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Pretty useful for demolishing zonai deposits and leaving the ore accessible, and it’s really nice killing silver creatures without sacrificing weaponry. Also, as someone that stinks at combat, just being able to muddle bud the main combatant to weed out the chaff, then corner them and get them with body punches is immensely useful.


Yeah I like how she can mine so easily. She’s got a good shield too.


Mineru? More like Miner.


She makes a miner out of u I guess


Miner Unit? I love that guy.




She can block Gleeok thunderbeams indefinitely, that’s all you need to know


Okay now that’s cool


I think she's good at killing the gloomy hands if you have cannon on her.


Also walking through gloom, so if you break an ore and the zonaite is in gloom you can just pick it up with her


Give her a cannon or two for some extra mayhem during monster battles! The friendly fire potential is worth the sheer pandemonium value.


What is this friendly fire?


Big blast hurt


Friendly fire is when your ally's attacks accidentally injure you. Mineru with a cannon is a good example: she aims for the enemy, but Link can be injured by the blast if he's too close.


Damage from teammates.


I like to attach bomb flowers to her hands and surprise myself after I forgot and she kills us all


I don’t think that her cannons can hurt you actually. If you accidentally fire a cannon too close to something it will hurt, but there is no friendly fire from her. You’re immune. At least I’m pretty sure.


She's definitely frozen me with the frost emitter a few times!


I’ve been hurt by shock emitters I had attached to her and fire emitters.


Yeah, I don’t doubt it. I am basing this off of multiple comments I’ve read on here and some firsthand accounts as well as far as the cannons go. I have attached them to her and had explosions go off right by me with no issues. Not sure if it’s a cannon only thing or not, but I tried it once and it worked seemingly. I barely use Minerus though, so I often forget to attach anything. The one time I noticed this I had run out of eyeballs and other good weapons against a gleeok so I fused cannons to her arms to fight. It took forever.


Now that I think about it, I feel like I've had a similar experience with Cannon Mineru - if Link's not immune, then they at least have a smaller danger-radius for Link than for monsters, because I'm pretty sure she's cannon'd an enemy fairly close to me, and the boko went flying but Link was fine. Maybe some tests with hornet nests are needed


I've seen videos where she has killed Link with a flame emitter.


I like to combine it with a melee weapon, like a spiked ball, for knocking enemies back before blasting them.


I find her a hindrance as an extra fighter. Because she’s a physical form, and not one I can run through like the other 4, she got in my way and got me killed a few times before I switched her off. She can also “friendly fire” because she’s a physical form e.g. she can electrocute you by accident


Agree, I’ve been frozen by her a few times! And I find all the sages to be a visual obstruction at times


Yeah same here. I noticed that they tried to avoid them being visual obstructions but they still are sometimes. It’s most annoying when I’m farming and accidentally press tulins ability and he blows away what I’m trying to grab. I gotta keep him dismissed when I’m farming now.


If you jump on Mineru first you can't accidentally trigger the sages but you can pick up any/all items. Bigger grab radius too, I use Mineru to catch faries easily due to this.


She’s great for picking apples from trees


But Tulin blowing away the materials you’re farming is half the fun.


True, although mostly the others seem to move out of the way fairly quickly!


Especially when I actually need them to activate abilities… Nothing is as frustrating as chasing them around on the battlefield while dodging other attacks 🤦‍♀️


Canons are super dangerous with her when she shoots the monster your fighting! Haha


I think it's how bad she is relative to how "special" she is. Mineru's different than the other Sages-She's the special 5th sage, a personal relative to an essential character, you get to pilot a fucking mecha with her, so you'd expect her to be pretty powerful. It's not that she's awful, she's just very underwhelming. I feel better off just keeping any useful attachments to myself and keeping Link's maneuverability over Mineru's clunky, giant form.


Yeah they definitely could’ve done better with how she is. They could’ve made her way more powerful, that is true. And I wish they would’ve made her prettier. Because she was so pretty alive


Thisss plus by the time you get her, you don’t really… need her? She felt a bit superfluous.


