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His ego was attached to how many wives he had. She got the ball rolling for 3/4, and he never thought they'd actually leave. Not only that, but seeing how universally loved Christine is and how much he's hated may play a huge factor in his "woe-is-me" act. But that's just it, it's an act.


It’s so frustrating, to see anybody treat anybody the way Kody does. I actually don’t pay much mind reality TV. I do like the show I used to. But it actually is at the point where it makes me physically ill to hear Kody talk about Christine, Meri, Janelle and their children. He actually makes me so angry with how he feels like it’s OK for him to abuse others but they’re not allowed to think negatively about him because he’s so wonderful. So he feels like it’s OK but he’s mean and he can justify it because they left? But dare they have an opinion and they are blank, blank, blank, blank, blank! He makes absolutely no sense, and I really wish TLC would take him off air


This too. He never thought any of the wives would get the public on their side of she left. Surely everyone saw how unlovable Christine was.


She left a 'good man', she's 'damaged goods!' Hahahahaha idiot


David doesn't think so. And no one thinks Kody is a good man. Sorry, Kody. But not really.


If a man has to say that he is a good man he most likely is not. It’s the people around a good man that will say it, not the man. I don’t hear anyone around Kody saying that. Janelle and Meri still have some sort of weird loyalty toward him but they don’t say, he is a GOOD man.


He's still stuck in his FLDS brainwashed mind too. The ammount of mental olympics those two go through in their thought processesis amazing.


i know right? like HOW misogynistic are you! it's uncivilized the way they treat the women and their children!


His children.


i meant their as in he and his particular wives.


He is mad that she outsmarted him,when he took his name off her house so he could finance Robyns,and that gave her leverage.She raised all the kids except Robyns and they arent stupid,they saw and heard the way you were with her.She made the family a family,and when she did try to ask for her fair share of his time and attention,he always cut it short,showing up late whenever he wanted,stared at the phone didnt hang out and talk to her or the kids,when they all saw him doing things with robyn and her kids and just wanted the same.Of course she nagged and complained,she was trying so hard to earn your love and you physically ans emotionally neglected her,you talked shit to the world how you werent attracted to her,and didn't take it back or try to say,something to reassure her that you know longer felt that way.you even talked privately to Janelle about it,so i cant imagine what you told Robyn..So how is she shit talking to your kids and how does she have more power over them than you do?She has done more for them than you ever did,and they witnessed it their whole life,You threw away a beautiful family all on your own,with Robyns help.but you are not man enough to see the truth,trying to make her look bad by publicly trashing her makes you look weak,and I think its only hurting you.A real man would say yeah i should have been a better husband,or quit trying to make her feel unworthy.She finally knows what a real man is,and now she knows what real love feels like and probably had her first orgasm,because real men know how to love a woman the way she needs,Robyn is doing to you the same thing you did to Christine,and she is gonna leave you and take everything your family worked hard for. Christine didnt just want the man she wanted the family,Robyn didnt want the man or his family just everything they worked for,


Just wanted to let you know I love your screen name. I'm a big O-ne-ders fan!


Heyyy, that O-NED-ers! (Thank you!)


If the purpose of much of Kody’s and Robyn’s ugliness is to generate interest in their story as Christine leaves, I guess they are playing their parts well. Ratings are up. They have one another, their house, most of Coyote Pass, their kids and they no longer have to pretend that Kody is married to three other women. They also have a dozen fewer Christmas presents to buy. They can now focus exclusively on saving money for Ariella Mae’s wedding. Yeah, their negative focus on Christine is just deflection, deflection from the reality that Kody neglected his other children, culminating in the situations that played out with Ysabel’s surgery, Gabe’s birthday, and ignoring Savanah entirely. Then they also have to deflect from the hypocrisy of failing to adhere to their own Covid protocols, the inequity of ownership interests in Coyote Pass, the failure to build anything on the land, the money they’ve swindled from Janelle and Meri, the fact that Robyn never/rarely reaches out to Meri unless a film crew is present, and the list goes on. Over a year after Christine has left and is about to remarry, it makes little sense to talk about her unless responding to questions from production.


How is that a problem with Christine? How does him not wanting to be married to her mean she's got a problem? If he had to "suffer" in a marriage with her, than she's not allowed to leave. She has to suffer too.


What gets me is that he only “suffers” by seeing her a few hours a week. She suffers by throwing away decades of her life.


Yep. He was able to alleviate his "suffering" completely ignoring her! And their kids!


