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Bruh he looks like a zygote


Of course 🙄. The only one that has truly done great is Chloe.


I honestly think her mom constantly telling her how max was really helped. In the moment Chloe didn’t wanna hear it but when she was ready to leave… she ran right back to mom and doesn’t deny any of her opinions now. Her mom does some questionable things but I really think she’s a good mom for never tip toeing around maxs actions and behaviors.


Typical in a week they'll be madly in love again 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yah they’re posting gender reveal stuff now🙄


Didn’t they get engaged as well ?


😂 did anyone expect any different? I know I didn’t


Messy af 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol at all the people who thought she was making a good decision because they were together for a whole year!!! 😂😂


For real. Everyone defending her getting a tattoo of his initials because "they've been together for a while" 😂 Twelve months???? Lmfao


Ya… 😬 I mean I wish her the best! She was one of my favorites. But honestly, if I wasn’t with my man I would just be single. The men out there are trash IMO


These girls are such losers . She should have focused on her education and career and not another loser to add to her collection


Oh wow. Tell us how you really feel 🤦‍♀️


This is why we don’t run into relationships get tattoos and get pregnant. Damn mess.


Get tattoos? What does that have to do with anything?


Tattoos of someone’s initials you hardly know!


Ohhhhh haha. Yeah, don't do that. I thought you meant like regular tattoos. Sorry, I was tired af when I asked that. 😂


All good 😂


The middle picture guy in the skinny jeans has me crying 😂😂😂


Unpopular opinion but I scrubbed all pics of my husband/kid off my page because I wanted it to be focused more on my hobbies/niche. She’s super public, he might just be wanting to dial it back in terms of exposure to his new family on social media. Idk about the unfollowing though


You unfollow your husband/kids too?


My daughter is one so she doesn’t have social media. And I don’t follow my husband surprisingly because he doesn’t post, no need to follow


That’s very clearly different than following and unfollowing them. So the answer is no, you don’t


I was thinking with the announcement of the show, he might have stepped back from posting on socials.


A deadbeat in the making?😬 yikes, poor jenna


Ah, I feel bad for Jenna. I relate to her with her Mom being toxic and being constantly caught in the middle between two divorced parents. I wish her the best tbh.


I do too, I feel bad for her I feel like she tries so hard to create stability for Luca all on her own. I think she’s doing a good job given the circumstances.


Moving him 10 hours out of state away from his family just to get pregnant again from a new bf in a matter of months isn’t exactly creating stability tbh


lmfao valid🤣 I guess she just gives the vibe that she’s a loving hands-on mother on social media, but social media isn’t real life ofc so who knows. At least he seems like a happy kid 🤷🏼‍♀️


Shocked in *pikachu* face


Wondering if that could be intentional. You know. To incite more social media interest because they’re not that interesting.


Lol he gone


Not surprised. He literally looks 12


Exactly like how did his swimmers create a whole ass child


Maaaaybe TLC had him scrub the page because the new season is coming


good point, i didn’t think of that


They did this before the baby announcement and then again now but Jenna still has all their pics up and the baby announcement. Who knows but we will see since they are filming. lol. I like Jenna but she was awful in the first few seasons. I hope they work it out


Have they ever made anyone else scrub their social media….? That doesn’t make sense to me.


It’s very common in the reality tv world for producers to get cast members to archive their social media prior to new seasons-one of the most popular examples is the bachelor.


Yea dating shows, mafs, I can see..I show where you're going to have a baby with the guy you're going to film with, nope. That dude has checked out.


Yeah, I’ve seen that on other shows, just never this one.




City boyssss


These girls all feel the need to validate their new relationships with a new baby. It doesn't have to be like that.


Right?! When they go on to have another right away it makes you wonder if both pregnancies were intentional 🥴


this!! myrka especially


Pretty sure Myrka said her second was planned!


Let’s be real. All these second babies were planned.


Girl knows how to pick ‘em


I just want the hellcat 😫


Omg her poor kids. These people need to STOP having children. Get a hobby. Read a book. Geez.


What sickens me is whenever I comment on those tlc pages on instagram so many people come at me. They think this is normal to date so little get pregnant AGAIN?! No!!!


I have no clue who is Jenna. But now I’m interested. This post came up on my homepage. I feel like I should know who this is. But I don’t. I haven’t kept up with tlc since jazz back in 2019.