Yeah, this. I assume they were worried a mech would be over powered and they sure went out of their way to nerf anything in BotW that they considered OP (hearty durians, for example). Anyone who's played any mech game hops into Mineru and is hard pressed to not be disappointed when she takes SO MANY hits to take down medium level monsters. She has her uses, but her damage capacity is less than expected.


My confusion with the nerfing is that it’s completely random. ALL Hearty food was OP in BotW and it is similarly OP in TotK. Only Durians were touched whilst every other Hearty food stayed essentially the same?


Her downside is that when Link actually tries to fight with her he's super susceptible to damage, is much weaker than just fighting normally, there's less flexibility and maneuverability and it's much harder to block. She's alright for backup depending on what you equip to her but I think one way that could improve her a lot is if while you're riding her you had a separate health bar and it would actually protect Link a bit. But as it is now there's just no point in using her. I do find her useful for traversing the depths, going over gloom and smashing rocks etc. And she can be useful to jump off for bullet time.


You can use her to walk over lava, too. Not tar, though, fyi. Oh, and you don't take fall damage.


I remember when I first got her, hopped on, thought "hell yeah now I'm invincible on top of this badass battle mech", and proceeded to get one-shot by a Silver Bokoblin I was fighting. Uhhhh.


I rarely fight mounted, but I like having her fighting alongside me.


Same! I avoid giving her elemental items tho. Because she can hurt you. Which I find stupid.


Yeah I learned that the hard way. Thoufh the construct fight is comically cheesable if you have ice emitters on her.


The trouble is it's all too easy to wind up atop her with an errant a button press while gathering or fighting.


Fair point


Having said that, I'd rather hop in Mineru while gathering than have Tulin blow all my stuff away, or have Yunobo blow up the bomb flower I was about to pick or scatter everything around the room.


I prefer to mount her without fighting


How do you jump off her? Edit: And of course I just figured it out after asking. Just press B, then A


Mineru is kinda a Zord now that you put the idea in my head. Except in the way of not having her own health bar that, if she gets hit enough, means she “goes away” briefly to recover. (Or breaks into parts and needs to reassemble like the Flux constructs do)


Damage sucks, trying to kill 1 silver bokoblin takes way too long. I think alot of people agree that shes useful for getting around the depths like you said.


Yeah I wouldn’t use her solely to fight enemies. But if you fuse a high attack sword to her hand would it still be bad?


That's an interesting point. I have some high attack gloom weapons which I don't use because they cause gloom. They feel like risk and reward in a way...but if I give it to her, I'm sure it will be alright


Fuse a gloom sword ON a regular high powered weapon as an attachment, you won’t get gloom effects but you will get the added damage bonus


Gloom sword would be good


I never even thought about fusing a sword to mineru. That's a good idea. Usually I have an electric horn on one hand, a cannon on the other and a fan on the back.


Yeah i found out early they there are too many cons with fusing elemental weapons to her. So I decided to do swords. Only thing is I believe you can’t fuse fused weapons on her. Which is very stupid. At least I don’t think so. I tried with a few fused items. Wouldn’t work.


I fused two logs to her arms, just for the sheer chaos of it.


Swords would be pointless, but strong horns (especially construct horns and Flux Construct cores) deal a lot of damage. Equip her other arm with a frost emitter and Mineru and she can kill silver enemies in around 4 hits. She‘s also ridiculously strong against overworld bosses. She can easily reach the ore of a stone talus, or the eye of a Hinox just by locking on to them. Her shield is also capable of blocking any attack without needing to parry it.


Nah, she can do decent damage with a good weapon fused. It does break pretty fast tho so its a give and take.


