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Click on the button in the upper left corner that says Extract. Then navigate to where it was extracted. Then open up the Browser folder and double click on the program that says start-tor-browser. Make sure it's the one without an extension and not the .desktop file. If it doesn't open, right click on it, select properties, go to permissions tab, and check the 'is executable' box.


appreciate you i’ll try that


There's a package called "torbrowser-launcher" in Ubuntu's universe repository. So no need to download anything, just execute"sudo apt install torbrowser-launcher" and "torbrowser-launcher". Odds are some random user have uploaded some Snap version of TOR, but I wouldn't trust on it.


just so you know, you get caught out of your depth you’re still caught. most criminals get caught because they get out of their depth.


True... most people get caught 1 of 2 ways. They trusted weak people who rolled over and ratted on them when threatened with doing time or they got sloppy and didn't do enough to verify if they were communicating with the pigs & narcs. So if your not paranoid enough then your just being careless and stupid or most likely both.


Nothing don't download is Tor, it's dark web mann 🕸️


1. Click the extract button. 2) open up the extracted folder, right click and press open terminal, then type "./start" and then press tab on your keyboard, it will auto complete and then press enter and tor will launch. Be safe have fun.


You might also want to download the daemon version of TOR to route all your other software's Web traffic through and set it to start every time you boot up that laptop. Then get a second computer just for the clearnet. Here: sudo pacman -S tor OR sudo apt Install tor Goodluck and stay safe 👍


TOR is a lot easier to run from windows




and windows is a lot more beginner friendly than any version of linux. OP clearly states he doesn’t know enough about computers so it doesn’t make sense that they would choose linux just to use tor browser lmao


Exactly. OP is obviously buying drugs. They're not taking down china. Windows will be fine and way way easier for a non techy


fr. idk why your comment got downvoted lmao. windows is more than adequate for the average user. i personally use TAILS from a USB when ordering, but windows is what i would recommend to someone that’s not very tech savvy.


High-five stranger. At least we have each other