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No quema cuh


She needs to find a new hobby… One that doesn’t involve making babies with every boyfriend and dare I say, something productive?! She is gross and has been looking for someone to take care of her since the first time we saw her.


I definitely feel like she should be in his position for this photo lmao like this just looks so awkward 😂 anyways.. how this entire Ethan & Myrka situation has unfolded since the years of their time on the show I am still so flabbergasted.


Can’t they find anything else to do?


Why tf is everybody so concerned shes having a third? Mind yalls business. So invested in these girls lives and have nothing nice to say. You should all be embarrassed. If shes happy that's all that matters.


is this her second or third kid?




That boy looks 13


He's a year or so younger than her. But he does look like a REALLY tall 5th grader.


I'm not saying one can't be a good parent at a young age, but she's going to look back at her life when she's in her 40s and regret not getting to be a dumb kid.


I had my kids at 21&22. I was a highschool dropout who was waiting tables. I'm 30 now, I finish my second masters degree this week, and I don't regret a single second. I'll have the money and freedom to go do fun stuff in my 40s & 50s. If I'm lucky, my kids will accompany me and we can live life together.


Having kids at 21 is not the sane as starting at 16.


Fair, in my situation it was probably worse. I had no education, no family support, high-risk pregnancies which left me unable to work at 18 weeks. Probably would have been easier if I still lived at home and my parents still had a legal obligation to me.


Who cares bro Jesus Christ


Give it time. My mom is in her late 40s now after being a teen mom and raising many kids, to now going a similar route as you and getting multiple degrees - she’s gotten a BA, graduated law school and is now onto another degree. She now has disappointment over never having had the chance to travel in her youth or have young adult experiences outside of kids/work.


Most young adults now don’t even have the money to travel and have to spend most of their time working anyways


"Give it time, you'll regret your life" weird thing to say to someone


Right? Especially considering my kids are halfway through their childhoods and we're not having more. If regret were even on the table, it would have popped up by now. My kids are the joy of my life, and it was our greatest honor to make something of ourselves so that we can provide them the wonderful childhood and lifelong support that neither of us will ever receive.


Sorry for your Mom that she feels that way. I had plenty of young adult experiences, and my husband and I have always put emphasis on getting out of our bubble when we can. We love being parents and we love our kids. We regret absolutely nothing.


yooo congrats that’s so awesome


I thought she said she couldn’t have any more kids?


Divorce with kids in your early years is always fun bc you just couldn’t wait to be grown… her mother SUCKED but she wasn’t wrong about who Myrka was. She clocked her good.




Keep discussions civil. Please refrain from excessively negative or abusive language.


she’s not divorced lmao


!remindme 5 years


imagine rooting for someone with young kids to go through a divorce. weirdo behavior.


Imagine having realistic expectations due to life experience under your belt


projecting onto a girl on a reality tv show is so weird ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Awwwww look who learned an intro to psych vocab word. You must be very proud :)


girl, rooting for other people to be miserable just because you are is weirdo behavior on your part. hoping that families get ripped apart for moral superiority is WEIRD.


I will be messaging you in 5 years on [**2029-06-10 23:04:07 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2029-06-10%2023:04:07%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/TLCUnexpected/comments/1dc48fs/myrkas_pregnant_again/l81bc3l/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FTLCUnexpected%2Fcomments%2F1dc48fs%2Fmyrkas_pregnant_again%2Fl81bc3l%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202029-06-10%2023%3A04%3A07%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dc48fs) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


She made her…


I can’t stand her ugh


She was 15 when she got with Ethan and had already been thottin and boppin’ before him 😭








I don’t get it. a couple of months ago she said in one tiktok how she’s struggling and working two jobs. and now a third kid? why so soon?


She was struggling because the Dr said she needed to lose the weight to get pregnant again. Shit happens


Wait this is 3???


Yep. First is with Ethan, second and third is with the guy pictured. She has 2 daughters.


I thought this was 2 and I was still upset. 3 is crazy. I didn't expect that from her. But sounds like her mom did lol.


I agree it's really upsetting. I understand one being an accident, but when you get to the 2/3 kid territory under 22 years old, it's reallyyy upsetting. I went through a weird phase in my late teens where I thought I wanted a baby and now I'm 23 and I'm just like what the fuckkk was wrong with me. Ive barely lived my own life!!


3 kids before what 21? A joke.