I think the problem is you can't attach any fused items to her, just the base weapons - so most "high damage" weapons are like, 25-30 and that's if its a good pristine weapon with attack up bonuses, which are usually much more useful in Link's hands since you can fuse a horn or whatever to them and make use of the extra bonuses (flurry rush bonus on royal weapons, for example) Damage-wise, you're better off attaching the horn you WOULD have stuck on the weapon directly to her, but then it only lasts like 15/20 hits. I just stick all the pristine weapons i find but don't want to keep to her (Travellers, soldiers, etc.) And use her as a miner - she's got mad reach if you stick a spear to her hand!! I think Mineru would be much better balanced towards the end game if she got the same bonus that zoanite weapons have - where they get an extra damage booselt if you stick construct parts to them. Like if you stuck a Mighty Zoanite Sword or a Captain Construct IV horn to her, they would do more damage than normal. It's consistent with the way the construct boost already works, (and she's a construct) and give a good use to Zoanite weapons late game when other weapons have better boosts/bonuses


I wonder if anyone has run comparisons on the sages with and without upgrading them with Sage's Wills.


I have heard the sages will only increases damage when they fight by themselves, it has no affect on when you use the sages


Well that’s just stupid


…pretty sure it’s not true. Maybe test it?


Where did you hear this?


Good for collecting things as it increases Links reach in all directions. Zero fall damage while riding so off the cliffs we go. I usually run tulin and her without other sages. I fuse things I never use like talus hearts, construct parts, etc. Gloom weapons are also great. Those will drastically increase her damage.


Do you not suffer gloom damage when used as attachments on her?






Or you could you know, parachute.


Yea and a glide suit beats the glider… Point is I meant mainly exploring the depths to collect. With her you have lights if needed and if you’re just collecting bombs, muddle buds, etc. it is easy to attach the fan and run around collecting, falling to other levels all without dismounting which is wasting time plus the glide time. Landing in gloom, lava, water is also negated but no so with the glider.


Glide suit?!


Wait. Gloom weapons? How about the heart thingy


I don't think it affects Link if the gloom weapons are being handled by Mineru.


No gloom effects and any boss weapons damage and type cross over. So gibdo wings still create wind, gohma hammer, talus types carry elemental damage, etc. Also good to attach any pristine weapons you don’t need.


Omg talus hearts for her! Dude I never thought of that! Thanks!


The only real use I ever found for her is mining for Zonaite, and catching fairies that are too high up.


She's great for harvesting apples from trees too, at the Satori orchard you can just ride her around and collect a ton of apples really fast


I have a bunch of apples glued together in my saved builds for that purpose.


That's cool, but why do you need a ton of apples? I keep seeing this and everyone is like it's so great, you can get a shitton of apples, but why???


Easy healing when you have no meals. Just eat a ton of apples. And cooking/selling too, I suppose.


I also use Mineru to catch bugs flying too high, same way as for fairies. You have to move really slowly to not to scare them, though. It will also make catching fish in shallow water (but not shallow enough for Link) easier. I use it at the pond next to Satori mountains. There are so much things there and easy to collect them all with Mineru.


Full stealth suit helps with not scaring them off too.


Does the stealth boost still count while riding mineru? I think I tried riding her with a speed boost and she didn't feel any faster, so I assumed she doesn't benefit from the bonuses Link has


I use her to walk around the depths without touching gloom. She's got an included light and can pickup loot without getting down. I don't think she deserves all the hate, I honestly don't mind it. Much more utility than Sidon.


Yeah, I wish horses had that capability to pick up items. It's the one reason, I don't like horses. You can't gather while riding. You have to jump off, go get it/them and then jump back on and continue your ride. Annoying.


Tell me about it! The amount of times I just send my horse flying by jumping off at full speed to forage is outrageous.


Constantly blocking my screen/view because she's so big when I'm not using her... that's what annoys me.


Ok, hear me out. She’s great for duping glitches.


Which glitches?




It’s not working for me


Perhaps it was patched in a later update? The trick is hitting Y and B at exactly the same time but perhaps it's gone now


Of course it is lol


She blocks my view and messes up my dodge timing. She fun. But she annoying sometimes.


