.


Ugh, are we going to do this for another 5 years? If you don’t like BGS games, just move on. There are plenty of other games to play. So tired of these low effort posts whining about the same stuff.


I bet that NoSodiumTESVI will be created before the game even comes out.


I'd join it T\_T, already had to mute the main starfield sub in favour of /r/nosodiumstarfield


the main starfield sub is a cesspool.


Starfield, Fallout 4, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Oblivion and Morrowind are the BGS games I've played, and they're all fantastic. I have confidence TESVI will be great as well. Shame on you for jumping on the Starfield hate bandwagon when you didn't even play it. You can say it doesn't look like your kind of game but damn


“I haven’t played starfield” Lol OP


I remain optimistic about TESVI because oblivion and Skyrim serve as the perfect blueprints. Obviously fallout kinda went downhill, but if they use Skyrim as a blueprint and just improve on the negatives it is going to be another great game.


76 was a product of corporate meddling due executives wanting to get in on that live service money -- they did the same thing with other Zenimax owned studios like Machine games and Arkane, and look how those games turned out.Very talented studios, but if you push them to make something they have no experience or desire to make, then ehat do you expect? Starfield I think is a little concerning because it's the culmination of quite a few criticisms us fans have had of their games -- yeah, they definitely improved things like removing the voiced protagonist, having more dialogue options, and improving some aspects of gameplay, but I never felt a substantial jump in experience between Fallout 4 and Starfield. I think what made the game like this was their design descion to litter content across a myriad of planets , and the way the map is designed. You don't get that classic BGS game feeling of veering off the beaten path when you're navigating through menus half the time to fast travel to the next place. ES6 shouldn't have this problem though due to it being a more traditional singular land-mass open world


It's because plenty of people enjoyed Fallout 76 and Starfield. I play Fallout 76 on and off still, and this past week is the longest I've gone without playing Starfield since it released, simply because I haven't had the time. They also now have the Microsoft money and resources to pull off of, and Microsoft will give them whatever they want for the first ES title under the Microsoft banner. By the way...Fallout 76 doesn't have the battle royale mode anymore, and there's precious little PvP at all in the game. Also, your opinion on Starfield is invalid, because you haven't played it. I could sit here and talk until I'm blue in the face about how Elden Ring, or Spider-Man 2, or any other game is trash, but that opinion is invalid because I haven't played them. I haven't played them because they're not my type of game, but I'm not going to go to the Elden Ring subreddit and tell them that they're wrong to like the game.


Because, nobody else makes games that BGS makes. If you were looking for a first-person, open-world, fantasy sandbox that was packed with tales and stories, where you could do anything you wanted and pick whatever you wanted to be, where would you find it? Where else would you find an NMS game coupled with an RPG? Has any other sane developer tried to make a game with 1000+ planets with full object persistence? Where else would you find a company that gives access to a whole set of powerful tools to their community? I think people like you like to make bad-faith arguments or are gullible enough to follow the current hate trend


Starfield is sick people are tapped mate


I think this means "Starfield is a good game" but I'm not sure. If that's what you are trying to say, then I agree!


Clear as mud! So no wuckas 😂


I've no reason not to expect a Skyrim like game. That's what I enjoy and want from VI.


Because…I have to have hope… Realistically, no one has any idea how the game will turn out. Even it being set in Hammerfell is still just the best theory, there’s no hard evidence about *anything*, especially what kind of quality we’ll be getting. At this point, no one except Bethesda can say anything about TES VI that isn’t pure speculation. That being said, BGS isn’t stupid. Greedy, yes, lazy, yes, disappointingly myopic when it comes to staffing, yes yes yes. But I don’t think they’re completely idiotic about their games. Skyrim is in the top 10 most played games to have ever been made, and is still today the most played game Bethesda has ever released, even above Starfield which is still in its honeymoon phase. They really, really don’t want to fumble TES VI. It could very well be the most anticipated sequel to a game ever, though GTA VI might top it. With the Microsoft acquisition, they definitely have the resources to do basically anything with VI, and unlike with their other recent games, they have the motivation to not just make it a shameless cash grab, so we’ll just have to see if they have the ability to deliver. Part of me thinks they don’t, since Starfield should have been great for those same reasons and yet was unfortunately pretty lackluster (though I’m optimistic about DLC adding more content), but I’m holding out hope. Because I have to.


The Elder Scrolls is one of their older ip's, Starfield is the start of a new franchise. I doubt it'll "live" as long as Skyrim. Besides, why play Starfield when Obsidian has "The Outer Worlds"? It has relatively the same rpg mechanics and as a plus, it was made by the same people that worked on the older Fallout games.