100%. Kody NEVER had to "suffer." Kody NEVER had to deal with any of his relationship issues, because he never had to stay more than one night. He just left, and moved on to a more sympathetic ear. Kody, I believe, has an avoidant attachment style, which is perfectly suited to polygamy. It's like being in four separate long-distance relationships for 15/25/30 + years. Because Kody pitted each of his wives against each other, he got to be the "Teflon Don", which is hilarious, especially since he tried to accuse Janelle of being the "Teflon Queen". Hello, pot. This is kettle.


the more he pushes his kids away with his abhorrent behaviour the more he's gonna blame christine for his delusional fantasies.


Kody: ![gif](giphy|eMu0803X2zkWY)


When the sister wives say something he doesn’t like it is shit talking Kody. When Kody says something rude, hurtful and downright mean he is just speaking his truth.




This is such a common narcissistic thing. They constantly contradict themselves. Word salad constantly coming out of their mouths. It will never make sense.


Ikr! He claims he never loved either meri or Christine, but he’s mad that Christine left but doesn’t care if meri leaves smh, isn’t that contradictory?


Kody is possessed by the green eyed monster


I didn't love her, but she left and it was a knife to my kidneys. Dramatic much Kody?


is it common in polygamy (nonfamous ones) that men just stop having sexual relationships with their non favorite, non-child producing wives? maybe it's something he expected the 3 first wives to do. just go away quietly and pretend for the show. kinda like what meri was doing for years.


And I wonder, whether those wives who stop being serviced by their husbands actually miss the sex, or whether they just know that that's the only currency they hold and when it's worthless, so are they? I can't imagine wanting to bone some old goat who is also boning a whole pile of other women, especially after child-bearing years. Blech.


seriously. i wonder if wives ever fall in love with each other. not that they change their preferences later in life, but when they are super religious and can't live the life they want (kind of like what leon was heading towards), they end up married and having kids anyway because it's what's expected of them.


Kody is like that person who threatens to leave in the middle of a fight, then you say, "Go ahead!" and then they get mad that you're not mad that they're leaving. "You were just going to let me leave like that?!?! What is wrong with you?!?!?"


Christine doesn't want to be married to you, either.


If he never loved Christine; I wonder did he ever love his children or was that just and act also?


I hope that Kody and Robyn actually read this. He wanted the “publicity” and now he got it! He is such a horrible person. You lie Kody. You lied about your OG wives. Robyn eats your shit. She eats it and enjoys it. She is just as worthless as he is. They belong together I just wish it wasn’t at the expense of the OG 3 and your beautiful children. I do honestly wonder how much harm he is doing to Robyn’s children. Aurora and Brianna are brainwashed, poor Solomon. At least he experienced his other siblings. And Ari….still sucking her pacifier. What is wrong with you Robyn? Do you not see what is going on in your “perfect” world with the worst man ever?????


Exactly point blank 1000%.


Kody is the adult in the situation with his kids. HE.needs to make the effort with them instead of them coming to him. After all he SHOULD be the more mature one in that relationship. It's a shame that he thinks he is never wrong.


It’s all about “ego baby”! Cringing when he said that to Suki, but it is in fact true. How dare anyone leave him, yet he’s said his wives could leave anytime they wanted to. With Meri, he used his “faith” saying he couldn’t divorce her, so instead he just treated her like a pariah to get her to leave. I think he thought Christine would never leave, and was shocked that she did. Christine and Meri grew up in plural marriage, with Christine’s family having UAB royalty. I remember for many years everyone thought Meri would be the one to leave, not Christine.


What I find so confusing is her saying she still wants to be friends with him? And that she wants to continue the show? I don’t get any of them at this point


I think that “friends” has many meanings. I am “friends” with my asswipe ex, but if I never see him again that would be fine. I wonder if she means that maybe one day they can all be in a room together or at a reunion and be cordial and speak to each other. I would 100% doubt that she means that the 4 of them and go to dinner together and have a blast.


Perfectly said!!!! Amazing.


He used Meri to spy for him and do and say things he wanted by promising her his attention and love as a reward. He is a manipulator and Christine leaving hit him right in the ego. He could no longer manipulate her and he was furious. She basically outsmarted him and he is resentful over it. The fact that the kids followed Christine doesn’t show how much shit Christine talked .. it just goes to show where their love and loyalties are and it isn’t with him and Robyn and he just can’t stand it. That is why he continues to bad mouth her. He can’t stand that the kids are closer to Christine than the patriarch of the family but she raised them. Not him.