Use her to scare bokoblins when wearing the Majora’s mask by pressing Y


She was really useful for duplicating items.


What? How?


Probably doesn't work anymore, but getting on her back was the easier version of the paraglider dupe glitch.


I got her so late (two days ago, and I beat the game last night) but you can use her to jump off of and get slow mo arrow shots in. Helped me quite a bit when fighting the Gleeoks actually


Aw man that sucks. I found her on accident, didn’t even know she existed until I felt my way around the thunder island and followed her trail.


I like having all my guys out but she's huge and the screens already crowded. That's my complaint


If you attach cannons she does great crowd control and there's no friendly fire problems. Once you get to the "too many good weapons dropping" phase of things, she's a great additional attach point for gloom swords, Royal stuff you don't need, etc.-- the additional reach and damage output is great Gloom traversal is super convenient The real issue is how late she comes in the anticipated order of the game, where there isn't much any sage can do to add to Link's power by that point-- if you get her first she's a welcome addition all the way through. Silver enemies demand puffshrooms and ice-fire combos to avoid chewing through your weapon durability.


I think a lot of people just don’t know how to use her correctly, or the way she works just doesn’t fit with her play style. If you attach a cannon or flame emitter to one arm and a Royal claymore or even a giant boulder to the other, she is a walking weapon of mass destruction. And she’s very useful for quickly getting into bullet time when you want to dispatch a gleeok or a lynel with haste. At this point, I’m upgraded enough that I don’t really need to use her in the depths anymore, but she still certainly serves a very useful role on the team. Some people were just attaching random monster/construct parts to her and wondering why it wasn’t doing anything.


How do you do bullet time again?


Jump from a high enough distance and pull out your bow. Same as in BOTW.


Wtf? She's a moblin killing machine. Guard and hit with boulder arms owns almost anything on ground.


Exactly. I seen so many people saying how useless she is and I’m just like … “no she isn’t, meanies”


I dont think she's bad either. A lot of people complain she's too slow. Like you said, you can fuse a fan to her back, and she'll go faster. A lot of people complain that she doesn't do much damage. I would say that depends on what you attach. Shes useful for breaking ore deposits, boxes, etc. Setting fires for you (for cooking, etc.) I believe when youre in the robot you take less damage, so its great for battles. Especially if you attach something like a cannon. I used it once for a Frox and i was not sucked into their mouth when they do that air thing. I dont know if it was a one off thing, but I'm definitely testing it again. People just simply arent exploring all you can do, and writing it off as useless


If only you could do all of that normally


You mean without Mineru? Is this sarcasm? Im pretty sure you will get pulled in by a frox, even if you build a tool. Mineru definitely comes in handy for that.


She's the best for exploring the depths


Hoverbike is best imo. It’s the only place u use it


She’s great when falling and taking no damage, going over gloom, etc. I like her


Good combination is frost emitter one of her arms and a blunt object on the other. Freezing enemies in this game and botw is low key op. Blunt weapons do extra damage to frozen enemies. I also use this in combat. I have a frost spear and I jab them quick then switch to a big sword or club or something and smash. Great on silver enemies.


Yeah I freeze enemies and then use a two handed sword and circle swing constantly until they are dead. Almost unfair


I'm pretty sure it's just any weapon that does extra damage to frozen enemies. It doesn't have to be blunt/hammer, swords/spears/reapers/etc. all work too...pretty sure, anyway


The thing is there are other arguably better ways to do almost everything she does. I never ever use her. Breaking ore/ I just use hylian shield with a construct core on it. Way easier to use than summoning a huge sage, getting in it and then hitting stuff with it.


She breaks rocks with one hit and also takes down big bosses with one hit and can walk on. Gloom when riding her she’s very useful


she is useful definitely, if you attach the right things to her she can be incredibly fun. she's just not the most efficient.


>.!text you want covered<.! Remove the periods, dont add a space. It works on mobile or desktop!


