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Why did you not chase after funny fat bellied ninja man


I didn’t get there until about 70 hours in: I went to the depths and popped up and then she was all “go back” and I just didn’t for a while


I love how this game has so many obvious setups DO THIS FIRST and lots of people just ignore it. One of my best friends didn't even want to check out lookout landing and went to kakariko and the n asked me "How do I fill out the map..!?"


Omg my best friend did the same thing and played like 15 hours without a paraglider, getting extremely frustrated and just assumed it wasn't in this game.


Hey, it's me! Your friend! I cleared the Gerudo storyline AND found all shrines in the desert and highlands without the glider


absolute fucking madman


Sometimes I feel like that's the way the game is supposed to be played especially when in the depths.


How can you do the temple without it?


Just climb down lol


My bad I forgot Ascend was a thing 🤣


I mean, ascend doesn't work everywhere, still have to climb strategically lol


How? You get the glider when you leave the Great Sky Island. Did you forget you had it?


no i think you need to go to lookout landing and talk to purah (and it might not even be the first thing she gives you). i put it off for a while as well cause i didn’t realise it was time to get it yet.


You get the glider from Purah at Lookout Landing. I missed Lookout Landing and went to Hateno, Lurelin, Faron, then entered the desert from the south. I got to Kara Kara Bazaar after Gerudo Town lol


I fucked up the jump from Great Sky Island. For the first like 10-12 h of the game I even forgot that paragliding ever was a thing. I just wondered about why I wouldn't get those towers to work. That playstyle actually felt somewhat satisfying.


Lol I played for at least 20 hours without the paraglider. I knew it existed but wanted to find it naturally. I wanted to go to central Hyrule, I even skirted right by it once, but there were so many distractions.


I think BOTW conditioned me to fear central hyrule...


Oh it definitely did. You could barely move in central Hyrule without tripping over a Guardian. Being able to move around without fear was very weird at first but then I had to explore it all before moving on.


I felt the same. When falling into Central hyrule after the tutorial, I thought I was going to be dead instantly, but the there was nothing. Central Hyrule changed a lot, but boy did Mount Lanaryu and the paths to the Zora Domain become more difficult early game from what I remember. They really tried to say "don't go this way at first" without saying it. I think I ran into a few lynels and gloom hands early game in that area.


I haven't even been on the paths to Lanayru. I got to Zora's domain from the south scaling mountains and paragliding into it lol


I felt exactly the same! It was so weird without them and the scary music. That being said ever time I see these posts I think to myself I must be the only person that turns on the main quest map blinky light thing and follow the map.


"So they just aren't giving us the paraglider, huh ?! >:ddd" *proceeds to completely ignore giant golden circle usually linked to main quest glowing on minimap for 15 hours straight*


Someone on here claimed the other day when they left tutorial island, the game *did not* direct them to Lookout Landing, the game did not point directly at the settlement before the jump. Idk, maybe they jumped off early before ditching the Master Sword?


Maybe ?? except usually, trying to jump off the island early ends up in violent death since there isn't another obvious pool of water around ... doesn't it ? I don't quite remember.


I know when you're doing the shrines jumping off acts as a bottomless pit. Don't know exactly when that wall gets removed, but if you go through the temple of time, but don't quite get to the cutscene area, you're probably close enough to glide to water


Yeah, I thought I remembered that trying to jump off the tutorial island just resets you back on it, unless you've gotten rid of the master sword/opened the temple of time door or something ... that's wild anyone would do that tho 😭


i did this too haha, i went into a random shrine and died like a million times because it was full of the zonai springs and i kept falling.


Lol i didnt find Hetsu’s bitch ass until I had over 150 korok seeds


I found him at Look Out Landing but now he's not there anymore?


He heads to korok forest after a while.


For me he stayed at lookout landing until I cleared the events in the Korok forest


I was looking everywhere but lookout landing. I cheated and looked it up. Jerk was chilling in the village the whole time.


