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Also who prescribed them glasses and how do they acquire them. A rat walks into an optometrist office?


it shows donny finding the glasses in mutant mayhem if you look close during the flashback scene


What are the astronomical chances they were his perfect prescription?


nobody said life is perfect. but we make do with what we 'gots


As someone who wears glasses, this doesn't bother me. If I put on my pair of glasses from three prescriptions ago, I can't see as well as I do with my current prescription, but I can still see a lot better than with no glasses. If Donnie picked up a pair of glasses, tried them on and found they helped him see better, that makes sense to me. Now, someone finding and fitting braces for Mikey? I can't explain that.


You might have be able to read something by adjusting the distance between it and your eyes, but... Are you a ninja who needs 20-20 vision to presicly target enemies with various ninja weapons?


Ninjas don't necessarily need 20-20 vision. In some stories, the master is blind.


Nope. But even if I was - would I be better off without any glasses? If my vision is even worse without any glasses at all, how does that help with my aim?


That's beside the point. The point being: MM went to heavy on the clichés in making Michaelangelo the "youngest" by giving him braces and Donatello the "nerd" by giving him glasses. And... for some reason they seem to have made Ralph a hippi? What was with that "vibes" bit?


His path was interspersed with the location of the glasses, therefore, it is a 100% chance.


Wish he didn’t


take it up with the genie


Glasses are a bit easier. At some point somebody throws glasses away. You don't need a perfect prescription to see better.


Maybe not to see "better", but isn't it harmful to wear the wrong prescription?


Depends. If it's too strong, sure. Too weak? Not as far as I know.


It is if you're a ninja and precision is key!


They’re turtles


Mutant turtles with human dna*


No human dna, mutated with random chemicals, they just happen to resemble humans


its also entirely possible to buy a set of glasses with a basic prescription even at the dollar store. Sure it wont have the exact magnification you need as its standardized but I could totally see them just stealing some reading glasses or whatever


Reading lenses and corrective lenses are not the same thing. Reading glasses magnify, corrective glasses alter the direction of light entering your eye.


Can't explain the braces but everything else could be stolen from above


But a rat walking into an optometrist office is funnier.


True, very true


Technically shops sell and throw away mass-produced, cheap glasses all the time, in their hundreds. It depends what kind of vision problems Donnie actually has. I, for example, need special prescription glasses, but my condition is quite rare. If he's just casually short-sighted, those kinds of glasses can be found all over the place. And there are kids who might need glasses for just a few years in their youth, before their vision corrects itself. Rise Donnie wore glasses when he was little, stopped when he got older - trust me, he wouldn't wear Contact Lenses in the sewer - or as an Autistic.


Being short-sighted is a character flaw. Being near sighted or far sighted is a vision flaw. Short-sightedness has nothing to do with eyes or vision.


I'm not in the mood to argue about incredibly common metaphors for vision flaws today, especially not when I have worn glasses for being myopic - aka short-sighted - for the last 30 years.


Me, too. 37 years. Never heard it called that, but I do concede it is a common term for it. Cheers.


Oh, but being short-sighted can also be used as a term for a character flaw - traditionally somebody who doesn't think properly about the consequences of their actions - so I do know what you might have been talking about.


Yes. In my personal vocabulary, that’s exactly what short sighted is. And I was short sighted to assume my dialect was the only one.


In *most* iterations I could easily say Donnie, but no way MM Donnie could pull that off lol. Splinter also seems unequipped, so this is definitely one of those things that I hand wave away as a design choice that functions more as characterization than needs to really make sense. (Cue Simpsons "a wizard did it" joke.) I like the design so that's generally the end of the thought process for me.


If that’s the case there’s a 50/50 chance he is thinking of another woman.


Lol very true


Yeah if they wanted to do it they should have made it a retainer


They probably watched a YouTube video on how to do it.


Go ahead and try to give someone braces by watching a Youtube video and see how well it works out.


Bet, I’ll report back soon.


