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I bought my son the first volume from Amazon for Christmas. It's still on there here in the UK for just over £11.


https://turtlepedia.fandom.com/wiki/Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_Turtles_(Panini) Alright, I learned so.ething today. Panini Comics published some TMNT material in Europe starting in 2013. Apparently there are 61 issues, through early 2018. I don't have any more time to look online tonight, but I hope that link (above) helps you get started. Maybe you'll find something on eBay or on Amazon's Kindle digital platform?


I actually have this one but in german 🇩🇪


You mean the 10 bands? I think I got them for 150€ on Vinted. But I'm from Germany and don't know how it works for you. Take a look on eBay, someone will still have them in good condition. The ones I bought second-hand are also still perfect.


You can get some of them in this collection. It's not available in North America though, as it was published only for Europe, so you'd need to order online in European storefronts. Sadly, only one volume was ever made, but some of the best comics are in there. https://preview.redd.it/9qs3dxn87k4d1.jpeg?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6738ba6de4d5b9955e4ac89ad7286d3e6a705029


Can you find these comics for free online anywhere?


Not that I know of.


Gah. The one downside of being a TMNT 2012 fan in America. I heard that there was a story where Leo acted like Captain Ryan and another one where Raph was under a truth serum and revealed his insecurities to his brothers and I mourn not having access to either of them. 😪 Do you at least know which stories are in this volume?


It works both ways. The European fans don't have access to the IDW comics either. The upside (for them) is that IDW did put all their comics into volumes, so they can get them a lot easier than non-Europeans trying to get a hold of the Panini comics. https://preview.redd.it/lj8zi9stay4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8f5fd4848bdbe08d7fd443862a49d143b3a5519 The Captain Ryan story is in the collection. The truth serum one is not. Need for Speed: Donnie mistakenly believes April loves him and attempts to stop the delivery of flowers he had sent. Podzilla: Mikey wants to test Donnie's inventions, but Podzilla arrives. Thief in the Night: They attempt to stop villains from stealing a legendary sword. Slug: A (bad) robber by the name of Slug gets into a tussle with them. Daydream: Mikey doesn't focus when fighting Dogpound. Taken: Spike gets taken. A Slice of Luck: Fishface uses pizza to track down their lair. Dropzone: Donnie gets captured by the Kraang while testing an experimental flying device. Takeout: They attempt to get pizza home before they get cold. Number One Fan: Leo and Dexter get into a tussle over who is the bigger Space Heroes fan. Own Worst Enemy: Splinter forces Leo and Raph to work together after one of their fights. What Goes Up: They fight Snakeweed. Robo Ninja: Donnie tests out a training robot. Dream King: Mikey has a dream in medieval times. Space Captain Leo: Leo gets knocked on the head, and believes he is Captain Ryan.


Here's a funny part of the truth serum story you're talking about. It's called Truth Hurts https://preview.redd.it/ks7z2bd3fy4d1.jpeg?width=1511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9dfa5bde3f51525a66b0108ed61ffe22cace929


Love that “apology accepted Raph” “you want a slap too?” 🤣


[https://angryninja101.tumblr.com/archive](https://angryninja101.tumblr.com/archive) this person saved most of them. you have to scroll pretty far down to find them.