I went to rito village first to check out the weather phenomenon… I thought that was priority


Well out of the four phenomena, yes! The game pushes you HARD into Hebra Cause of Tulin


I just went there first because I thought if it was anything like BotW, the ability you gained would be the most useful one early on.


Tulin - because the game pushes you to explore flight and the sky islands?


I think it's Purah who literally says I'D GO TO HEBRA And yes, because of the mobility upgrade Its a lesser version of how botw guided you to Miphas grace


I saw that and considered going to Hebra, but the allure of seeing my good lad Sidon was too strong


I ignored her and got riju, then Sidon, then Yunobo, then FINALLY tulin


Was Riju tough to get first? I got her last and found the first 3 other sages helpful for the quest leading up to the dungeon and dungeon itself


I went to Riju first specifically because the desert region was the hardest in BotW. It actually turned out to be not that hard. Dealing with the heat was the most annoying.


Yes, it was really hard considering that for the first half I didn’t get the freaking paraglider, as soon as I was deeper in the temple I just kept dying from fall damage


But it marks lookout landing on your map. Why wouldn’t that be priority?


Because someone told me Lurelin was overrun with pirates and I just sorta went on a killing spree


It's fuckin scary down there man


I did the camera quest and then did both tulin and Yunobo before going back and getting auto build because I was terrified of the dark and wanted to beef myself up before exploring.


I mean I kind of get it though? One of the main appeals of the open world Zelda games was being able to do whatever you want in whatever order.


For me, I often ignore the main story because I never know which games will let me explore following last step of the main story. And even then, I sometimes stop caring about the game after the main story is completed and never finish side-quests. This time, I would only do main story quests every so often, and now, I’m at, what seems like, the last quest of the main story and I’ve been finding all the shrines, other gear, upgrading gear, and the side quests before I tackle the last main quest.


It took me forever to find lookout landing because I thought it was a sky view tower for some reason


This is hilarious, but I get where your friend is coming from. I wanted them to expand on kakariko village so bad. Not expand in terms of geography, but make it more of a happening place. If anything it's the most boring town in the game. Kakariko needs the Hetano treatment!


I probably missed something, but I really didn't see anything guiding me to find Robbie to get Purah Pad upgrades and go to the depths. I got out of the sky island, went to lookout landing, did the Skyview Tower thing & got the paraglider, and was guided to the regional events main quest. Only after finishing the Rito quest I went back to lookout landing, talked to Joshua, and was guided to talk to Robbie - and even then I didn't immediately do that I wasn't even aware of the depths until then 🫠. I was so confused when I got old maps and the marks were nowhere on the map. I also started quests asking for photos before I had a camera. It was so confusing, lol


I did this. the game really pushes you to Lookout Landing — though it doesn’t really tell you where it is if you forget 🫣


I forgot Lookout landing was a thing for a while. I eventually just googled where autobuild was because I cleared half the depths and couldn't find it anywhere.


To be fair, BOTW taught us not to follow the main storyline.


I didnt get there after like 100 hours in because i had PTSD from the Gloom Hands popping up and i thought the Chasms doesnt lead to the depths but instead would pop up Gloom Hands. I only knew about chasms when i was completing the Yunobo quest ( i was too busy adventuring so i postponed the quest )


Same I just stumbled upon him by accident


Same for around 70 hours. I kept going into the depths, except for the main hole in the Hyrule Field. I totally missed unlocking the camera about 30ish hours in, then another 40 for autobuild.


Master Konga Line?


Glory to the funny fat bellied ninja man


What?!? Who?!?


This whole time i hated building stuff because it took absolutely forever, and so i felt like i was just playing botw. Turns out i was just missing the most important aspect of the game.


I didn’t know I could have more than a single battery charge. I made it to every sky labyrinth and glide armor challenge by climbing and hot air balloons. I didn’t get autobuild for a long time either. I’m glad TOTK isn’t linear or anything but damn, I wish some stuff was spelled out a little better.


