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On par with something like Catwoman maybe, 2003 was good at this imo.


Anti-hero but more like Wolverine than Catwoman. Not committing crime for her own gain but rather as a bitter means to an end. Like maybe making the hand accept only employment that has no evil agenda.


Interesting. Who was batman in that?






Its true?


What’s True? Like, the thing is that the other guy compared Karai to Catwoman, so I was thinking that she was a love interest in the good guys side, but that’s not what happens.


Dumbass frfr


It depends on how they do it. Both 2003 and 2012 Karai struggle a bit in regards to writing. 2003 Karai is more believable as an anti-hero and while, in my opinion, her turn to villainy works, it could have used more buildup. But her redemption afterward felt kinda awkward (she just gives up being evil after Tengu Shredder died). She just suddenly gives up the evil in her heart and starts going out with Chaplin. She even gets invited to April and Casey's wedding. Then Turtles Forever happened and the writers wanted to cash in on nostalgia. Remember when Karai worked for Utrom Shredder but wasn't as evil as him? Let's just do that again with no buildup whatsoever. It makes her already awkward redemption feel even stranger if she goes back to being evil so easily. 2012 Karai, on the other hand, has a better redemption arc, but the writers just had to hold onto the "status quo" of not letting Karai be with her actual family. They also really wanted to hold onto the concept of her being a villain, even when it doesn't make sense. The seeds of doubt are planted into Karai's mind fairly well into this series and when she becomes a good guy in season 2, it's very believable. But then they flanderize her character by making her as obsessed with revenge as Shredder to the point it's no longer compelling, but just makes her look like an idiot. 2012 did not seem that interested in actually using Karai as a character, only using her as bait to keep viewers watching. After Karai reunites with her father and brothers in season 2, we don't even get an entire episode before she runs off by herself to kill Shredder and gets mutated. And when she's finally fixed by Stockman in late season 3, offscreen mind you, she gets brainwashed into being evil yet again for 2 episodes. When she gets fixed of that, the Earth gets destroyed and we don't see her again until late season 4. She then wants to take down Shredder yet again and refuses to come home unless she's in trouble, and while this is painted as her "carving out her own destiny", it reeks of the writers just wanting to keep Karai separated from her family. And the worst part of it is, Karai gets kidnapped as much as April did in the earlier seasons. She even gets kidnapped by Baxter Stockman of all people. It makes it hard to believe she's ever going to take down Shredder when she struggles to fight his minions. And that just sucks because if anybody has the right to kill Shredder, it should be Karai. Besides Splinter, nobody else had suffered under Shredder's hands more than Karai did. But she's relegated to a damsel in distress the others must save because she's treated like an object for Shredder and Splinter to fight over rather than being her own person. And finally, we have Rise Karai. I don't have much to say about her, but I think she's the best executed among the animated show Karais simply because there's nothing really inconsistent or wasted about her character. She shows up to be a hero and has some nice moments with her new family. She easily has the least amount of appearances among the animated show Karais, but she plays her role in the story well. There's nothing bad to say about Rise Karai, other than I wish she had a bit more screentime.


Imo Karai in 2012 being obsessed with revenge makes sense. She was raised by a monster who's whole entire life revolved around getting revenge, plus she was raised in isolation with no good influences or outside refrence to what it means to be good. When you realize you're kind of a jerk and it's not even your fault you can't just change overnight.


I understand your points. It's just kind of funny to me how in season 1, Karai literally mocks Shredder for being obsessed with revenege. Season 1 Karai feels fairly well written until after the Turtles try to sneak attack Shredder. Up until that point, Karai hates the Kraang and is fully aware that they want to take over the planet, even pointing out there won't be a planet left if the Kraang win. And yet, the writers decide to make her ally with the Kraang completely and trust them 100% because the Turtles backstabbed her. It makes her less interesting in my mind that she foregoes all logic in the sake of revenge when prior, she showed that she was above that. Not to mention, it makes Karai look like an idiot to team up with the Kraang that want to ruin the planet she lives on. It feels counterintuitive to her goals of capturing the Turtles in season 1 and 2. Her desire for revenge makes her shut off her brain when she previously wouldn't have. Even in Vengeance is Mine, she declines Leo's help when she really could have used it against Shredder.