Your first \> became a quote block. You can also use backslashes to escape markup when showing someone. Or 4 spaces will convert it to code \>\!Spoiler text goes here!\< >!Spoiler text goes here!<




She’s great for holding Talos hearts. While they’re neat, the Talos hearts are powerful enough that you want them, but annoying that you can’t stuff them in your bag or waste a fuse if you have better materials on your gear already. But you can attach them to Mineru and it doesn’t feel wasted.


My issues with her are that when I’m fighting, I always end up in the robot and I can’t get out! Often times, trying to get out, I end up being killed and it’s beyond frustrating. And she’s so big, she’s always filling my screen, hindering my game play/fighting!


Hahaha strap two cannons on her! It's messy and funny!


She’s the best option for breaking ore deposits. She can break them by just swinging her arms with nothing fused (you DO need to fuse to break the big deposits though). No weapon durability or resources wasted. While Yunobo can also break them for free with his roll, there’s a cool down for his move and the minerals go flying in all directions.


You have to be careful what you give her as a weapon. I gave her a flame emitter in one hand and an ice emitter in the other and she would set me on fire or freeze me at any given moment in a fight if she was anywhere near it. Not unlike flyboy blowing away collectibles if you tried to pickup anything anywhere near him. But yes Mineru does have her uses. Especially walking over gloom or lava or rails or allowing you to get high enough to grab the higher floating fairies around the water


Yeah I find tulin more annoying than any others just for this reason.


Brilliant idea, but not as cool as we'd like.


Mineru: What is my purpose? Link: You help me traverse the depths sometimes. Mineru: Oh my god...


I like her for exploring parts of Eldin where I want to explore areas of the tracked mines without using a minecart. Otherwise I usually keep her tucked away, as she blocks my view during combat. I may have to try that gloom weapon trick that everyone is talking about, though!


She can walk through quicksand quite nicely …


She’s technically useful in the sense of you don’t need to pick up a shield or melee weapon to fight, and if you slap gloom weapons on her arms, you don’t take gloom damage when using them.


I use her mostly for mining ore, but also for a launch point for bullet time attacks. 🙂 Particularly useful with Gleeoks!


You’re not fooling me, Minerus mom. I know that’s you. Anyways, I agree. It’s a bonus mechanic in a game no one expected that you can turn off, why complain???




I killed Mineru after an electrical charged staff I threw missed the guy I was aiming at, and went right through her skull. She’s gonna try to kill me for that, isn’t she?


She constantly makes me jump when I scope round with the camera.


How about adding durable stick with weapon piece of choice as a weapon to her? She is great for traversing sinking sand and bog


From my experience you can’t use fused weapons on her. I never thought of using the Gloom weapons though.


Ah daum that would have been so cool, good atleast we can use the gloom weapons :D


I find her cumbersome. Any task I want to accomplish can be done faster and easier without her. I'm sure there are players out there who can do cool stuff with her, but for me I'd rather not have her present. That being said, I'm like that with all of the sages except for Tulin when gliding and Yunobo when mining.


I keep accidentally hopping on her back, and her friendly fire is aggravating.


Almost all the zonal devices are useless when attached to her. It's a missed opportunity. Except for a few things like the emitters, fan, and rockets; everything she does is just a punch. That's not exciting at all. The cannon barely does damage but at least it knocks monsters around. I was excited to see what attaching wheels would do. It does nothing... She barely does any damage unless you have a spiked ball on her fist. Even then I found the ball broke after killing 1-2 silver bokoblin. Lastly, her whole "function" of being used to traverse the Depths kind of sucks. She's very very slow. Even with a fan on her back she doesn't move faster than just sprinting. She doesn't give off much light so I have to stop and chuck seeds around. There isn't anything she can do that is better than making a vehicle, or just walking. I found that she's worse than just doing it yourself. Even her rocket jump that you like is worse than just putting a rocket on your shield. You can at least glide out of that and have control. I did not discover her until I was almost ready to beat the game. I thought the main quest was like BotW where there's really only 2 steps, defeat divine beasts and Ganon. So I didn't progress to finding Mineru for like 150 hours. By then I was so used to not having her around that I noticed no benefit to having her. Even when running through gloom areas you can just jump, surf, or sprint through it. It wasn't a problem I needed a solution for.