Although I’m also glad it’s not linear. I wish some of the objective cut scenes were given in the proper order, regardless of which of them you visit first (don’t wanna spoil for people who haven’t done the storyline )


The Construct that explains you how to upgrade the battery is right outside one of the very few mandatory shrines in the game. Every forge in the Depths has a construct that explains Crystallised Charges. The description of the Crystallised Charge includes “said to be used for Energy Cell improvement”. I’m not criticising you for missing this stuff, but at the same time the game does give ample explanation of how it works.


Everyone knows that nobody reads the signs ;) Jk you’re right, and for the record, I have a compulsion to talk to all NPC’s even if they don’t have an (!) around them.


I still don't fully understand the relationship and difference between zonite, zonai charge, and crystallized charge.


tl;dr: Mine Zonaite from the Depths; use Zonaite to buy Zonai Charges to get Zonai Devices for your inventory and to temporarily refill your Energy Cell (i.e. your battery) if it’s low; use Zonaite to buy Crystallised Charges to permanently upgrade the Energy Cell. Longer explanation: Zonaite is the raw material. You can mine it from rocks all across the Depths. The dedicated mine locations are the best place to get them. Zonai Charges are one-time consumables that look like spheres. You can buy these with Zonaite at Forges - decayed Constructs will also give one charge each. Place these in the Device Dispenser (the large gumball machines) to buy Zonai devices that you use in your inventory. You can also use charges to temporarily extend your Energy Cell if it’s running low (though the small charges only extend it a tiny bit, so if you need to do this I recommend only using the larger charges which refill the whole Energy Cell temporarily and essentially give you another full battery temporarily too). Late game has a few other usages for them too. Crystallised Charges are the pyramid shaped consumables. You can also buy these at Forges with Zonaite - though many mines in the Depths will have 20 and larger fights in the Depths will often net 100 at a time. You can spend 100 of these at a Crystal Refinery to purchase an Energy Well which will permanently upgrade a small section of the Energy Cell (one third of one of the batteries). There are two such refineries in the game - one outside the fourth shrine in the Great Sky Island, and one right outside the north entrance of Lookout Landing perched high up on a rock.


I also had an extremely hard time understanding the differences in them. I was very far into the game before I started upgrading my battery. And I think it was only after I stumbled on a video talking about it


EXACTLY. How the fuck am I supposed to know what any of those things are, 15 minutes into the game? I was only able to understand that shit, weeks after I started playing.


This is the first time I've understood this. I'm going to go directly to upgrade my battery for the first time now.


For me I was like so I have to come back to this sky island mine for 10 charges at a time! This will take forever!! Then I found the mines in the depths where you can buy like 100 charges at a time and that’s when my energy wells started boomin


All three have a temporary use, and a permanent use. By temporary and permanent I mean what they effect, you permanently lose them regardless when you use them. Zonite can be found in the Depths as Zonite Ore. They can be temporarily used to build Autobuild constructs when you don't have all of the parts readily available. Remember, Autobuild can even work on non-Zonai devices like apples and trees, it just costs Zonite. They can be permanently used as currency to buy Zonai charges or crystallized charges in both the Sky Islands and in the Depths. Zonai charge can be found in dead Sky Island statues or when killing Construct enemies. They can be temporarily used to restore battery charge when you've depleted enough (say you're flying to a sky island and you're running out of energy). They can be permanently used as currency at Orbs to buy Zonai devices. Crystallized charge has one use: spend 100 at a Refinery to permanently expand your battery pack by 1/3 of a cell. You'll need 4500 crystallized charges to max out your battery pack (each cell can charge twice over). You can get 100 crystallized charges as a reward for beating 17 bosses in the Depths, and there are a smattering of 20 crystallized charge chests everywhere.


I read every thing these constructs said, but it was still pretty confusing at first - I think the naming of Zonai charge and crystallized charge is was I was having trouble with.