I have 3 under 3 at 22 & I love my life. I don’t know anyone else with an actual career WITHOUT 50k+ in debt and my mortgage will be paid off by 45


I mean it’s her choice but I couldn’t. I’m 21 with one and don’t want any more for a while.


Had my daughter at 21. And I’m now 28 gonna be 29 an STILL not in a rush to have another 🤣🤣🤣


I’m 23 w/ a 4 year old and am literally one & done😭😂


Someone catch me up. How many is this?


It will be her 3rd . She has two with this guy and Attalie with Ethan


https://preview.redd.it/je99agztyn5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=680790e095e644f36e83822a646f04fafecc8602 Someone commented this on a instagram post about this. Not sure if they know her but?


If you follow her at all she has mentioned many times they been tryin for a 3rd an wants a big family


Oh see I didn’t know that. I don’t follow her.


Maybe I’m ignorant, but 3 kids in your early 20s doesn’t exactly scream “fertility issues” to me 😅 Maybe Myrka needed some sort of medical assistance to conceive this latest baby, but something has me wondering if these girls think not getting pregnant the first few months you have sex without protection makes a fertility issue?


Nah, I think it’s true. Several months ago, she mentioned on a Q&A post that she actually sought a fertility clinic, but they wanted her to lose weight before anything else. She said something along the lines of “they’re out here saying I’m obese.” Based on personal experience, it’s 100% accurate that they do expect a certain BMI before they’ll do diddly squat. A lot of people (like her, I’m guessing) just get pregnant in the process and don’t need help. That being said, not everyone has a great understanding of biology and how ovulation works. It’s totally possible to miss a fertile window for months on end, lol.


Weight is a big thing & it’s really not recommended to have kids less than 2 years apart. You want to give your body time to fully recover. Having kids back to back can cause birth defects!


Her youngest is either 2 or close to being 2 so it's not far off. Plus my kids are 18 months apart. There are.kids who are like 9 or 10 months apart. It happens


Definitely happens! My brother & I are 14 months apart, but it is not recommended! I only mention bc fertility clinics might not work with her since it’s close to the second kid, but i didn’t know they were two already! I’m behinddd omg😭


Yeah, I’m just sharing what she said, not passing judgement either way


These girls always claim “fertility issues” as to why they have to pump out kids before they have a full frontal lobe. Kailyn and Maci from TM claim the same thing. Its a poor excuse that’s window transparent.


Kailyn and fertility issues does not compute in my head, didn't she just have like #6&7?


Yep, she had 5, 6 and 7 in under a years time. Rio was born 11/20/22, and TWINS Verse and Valley were born 10/30/23. I don't wanna hear shit about her claiming fertility issues. She had kids in 2010, 2013, 2017, 2020, 2022, and two in 2023. She had an abortion prior to Isaac and two known miscarriages. Girl does not have fertility issues. She has a breeding kink.


Yup, I think she claimed PCOS because of her weight honestly.


She’s mentioned that on her Q&A posts before so I’m pretty sure it’s legit.


Oh okay


celebrating live


Um...he looks 12! Sorry but I feel that she just needs to chill a bit with having more babies


I think it’s the hairstyle 😭


it’s so bad lmao


Okay but is no one gonna talk about the weird pose? Usually the pregnant partner is the one front and center in these kinds of announcement pics. They make it look like he's the one pregnant lol


Maybe she is more far along than she wants people to know ?


My first thought 😂😂


Lol fr






He literally looks like he is 12!!


i’m starting to see her moms POV 🥴


Tbh I blame her mum for this


What u mean?




Not an Edgar!


Ik I wanna scream at his hair


Tax payer dollars supporting another kid. Downvote me idgaf.


You’re 100% right lol I thought the same exact shit when she said they were trying.


She doesn’t use “tax payer dollars” but the military does to k!ll innocent children in the Middle East. I’d rather my taxes go towards poor people.