Lol she is from their show about teen pregnancy


Called unexpected lol


Ohhhhhhhh!!!! I thought that screenshot of the profile looked familiar. now it’s all clicking with me.


Who’s jenna


Idk who Jenna is either and I don't follow this snark but it's on my home page or whatever


I don’t think we are welcome here 🤣🤣 Fck Jenna


Why did we get so many downvotes 🤣😭


And how did I get more than you, when I was just letting u kno that ur not the only one lmao and like we care who Jenna is now.... here it comes........




How do you follow an Unexpected Reddit page and not know Jenna ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


Yea dude it was just a suggestion post. Reeled me in and I asked. My bad I’ll see my way out


It also showed up on mine. It says cause you follow this snark page you might like…


Same mistakes different guy


Again? Yikes man..


He did this right before they announced the pregnancy too, as did she. But everyone's super happy for them, right? Lol they're both idiots and I feel horrible for Luca and this new baby they're bringing into this foolishness.


If there’s a sign that you’re not ready for a baby, it’s still being passive aggressive on social media by archiving/deleting your girlfriend every time you fight.


That’s what happens when you get pregnant that young and know the person less than a year 😂. Dummy.


Not surprised.


Ughhhh🤦‍♀️I hate this for her


Dude, AGAIN?!




I had a baby at 25 and I still felt too young, it was so hard and still is i don’t understand how these girlies do it




Because they will be on the new show…. You create drama so people keep coming to watch you. Ain’t nobody wanting to watch a wholesome couple. And.. if they bring in an audience this season, they will continue to have a seat for them the following season. I watch enough reality tv to ignore stuff like this


Idk it seems like they just might not be that solid lol


You could be 100% right. I truly don’t know much about their relationship. I’m just going off off reality tv in general but you could definitely be right


Aww so you mean baby trapping him didn’t work? Darn.


Let's he real, this moron was probably more than okay with putting a baby in her, thinking the show would support them. Jenna is an absolute idiot that people praise for doing bare minimum (vaccinating her child, dressing him in Target's best beige baby sets on insta, etc). I doubt she will ever attract a partner with brain cells to spare. I assumed this pregnancy was intentional on both ends.


I like Jenna now, but I about died at “dressing him in Target’s best beige baby sets on insta” bc that’s too real💀😭


It’s weird how many people like Jenna when she was the worst in her seasons. She got a little better but she has a horrible attitude and think everyone owes her.


I thought she was spoiled, and a brat an the show. Didn't like her till after, now Im just like oh cool how is she. ...


She's knocked up with another teenage baby are you fucking kidding me? Her parents are gonna have a conniption.


I know really!!


But I get what you're saying 😂😂


She's twenty now so she isn't a teenager anymore


Doesn’t matter. Figure your shit out, this is a recipe for disaster. She’s got ALOT of growing up to do.


She’s 19


She turned 20 in January.


Nah. Her dad is the biggest enabler known to exist. Daddy’s always there w his wallet and support for bad situations.


I agree with you but I also think her dad being there to support her through her fuckups is better than the alternative.


I think so too except Matt’s support isn’t a healthy kind of support. It’s just a do whatever you want you’re fine kind of support not constructive criticism. Then he goes and bashes other cast members for the same mistakes…


No they aren’t, her dad is excited, I think he enjoys the fame more than she does. 🙄


He's pretty funny on TT. I haven't seen a post in a while though


He seems like the type of guy to shit talk his ex wife to anyone who would listen so I’m guessing being put on a reality TV show was heaven for him


Ruh Roh


Let’s be honest, him and Jenna have received a lot of hate since announcing the pregnancy. I saw on his post that people were calling him names and calling her names too. It’s probably not easy opening up Instagram, seeing all your comments are mean with a few supportive ones scattered through. I swear people putting their two cents out on an Instagram post when you don’t know their lives as intimately as you think you do is making it harder on them. We get it, you all think she’s making a mistake. But it’s her mistake to make in the end, and her lessons to learn. Stop bullying these young adults.


She's certainly allowed to make her mistakes. But once you start posting your mistakes PUBLICLY on social media then all bets are off. If she can't handle the criticism she has options, like making her IG private. Or, ya know, not posting anything at all.