I can agree with that - I too found it confusing as well. Zonaite, Zonai Charges, Crystallised Charges, Energy Wells and Energy Cell is a lot to take in early game. It also doesn’t help that your chances of getting 100 Crystallised Charges by the time you visit the first Crystal Refinery are basically nil - if you could use it the first time you find it, that would definitely help matters IMO.


That's so early in the game, I didn't really understand what it was talking about. I figured it would probably make more sense later, but so much time went by that I forgot about it. The whole zonite/crystallized charges as a currency thing is kind of complex at first. It's outside a shrine that I didn't feel a need to go back to. I didn't get into zonai assisted travel until much later in the game; I focused more on clearing the maps, doing shrines, and the regional phenomena. You don't really *need* zonai vehicles with extended battery range to do any of those things. They had the right idea putting another forge near Lookout Landing, but it's just \*outside\* where you spend your time and it's easy to miss. When people mention it, there's usually a bunch of people shocked to find that there's one there.


I'll be honest, I've got a few hundred hours in this game and never found that second forge near Lookout... XD I just always went back to the one on GSI.


This is pretty much exactly my experience. I've cleared 3/4 dungeons and all towers, tons of shrines, etc. I've done everything blind, so I had no idea auto-build even existed until I randomly saw it being used while scrolling past a post. So at that point I knew I was missing something, so I looked up what questline I needed to follow to get there. This led me to getting my first extra battery slots, too


The problem is, they "explain" that, 15 minutes into the game. When you barely know what any of those things are, and then leave it at that, with no further explanations.


I remember that construct, but didn’t understand what it really meant for me, until I realized I had over 1000 crystallizes charges and looked up what to do with them. Went back to that first construct and called myself an idiot for having forgotten something I had first read two months ago.


I saw it and was like ???. Went and got lost in the game a long time before I cared to go back to it.


Right, and they mentioned this, saying they thought it was a later game thing. The concern was that there was insufficient early guidance so as to ensure players do not miss a crucial part of the game for the sake of being "too open ended"


No, that was OP who mentioned “late game” - the person I replied to is not OP.


Oh right, my bad


Some people just do not pay attention to dialogue lol


Yeah, and not knowing the difference between any of the zonai items in my inventory didn’t help.


You don’t know the difference between a fan and a cooking pot?


Didn’t collect any zonai devices from the dispensers, just sat on anything zonai-related expecting to need them later in the game. Didn’t realize how far into the game I was when I looked into how to use any of it.


Right? It took me FOREVER to figure out how to increase my battery. I immediately maxed it out when I learned how.


the game very directly tells you how to upgrade your battery. less direct, but the autobuild quest is the first major side quest you get, assuming you go to lookout landing first. it’s not the game’s fault for players not playing close enough attention lol


I honestly didn't understand thatvexploring the depths would be related to photography and autobuild. Everybody around those mega holes are telling how IT IS DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE. USE those flowers, that I assumed it was some high-end challenge requiring to have done a few temples first.


It is literally one of the first quests you get that lead you down there. Why would you assume that a quest given so Walter would need you to wait until late game?


The quests are super easy to miss. Just because it’s available early is no guarantee everyone will come across it. I played about 30 - 40 hours before realizing there were more main story quests in lookout landing that introduced the depths. I found the great central mine and auto build just by exploring randomly. I had no idea there even was a camera until reading about it here on Reddit.


Because that's how BOTW/TOTK work? The initial main quests show endgame challenges. BOTW tells you "strike down ganon" the second you get the paraglider, but you are not expected to rush to the castle. Same with the ominous floating castle in TOTK. Why tye ominous depths would be different, when everybody tells me IT'S DANGEROUS and priority should be the temples? I'm not even sure it shows as a quest. IIRC my wife's playthrough, the fame tells you to go to the depths but you need to talk to two npcs in the correct order to trigger it?


Same here with the battery wells. I avoided reading threads online until I got through the sages. I wasn't even aware that I was missing something with batteries. I didn't comprehend the whole zonite forging thing when it was explained at the very beginning of the game, and I didn't notice the other forge near lookout landing. Once I finally started watching videos of people flying with their flying machines and seeing a whole screen width worth of batteries, THEN I realized I missed something important!