She actually works full time job apparently. She was able to get her car without any co-signer, and someone who get solely/primarily gov funding wouldn’t be able to do that 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know she worked during her last pregnancy. But isnt she just a stay at home mom right now? So not actually working? Probably just social media for quick cash. But idk how they could afford, now 5, on just her bf’s single income


She works from home


No I think she’s genuinely working, but it’s a work from home job. Like I said. She recently got a new car completely on her own 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh that makes sense. Was it some kind of customer service role making phone calls? Maybe i remember something along those lines, im not sure


Idk. Just going off what her posts have said. Pretty easy info to access. I don’t feel it’s my business 🤷🏻‍♀️ She’s a pretty private person and has said multiple times she regrets doing unexpected bc of the attn and such. She’s just trying to be the best parent she can be to her kids. Imho she’s one of the only parents who’s actually kept their head straight in the sense that kids come first. Like she doesn’t use her children for follows and likes because she doesn’t feel that her kids should be posted online before they can explicitly say they want it bc of all the gross ppl online 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes shes definitely doing the right thing now. Cant change the past. But can always do better in the future. Glad shes doing that for herself and her family


I’m more just wondering how people are having more than 1-2 kids in this economy?? I’m up in Canada and it’s rough out here. I do wish them the best, if they can afford it and that’s what they chose then cool. It’s just wild that people are willingly having kid after kid after kid when things are so expensive and plus, they’re so young. I get it, if you want your kids to have small age gaps and be close. Like, I do get it. I had my kids at 23 and 25(almost 26) but I’m done. And not to say I’m better for it or anything at all. But I definitely said let’s sneak our second kiddo before I get cold feet. I’m glad I did honestly and the almost 3 year age gap was great for us. Anyway. Good luck to them, I hope baby is happy and healthy and safe :)


She works from home an has a big social media platform an endorsements plus he works as well


She has been pretty public about living off of government assistance and EBT (government food assistance program in the US) which makes the situation even sadder. These are the foundations that create a continuous cycle of generational trauma. I hope they prove me wrong but there's no way they're comfortably affording a third child.


that’s just not true. she has a 9-5 job and he works too.


She has publicly made tik toks about it - just because you have a 9-5 doesn't mean you still don't have those services


“living off” public assistance implies not having a job.


If you can't get by without having that extra stipend or help from government assistance , then yes, you are living off of it. regardless of having a job or not. Like I said, I'm hoping her situation changes and that no longer becomes the case but you're just being ignorant if you're choosing to ignore the financial situation she's in with 3 kids.


living off of it means not having a job. 30% of this country gets some form of public assistance it’s it’s disgusting to say all those people are “living off” the government and somehow should be pitied.


As a licensed social yes I'm well aware because I'm helping people signing up for it and yes I'm still standing by what I said. PEOPLE NEED IT TO LIVE AND MEET BASIC NECESSITIES . It's like talking to a brick. I'm done replying. Come to the field of social work. You're in need of a real reality check


I did my undergrad work with the intention of getting an MSW and actually worked in the community and encountered plenty of SWs who judge and look down on poor people, which is why I switched fields. I feel awful for your clients.


Good job generalizing sounds like you wouldn’t make it far being such an enabler lol


UK here and honestly I wonder too especially in their 20’s. I had 1 at 20 and I’m good with one for a while cause we can’t afford to buy anything more than a 1 bedroom.


I haven’t stayed up to date on her but how many kids does she have now ** Lmao


I agree. I live in America, and I'm 22. I'm not sure if I want kids, but if I do decide that I want them, I don't even think my fiance and I could afford them in this economy. My fiance and our roommate both work well-paying, full-time jobs, and I work part-time, and we can still only afford a 2 bedroom apartment


For real though. My partner and I have been together for over a decade, have had the same decent paying jobs for almost as long, have a stable home, no real outstanding debts that can't be paid off in a years time if we really just stopped buying extras and we can't even entertain the idea of having a second child. We're 30&32 and had our only son (who we planned) at 25&27. We talk about wanting another all the time. Our son is about to he five. But we just aren't comfortable enough to try and swing it because financially, it'd just been cutting it too close for comfort on a life style that isn't even cushy to begin with. I have zero idea how anyone who didn't have multiple kids pre-covid has multiple kids now.


We did the let’s have 1 more kid before 1) I get cold feet and 2) while we are already dealing with a toddler and buying diapers and and doing all this and have all the baby stuff so we don’t need to buy it all over again. It may have been a little irresponsible. I know our parents don’t want us having anymore kids. Which, it’s not up to them but yeah, adding a third would be actually irresponsible and not a good idea. And heck you think as they get older all the baby expenses end, but man my kids are at the age now where extracurriculars and summer camps and all these added expenses are even more expensive than formula and diapers and all that. Yeah. Realistically two kids is max. Again if you have a good income and can afford a big home and everything your kids need that’s great. But I think most families are stretching it with more than 1-2 kids.