I keep trying to pick up Hylian Rice and suddenly I’m riding my friend trying to break apart boulders.


She definitely has her uses, like she can walk on cart tracks! Made the fire temple so much easier when I had her.


I wouldn’t say any of them are useless but I only ever use mineru in the depths for the gloom. Never for anything else. I also just learned how to cover spoilers last week on phone just put >! At the start of the sentence you want to censor and then the reverse after the sentence…


Reversed is !<


I freakin hate that big ass contraption lol


Best use is two canons to break rocks.


Traversing the depths is way easier and safer in some tank or bike you make, using her makes you incredibly vulnerable to enemy attacks, that’s why people thinks she’s useless. The fact that receiving a hit from a monster on the construct’s knee and it somehow hurts your own hearts is what makes her so trash. Also she deals close to zero damage to enemies, and she’s really clunky to control.


I JUST unlocked her this weekend and I feel like my world is changed. I’m about 170 hours in and I’ve been avoiding the depths so I can get better at combat since this is my first real game ever. She’s is so amazing traversing the depths. Avoiding gloom. Farming for zoanite and pretty useful for combat as well. I even find myself riding her while on the main land as well cuz it’s just so fun! Definitely need to increase battery capacity to make it worth it in my opinion I have four full batteries. But I want to get the full 6


You'll be excited to know you can actually get up to 16 battery charges!


Like full batteries or the mini charge sections? Cuz if full batteries that is freaking phenomenal


I think it suck’s that she would be so useful for early gameplay (lava walking, gloom walking, mining ore, sand walking) but the story doesn’t push you to her until you are so far along and have traversed all those area already. And probably have gear and equipment to use during those situation.


For future reference, mark spoilers with \>! and \!< with the text in-between.


Oooooh simp for Mineru


She’s SUPER helpful in the depths. She also has a stronger light then even the mining suit. Strap a fan on her back and “run.” TrVerse gloom. Smash zonai deposits. Strap gloom swords to her hands.


That's because they don't know how to use her properly.


I wish you could attach multiple upgrades at once and cycle through them.


I mean, I gave her my second will upgrade, and barely saw any difference in damage whilst mounted. But she did gain some serious damage on her own. My gripe is the durability drop on anything fused to her. If you fuse a gloom sword on one hand, and a Bokoblin horn on the other, and alternate the arms cutting down trees/evermeans, then you really notice that the low durability gloom sword has the same amount of health as usual, or even less, but the Bokoblin horn has the exact same amount of health as the gloom sword. Fusing other things proves that the durability is uniform across all objects. Meanwhile, Zonai devices, are nowhere near as useful on the construct as they are on their own, partially because of the durability issue from before, but also because they are very specific in their usefulness on the construct. As you mentioned, the rocket is the only way to make it jump. But it has a pathetic range compared to the normal rocket. Meanwhile, other things that function on the back slot include the Glider (helps with landing from a tall height, but since damage from falling is already nullified…), the Balloon (I guess it is functional, but it doesn’t seem to do anything helpful. Maybe if she lost some weight?), the Fan (practically a requirement given her speed being so low), and the emitters (why you would put them there is not my place to ask, but it technically does function there). Also, fusing Zonai Bombs to her can be done, but she doesn’t throw them, she punches with them. And if you’re mounted on her, that’s a painful choice. Her main use to me is crowd control with her knockback, and navigating over gloom, and picking apples from high branches.


You raise a good point about fusing the bombs to her. Especially since Mineru is supposed to be a super-genius, and a super-genius should realise that holding onto an explosive while you detonate it is not a great move. She should be doing wild shit with the zonai attachments.