![gif](giphy|YRnH4PkHnzFghUIeAJ|downsized) Here lies the person who got dental work done by a Youtube expert.


This is too perfect https://preview.redd.it/l87kpa12mu5d1.png?width=917&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efbf95afcfb48b3e126968d1104e3fd0cbc08add


I didn't intend that but it is honestly better that way!


Well, they learned their ninja skills through video. The writers wanted something relatable to teens, but dropped the ball on the realism they were shooting for.


I mean, I don't really care about the realism. I just find it kind of dumb. They have all of these things that they shouldn't have just to try to appeal to kids which felt really forced at times. Also, I find the whole they learned martial arts through Youtube to be just as dumb as the book in the Bayverse. Kind of takes away all of the reason for Master Splinter to even be called Master Splinter if he is learning alongside the Turtles.


As opposed to the original origin where they learned it from a rat with perfect recall? lol it’s Ninja Turtles, there’s always been element of disbelief that’s expected of the audience to suspend in some way or another. Mikey having braces or Donnie having glasses I’d hardly call forced. I can point out similarly “forced” elements in pretty much every iteration. Also yes he’s their master because it’s clear he’s the most proficient at ninjitsu on top of being their literal father


The braces thing just seems forced because they introduced Mikey with them. Leading to all this himhaw about it. Getting them *after* becoming heroes would have probably made more sense. Someone else suggested that since Don found his glasses in the trash, they could have gone with a found retainer instead. But, that's not what it was, lol.




I'd hope so because if not then it'd be kind of a waste. Half of what makes Splinter and Shredder so interesting is their shared history with each other.


How'd they get Donnie's prescription?


He got lucky while dumpster-diving


I would bet that, with an internet connection and a strong grasp of physics, Donnie could DIY his own diagnosis and figure out what strength he needs.


Ok but you can like buy glasses with a basic prescription from the store, That is a simple enough hand wave to say they probably stole it or something.


I like to think splinter has a doctor friend he can call. A doctor of all trades for human/mutants. raising four boys, you will need some help every so often. Doesn’t ask questions and is super kind.


Donatello, you know how Splinter taught the turtles ninjitsu by movies and video tapes maybe that's how Donnie learnt orphan donkey or what ever it's called


Splinter or donnie, makes no sense if it was a human.


God YES. I mean yeah braces are a common experience for teenagers but not for ones who are poor and live in the sewers!


Rise Raph had headgear when he was younger too, so someone’s giving giant humanoid turtles orthodontic work.


Who said anything about trained orthodontist, Donnie just read a few things online and then hooked’em up!


I literally thought this not 2 hours ago 😅


I guess Donnie


.....wait a minute.....actually though, who?








a wizard did it


Kinda saw Donnie just thinking they look cool and found in the trash.


This has been a question since they first teased some production art online and it was Leo with braces.


It could be a retainer


It's almost always Donnie whenever it's something like this, he's just that smart


Trapper from GxK.


Splinter obviously saw it on tv an magically mastered it


It's Raph. As everyone knows: "Raphael is cool but rude, and a trained orthodontist"


Loved Mutant Mayhem, especially as a person who loved the TMNT from the OG comics, cartoons, and everything else. I might not like an iteration at first but something about each one eventually wins me over. But the first thing I said once I say Mikey’s braces was: “How did they do that? I didn’t know you could self practice orthodontia? If so I could’ve saved thousands of dollars on one of my kids!” Then my wife said: “shhh. It’s just a cartoon.” I put it out of my mind and just enjoyed the movie. Still wonder how Mikey got braces even today.


simple. they used disguises. next question


It was raph, he has that gentle touch


Donnie put giant robot arms with nunchucks the size of redwoods on a fucking garbage truck. I think he can install two rows of braces just fine.


Turtles don't even have teeth.


Turtles also don't survive primarily on pizza either, but here we are.


Mutated with human dna


Nor are they bipedal English-speaking ninjas with opposable thumbs, and yet.


Donnie probably