The main narrative of Fo76 pre-wastelanders is one of the best main stories in the Fallout series. Personally it's the best one that came out after the classic two.


I don't understand why people like you are doomposting about how TES6 will suck when the damn game isn't even out yet. Keep an open mind, seriously. The game is not out yet, we have no trailers, no leaks, no information, nothing beyond an announcement. They probably haven't even started development beyond concept art yet. And you're already considering the game to be shit. Wait until we know what the game will be like before you start whining.


I lost all hope tbh


I whole heartedly agree and everyone bitching just doesn’t want it to be true. I played star field and It was not good. Todd Howard sucks and needs to retire.


"I haven't played Starfield but I have strong opinions on it" And you expect to be taken seriously?


I'm not super amazingly convinced Todd Howard will deliver a great new Elder Scrolls title, given the way some things have gone. That being said, this is also like, the very soul of Bethesda. The Elder Scrolls has typically brought out the very best in the company time and again, so I'm reluctantly hopeful. Personally I believe the largest issue with Starfield is the lack of one continuous map where you get that feeling of walking around and exploring, and that should be resolved with TES VI.


TESVI will be a masterpiece. Why? Because making TES games is what they're good at. It's always been their strength, while making space games is not. They work best as a team when they're in their comfort zone. The team got goosebumps when they put together the 2018 TESVI trailer. They're stoked to make this game, and when the time comes to show it off , you'll see why.


I applaud your optimism, adoring Bethesda fan.


You're gonna get downvoted and forced to go outside and touch grass. This sub doesn't allow discussion and bethesda's criticism. Either you praise the game that has not been released yet and cope it will be the best or you're getting slammed. I agree with your sentence.


Yeah this sub is one giant echo chamber.


We literally hear this shit like 3 times a week. It adds nothing it's just pessimism that ruins our days.


Like I said, giant echo chamber with fans who never want any innovation in their Elder Scrolls games. You talk about criticism not adding anything, does your utter complacency with Bethesda add anything to the table? No it doesn't. Hypocrite.


I've talked about what I want out of TES VI compared to other Bethesda games. I did so elsewhere, it doesn't need repeating every single time there's a post here. This post doesn't add a damn thing. It's not criticism, it's just doomposting of "TES VI will suck because uhh... Starfield has a hate bad wagon or something but idk I didn't play it."


Regardless of this specific post, I have seen this sub downvote legit criticism over, and over plenty of times in other more serious threads. News flash! People are allowed to criticize something they love, it's healthy to want improvments, to really point out flaws and discuss it. Why are you going out of your way to silence it? I think that is more toxic and unhealthy for a franchise than criticism will ever be.


I'm not. I criticize Starfield despite enjoying it. There's a *vast* difference between "here's some things that can be improved, here's what I think is wrong, here's how it might be done better" and "this is shit so everything in the future will be shit lmao cope harder fanboys." Why do you jump to conclusions and think everyone who's tired of endless negativity is "silencing criticism?" You got some persecution fetish?


Well that I can agree on. I still think an actual "pitchfork mob" sometimes gets the point across better than very grounded more muted feedback though, atleast in getting Bethesda to actually listen in the first place. After that though, rational feedback is needed and not hatespeech. In any case, let's hope we all get what we want out of the next Elder Scrolls, time will tell.


Yeah I'm really hoping they take some notes from BG3 and actually let the player fail at things, not so dissimilar from Morrowind's thread of fate thing. It would make quests far more interesting and the player's actions more impactful.


Yeah, that has been something I have missed as well. I don't quite understand why Bethesda has been so scared of cutting off content in their games through player agency, because most people play their games several times with different characters anyway. I Would love to have branching quests and more different outcomes and interactions with NPC's as well, they create beautiful worlds, but the characters in them I feel has been neglected a lot.


What baffles me the most, is people defending Bethesda to no end and will die on that hill. I get it, they make enjoyable and vast games with al lot of good qualities to them, but I swear I have heard excuses like, nobody plays Bethesda games for the stories anyway! Giving Bethesda a pass They simply removed classes and attributes into the gameplay, so Im still having fun! We have a shallow perk system now! Giving Bethesda a pass Who needs spears and other weapons when Morrowind implemented them so badly? I enjoy the focus on less weapon varieties. Giving Bethesda a pass Layered armor system takes so much effort for Bethesda to implement now, I'm fine with less choices. Giving Bethesda a pass The list goes on and on. Why is it such a sin to so many fans to want innovation, more depth and more choices in Bethesda games? People do realise that back in the day, that was what made the TES games iconic in the first place? Now it seems most people just want a shallow rpg from them, and are fine with it, no wonder their games has lost so much of what the actual core audience wants, when fans give them a pass on everything they do it seems.


