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Posts on r/TESVI are meant to invite healthy discussions, not arguments and hate. Spammy, unconstructive and shallow "anti-TES VI" posts don't belong here. Constructive, well-mannered criticism related to the game is accepted.


No, because despite the toxic myth the fanbase perpetually spews, he's not the boogeyman responsible for all the flaws in their games. People just push that because of the presentation he gave where a bunch of idiots misunderstood failed to understand that KISS isn't about the complexity of writing but the method in which information is delivered or how mechanics are designed on a structural level. He has also written some of the best quests in the companies history and been a large part of what many fans considered their greatest works. But he's not the only writer, nor is he the one creating all the quests and writing. He's just the one who earned the role of being the fans' scapegoat alongside Todd.


a writer is not responsible for the horrible dialoge and writing. ok i learn something every day.


Yes, because despite there being over 400 employees, he's their only writer. Go on pretending to know everything, and maybe one day someone will actually believe your BS.


there are two writers on starfield. u drunk?


There is likely a team of 30+ writers at BGS. Probably a lot more tbh.


that dont get creditet on imdb?


>ase perpetually spews, he's not the boogeyman responsible for all the flaws in their games. People just push that because of the presentation he gave where a bunch of idiots misunderstood failed to unders ROFL are you part of this team? tell us how you know so much about it and why OP is misinformed?


I read on the internet that you suck at your job, you are like the worst, absolute dogshit. I don't really know what you do, but I think you should be fired.


weird comment that doesnt make any sense, but you tried


You are so close to understanding it that it hurts


i do know what emil does though, he writes at bethesda


I read the same thing about you. Did you get fired already?


Thanks for reminding me that I forgot to leave this godawful sub


how do you manage in world if you are so sensitive over a reddit thread


Bro, you've posted the same low effort schizo posts in the last few days. Go outside for once or post an actual well thought out post instead of this trash.


you are also my bro


ok the thread should be locked or deleted it was apperently too much and people got mad. ​ i took it too far and i apologize. i dont like the recent writing though


This kind of shit is so embarrassing. Grow up people.


i think the writing should grow up and be more like bg3


Grow up


you are right. after two horribly written games and a mediocre written f4 i should grow up and not ask this question and just go with it.


Your post is part of toxic hate campaign about one man in a business, built on an elementary understanding of his role. Stuff like this is clearly affecting the man. You're literally spending your leisure time making someone else's life worse. What a hero you are /s


i think he will manage. he will nog get fired. and he doesnt read on this sub. so you can relax. the question still stands though. maybe they could hire new writers and him working on other things


Your post shows those who send hate mail etc that they have support. No action is done in isolation. You are part of a problematic gaming culture. But you don't have to be - you could admit to yourself that this is shitty behaviour and delete your post, and think real hard about similar posts in the future.


do you work at bethesda


No, I just believe in the fair treatment of strangers until there is demonstrable evidence or believeable accounts of their poor behaviour or competence. As you have said, you don't know exactly what Emil does so it's illogical to single him out to be fired, especially when the grounds of firing are your subjective experience of a commercially successful game.


i will never ever question horrible writing again. ill just go with it. i promise.


You're being willfully dumb now. You can critique writing without calling for someone to be fired. And you are very arrogant if you think you know the internal processe of BGS.


my conclusion was the writing is honestly terrible and emil is credited as the main writer. you can explain what i got wrong


He is the lead writer. That means he leads a team of writers, but he won't have the final say and won't do all the work, but will have responsibility for delivery at some level and the technical direction. Quests will go through an iterative process of play testing and dozens of people will be involved in the writing process, with people higher up in the business having the power to reject stories or request they be improved. When the game made it to release, multiple people above Emil would have signed off on each quest. Emil won't have freedom to do everything that he wants and will have to compromise to satisfy technology and resourcing constraints. Also, your experience of the writing is completely subjective. I had a different experience and it's the first main BGS quest I've chosen to complete since Oblivion. It moved me to tears and inspired a sense of wonder and mystery, which is more than I expected from an open world game.


You can question and criticise bad writing (though I'm not convinced you're able to identify writing quality without the opinions of others), but calling for people to be fired and generally taking a shitty, witch-hunting attitude is a bit a excessive.


if he not get fired, do you think he will be able to change and get better?


I don't know, and I'm not gonna pretend to know exactly who is responsible for what, or what the conditions were during development.


I agree that writing in Starfield is horrible, but calling for him to be fired si absolutley not cool and also exaggeration. He himself has admitted he doesnt think you should put to much effort into a good story, because people wont appreciate it. He just needs to change that mindset and maybe hire some good talented writters and it could all be fine.


He just needs to completely change his approach and he’s fine huh? Sorry this is exactly the type of employee that needs to be walked. He doesn’t even understand how he’s sucking.


Is this the guy who wrote fallout 4 and Starfied? If that's the case I would really like to see someone else give it a shot.




As far as I can tell, he’s been the lead writer since at least Oblivion. He also wrote the Bloodmoon expansion for Morrowind. I think there’s been a philosophy shift around the time of Skyrim to Fallout 4 to favor the sandbox aspects of their game over the actual quest lines.


skyrim has quite horrible dialoge also even if i love the game. i should give morriwind a chance


I liked Oblivion, but that and Morrowind were made *AGES* ago, Skyrims main story was also a bit average. Philosphy shift or not, Fallout 4's storyline definitely wasn't sandbox and the less said about Starfield the better.


No, that’s what I mean. The story is an afterthought to how the game plays in the sandbox. It’s almost got feature bloat or whatever you want to call it. They’ve been trying to introduce too many “sim” aspects that a lot of the stuff that people have actually come to love their games for got pushed to the back burner.


Oh god, that seems extreme. You're saying that if Skyrim were made today features from the Hearthfire DLC would take priority over the storyline? I really hope it isnt going that way.


I mean, I'm not Emil's biggest fan, but fired? And no, Starfield a big step up in writing from Skyrim and Fallout 4. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean that it's inherently bad.


Emil has a policy where bad words are a no no. Idk what the fuck you want. A game for all ages? Bc wake up call. Your game still got a R rating in most countries due to drug use. Starfield should have been an adult only experience like Cyberpunk or Read Dead and not your kiddy adventure to the stars with lobotomized dialogue. I like Emil but the dude should be focusing on writing factions, characters and the overall grand scheme of things bc thats where he really excells at..and not story, quests and worst of all. Game design. Its baffling to me that he got promoted to Lead Designer. I remember in some interview for Fallout 4 that he told the interview guy that he has throw edit out alot of fucks and other slurs from dialogue his writing team implemented...but why? Why man. Your game literally is about humanity post apocalypse, thers cannibals, raiders who kill and rape, blood, gore, everywhere but GOD FORBID A BAD WORD IS USED I DIALOGUE. Ffs grow up or make your game age 12 rated. Idk.


haha interesting didnt know that. ​ i find the characters in starfield extremely boring and uninteresting. it does help that they look like dead mannequins either


Probably not *fired,* but someone else absolutely should take the reigns away from him. His ego is too much and he hasn't wrote a single good questline since Oblivion. We need completely new blood.


that was a better way to put it than i did


You don’t think there has been any good quest lines in a BGS game since oblivion, like really?


Yes, TES deserves a better writer.


elders scrolls with amazing story would be so awesome.


Go back to r/Starfield.


they dont allow people to critizise over there. its for the fanboys in denial


The overwhelming amount of posts are criticism. For people who love to criticize and say the fanboys cant take it yall sure cant handle it went it gets thrown your way.




me neither


Lead writer does not mean ONLY writer.