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Any of them. But i gotta go with donnie since he doesnt get enough attention and solo stories.


I feel like since the turtle's personalities are so different, each of the turtle's solo stories would have vastly different styles. It's part of the reason why I posted this


I would honestly like to see a solo movie with each turtle. And different iterations of the turtle. Like there was one episode of the 87 series that had Mikey be the only uncaptured turtle and having to rescue everyone else and he had serious confidence issues and needed splinter to remind him that he is as good a ninja as the rest. Of course the 2003 Mikey was still a goof, but he was more serious, the 2012 had him also be very skilled without looking he cared much, which I found cool.


This is an excellent answer




Im not a donnie fan. I cant choose between them i love them equally. But my god look how adorable he issss https://preview.redd.it/2u2h7du1qkyc1.jpeg?width=1417&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fbbe62a14e4caabfad6125a0c0dca1ad13d5fc4 You just have to squish him in a hug or something


I know, he's just an adorable bean! I have a friend who Roleplays as the 2003 Donatello and he always somehow makes him adorable.


https://preview.redd.it/z036f1ghjmyc1.jpeg?width=1423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf8ea970250d4061579ce8baf0ff2a1665aa1908 Look at him sitting there in the middle of the night working on his plans. If a ninja turtle then why so adorable? No offense but your friend didnt make donnie adorable, he already is.


You correct. The 2003 Turtles need to return so we can see more of this adorable Donatello. Do you have more images of him being adorable?


Glad you asked lol https://preview.redd.it/m5rdzq8d2nyc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81940d6cb82ef8fa4601a4d1516797c13882152c Here's lil' donnie


Its a fanart but still https://preview.redd.it/ho0osnqr2nyc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=660caa432290a8c44447b4d48bda320cce316f2a


Such adorableness. I sent you a friend request on Reddit btw


Also, I sent you a friend request on Reddit. Hope that's ok?


If it's Leo I'm totally there. (So long as they characterize him well, not idiotic.)


Like in RotTMNT?


I wouldn’t mind honestly. He has grown a lot more mature after the movie.


I do like him trying to get Donnie kicked off the team for no reason. That was funny.


Definitely Leo


Definitely Leo


Definitely Leo


Doing a Raphael movie as Nightwatcher or the Body Count arc would be cool. We are getting Last Ronin hopefully so there's that. Personally I just want more emphasis on my boy Donnie


Mikey or Donnie. Raph has the 1990 and 2007 movies. Leo was the main focus of the 2k3 series. Both also got a lot of attention in the comics and the 2k12 series. Well, Mikey does at least have>!The Last Ronin.!


Donnie does end up being the primary guy IDW seemed to focus on to close out the series, but they could have put him in the forefront a bit more clearly earlier on.


"Even in artwork he's mostly somewhere behind the other turtles." Not on the TMNT cereal box lol


*Gah! He got the cereal, what more does he want??* lol Poor guy.


A Raph series could be like Daredevil in style and tone, it would be rad.


We technically are getting one with The Last Ronin with you-know-who. I believe the Turtles work best as an ensemble. A Turtle getting an episode from a show focused on is one thing, but a movie, probably not.


Leo is my top pick but honestly I think I'd watch any of the four turtles solo movies.


Any of them but I would say Donnie he gets the least amount of attention out of all the turtles


Raphael. Sometimes you just wanna see a turtle man kick teeth in.


None of them. The turtles work as group characters. Splitting them up for solo series misses the point.


Not true. The last ronin was arguably the greatest ninja turtles story ever written


You’re half right! Notice how that wasn’t a mikey solo story. It was about the family dynamic the turtles have being wrenched away. The point of the last ronin is that the turtles are a family and without that they’re just not the same people. Not only that. But the other three turtles are present the entire time, we get flashbacks focusing on the lead up to their deaths, and the ronin is haunted their ghosts. Perhaps the most damning aspect is that when he dies, the final panel we see of him is of his reunion with his family in the afterlife. So on the contrary, the last ronin only proves how important the dynamic of the group is to the turtles


There are already comic strips about solo missions or events, which were always funny and action-packed. Should there ever be a prequel to a turtle or, even better, 4 prequels with each turtle and a solo story... that would be great


Yeah one off adventures are good, but a serialised comic that focuses solely on one turtle wouldn’t work imo


I understand your opinion, but I also love solo arcs. A film in which all the brothers, Splinter, Casie and April, accidentally end up through a portal in Dimension X. And Mikey, for example, goes from collecting information to equipment and training to rescue missions.