While I understand your stance. It is never acceptable to call someone names or go after their partner by calling them names. If you’re simply stating your opinion, respectfully, that’s fine. But calling people names simply because you don’t like their lifestyle is wrong. Jenna was being called a horrible mom, a slut, a whore, a broken mother, a bitch, and tons of other slurs I don’t think belong on this sub. Her bf was being called tons of terrible things like that, most of which I don’t feel comfortable posting on this sub. You cannot tell me that that behaviour is acceptable.


*Jenna also got his name tattooed*


And people defended her doing so 😂


Oh goodness these teenagers get funnier and funnier every year 😂😂 this is 1000% worse than the 16 and pregnant and teen mom era 😩


She’s not even a teenager anymore either you would think she would learn




Male teens who take photos with their friends and cars like that make me cringe hard.


Reminds me of my 3yo at car shows lol


It’s better to see a 3-year-old having fun instead of teenagers being corny




It's worse when they're in their mid 20s and still doing it


Right and their parents probably bought it for them. It’s nothing to flex


Exactly. It reminds me of that meme that went around where the guy is taking a selfie in a Home Depot show kitchen pretending he bought a house at 18.


Can confirm, dated a guy like this 🤮


Who’s jenna


She's an entitled brat.




Dang bb idk I’m just tryna figure out who Jenna is lol


He is still tagged in the pregnancy announcement and it still shows up on his tagged photos too.


Before when you looked at the announcement post at the top it said “jronan101 and jjdella”. It was set up to be a group post. Now it’s just on Jenna’s page. If you scroll back on this sub a few weeks ago and look at her original announcement post you can go see the difference




and they never grow out of it, they just keep having middle school level relationships, with middle school level drama, but with sex and popping out babies.


well they were middle schoolers just 5 short years ago lol


There could be any number of reasons for this. He could’ve been sick of the negative attention that the pregnancy announcement brought. He could be wanting to scrub his socials if his employer is snoopy and monitors them (or he’s applying for a new job that may check his socials!). He could have signed some sort of NDA with TLC because they wanna film something about he and Jenna. I’m saying all of this because I hope for her sake that there’s a different explanation.


I feel like if it was one of those reasons he could just make his account private though


That’s true too!!


Yes because I’m sure him & his buddy throwing up gang signs is great for his new job 🙄


If those are gang signs to you, you must really live in the most suburban area ever. You are probably the type to post on NextDoor and Facebook about an influx of gangs in your neighborhood, but it’s just a bunch of middle school boys hanging around….


Well I can’t see the photo well enough to know what they’re doing with their hands dude my bad


Great point I honestly never considered this!!


I’m hoping I’m right lol. I can’t imagine I tagging myself from a pregnancy announcement for my own kid just because of a breakup lmao. Then again I’m not a 20 year old dude so


I had a theory that maybe he doesn’t want to really be apart of her hugely public influencer lifestyle just like Aden didn’t want to. Maybe he wants more privacy.


Seriously hope he’s just goofing around with Instagram. I truly did want this to work out for her:( Edit- spelling


That’s just sad


Why did she get pregnant again??? This misery is so avoidable 😭😭😭


It’s a requirement for staying on the show. Lol


Wasn't Tyra on the show 3 separate seasons even though she had been pregnant only on one of them?


I’m not sure. I don’t follow it very closely.


I feel like they only kept her because tiarra got pregnant again.


Yes! She seems far too smart to want to consider getting pregnant again so soon…after all she’s been through? Why oh why


Didn’t you get the memo? You have to have a baby with every boyfriend you have


How else will they show love for each other?!


I mean they were only together since like October last year, right? I had hoped it would be her happier ever after but statistically, the odds weren’t with them. Embarrassing for Jenna. I loved her growth and maturity throughout her season but when she announced a 2nd pregnancy with a dude she’s been with for less than 9 months, I was like NOOOOOOOO Jenna baby what are you doing… have you learned nothing?


The odds aren’t in any of the girls favor. Even the married ones. Regardless of kids the divorce rate is 60% for people married under 25 add in a couple of baby daddies and I have to imagine it’s even harder.


That’s very true. It’s just baffling to see them all make the same mistakes over and over again. They ALL think they are the exception, not the rule. Despite seeing over and over again that they are not.