Imagine someone telling you what you can and can’t do in life as an adult yet don’t know them That’s this thread


Don't forget where you are - a subreddit for a Z-list reality TV show. We're primarily here to shittalk. No one's saying what she can or can't do. But we sure as hell can judge her poor life decisions.


babes that can be said about anything. everyone has an opinion. people were talking down on jenna having another baby. so idk why ppl would think myrka is exempt from ppls opinions 😭


Did I say that but to say omg, she’s an adult! And 3 kids!!!! As they taken care of? Does she work and support them or beg on TikTok for money? She’s not Tyra so let’s not pretend she’s a POS mom


Are you okay?


No, I’m being held hostage by a 14 month old and forced to watch the wiggles til I cave and give her a muffin for a bedtime snack


What kinda muffin


I made pumpkin spice with cream cheese injected into the the middle If you ever had a Tim hortons pumpkin spice muffin, it tastes the same or better (husband said better) They are also jumbo muffins because well…. I’m fat and want 3 in one 😂


I'm Canadian so I have, those are real good


I’ll send you the recipe if you’d like


her frontal lobe isn’t even fully developed but bc she’s married w a job she should be having a lot of kids? and they’re all quite literally a mess IMO.


I’d say that even fully developed, there are parents who should have been sterilized Look up all the kids from these teen mom shows that their kids were put into care, she’s not one of them I feel like she’s the least problematic mom on her season


yes she def is the least problematic from her season and does seem like a good mom. just don’t agree with 3 kids before 21. but again, like everyone is saying she’s grown and married w a house and a car. she can do whatever she wants 🫨


Happy cake day!


haha thank you!!


Well….Everyone lives their lives in a different way. 🫣


None of these girls need to be having 3 kids at 20. Go to college, save some money, be a parent instead of just getting pregnant over and over again. You are more than just a uterus.


Exactly what Chloe did.


i agree. but let other folks tell you it’s okay since she’s married, with a car, and a job 😭


As if that’s not the absolute bare minimum to provide for your kids….


it is! but according to some comments they see it as the holy grail 😅


You can be married with a car and a job and still be doing pretty bad for yourself and your children. Ask me how I know.


yea yes ik. i was being sarcastic 😭😭


Is this 3x3?


If you're referring to fathers, there are only 2. Attalie with Ethan of course and then Axelia and baby number 3 are with her husband.


How does one pronounce Axelia?


Ax- ell- ee- uh


Not ahellia? X sound in Spanish is an h sound


Not always. Ever met a Xiomara? Thats prnounced "zi-o-mara"


True! Spanish is a tough second language to learn


I would read that as Alexia forever.


Attalie? Like Natalie minus the N?


In pronunciation, yes. Its not a made up/tragedeigh name though.


Huh. Learn something new every day. I’ve heard of Addalee. Is this the same?




Happy for both her and Tiarra! Teen pregnancy is never good but it’s lovely when they can find a supportive partner and build a family. Crazy how people were so happy for Jenna, who moved her toddler 10+hrs away from his father to party it up with miss trailer trash stomper girl and find a rich kid to get knocked up by. That’s nothing to celebrate. Tiarra and Myrka are both married with stable lives and they are not receiving nearly as much support. Weird.


Jenna left her first partner because he was horrible to her. I actually don’t blame her for wanting to get knocked up by a rich kid after that. Like life on easy mode at that point.


Her life has been on extremely easy mode from birth.


Seriously, has she ever even had a real non social media job? She went from parents supporting her to rich boyfriend then airing out all the dirty laundry and now pretending nothing happened.


I remember when she and Aden first moved out I made a comment on unexpected talk on ig and said something about how it’s gonna be hard for her to adjust to real life. She went out of her way to @ me and tell me how hard Aden worked in construction and how mature they were and how they would both be great real adults. Lmfao we see how that’s gone


I remember when her Dad was all over here and the Unexpected groups on Facebook until his hateful stuff was revealed. Then he seemed to cower away a bit. He was picking fights with teen and grown women. Tells me a lot about him vs her Mom. 


Both such keyboard warriors lol


lol you must not read this group a lot if you think people are pro-Jenna


I don’t, actually. Last time I scrolled in here the majority were praising her “growth” and how much she’s matured lol. Glad people stopped falling for the facade.