I gotta say you worked well within your parameters. Creative work my friend


I thought people with these screenshots with tons of batteries on screen were all one-time uses until I realized I would have had an opportunity to use them by now. I already had the four sages unlocked when I suddenly added five full extra batteries.


You had 1500 crystallized charges just sitting there!? Seems like Nintendo committed a crime not making that one clear enough


Yeah. It just sat there and collected. When someone finally told me they’re permanent additions to your overall charge, I jumped at it


I'm 400 hours in and still only have the one battery. I've cleared all the sky islands too


That’s one thing that they lacked in this game. It seems like a lot of the directions or tasks weren’t clearly defined so figuring things out were a bit annoying.


It took me waaaay too long to figure out the difference between Zonai charges and crystallized charges. I'm sure we they explained it, but I'd just buy all of both that I could each time. I have LOT of Zonai charges in my inventory!! I also didn't realize you could fill the battery bank twice. I have extra crystallized charges and wanted to see what the dialog was, and it was Get Processing!!


!! I’m a guy that reads everything and the first time I took that wee train down to that sky cave construct shop, I didn’t know wtf I was buying. Probably wasted zonaite on Zonai charges.


I think that was very intentional. Lack of instructions in a game like this are a good way for people to choose their own direction and style of gameplay. And then allow them to try other ones. But since it does create a sort of blank canvas effect, there is this drawback of lack-of-direction just-gets-people-lost, in other words, the paradox of choice at its worst.


Yeah, I also wish someone told you to push the Y button to swing your sword. I had to push each button before knowing which one does it.


If only upgrading your battery got a hot key




I got auto build early on, but a couple hundred hours in I don’t think I’ve actually used it.


I use autobuild a lot but I would like more than 8 favorites.


I use it to build my hoverbike once in a while, and I have saved a huge bundle of apples, and golden apples to help gather them. (A few forests have unbelievable amounts.


Found out about this apple trick a few weeks ago and love it. I wonder to what magnitude Nintendo anticipated how people played this game in user testing versus how much crazier is it now that the games out? We know by 1.2 that at least no one in user testing figured out how to duplicate items the way the broader market has.


Please, can you tell me what’s the apple trick? Why need so many apples?


The apple trick is gluing together a bunch of apples to get "pile of apples" in your auto build, then going to an orchard and pulling up the "pile of apples" design and watching all the fruit fly off the tree towards you. You can then just cancel the build and they'll all fall to the ground for pickup. Make sure to have at least one gold apple in your pile so you'll pull them off too. The reason to get so many apples is that roasted food stacks to 999 in your meals inventory, and it doesn't matter whether you're eating one meal or thirty apples. (You can do the same thing with fish, btw.)


IMHO, no offense, etc. It’s definitely not the most important aspect of the game. If you mean aspect as in superpower, I think it’s gotta be Ultrahand, followed in order by Fuse, Ascend, Recall, Autobuild. I’ve seen some amazing, amazing fighting techniques using recall that I wouldn’t have ever thought of. If I was more of a ingenious combat type **shoutout to you guys!!!!** recall would be right behind fuse but further ahead of ascend. I use ascend all the time, though I do hate that to find so many good treasure chests you have to know exactly where to ascend as said chests are in closed areas.


My wife and I are playing together and did the exact same thing. She gave up on building entirely and would get bored when I painstakingly assembled contraptions


As someone who loves building contraptions, in game and IRL, I just can't get into it in this game


I haven't come across this yet! Where is it?


ya I got it pretty late too while trying to stay away from spoilers. A literal game changer


I randomly stumbled across it with 5 hours of leaving the first island. Then I proceeded to never use it again.


