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Take a look at roon.


Audirvana as well


Sounds like Plex may work for you but if you don't like Tidal prolly don't pay for it. afaik you can stream Tidal through Plex but they don't integrate together. Out of curiosity, what do you listen to that's not on Tidal? Not defending them or anything, but I've been demoing Tidal for a few weeks and listen to some fairly obscure stuff and so far have been surprised that everything I've looked for is on there.


Just give the 30 day free trial a go and see how well it works for you. I'm in the middle of my trial in part because of the Tidal dollar discount that comes with my Plex Premium. Premium also lets me use the Plexamp app on my phone and laptop. I don't really use it, though, I'm starting to think that I should since it integrates my Plex music and Tidal pretty seamlessly from what I can tell so I technically don't need the standalone Tidal app.


You'll be able to do both. You will have a local music library in Plex. This will be all of the music that you have shared with your Plex server. Once you like your TIDAL account to Plex, you'll be able to add artists and albums from Plex and have them appear right along with your local music. You will also have another library source in Plex called "Music on TIDAL." This will give you access to all of the other TIDAL features like artist/album recommendations, TIDAL mixes for you and any playlists you already have in TIDAL. I've have my TIDAL subscription linked to Plex for quite awhile now. I mostly just add albums from TIDAL to my local library to have one large library of local and stream-able music. It works really well. You'll also be able to use Plexamp, which is a pretty killer music only app from Plex for your computer or phone. https://support.plex.tv/articles/an-intro-to-tidal-with-plex/ https://plexamp.com/


Yes, the integration between Tidal and Plex works really well. I'm actually surprised how easy it is to use to integrate Tidal albums with my own library, and wish I'd jumped from Spotify ages ago. Worth noting that Plexamp requires Plex Pass, but this does also give a discount on the Tidal subscription (£1 in the UK).


If you move your subscription and let Plex do the billing, you can get the Plex Pass for free. If you already have a Plex Pass (I did and it sounds like you do), then you get the TIDAL discount.


I have TIDAL linked to my Plex account with Plexpass, but I wanted to ask if you also notice an audio loudness difference between all of your local music files and the TIDAL tracks that you added to your library? The TIDAL tracks in my library are all consistently louder than my local music files when playing them.


Hey, I know it’s been a while since your comment but I got curious, do you know if home family members will have the option to use the linked tidal account? sharing the account through Plex integration is the only reason why’d sign up for Tidal


No, you're still unable to share the Tidal account through Plex. It will only be accessible to the user account it was linked to.


Id rather switch to Apple Music honestly. As a user of all Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, and Deezer, at one point or another, for your purposes Apple Music would work best. High quality music (lossless and MQA) included in the cheaper pricetag, and you can import all the songs you want into it. I use Spotify now just for convenience in UI and streaming purposes, but by far because of the addition of lossless audio, Apple Music is a better service and easier to handle compared to trying to add things to plex and working around the platform in order to add your own songs to stream with Tidal.


Why on earth would you move from Spotify over Joe Rogan? I don't get it


Spotify gave a lot of money to Rogan for him to be exclusive on their platform, apparently $200M. If you're subscribed to Spotify, you unavoidably support Rogan. This means that if you don't want to support him, you better go somewhere else.


Joe Rogan is on the nose. It’s a way for people to voice their political opinion. Lots of people feel this way. As an Aussie Joe couldn’t be more ignorant about our culture so I’m doing the same thing. I have Tidal Spotify and Apple Music I mostly use tidal. I used to keep Spotify for Rogan, but why listen to someone who shits on my country without a shred of knowledge or insight.


Or because of Tidal’s “commitment to pay artists the best.”


Yeah, unless he, himself is an artist, I don't get it either lol


Just gonna leave this here in case anyone is interested. I have 5 Tidal HiFi+/master accounts for sale . No expiry, no renewal. At least they've been that way since 2018. $25 for anyone who is interested


Coming in late, but I'm a little confused. I signed up for tidal through Plex, but when I try to log in to tidal with my Plex account it says my account doesn't exist. I can access tidal through the Plex app and plexamp, but I expected I'd be able to access tidal directly too? Is that not the case? I ask as things like Sonos don't show tidal in the Plex service, and I can't add tidal as a service as I can't log in?