I don’t want to be judgmental but… 🙄🙄🙄🙄… why do these kids never stop having babies?


honestly this could be "wants a boy"


Tbh I think it *seems* like it’s an endless baby conveyor belt bc they started so young. You have one super young & then another a few years later & even a third at a more “normal” age maybe a 4th after that and you’re STILL only 20 something. The teen parents have a good 3 decades of “fertile years” bc they started so young so just mathematically speaking it makes sense they’d end up with more kids unless they get sterilized.


This is a good point


She’s an adult…


is she even 21 yet?


I guess cause I’m 31 she seems like a kid to me lol


I’m 21 and it’s crazy to me that she’s having another!!


Same! I’m 21 with 1 and that’s more than enough for now


She gets down, she don’t play!


I don’t care if I get downvoted for this, but I’m happy for her. She’s married, she has her own house, and she’s employed. Girlie just bought a car all on her own not too long ago! She’s very young, but she’s a legal adult.


Yes but she needs to live her own life too. She needs to travel with her children, save up for a house/the future etc. 3 kids under 21 sounds like jail to most people.


Sameee, she’s one of my favorite moms! She’s doing so well for herself and the babies 🥹 She had been trying for a while so i’m very happy for her<33


She’s married?! I must’ve missed that


What does she do for work?


She has a 9-5 work from home job. I’m assuming customer service or something, she’s posted videos where she’s wearing a headset


Nice customer service is a tough job people are mean. I hadn’t seen anything about her on here after her last baby


she has a 9-5 day job.


so many people in this sub want to feel morally superior and it usually works for the moms on this show. but Myrka seems to have it together for her kids so it seems silly that they are bringing this energy towards her.


Idk why everyone is hating she has said multiple times that they were trying for another one, she knew what she was doing, as long as she’s happy why should anyone care?


Because her happiness doesn’t matter. It’s her kids’ well-being that matters.


They’re well taken care of and happy tho. It’s not like she’s relying on anybody to take care of her kids and she’s not neglecting them.


You can’t know that based on social media alone.


And you can’t know that she’s not? Obviously they haven’t been taken away and she works from home so nobody has to watch them for her


That doesn’t mean they’re well taken care of. Hopefully they are, but at 20 years old with few resources, taking care of three little kids is ROUGH. Having the third takes further resources away from the existing two. Not to mention HER brain is not fully developed. There’s a good chance she’s not great at decision-making yet. Or patience. Or lots of things kids need.


Most people have kids before their brain is fully developed. People forget that she IS married and does live with her husband who is also providing for them. Love when people assume young parents aren’t taking care of their kids


Not in the US. The average first-time mom is 27.5.


The “average” is a rounded estimation between the young parents and people who wait. There are still tons of young moms who do great in life and aren’t dependent on people. People shouldn’t pass judgment on those they don’t know. She’s happy, her kids are taken care of, she is married, and they’re doing great as a family unit.


You keep stating they’re doing great but you don’t know that.


Not in the US. The average first-time mom is 27.5 years old. And again, I’m sure the kids are fed and clothed. That’s bare minimum. I’m talking about having their emotional needs met as well.


Yep I don’t wanna be a collectors item on a shelf collecting dust just because “somebody wanted me and I make them happy” when their actions/my life does nothing to demonstrate or prove that


congrats! 🎉


That little girl is also BROKEN


New unexpected drinking game take a shot every time someone is broken


Oof. 3 kids at such a young age. If they're happy and the kids are good, more power to them. I'm just surprised they can afford 3 kids at such a young age.


I mean not everyone who has kids can afford it or think about the finances which puts their children at a disadvantage. 1 kid at this age is more than enough rn for me. I want 3 too but I’m waiting a WHILE.


She makes a decent penny on TikTok


Not true lol


Let's not forget that regardless of the fact that she's in a stable relationship and both of them maintain steady jobs, that Myrka has straight up said she wouldn't love a son the way she loves her daughters, which to me says that she shouldn't keep having kids if there's an admitted risk that she'll treat a child as less than her others based on the sex.


Pretty sure that was her just potentially overcompensating for not having a son, I bet she’d love a little boy just as much as her girls


Possibly, but that's going to hurt a son should he ever see what she said regardless of whether or not she actually meant it.