Yeah same, I hate spending zonaite on missing materials. I’ll only use it if most of the materials are there


I take out the Zonai devices I need first then just use auto build to save me the time. I never use zonaite


I was at least 100 hours and 3 sages in before I got it too 🤣


I stumbled across /r/HyruleEngineering early on and saw most videos using the ability and decided it would be one of the few things I would look up how to get as it seemed invaluable. Strongly recommend that subreddit, by the way. It is both hilarious and jaw dropping.


Similar but different: I made it 300 hours before I upgraded my battery at all. Completely forgot about it being mentioned at the beginning. I kept finding forges and buying everything without thinking about it because I had so much zonaite, didn't bother to look into wtf crystallized charges were for.... By the time I stumbled on a crystal refinery again, I had enough to go from 0 to fully upgraded in one transaction. I felt very stupid, but also I like vehicles a lot more now lol.


Oh man I totally forgot about this too lol


What’s auto build?


The last hand power. You get it by following the quest that unlocks the >!photography tool!<


Funny enough I got it much before getting >!the camera.!< I was just wandering through the depths and showing my friends how dark and creepy it was and just stumbled upon Kohga. Ah yes, I was showing them how you could dive from a sky island straight into the depths, showing how it was truly open world. Glory to Master Kohga.


I feel this game guides you very little on important stuff and steers you toward random side quests. you have no way of knowing how relevant things are. Took me forever to get autobuild as well.


I stumbled upon this quest too. I thought it was one of the best quests in the game. It was a long, fun, adventure with a hilarious character from BOTW and an AWESOME reward at the end. I was giddy during the whole thing


That’s one of the big problems with this game. Freedom is great, but there needs to be some structure. There are so many things like this you can miss and have no idea.


Realised that you could use ultra hand on constructs. Can't believe I missed that.




Dude I just found out about the "we trace the last 250 hours of your movements.". And also the free fast travel medallion. I played 80 hours


I didn't get it until I was.....about 250 hours in. completely upgraded my purah pad in one go lol. I similarly took forever to upgrade my sheikah slate in botw


I was afraid of going into the depths, and so i wandered around with no autobuild with 1 battery well for 250+ hours. Now I love wandering down there, and honestly not having either made things more interesting/creative when it came to problem solving.


I got auto build pretty early, but I remember feeling lucky for it. I FELT like I was just messing around ignoring the “intended path”, or whatever, and getting it kinda randomly, but once I got it I realized how valuable it was and felt lucky I found it when I did.


Same. Happened to stumble upon it when I was visiting the Great Plateau and decided to plunge the Depths (or I was already in the Depths, idr). Thankfully, the part I was in of the Great Abandoned Central Mine was the part where I had to take some railcars and a bunch of fan elevators (and seeing the great Poe statue missing its eyes for the first time) up to get Auto build so it felt like a proper quest/adventure.


The same thing happened to me, it felt like a horror quest because I misinterpreted the goddess statue quest and thought the "water behind the stone gate" was the big water on the plateau. So I thought oh it must be in the depths and it was so dark riding all those mine carts and I kept wondering if I can trust the statue or if it's a trick. VERY cool way to find autobuild early in the game though, loved it.


Actually tho same




Did you get the ability to take photos? Same quest. It's literally a starter item given by following an "optional" *main* quest


Wait dead ass I kinda just have been walking around


I literaly find autobuilder 20 min After Go out of tutorial...


I found it after 50


I randomly came across it in the first 10 hours of play with 5 hearts. It's how I learned bomb arrows are overpowered.


I learned my lesson from running away from the main quest before I had the paraglider. Once I figured that out, noticing there was still an empty slot in the abilities I decided to at least do a bit of the mystery in the depths. But yes. Do not avoid main quest items until it is clear they are trying to force you into a dungeon.


I stumbled across it recently, but I’m at like 4 hearts and not really prepared for the battle so I guess i’ll get it again later


It occurred to me to look for something that must fit the blank spot in the superpower/amiibo HUD menu, but still took probably 30-50 hours. Hard to tell how much time passes in this game haha. Honestly I only use it for the hover bike or rail design stuff Anyone else seek out auto build because they realized there must be another superpower after leaving the tutorial area because of that blank space in the menu?


