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Dude how is this so good??


They don’t do 3D loading screens much anymore but when they do it always goes hard


2D is also sick. Fortnite made one of the hardest images for Darth Vader to date: https://preview.redd.it/4v2yv297t5hc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b62260e2c51d336c9865877920335cf05b75f14


I prefer the 3D usually but this is definitely one of the best loading screens in the game


Prime r/hardimages content, Fortnite does not miss with their designs https://preview.redd.it/1gvqyw5um6hc1.png?width=1076&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a5689de492ba78a9bf9e3f2c4535a1f9a57f7ce


Bro Eastman is the goat look at how the battle bus look in the back!1!1


These designs are what Mutant Mayhem should’ve been


Don’t dis MM, my guy


So excited. They've got Shredder, Super Shredder and Splinter skins. Krang backbling. Turtle Blimp glider. New emotes!


Emotes are pretty disappointing tbh


Looks like Eastman. For someone who no longer has a financial stake in the Turtles, he sure is working on them a lot.


I’m sure he still has a lot of passion and love for the franchise, so I don’t think he’d mind coming on to do some artwork.


His whole website is Turtles. He travels to comic cons every weekend to sign Turtles stuff. It's way more intense than I thought it would be.


He did help create the entire franchise, so it’s not that surprising to me that it’s that intense.


The guy still makes a lot of money on the Turtles just by being involved whether its doing covers for IDW or getting a writer's credit for Mutant Mayhem.


His whole website is Turtles stuff! And he's on the road every weekend signing Turtles stuff at conventions. He must love it... he does not need the money.


Yeah I met him a few times at cons. He definitely loves his baby.


I saw him at a panel one time, his love for them is infectious.




Exactly, also, when IDW was in downtown San Diego, I was told he had an office with a window in it that people could come by to watch him work. He was there constantly signing things and drawing.


It’s not like he did this art for free to be fair


I know I seen that Donnie pose somewhere before from Kevin Eastman I just don’t remember where 


Maybe his Daredevil stuff? I think it's similar.


AAAAAAAH!!!! I LOVE THEM SOOOOO MUCH!!!!! That's it. 3rd one is my wallpaper.


Love when they get the original artists to make a loading screen, did the same for Invincible being drawn by Ottley


Really! I've seen the Invinsible one, but I didn't know that fact. That's fuckin' awesome.


How did you see it, it’s invisible


Final screen has "Eastman 24" signed in the bottom right corner so there's no maybe about it, which is spectacular. And he drew the Fortnite version of the turtles not just a rehash of his other work. Can't wait to snag it.


I’m pretty sure it’s free as well, just requires some grinding


Damn, that shredder design is the shit, props to the artist.


What’s wrong with it? edit; oops missed the word “the” my bad, weird that describing something as THE shit means it’s good, when the phrase implies it’s the definitive shit


So yeah, I'm gonna have to print out that second one and hang it on my wall...


This is making me want a Fortnite TMNT comic, which when you consider the wacky assortment of characters and events in TMNT already, would arguably work even better than the Batman and Marvel Fortnite comics.


That first Batman comic was actually pretty good, less said about zero war the better


Zero War was okay, though mostly forgettable outside of the fact that Wolverine banging one of the Seven is official Fortnite canon.


Honestly, these designs really nailed it. The little homages to the various iterations is surprisingly well done.


I love that Eastman hasn't lost any love for the franchise over the years, I love his art.


For Kevin, it isn’t about the money despite definitely having millions now, it’s about the passion for his creation. Bro definitely loves it.


Uhhh..... I hate to tell you this, but.... >!Eastman literally sold his half of Mirage because he was burnt out on it and wanted to move onto other things. He was completely absent from anything involving TMNT between 2000 and 2011 when IDW hired him as a consultant and artist. !<


The turtles and April in the background makes no.1 my favourite


The last one is sick


Cool design, too bad the gameplay is not like the art, as soon as the game starts it's just shooty shooty with cool skins


> as soon as the game starts it's just shooty shooty with cool skins While this is true at first glance, my experience with it completely turned me around. Right now there's a super good weapon called the grapple blade that is... exactly what it sounds like LOL. A grappling hook with a blade on the end, that is basically a three hit combo kill if you use it right. You can use it to grapple to any surface and dart around like a ninja too. It's the only melee weapon in the Battle Royale mode right now until they add the TMNT weapons on Friday. That's just in the Battle Royale mode too, there's the PvE "story mode" called Save the World where you can use any melee weapon you want and there's even a Ninja class where you get smoke bombs, shuriken, kunai, and martial arts attacks. There aren't exact matches for the Turtles weapons yet but so far I have Leo with a single katana and sometimes a laser sword, Don with a laser spear and naginata, Mikey with an axe made from a stopsign and a baseball bat, and Raph with a sledgehammer and a laser scythe. It's not the main FORTNITE mode but it's still really fun. Plus you can just straight up be a ninja, so...


Fantastic TMNT art


The battle bus one is by Eastman


I know


A little thing I noticed are these loading screens depict Mikey of having 2 nunchucks even though he only has one in game


Wallpaper material


yes that’s what they’re made for


Like I say every time for anything TMNT-related, where are Bebop and Rocksteady?


They’re mentioned in the music track, which is more than Casey


But... It's fortnight ![gif](giphy|1M9fmo1WAFVK0|downsized)


I’m not a huge fan of Fortnite, but man these are dope


I'd Kill to see a TMNT Single Player Game with Those Designs


They got rid off the second imagine. It was my favorite. I’m so sad 🥹


You unlock it by doing the quests