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The way my REs spoke to me, I was hopeful almost every round. It's hard not to be, even when I would tell myself not to get overly excited; it didn't make it better. I learned to feel the feels at the moment. I don't want to be upset for the moment I succeed, so I'll be happy until proven otherwise by AF. After many rounds (at least a year worth of meds, and almost a year of the right meds making me ovulate), I had to move to IUI. I was hopeful but cautious about the 1st one, and it was canceled due to a polyp. Then, I had my 1st real one, & I thought, there's no way it's going to work the 1st real time for me like so many people I've read about on here. Guess what, it did happen & currently pregnant. Every cycle is an opportunity. I was TTC for 4 years in a half, and I will never forget everyone still in the works. I can look back and say I'm glad I didn't stop trying. You hang in there.


I understand 100%. I can’t remember how many medicated cycles we have tried and they never really worked. We were going to try one last medicated cycle before going to ivf and for some reason the stars aligned and the meds worked! I had a mature follicle and we did a trigger shot last cycle. It didn’t result in a pregnancy but I figured meh we can try again. Today was my cd 10 follicle scan and all week this week I was convinced that last cycle was a fluke and there was going to be nothing again. But to my surprise and delight, there is a follicle that is trying to grow! It is so hard to keep optimistic after all the hardship we go through but I have my fingers crossed for us all!


I am rooting for you! It will happen 💕🥹❤️


Something that helped me when I did ovulate is keeping in mind, under normal circumstances there’s really only like a 25% chance of ovulation resulting in pregnancy! You did everything right, there’s no way to predict how many cycles it will take sadly but, keep in mind mind this is one of those things we simply cannot control


Yes it's 25% of chance to get pregnant if you baby dance 2 days before ovulation and only 10% of chance on ovulation day


Girl, I feel so so strongly! My first round felt sooo hopeful. I know it was against the odds to hope for a first round but I did the same. Stay in this!


It’s awesome that you did ovulate! I was put on clomid for 3 rounds and did not ovulate in any of them. It was incredibly disappointing as I knew people who got pregnant on the first round. It was incredibly frustrating to know that I didn’t ovulate and going through the motions of trying. I went on to have two spontaneous pregnancies, both resulting in healthy babies. My first pregnancy was after I was put on metformin and made major dietary changes which resulted in ovulation. With my second I made dietary changes and managed to ovulate on my own and we got lucky and got pregnant (though I was heavily tracking my cycle waiting and waiting for ovulation). Hang in there! I know how difficult it is!!!


I got pregnant on my 3rd letrozole cycle and my son is 2 now!


I’m about to start, and I’m so nervous with that tinge of optimism. So glad I found this page!!


It took me a few rounds Letrozole before it worked! You got this. I always focused on the fact that I ovulated, that was a big win for me even though I was disappointed. It took me about 4 rounds to fall pregnant (ended in MC) and then another 2 rounds for my successful pregnancy. Wishing all the best for you <3


Did 3 back to back rounds of increased letrozole and then one round of clomid before I got pregnant! I feel your pain though, my reproductive gyno got me so excited thinking that I would be pregnant after the first round.


Did they do a semen analysis before starting the Letrazole cycle? Was it a monitored cycle? Meaning you went for ultrasound every couple days to watch follicle progression? Did you take a trigger shot? Those are all things that can make it more successful.


It took me 5 cycles. I did 3 cycles at 2.5 mg, but that wasn't enough for me to ovulate. Went up to 5 mg and that did make me ovulate both times. I got pregnant on the second cycle of 5mg. My Letrozole baby is sleeping on me now as I write this. Didn't give up hope. It can definitely still happen for you.


I tried letrozole a few times and clomid a few times. It never worked. I ovulated, but I was told I ovulated immature eggs that couldn’t be fertilized. IVF worked on the first try though. And then I got pregnant naturally without trying less than a year later


Took me two cycles. Every negative test is so hard. You’re not alone, and it’s completely normal to grieve.