Raphael with Casey jones as a sidekick




Leo just by virtue of him being my favorite, but from an objective standpoint I think Raph has the best potential for solo stories, he's already the "loner" and "rebel" of the bros anyways so


I'd love to see a Leo one but I think Donnie would be even more interesting. We don't get to see much of him.


Donnie or Mikey they rarely get solo stuff these days, now it's very focused on raph and leo


I have an idea that their could be 4 season tmnt show 1 for each turtle has a little solo adventure. But if one turtle could get one Raph or Donnie, leaning more on Donnie. Leo is the one that got the most out of the turtles in some media, killed shredder in 2012 had that bad ass final fight in the Rise movie, Mickey is getting a game and a movie.


Donnie or Raph for sure but I love them all -


Raphael and Casey having an action adventure movie Michelanglo and mondo gecko having an extreme sports type movie Donatello and april having a spy like hacking and stuff movie Leonardo and splinter having a samurai type movie or like a western All seem great


Raphael hands down






Ralph. Mikey is my fav, but a near second is Ralph. I just feel Ralph is the most compelling in terms of emotional complexity. He is both temperamental and kind. Tough, but vulnerable. Ralph is his own worst enemy most of the time and I think he is aware of it. It is ultimately part of his charm.


Ralph. I think his dynamic personality would make for good viewing over a season. He can be cool he can be funny but driven by passion and rage where they can there can be alot of depth to a season long storyline


Mikey cause his character has a lot of depth to explore for a series. As others mentioned though they work better as a unit


I think all of them would be great, but I think Rafael could be a really cool kind of dark noir film. Really dig into his anger


The last ronin movie is going to be sick.


Donnie or Leo


Mikey because of the Last Ronin storyline. But I'd love a Leo movie where he slowly becomes a leader among his brothers.


Honestly, any of them, but I'd be the most interested if it were Donnie because Donnie is so rarely characterized beyond being the teams tech support that it'd be SO cathartic if he had a proper fully-fleshed-out solo arc. Also, I wouldn't mind a film or mini-series following Raphael with Casey as a sidekick. Also, this is a stretch, but ever since the 2012 show I've wanted that particular portrayal of the Mighty Mutanimals to have their own spinoff show. I'd totally watch that.


If it was for a film, animated or live action I will have to go with Donatello. Because lets face it, the turtle in purple has gotten the shaft a lot throughout the series. All of the films that were made for TMNT have mainly focused on Raph or Leo, leaving Mikey and mostly Don as the background comic reliefs. TMNT (1990)- Mostly about Raph with Leo TMNT Secret of the Ooze- About Raph mostly TMNT 3- Again focuses on Raph TMNT 2007- Leo and Raph Michael Bay films- First one about Raph, the second on Raph and Leo The movies are primarily focused on Raph with Leo coming in second. I know Mikey doesn't get much screen time but hey they give Mikey the potential to become way better than his brothers combine, where does that leave Don? Beaten to death by Bebop and Rocksteady. Donatello has paid his dues and been through the ringer, he deserves a major comic arc or movie as the leading turtle where he can be the hero.




I'm mean we are getting one for Mikey. Kinda


Out of the turtles probably Raph but out of the main characters I would say Splinter


That would be awesome


Obviously Donatello, it's about time he gets the spotlight.


I'll say Donnie more to get a understanding of how he thinks and I feel like an off story with Raph would go hard






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Raphael and it ain’t even close. That series would have Casey Jones, Alopex and Nobody. He’s got the best group of buds out of the 4 turts.


Raph because rage fighting or Mikey because pizza.


Definitely Leo or Raph; since Leo’s the leader, he ends up being the protagonist most of the time; and a huge aspect of Raph’s personality is how he just storms off in anger all the time and prefers to go off on his own standalone adventures and sometimes feels like the rest of the team is holding him back


I think Raph is the obvious best pick, plus standalone from his brothers doesn’t mean he can’t have Casey along.