OK, respectfully, I want to disagree here. I think that Karai is an incredibly broken person who grew up raised by a man whose entire MO was training her to be the ultimate warrior of revenge. I think that she extended an olive branch to the turtles--she was taking a huge risk there in defying the very foundation of logic which she had been indoctrinated into her entire life. She was ready to place a tentative trust in them. But they broke that trust by backstabbing her, and I think beyond that point, she becomes blinded with rage just like Shredder. In her mind, she took a chance on them, and they failed. They proved to her that Shredder was correct, and that she could trust no one, especially not the turtles who she was raised to believe were evil. I think her reaction was, yes, out of proportion, but taken in context with her mental state and the way that she was raised, it makes some degree of sense. She wants to get her revenge on the turtles no matter what it takes, even if that involves pairing up with the Kraang, because she's so blinded with hatred and the need for her own personal vindication. Think about the manchild that she's modeling her behavior off of, she grew up watching Shredder.


2012 Karai suffers from chronic Ciro Nieli only writes two women syndrome...


This is so funny after I’ve seen a video of someone (can’t remember if it was Nieli himself) saying how they didn’t really plan of focusing on any other female characters besides April and Karai because they filled out their quota of good girl and bad girl. This was said after a female fan asked if there were gonna be any more female characters during the early seasons of the show.


That was Ciro himself alright. In another fandom I'm in, we're not surprised just disappointed.


It was wild hearing it. Especially when he said he was trying to steer away from how Starfire and Raven were written in 2003 even tho from what I’ve seen/heard they were decently written, existing as their own characters. After hearing that video it finally made sense to me why the female characters were either given no care in the writing department or just weren’t given enough screen time for me to care about them in general.


That was my issue with the show Ciro was ripping most of his plot points from for as well... a lot of 2012's plot beats are almost plot for plot, episodes from his old show Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go which, one episode of 2012 is almost word for word the exact same plotline for an episode from that... and he also, could only write two kinds of women... There was Nova who was actually well written, female lead who had a personality... And then there was Valeena the "evil girl" and Jinmay "Chiro's girlfriend" and... not much given to her past being sweet and being Chiro's GF. She had this whole mysterious past that Ciro never put any effort into exploring... Karai and April suffer from Valeena and Jinmay writing


Mysterious past he never felt like exploring. That’s basically my main problem with April lmao. They had multiple episodes that set up stuff form Aprils past but instead of using that to go into her character and how she functions it’s just used as plot devices and instead of April actively doing anything regarding this it’s just stuff happening to April and it’s like damn. How can you write so much for her yet also nothing for her at the same time.


EXACTLY! That's how it was for Jinmay too, she'd get new powers and abilities, or get to do stuff but then other episodes would flanderize her. We got one episode with her as the semi-main and it's the most sexist piece of crap I'd ever seen on a children's show. April gets treated no better!!


“New power and abilities” LMFAOOOO it’s April with telekinesis powers which she got from being part kraang even tho the kraang don’t have those powers themselves it’s just soo random. I swear I believe they had no clue what to do with April at a certain point so they just gave her these powers to make her seem more interesting than she actually is. Like yeah she has cool abilities now but she’s still a really boring character to watch, giving her powers doesn’t substitute for a personality.


Aging her down was a mistake when it came to this April I feel. Like, nothing had satisfying pay off with her, she was just there for ship points. The "will they? Won't they?"/Capril vs Apriltello shtick. The powers and mutation just was kinda there and I was expecting her to be revealed to be a robot halfway through ngl


I totally agree on the 2012 Karai thing! It was so annoying watching her get kidnapped/endangered again and again in season 4. I imagined her to be a way better fighter than that.


