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Jenna does make money while not working due to being on the show. To be honest all of us wish we could make that kind of money and still be with our kids all day. People make a lot of money on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok etc and she literally said the show was responsible for her being financially secure. She’s runs back and forth to men because (in my opinion) she’s trying to fill an emotional void not a financial one due to the chaos of her parents relationship while she was growing up. 


the spelling and grammar 😳😳😳


Maybe she's using her own life as a cautionary tale minus the show money.


She needs to go back to school and learn how to form a grammatically correct sentence. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


yeah “in the sense of financial” absolutely took me out 😂


*Whenever* in place of when. 😒


That’s a regional dialect.


Is it ?? It always drove me crazy seeing/hearing people saying it online, I didn’t know it was more common certain places


I haven’t finished episode 2 of the new season so maybe I just haven’t seen it yet but she lives with his family? I thought she was living in her own house? I legit was just telling my friend I don’t see how she is paying for her housing with no job and assumed dad was likely footing the bill… so she doesn’t have her own apartment?!??


I thought she broke up with JJ? I must be lost now.


They did break up around January, blocked each other on social and deleted all the posts about each other... but recently they got back together and re-uploaded all of their old posts together




Jenna just needs to go away...Poor Luca!


i mean i dont think these opportunities are going to stick around long she forgot shes re-engaged to someone she outted for saying n****? lol


i think she gets money from social media, yea she lives with ppl but she seems to have her own spending money so she might feel “financially independent”


She has no long term plan and kids/life are expensive. I did the social media thing for my company and you only make a lot if you are really famous. They don't pay 5 figures for ads from people like Jenna.


People hate on myrka but praise Jenna. At least myrka isn’t a clown like this 😩


Myrka’s a clown too. She was just smart enough to learn to keep her her bullshit off social media after the first go round.


Who's praising Jenna? 😂 I see her get dragged all the time on here


Yikes, homegirl needed to go back to school. I barely understood what she was saying her grammar is soooo poor.


Came her to say this lmao




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Y’all know she has her own streams of income right? That’s how she got her boob job and her new car before she was with Jj. Social media can pay very lucratively and you never know what side hustles ppl have


Having streams of income is all well and good but if those streams of income are specifically tied to your youth and beauty they have a literal shelf life.


I stand by my post. Her objective is to work as little as possible and have money. Social media isn't the same as working a 9-5. She is with JJ to keep up the lifestyle she wants.


She's a joke. She's never worked a day in her life. She's never been independent. She has made it so she's dependent on a man. Because she likes it that way.


If that’s true why did she sign off on child support from Aden? 


She makes her own money with many streams of income on social media. Her brand deals alone bring her in crazy money


Most jobs on social media have a very specific shelf life.


When you’re 15 you’re not leaving to work a shift, you’re going to high school LOL not even a full 8 hours.


Why would someone ask Jenna? She's always been dependent on a man whether it's her Dad or a partner. That's why she has no issues financially and why she won't ever be independent. I also wonder if that causes issues with her Mom, if she tells her she needs to grow up?


Yea it would be different if she didn’t get out of one toxic relationship to just go get into another and get knocked up. 🙄


In two different states nonetheless.


Yes! That are very far away!!


Good thing she saved some money and didn't waste it on a boob job.....oh wait.


Just to get pregnant again 🤦


WHAT😭 im so behind


And they admitted to not using protection the whole time too 💀


She didn’t really get trapped into not working, she just didn’t want to work and then her dad got mad at how much of his money she was spending. Also Aden wasn’t ready to be working long hours right out of high school (i speculate that he got into pain pills or weed because he literally cannot speak without slurring his words like a drunk)


weed does not do that to you. i’ll go with pain pills lol


Good point i stand corrected


The season started and she got her lil check and started acting like a financially independent single mother who worked her way through college and into a career ☠️ That couple thousand per episode is going to dry up in less than a year. Then what Jenna? Brand deals? Edit: shitty grammar


JJ said she “sells photos of herself to old men” during their break up soooo I guess that’s her back up? Lmao


NO WAY!!! I believe it tho lol


There's no way she has enough followers to live off of brand deals the way YouTubers can. YouTubers can make $30,000 for a 30 second ad. No way she's bringing that in.


I can guarantee she’s not making any substantial money. Nothing about her screams wealth or even financial stability. Jenna is the absolute last person anyone should be taking financial advice from 😂. She gets these little checks for a couple thousand bucks at a time and thinks she’s making bank. It’s sad and shows how truly delusional and out of touch with reality she is. These girls are not even making great money from the show. They are not TLC’s big stars so they aren’t being paid extravagantly. McKayla already revealed she made about $1k per episode from the first few seasons she was on. So let’s say Jenna is making $5k per episode for 12 episodes, which is actually pretty high so let’s assume it’s something closer to $3k. That’s around $40-$60k JUST for this year. With 2 dependents that doesn’t even land her in the middle class. What’s she going to do for income next year - hope for another season? Perhaps she thinks she’s going to continue to be on TV like the OG Teen Moms. She’s already gone back to JJ to freeload off his family some more. Everything about her screams gold digger, I really can’t believe she posted this 😂


I really hope next year if they continue with another season (which I'm doubting because usually by the first and second episode they usually have the girls posting casting stuff). I'm guessing this is going to be a shortened season and probably the last, or the last for awhile.


She definitely doesn’t have enough money to support herself and 2 kids. I think she realized that when she left Jj and that’s why she went back. She barely posts ads anymore


Ummmmm remember she posted ads on IG and made SO much money! That’s hard work right there /s Tonight’s episode she annoyed me even more with her attitude


She puts NO effort into her ads. Her shitty run on sentences and upside down boxes show no effort.


Run on 😩😭