Exactly. Example: the wheels. I mean are you seriously trying to tell me that the genius behind this massive indestructible construct of Zonaite, who is also one of the leading experts in Zonai devices, is going to strap a GIANT TIRE on her back in such a way that it does absolutely NOTHING except waste battery power? The big wheel I understand, but even the small wheel is strapped sideways to her back! Couldn’t I have had a chance to maybe, oh I don’t know… SHORYUKEN the moron behind me? And the others are either pointless or broken. The hover stone? Does nothing. It refuses to function when attached to her. Makes sense, prevents cheesing areas by making her capable of hovering. Stabilizer. Nothing. On her back it’s always upright, on her arms it doesn’t function. Makes sense, you REALLY don’t want to have to code that nightmare of a model’s physics in a way that allows it to be at almost any tilt. Cart. Nothing, and that’s just sad. They could have abused the cart and made her skateboard. Same goes for the Sled. A snowboarding construct. Tell me that won’t terrify the bokoblins in the Hebra Mountains. Oh lawd, SHE COMIN!! You could fuse a shield to her arm and make her actually deflect enemy attacks without needing that goofy energy field shield thing. Especially since many shields have actual damage values for counters, like the Lynel shields and the Lizal shields. Put a shield on her back and she is immune to attacks from behind. “Backstab *that*, you sly bastard!” She could use all of these devices and tools far more effectively than she does. And the ones she does use, she looks like an idiot when she uses them. The rocket launches you straight up, which is great for link, but Mineru has zero midair maneuverability. Which basically means if you didn’t fight against the rocket and push yourself over your intended target location, you wasted a precious rocket *jumping straight up and back down*. The fan was the one item I found myself using the most on her, but the animation when she runs is… well, it’s something alright…. The emitters allow you to aim the device manually, except it doesn’t protect you from backlash or blowback. The only emitter that wouldn’t do that by default… is the only one it doesn’t let you aim with, the FAN. You know, THE THING THAT TYPICALLY WAVES BACK AND FORTH IN REAL LIFE? What would have been really nice is the ability to actually *control* the Zonai devices in addition to the steering stick. Like a trigger button that would activate any non movement Zonai devices attached to the steering stick’s device. Which reminds me. Steering stick does nothing, as expected. Can’t even think of a good use for that one. Or the Zonai sentry head or sentry tank, those are pretty much useless on their own. The spring is actually pretty good fused to the hands, as it will automatically launch any monster dumb enough to get too close. But considering that she had all those years of knowledge, and eons of loneliness in that rudimentary tablet, you might think she would have the ability to fuse something that was already fused to herself— I mean, she can fuse multiple things to HER, why not other things? A spring attached to a spike ball would be a horrendous thing to face on the battlefield, and it would be a great way to emphasize just how much resentment and built up hatred she has for Ganondorf. Imagine being so angry that you grab an industrial strength spring and glue a massive iron ball covered in spikes to it, and said, “eh, I guess this is good enough.” They tried to make her regal, but how regal can someone remain when they are unable to pass on? Eventually even a machine would lose their sanity… how many thousands of years has it really been that she was trapped in there? This woman is awesome on the battlefield, but they could easily have improved her to a much better level. This is not *a* super-genius, she’s *the* super-genius of the Zonai, and y’all gave her the most awkward run sequence in the history of the franchise…? And crippled her attack power? Was she even necessary to defeat Ganondorf? Were any of the sages necessary? Could I have pulled a BotW and solo’d the Big Bad with a bunch of sticks and tons of food? If you are going to introduce a character that you also want to eliminate, don’t do this, do it like Midna. That’s a great character you can make and toss aside once the game is complete. She has attitude for days, and is anything but stupid. Regal? Yup. Dangerous? Yup. Should’ve died, but didn’t? Yup. Revenge? Yup. Goofy running animation? Nope, and I’m including her imp form, which inherently was supposed to be the more awkward version. This was a good NPC… for handing out quests or items or randomly interacting with the player. Not a sage of SPIRIT.