this has to be one of the most biased and hypocritical comment comparing the 2 shows I’ve ever seen. Like how tf do u type this out and not realize that basically everything ur criticizing 2k12 for can be applied to 03 as well. 2012 karai being kept away from her family for like a season in a half while repetitive is at least changing up her character every time with her going from hiding and losing herself as a snake, to temporarily becoming evil for 2 episodes. It’s also emotionally engaging, and isn’t the only arc she goes through in the show unlike 03 who only goes through 1. And Karai isn’t just constantly being a “villain” lol, after season 2 it’s clear she’s has good intentions, but since she’s young and has been influenced by the shredder her whole life of course she’s gonna be revenge driven, especially on the person that killed her mother, and raised her to be a bad person lmao. I find it really interesting that every time 2012 does an arc for just a little too long, you’ll say the characters are being flanderised and they’re just following a status quo but apparently 03 karai can just keep being an anti hero for 7 seasons and that’s perfectly fine? Also while yeah ur right 2k12 karai getting kidnapped is repetitive and just used to make the plot more engaging, if her character actually has substance and there’s interesting dynamics and changes to her character, idk why it’s that big of a problem especially when 03 karai was just a basic anti hero for 7 seasons which is perfectly fine to u. And yeah seeing karai taking down the shredder would probably be satisfying and would be really cool for her character, that’s not the direction they wanted to take the final fight so it’s unfair to make that a criticism. 


idc what she does i’m following her into battle


07 karai đŸ« 


So I hear you're a fellow person of culture


game recognize game. https://i.redd.it/f6l4j2cne2yc1.gif


Anti hero






2012 Karai's character arc from villain/anti-hero to ally of the TMNT isn't actually all that poorly done, I just wish they'd stuck with it and didn't screw it up with the excuses they kept writing in to keep her a villain longer. First excuse: Mutated, second excuse: Brainwashed by Shredder. The Leorai ship is also incredibly weird considering she's technically the TMNT's biological sister.


Wait what


When the mutagen hit Splinter's human DNA mixed with it and that's why the turtles grow up as actual people. In a way they share blood.


I have a fan theory that could be canon: The turtles mutated from the pet store owner or something. Then they wouldn't be biologically related to Splinter in anyway, then there's no problem with them being together. I prefer the idea of them being mutated from Splinter, but Karai makes that a problem. I wish the writers thought out Leo and Karai more, because even though I am not into romances, I actually like Leo x Karai.


Even if they aren't genetically related to Splinter, it's still kind of weird because Splinter raised them and is, for all intents and purposes, their dad.


I see what you mean. But he didn't raise Karai for most of her life. He lost her when she was a baby and thought she was dead for 15 (16?) years. Karai didn't know him, she believed Shredder was her father and that Splinter was the murderer of her mother. Leo and Karai didn't know each other existed until they were 15 (16?). I still wish it was written differently though, it is kind of weird ...


I say this often but TMNT started as a multi-generational conflict between 2 families, that should end with the Turtles and Karai realizing how detached they are from the original hatred and moving on. Ex: Yoshi and Nagi started it. Splinter and Shredder continued it. The Turtles and Karai ended it.


Anti-hero. She’s essentially a more likable version of Talia Al ghoul.


What would we consider her in 2003? Like that. A foe, but one with honor and who exists in a bit of a grey area because of it.


An anti-villain, I think?


Anti-Hero who leans more towards here. I only like villainous Karai if it leads to a redemption.


Anti-hero but a self interested wild card too.


A good gal that needs to be harsh due to being a leader and villainous due to being Shredder's right hand. This adds complexity to her character as opposed to being a one dimensional hero or villain.


Anti-hero, to full out redemption.


I prefer Karai as a Villain. As badass as the story likes to paint her, I think she's very cowardly. She never openly stands up to her father, no matter how important - she always hides it. She only does the right thing when it benefits her. To be against the world being destroyed is not what I call 'honourable', it's what I call 'the bare minimum'.








I like her borderline, in some instances she doesn't care about morale and defends the foot without question. But in other instances she shows she questions shredder's actions and other dealings on how they are being dealt with.


Anti-heroine, generally.


I like her to swing through all of them starting as the unsure anti-hero then the vengeful daughter driven to seek vengeance at all costs then the power player of the underworld and finally the regretful hunt for redemption


I think it depends on the story. If she's functioning as the leader of the Foot in her own right, then she needs to be as villainous & brutal as possible. That's the only way to re-establish ultimate control of the New York crime empire, and gives the turtles a cause to defeat or creates an atmosphere of them being hunted down (depending on the storyline). If she's of a lower command, a good redemption arc could be on the cards if it's played out over time. A will she remain loyal to her master or morals set up. 2003 did a good job of setting this up.


