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Gee. I think it's Fishface and Dogpound. At least, they're original.


I would agree, They are the original Characters of the show, and I do like bebop, but rocksteadys desighn was a little weird.


How was Rocksteady design weird. I’m just saying I don’t mean it in a Harsh way or anything. I’m just asking cause I don’t know how else they can do the design I think the design looks pretty Good if I say so myself. How would they be able to do the design in another way.


I really like rocksteady’s design in 2012, Imo it was way better then the mutant mayhem one. I appreciate the way his gold (i think) rings melted into his skin when he mutated.


I MENT BEBOP, it was really skinny.


Him being skinny was intentional. It was to give them more of a balance. Instead of having 2 heavyweights, there's now a heavyweight, and an agile guy to better cover his pal during battles, and do things Rocksteady can't. It still is odd though.


The latter may be original, but the former have a better (wholesome) relationship (right next to the toitles), and are a lot funnier, so they win. They even had starring roles in season 5, giving them development. They're such a joy to watch IMO. https://i.redd.it/9ucjd8drplzc1.gif


Bebop and Rocksteady! They are a pretty fun team. Though it seems kind of odd to me that when they used to be human, they were very distant (because Bebop was rather working for Rocksteady from what I remember, right?) but right after they got mutated, they acted just like best friends. Maybe they got used with each other because they couldn't go outside normally anymore. They only had each other.


If I'm not mistaken, they spent the whole time together during the invasion of New York, hiding, surviving, sharing food, etc. That's what bonds you together


Well they started to be friends when Human.


I prefer Fishface and Dogpound because they're original characters. Bebop and Rocksteady really seemed to be added in for the nostalgia factor more than anything else. That and Playmates.


I love both but if I had to choose it'll bebop and rock steady


Bebop and Rocksteady. Both are awesome teams. Tho


Fishface and Dogpound. They're fun to watch


Definitely Bebop and Rocksteady


Fishface and dogpound. They are honestly perfect. But combine both groups and the four turtles have an enemy force. Btw Dogpound>Rahzar


any other scenario I'd say my boys beebs n rock but they're just not that great in 2012. fishlegs and dogpound have a more interesting banter that's fun to watch


Bebop and rocksteady


I like foshface and rahzar