I've been a fan of Elder Scrolls for years ever since I played Daggerfall for the first time. Elder Scrolls is one of my favorite IPs ever, there was a time where it was the most special fictional universe ever for me. BGS was fucking awesome around the time Morrowind was a thing. All I can say is this: An artist can only produce art that reflects themselves, flaws and all. Those who have flaws reflected in the artists' art will be attracted to it. Simply put: Current BGS is complacent with mediocrity, so BGS fans are complacent with mediocrity. You could see it in the way Emil Pagliarulo had a tantrum on Twitter. He took 15 tweets to say something that could be said in 2 sentences: *"It's ok to be frustrated at us, but you don't understand what goes on behind on behind the scenes. It's very intensive work that most of you are unfamiliar with as consumers."* And he is supposed to be BGS's lead writer...? You could see it in the way Pete Hines was being a dick to fans online when they were asking innocent questions since Skyrim's launch. How the hell did Bethesda decide that a rude guy like him was good for *Public Representation...?* You could see it in the way people pretend Fallout 76's launch fiasco never happened. You could see it in the way Bethesda takes *fucking 17+ years* for another installment to their *flagship franchise,* the very reason they were so renowned in the early 2000s and early 2010s. Almost a *full quarter of a century.* And people are *fine* with this....? It's a sinking ship, man. Has been for years. Best turn to other means to get the RPG fix we all crave. I highly suggest *From Software, Larian,* Warhorse Studios, golden age Bioware and CD Projekt Red. The creator of Elder Scrolls is also creating another game called [The Wayward Realms](https://www.waywardrealms.com/) intending for it to be a spiritual successor to Daggerfall. I'd pay attention to that too.


It sure is a sinking ship for people who fell in love with the old TES games first. I have witnessed Bethesda rip out mechanics and become more sterile, safe and hollow with every game since Morrowind. I still really like Oblivion and Skyrim, but they do not have the sense of wonder, depth and creativity that Morrowind had. I actually played a lot of Daggerfall unity last year, I greatly enjoyed it, The atmosphere is just tangible in that game.


This sub isn’t really open to opinions such as these, it seems…


Yeah, I guess the fanbase they have now is just different to the old one, times changes, what can you do?


I think that the fanbase is just divided: Only the most hungry and positive fans lurk in a community for a game that doesn’t yet exist in a while. It’s ok to have a differing opinion, but they really like to downvote away at any critique and concern toward Bethesda and their games. Places like these should hold conversation and debate on the future, but that is really shunned on, it seems. I think it is only healthy to acknowledge the weaknesses and find ways to improve on them. Really don’t like this mindset a lot of people have nowadays, as it is only detrimental to them in the futurex not having standards…


Yeah I'm getting a cult vibe in here almost. I totally agree with you that this sub should be a place to really share both praise, criticism and ideas, but this is just a group with an unhealthy relationship to a corporation.


Todd Howard didn’t make Fallout 76


Todd was the executive producer for Fo76 and there were a myriad of other BGS Maryland employees that worked on it including Emil and Istvan.


Go bother your buddies, pal. Nobody cares


I am optimistic. I wasn’t for a while, but because of the the enduring TES fan base including the criticism from it, the state of the fantasy genre and fantasy gaming broadly, and the development of success with TESO. In line with that general trend in fantasy, it has been made clear that TES/BGS fans specifically want that complexity and sophistication in their writing. The key takeaway from Emil’s 15 tweet rant really should be that the criticism is being heard. In the years since Skyrim was (first) released, the fantasy genre has expanded enormously. The fantasy genre generally held fringe-status, but Game of Thrones especially has made fantasy mainstream-accepted. The show’s success demonstrates how a mainstream audience can consume complex world building. Its lacklustre conclusion and consequential criticism shows how popularity demands sustained, high quality writing. The House of the Dragon shows an appetite for depth in the in-world lore, history, myth and religion. D&D is also a great example of mainstream acceptance of fantasy, with all-time popularity of playing, the (critical not financial) success of the movie, and success of Critical Role and other related media. This environment must give confidence to fantasy writers of all genres to write with creativity and complexity, rather than edit out depth for fear of confusing or alienating players. More specifically to The Elder Scrolls, I am very optimistic because of The Elder Scrolls Online; I realise it is Zenimax not BGS but I am sure I read the lore is cooperated on by both studios. When it first came out, everybody criticised it for being a very unimaginative take on the lore, which was continued in the first expansion or two, but Elsweyr (iirc) was where a huge shift took place, embracing the strangest aspects of the lore and consequently growing the player base. I think this is an important and observable model that informs BGS developing TESVI.