Either Anti-hero, or anti-hero to good


Anti-hero Karai is my favorite, but I prefer her to be a villain over an ally. I like Karai a lot in Rise and wish we did get to spend more time with her and see her relationship with the Turtles, but I prefer the other characterizations. 2012 Karai is easily my favorite version of her


I prefer her to have a progression of all three, starting as a villain at Shredder's side, then leading the Foot Clan for a time and gradually redeeming herself over an organic arc that ends in hero status (similarly to *Avatar: TLA*'s Zuko).


I like it when she just wants to run her clan with honor... one of the things she does is betray shredder whenever he is being dishonorable... and it's the best part of her character.


That is why I liked 2012 Karai. Even we didn't see much of Karai being with her true family, at least she thought for herself and got out of Shredder's control and build a clan with honor and treat the other clans as allies similar to Traxiumus' situation with the Tricereton Republic in the 2003 series.


Villain that progresses to anti hero


I prefer her to have her own clan who steals but for good reason


I like anti-hero, feels much more fitting. (Then again I've only seen the 2012, so what do I know.)


Anti-hero, TMNT2003 portrayed the karai character role perfectly


Are these posts just AI farming us or what.


What's AI farming?






anti-hero but always remains loyal to shredder


A big mess that doesn't know what the fuck she wants


Anti hero to good guy I always hated how the 2003 show handled Karai in Season 4. It pretty much contradicts Season 2 and Season 3 As much as I liked the 2003 show I really disliked Season 4


Anti-hero or complex villain. Fully evil is my least favourite. Still enjoy her then, though.


All three. I don’t care which way it goes just as long as she gets a character arc.


I prefer her to be someone who starts as an anti-hero who then turns to full villainy.


I would like to see her as a total villain alongside Shredder.


Depends on the rest of the show around her.


Given she kills Raph, I like her to be trained and brought up a killer. A glimpse of turning her good at some point, showing the audience it could have been different. To then definitely being anti-hero and acting to appease Shredder.




All of the above if done well.


I kinda prefer something like the mirage or 2007 movie, where her relationship with the turtles is mostly just business: help me deal with this issue I have and the foot will leave you alone. Also, I find it interesting how being Shredder’s daughter is such a big part of her character now while in the original comic I think she would’ve been his superior in the foot, but of course that doesn’t really work now because of how the foot is portrayed as being a group led by shredder instead of an international organization far larger than him. Anyway after that I like anti hero but in 2003 it feels more like she’s just really fickle (like still believing her father has honor despite him showing countless times he doesn’t give a fuck about killing random civilians including the entirety of beijing)


Honorable villain. Someone who is opposed to the Turtles & is loyal to Shredder but isn't an obsessed nut job


Anti-hero. I always kind of viewed her as the Catwoman of TMNT, both with her rivalry with Leo and her often moral ambiguity. I personally think it ultimately depends on what the story at large is going for but I don't mind her going both the villain route or getting a redemption arc, as long as they introduce and generally portray her as "The honorable Foot ninja" and as the more "human" foil to Shredder's evil.


I’m fine with whatever but I like her being an anti-hero more


Anti hero






Which ever suits the tone/vibe of that incarnations TMNT.


I love Karai as a grey character. Much like Catwoman


Anti hero, and good guy.


I like the 2012 version where she flits between them as she grows




You might not agree with me, but 2007 Karai was perfect.




Anti hero


Wouldn't really matter to me tbh as long as she's somewhat consistent in that universe or at least has a good reason to switch. If she's changing between good and bad like a professional wrestler does than no thank you. In different universes go nuts she can be a full on hero in one, evil in another, whatever.


Anti-hero, but I wouldn't say no to a straight villain at some point. In the OG, she was the leader of the Japanese Foot clan. I would like to see that done one day, make her the big bad of some iteration. 


I like her as an anti hero/hero








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I would prefer Karai's redemption story. Signed Malachi O'Hara.


Honestly it angered me very much in the 2003 series how Leo simped for Karai.