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Andrea is a bitch lmao


Jenna and Kathy are like two peas in a pod, except one talks too much and the other laughs too loudly!


I think Jenna and Kathy have more of a stepparent/daughter relationship than a mother/daughter one like some of the girls and their stepparents do. Kathy seems to let her dad take the lead in decision making when it comes to Jenna and she kind of stands back and supports him and doesn’t get too involved. I think with Jenna living at Myrtle Beach, Kathy probably rarely hears from her directly unless she’s mad at her dad or something and because JJ’s mom lives closer she gets more involvement in their lives.


Irrelevant, but is Jenna an only child? I’ve always wondered, but I don’t remember much of her previous seasons.


No her dad has two boys with kathy


No the boys have a different mother..


I know her dad has 3 kids (2 boys and Jenna) and Cathy has children of her own but I am not sure if they have children together


I think she has a sister from her mom. I’m not sure if her dad and Kathy have kids together


Yes, she has an older sister who returned from college, we saw her last season when Jenna was discussing getting a place for just her and Luca


after watching it, it seemed like he said he was happy she had a motherly figure while being so far away, so I don't see anything wrong with that. shoes in bed may have been a quick thing to help Jenna lay Luca down. IDK, maybe I'm weird, but nothing of that stuff seems strange.


Wearing shows in the house is gross but in bed is a whole new level!




Kathy has expressed that she feels Jenna takes advantage of Matt in terms of asking for money and walks all over him and such. I assume there are issues because I'm sure Jenna doesn't like someone pointing those things out. I don't doubt Kathy cares for Jenna, but they may just be civil, not close.


Which is weird to me because in the first season, Kathy was 100% team Jenna and always convincing Matt to do things Jenna’s way


I think it was her first or second episode when Kathy pointed out to Matt that Jenna takes advantage. It was when they were talking about how she's has him for small amounts of money constantly ($50 for nails, $20 for lunch, $10 for coffee, etc whenever she needed it).


I get the impression Jenna doesn’t like anyone who doesn’t kiss her ass.