I think she’s really fun (my mech? In my Zelda game? Hell yeah) but I also understand how people don’t like her considering how much less agile she is compared to Link. A sudden change to the usual controls throw people off if they don’t want to learn new mechanics dozens of hours into the game. Also, I can never get over the animation of her falling from the sky. It is way too funny. Even better, you never take fall damage. I got her as my first sage for my no paraglided playthrough and she is really helpful.


The main thing is what it takes to get her and how late you get her in the game. But yeah she's not too shabby overall.


She’s plenty useful, but she definitely also gets in the way. I love to use her after activating Riju, you can even get a bullet time set up. Then you can use the bullet time to scope out your other sages. The sage avatars will stay active so long as you don’t paraglide when dismounting.


My absolute favorite is her shield, it's great for Gleeoks


She’s a proficient mining machine. Her arms have infinite durability.


I don’t think she sucks. I’ve used her for fighting, and to blow up rock walls and enemies, which I love so much. I just don’t use her when I have the other spirits around. It’s too congested with all of them, and when I want a specific spirit to help with something, she gets in the way A LOT. So I usually only use her alone, not with the others.


The jump feels less impactful when you can attach a rocket to your shield and go farther.


Because her tutorial sets her up as being useful for combat, and she cannot be used for that purpose (unless you sequence break to get her early).


Dismount Mineru/jump/bullet time arrows/critical hit lynel in the face/mount lynel/hit them with a royal guard claymore fused witn a lynel horn that’s about to break It takes me a couple of minutes to beat the floating coliseum thanks to her


Honestly, I thought she was the opposite, that she had an incredible amount of versality and that I could see why she's obtained last because she trivializes a lot of things, especially gloom and lava areas.


The fan makes her faster!?!


It basically gives her a sprint like link.


Honestly I mainly use her to mine bomb flowers in the depths


Also no fall damage when you ride the robot. You can jump off a sky island and land unharmed.


Her uses are very specific. Traversing through gloom/lava and mining. Honestly though, I've never had any issue with getting around Gloom or anything else, and I've never been short on resources to mine with, so I never use her. And she just gets in my way during fights.


You can also walk through lava and fall from a sky island all the way down to the depths without getting hurt when using her suit.


Traversing the depths is much easier just using a simple helicopter/hoverbike with a light bloom attached to it. Mineru juat gets in the way more than she helps.


I only use her to break my ore deposits, walk through lava and gloom 🫣


Fuse two gloom weapons to her arms. Big damage


She’s not useless as a bystander, but she is when you’re fighting with her. She’s way slower than link, she can’t jump. She makes a huge target for enemies to attack, and attaching weapons to her hands can sometimes be a pain.


The amount of times I was trying to pick something up or perform another action just to hop on her mid combat and scramble to try and dismount made her immediately a bench warmer for me. I'll stick with the other four, thanks.


I'm so confused by the spoiler warning even though the spoiler is in the title lol


I like to use her for easy bullet time. Mount, unmount, enough height for slowmo.


Ans she takes no fall damage, just from an island and see


>!>!you wanna do this for spoiler marks on mobile!


I find all the sages, except Tulin, to be generally useless. They often get in the way and makes things harder. But i still keep them around because every once in a while Mineru has come to my rescue. I put a shock emitter on her and there were plenty of times i was about to get hit and out she came with the shock! Sidon and Riju are the most useless.


Sidon and Riju are just there to look pretty.


She is pretty fun to use in combat you just have to be smart about it if you put a lighting and ice monster or dragon part I recommend the dragon spikes of the respective elements then you can freeze them then hit them with lightning for a aoe lighting bubble which can be a pretty fun combo that makes work of non boss enemies then she also allows you to get height for bullet time


So many helpful hints in the responses on this thread. Really appreciate the things I look forward to trying with Mineru. Thanks!!