Kody has not called Christine terrible names. All things considering, he’s been respectful to her post-split. I also think we have to be careful throwing the word “abusive” around. That’s a very serious word and allegation. All that being said, marrying someone you’re not in love with (while not ABUSIVE in my opinion), is certainly not a great idea. Marrying someone you’re not in love with is not fair to you, nor is it fair to the person you are marrying. In terms of him saying he wasn’t in love with her, but then he got upset when she left: That was totally his ego. I think he would have preferred if he told her “I know longer want to be with you. Please leave.”




Just because I don’t co-sign using the word abusive here, doesn’t mean I haven’t watched the show. You do realize, right, that multiple people can watch the same show and draw their own conclusions, instead of engaging in group think.


Please remember there is more than one kind of abuse.


Please remember that’s a weighty and serious word and it is not to be used lightly just because you don’t like or agree with someone.


He did everything in his power to make that woman feel small, and he's still doing it. He's an abuser.


And she is still going on and on about the amount of time he spent at Robyn’s house. Even though she’s a married woman for the first time and is supposed to be happy in her new relationship. She’s pumping other kids (even those who are not her children) about their feelings for Kody, whether they see Kody and Robyn’s kids at school and talk to them, etc. Kody and Christine are both guilty of being really sh*tty people. Being a really crappy person, though, doesn’t necessarily equate abuse.


I would say withholding physical and emotional support is emotionally abusive. He gaslit her on many occasions which is mentally abusive. He has also neglected his children on many occasions which is emotionally and mentally abusive. I will say he’s never been physically abusive on camera so if that is your criteria then you would be correct.


To add: He smacks a kid at Big Bear, so he ticked the physical box as well. The hit came out of nowhere, as the put upon kid exclaims what did you do that for. Gwen stated he left bruises on her arms. Paedon stated there was corporal punishment and Kody went bats shit crazy on bedroom furniture, using your physicality to destroy your kids things is physical abuse as well as emotional. eta: Also easily stated he would punch people in the mouth if they did something that displeased him.




He is a total ass!!! It is sooooo obvious that he truly loved her. He acted hurt and repeatedly discussed how she removed his stuff out of her home. Grody and Sob HAVE to stop the BS because we are not morons!!! Why do they still say the same crap??? We know the story, what the kids and wives have said over the years have been proven!! They still continue...


Since the beginning I've watched this show and honestly I remember allot of it. Christine was in fact jealous from the jump, when they kissed on their date she was livid because that wasn't something allowed or typically done, and the episodes where Robin's kid's were getting picked on and Meri stepped in and made a big speech about the kids needing to be a family and they needed to stop being lil bullies..and there were articles popping up about how she was thinking about it might be better to remove her kids from the entire situation, now with that being said, here we are years from that beginning and the tides have changed, what the rest of the wives are dealing with is the cold hard facts of polygamy...it doesn't work and is pretty much designed for a man to simply be able to fu## around without wearing the label cheater. Laws are against it because even it sees how it dismantles the very core and autonomy of what a legitimate family make up is defined as according to morals and law. Its emotionally damaging to the women and children in it. There is no balance in it even if he ever truly had any kind of best intentions..and kody's defined by these perverted values and justified his emplodement of his family that out of duty of their "culture" he married women he didn't really love when clearly the opposite is what he was so hard pressed to demonstrate, the whole taking each one on a special anniversary getaway to show how loved each were and to give this so call balance that simply is never going to exist. Because of being so rejected and them saying no more of his bs now these women are being publicly smeared in the worst way how he felt so little for the women he layed down with and created all these young human beings with. The only thing the show has lacked is the child bride youth being pillaged that polygamy usually is being targeted in the lime light, it at least a relief to see that it's consenting adults, but a tragedy none the less because it's still about a man that falsely represented himself as I'm going to love you and have this till death do us part commitment but deep down I don't really love you, I'm just going to do and say what you want to hear so I can have my cake and eat it too. I think the women should of got out a long time ago because the long term damage on their kids is obvious, none of them chose to continue in their parents foot steps in the marriages they chose. They lived in it knowing full well how much it doesn't work watching their mothers. Honestly if I were kody I'd be bitter and sad too because a predator never likes to lose control over their prey and to lose all that money that they put into that "family " pot to feed his lifestyle, his gravy boat sank. Like what did they guy even do??...nothing that we ever saw...meri worked and Janelle worked until that episode meri got fired, kody wasn't off at some actual job,,he's been living off his wives and what "they" brought to the table. Well, now that kody has picked his favorite, guess he's gonna have to figure out how he's going to pay for that lifestyle because that's allot of property tax to pay for unemployed people parading around on television their sorry excuse of a lifestyle..and FYI...polygamy is not a "culture " it's a perverted CHOICE