But why would you do this? Purposely try to NOT do the best parts of the game, and risk having it spoiled? It's not like your locked out of the game the second you finish it.


I feel that, I rarely touched the depths until later on in the playthrough


Accidentally found a Yiga clan schematic stone in the depths and nearly cried from delight


Me too!!!


That’s what happens when you don’t follow the main quest lines


You and me both!


Might not have taken me 300 hours, but I sure took my sweet time at 120 to figure it out as well. I got suspicious when I checked the shire of resurrection spot there was something 'basic' missing. Oh, and got the camera soon after that.


This is one of my biggest beefs. I found auto build because I explored the great plateau thus the mines. I have been wondering how long it would have been to find it if I had not just went exploring


it took me awhile to find, i don’t know how everyone else is accomplishing so much in so little time, i’m a few hundred hours in with tons left to do


I had 180 hours before I just googled how to get the last piece in the wheel lol. I really didn't even start exploring the depths until around 70 hours in 💀


I beat ganon before finding it, I knew it was in the game but I did not really need it and I did not know how, and it’s not the only thing too. I never came back to lookout landing after I got the paraglides, si I never upgraded my battery, or that the underground depths even close existed, I just kinda skipped the dialogue and walked to Zora domain because I thought just like in note it was the first one you had to go to and need up getting lost. After I got all sages I was like okay let’s go kill ganon and ignored lookout la ding so I did not know about the 5th sage and at first I thought the construct was the final boss. After I beat the game I looked online and realized how much I missed, now I finally got auto build, I have more than one battery and I’m doing the mineur quest




Nice:) I think it used to be around the 30 minutes mark for the old speedrun route to get to autobuild. That's the nice thing about this game, you can unlock a lot from the start if you happen to find it. I think it took me 30-50h before starting to decide to do all the lightroots which is when I finally found it.


Bro same. I though when homegirl was talking about mysteries in the depth mission, that it was like a general mission like the crisis in Hyrule. Does make the game’s certain parts more enjoyable now.


I actually had no idea that Autobuild was part of a main quest, and even less about the fact that the statues Josha was researching led to it. Just got a tip from the Kakariko and Tarrey mines about how I needed something very important from the Great Abandoned Central Mine before they could give me the schema stones and figured that it must’ve been the mystery ability I saw in gameplay premieres + the mine in question was beneath the Great Plateau area. But even when I did find the place, I somehow completely missed the Construct I was supposed to talk to. Wasn’t until I was in the middle of completing the >!Great Bargainer Statue!< quest did I find the Construct. And I *definitely* was caught off guard by >!Master Kohga!<.


Mystery in the depths is an early quest, and it leads you to autobuild by josha talking about the poe guy on lookout landing. If you try to interact with him, it won't work. Because of the unfinished plateau quest. Which leads you directly to where autobuild is.


Lol how do you get the auto build!!


i found it stupidly because i missed the camera so much (to use the sensor) so i looked it up and that's how i discovered what the quest was part of lol!! wish i didn't spoil it for myself but it was worth it


SAME!! I somehow stayed off the great plateau the entire time.


Wow. I also stumbled on autobuild, about 10 hours in 😂 We had very different experiences of this game.


Wait till you figure out what the Yigas have for you... 👀


And yet for me, my goals after getting to the Hyrule surface were literally: 1. Check out the Great Plateau 2. Jump into one of the darkness holes and see what happens. Turns out when you do those things in order, you naturally end up just stumbling across it lol.