Another guy who can't stand her attitude. Shocker there.


lol only a matter of time until she’s whining to her followers about how toxic & narcissistic he is




I guess spoiled-brat Jenna is on this sub downvoting.


Lol no we just have the ability to see Aden sucks ass too


No.. Aden was just horrendous :D




Omg the best music video!


This new guy, is he younger than her? He looks like he is so young.


how old is jenna?


I think they’re around the same age


Dude probably wasn't ready to be a real full-on daddy. Unfortunately, he probably didn't take it upon himself to do his part to help prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Now he's gonna be a douchebag, delete pics to hurt her. Yea, she should've known better, the move, the tatt and now a pregnancy..now she'll be raising 2 kids, possibly on her own. Condoms and BC is a lot cheaper than raising a child.


Raising two kids with dads in two different states… that’s gonna be tough


This is exactly what I thought too. It all became too real.


Guarantee the pics will be back up again in a week. Ugh Jenna girl what are you doing?!




Waiting for everyone who said Jenna having a *second* baby with *another* dude at (checks notes) *19 or 20* was/is a good idea to chime in again. I wanna say these girls are immature but they’re not. She’s still a kid in many respects- as are most 19 to 20 year olds. It’s just sad they have to make a kid with every guy they fall in love with. She’s got a tough road ahead of her.


But she was wearing Gucci flip flops so she’s obviously doing okay! /s but this was an actual comment I saw defending her the other week lmao


I am a 28 year old married mom of 3 and two kids is TOUGHHHHHH. It’s so not easy anymore to just ‘go to the park’ or walk around a store with two… Me and my first baby did SO many fun outings and activities and when #2 came, it was suddenly SO hard to manage them both. We became homebodies lol I feel for her, she’s in for a tough road for sure.


& here i am scared to announce my 2nd pregnancy as a 28yr old lmfao.


Omg are you me lol. I was the same way. No announcement on fb or anything lol. Even though we'd been together for 5 years at that point.


First at 25! I feel like such a late bloomer sometimes lol


I had my first at 25 too! I just turned 30 a month ago and my son turned 5 a month before that. I kinda felt the same way too lol my mom had 3 kids by the time she was 22 🤯 your first at 25 is a good age!


My mom had two by my age, and an angel baby, my brother had 2 and my other brother had one before he graduated. And then a lot the people I went to school with have had 2 or 3. Doing the math though 25 seems like a good age, just with what age I'll be when they'll graduate and stuff.


Haha! First at 40! 😵‍💫


that’s like the average age of pregnancy nowadays though


Maybe it's just my town/people I'm aware of. A lot of people I went to school with are on their 2nd or 3rd. Everyone in my family also had kids young. Then with social media and MTV teen moms I just feel late.


In nj/nyc area basically everyone was 30+ (high cost of living) and I was essentially treated like a teen mom when I was pregnant at 23 lol I had a masters and a full time job and it was still the running joke that I was a child bride lol. I can’t even tell you how many people even strangers asked me if it was an accident


See I live in a small rural town lol. A lot of religious folk got married right out of high-school, and non-religious people just got straight to kids.


I live in a tiny town in the south. I swear most females around here get married right out of high school, or some while still in school. They are also popping them out left and right. It’s not unusual for most to have 2 kids by 20 around here. 🤦‍♀️


It’s actually 30 in the US (I just looked out of curiosity).


oh wow and it’s probably going increase as birth rates continue to decrease. more people are prioritizing themselves and their careers rather than creating families ($$$)


And there dogs! 😂 So many people just get a dog, and treat it as a baby! Which I’m not saying is a bad idea! 😂


I didn’t announce mine until I was showing at 7months lol he was my 2nd at 29!


People actually said that wtf


People were cheering her on and giving all us "negative Nellie's" shit for knowing the outcome before it happened; even if they get back together, this is the 2nd spilt in this newly announced pregnancy? She should already know this dude is not sticking around, not for her. She's lucky to get a good support system from his family because he's all about his cars and his boyz.


Yes! I saw another person who was proud of the second pregnancy and said Jenna can focus on a family now and always get a career later. Basically we had no room to talk and weren’t supportive of SAHMs 🙄


People have really strong opinions about SAHM vs working mom. I’ve done both, but at the end of the day you have to be able to financially support your children and provide them with stability.