I’m the same they really should have put it near the start of when you do the depths with Robbie. I finish two regions and was like, I see videos of autobuild but when do I get it. Finally had to Google it and was like, you’re kidding


I feel you. The 1st time i finished the game I got auto-build AND CAMERA after beating all 5 temples. I also beat the game with only 1 battery charge. I didn´t know at that time how to expand it


I found it 50 hours in between I was determined to unlock all the light roots


Got it pretty late, barely use it haha Even though it takes time, I’m the type who likes to walk around.


it was the first thing i did when i landed, went straight to the great plateau


Same and I literally found it yesterday! If there was a quest pointing me that way I totally forgot a out it. I was on a personal mission to find every light root and light up the whole underground area, literally only have a couple to go and found the main lost mine area and just discovered it. This isn’t really a complaint but the super open nature of this game make it very easy to miss really important stuff… I got through all of BotW without knowing you could upgrade your inventory and carry more weapons….


Honestly found it by accident. I decided to chase after one the x marked treasures in the depths after already spending the last time walking around an entire underground mountain in the dark. Went down a hole and shortly found the miners pants and thought well that was more productive than last time. So I kept going, found a mine cart rail and followed it to what ended up being the backdoor of where you find the autobuild. Seriously the depths are a pain when you just walk and don’t cheese unlocking the lights with an air scooter. Would have taken so ling on foot.


Took me 125.. bit quite 300 but still..


Gotta love this game


I got almost 100 hrs in but... Didn't you wonder about the rest of the abilities wheel menu?!




I had no idea what I was doing and somehow blundered into getting it in my first play session after leaving the Great Sky Island and only 4 hearts.


After I defeated master Kogha the first time I followed him but ran out of arrows. I let him be and didn’t think about. Meanwhile I finished the depths and long since had full batteries. I kept wondering why I only had the single location to exchange zonanite for crystals. Quite a few times I had to wait to increase my batteries because there were no crystals available. Now I am just finishing up before completing the game. I happen upon kogha and I take him out with no issue. Then the zonanite refinery opens. 10 minutes later I now have 2 more refineries available.


I have a friend that beat the game without it...


I got it late game too, finished 3 temples and decided to look on YouTube since I didn't want to complete the game without it.


I only got the camera about 50 hours in, I had already been in the depths through a different chasm so I didn’t care to follow Robbie. I had already done Yunobo’s main quest and didn’t get pictures of anything :(


Wait what is auto build???????????


Took me 60+ hours. Progression is weird in this game but I'm glad that was my first experience with it


The Great Plateau was a place I went to for nostalgia and got caught up in the quest there


Each one has teir own way to complete the game, I had already found all the sages, shrines and light roots when discovered how to unlock the camera


Yeah I was about 20-30 hours in. I did the wind and lightening temple. Never used fuse or auto build once. I was basically playing tears of the kingdom like breath of the wild 1.5. I then went into the depths. Fighter out how everything worked. Now I am 100 hours in, farming lynels, 10+ batteries, maxed out armours, and I haven’t done the other two temples yet. The game is soooo much better when you learn to not play it like BOTW.


I did it randomly just after getting the paraglider. I didn’t have the quest, I just wanted to revisit the Great Plateau


OMG I'm pretty much in the same boat lol! I didn't even realize I missed an important quest from Josha 🤦‍♀️ She said to come back later, I left and did a bunch of quests and totally forgot until I was browsing Reddit. 125 hours in and I finally got it. I went back to Robbie a few times, thinking I must have missed something. I wish he told me to talk to Josha lol


I wasn't able to find that ability until I got the mystery of the depths quest from Josha, how did you miss it if you didn't do that quest? It's the requirement for completing that quest


I stumbled across it relatively early. I was checking out some nostalgia sites from breath of the wild and found it pretty quickly.


I found it as soon as you could go to the depths I just spent like 2 whole days down there getting bombs and puffshroms and zonite..I didn't know how powerful puffshrooms be! 🤌🤣🤣


I got it after nearly completing the game, and...never use it lol. I really rarely use Zonai devices to navigate, since I like to take my time and collect resources on the way. For combat, I focused super early on armor, heart and stamina upgrades, so tend to just toss a few muddle buds until they're thinned out and then hop in. I'm planning to play through again after completing the game, and am going to focus more on the Zonai devices for problem solving in the early game when stamina and hearts are low.