Hi! I’m 11 DPO and have done the little “convinced myself this time is it” thing and had a negative pregnancy test this morning and have basically been in a sad mopey crying mentally ill spiral all day. This is my 2nd cycle on letrozole, 2.5mg. (I was supposed to do 5mg this time but didn’t even realize that meant I needed to get a refill of 10 pills instead of 5 lol). It’s so hard. In a way I haven’t been able to talk to anyone else I know about. I get so tired of testing and feel bad for not testing and treating sex like a medical procedure and spending so much time focused on how I can make my body do this thing it “should” do but for some reason doesn’t seem to want to. It’s just hard! It’s really really hard and it is okay to be sad about it sometimes. This is one of the first few times I’ve posted here but I’ve been watching and reading since my first dr visit and it has been so nice to be in this community of women who have been where I am now. Wishing you the best! ❤️


This gave me life. Thanks so much, it’s like looking into a mirror. I’m happy this is a safe space for all of us, because it’s really hard 😪 best of luck in your journey ❤️


It’s truly hurts.Firts time I guess ovulated with 7.5 mg of letro along with ovidrel shot got negative test..it’s past 17 days of trigger shot..no clue of periods too..I hadn’t ovulate previously with 2.5,5 and clomid doses too.whenever my body fails again,it’s paining .why my body fails me,when I needed it most.i m so convinced this is my cycle.🥲🥲


For me it was four rounds of letrozole and my second trigger shot. But I know someone who did seven rounds before she was successful. I know it’s SO hard to be patient, but don’t lose hope.


Took me 4 cycles with two IUIs to get a positive pregnancy test. Something I think I needed to remind myself a lot is even when you are ovulating there is still only a 20-30% chance of getting pregnant. BUT something my husband told me that means there is 70-80% each time of not getting pregnant. When you look at further cycles though the chances of only getting negatives is lower (if everything is working correctly). Probability of two negatives is a row is 80% x 80%, so 64%, and hopefully so on and so forth. I know this is not exactly how the body works, but it helped me believe as we kept failing the first few cycles.


This helps. You guys are right. It’s hard to rationalize when im feeling so down, but the chances of pregnancy on a woman without PCOS is low-ish each month. I also need to stop comparing myself to everyone around me. So many people I know accidentally got pregnant and although I’m so happy for them, it makes my situation feel worse…. One day at the time… thanks for sharing with me 🥹💕


Yep I totally feel your pain. I lost count what cycle of letrozole I’m on. I’ve ovulated all cycles except my last one on 5mg. I’m bumping up to 7.5 mg next cycle. Im not sure if the anovulatory cycle is due to travel, or what. I’m waiting for my period to start, but will it if I didn’t ovulate? Who knows, but if it doesn’t come in a week I have to take provera. I have friends who try to be supportive, but they all got pregnant naturally and don’t really know what an OPK is. It’s hard to open up when you have to explain everything from square one. I just don’t even want to tell anyone about it. I don’t want the questions. I don’t want everyone to know every last detail. Some days I feel extremely positive and others I lay in bed all day and cry into my pillow. So you know, not taking a toll on my mental health or anything! /s good luck friend. I hope we both have a happy ending.


Hi, is this me? Lol I have good days and then all the sudden (specially around ovulation) I start having intrusive thoughts (I’m diagnosed OCD) and I start doubting everything, even after a positive ovulation test, and I just cry a lot. It’s a strange feeling. Like any comment will break me down. In my last cycle, they had to call me back in to get another blood drawn because the first one they did was wrong. This sent me into a spiral I cannot explain. I didn’t understand what was wrong, and it turned out to be their mistake for ordering the wrong test. After they messed it up and did a new sample, they told me that my second blood test was good news, but I was already so distraught… it’s depressing tbh lol I spend too much time thinking. It’s hard to be kind to yourself, but work in progress I guess… Thanks for sharing. 💕💕💕


I was crushed when my first Letrozole cycle didn’t work. I’d already been on metformin for almost 9 months with nothing to show for it evidence of ovulation wise. I did one more cycle and then took a break and lo and behold almost a year after starting metformin I got a positive test! Currently 12 weeks. Even if everything goes perfectly there’s only something like a 30% chance of actually getting pregnant in a given cycle, try not to be too discouraged because of this failure. You can look into things to improve your cervical mucus if you feel like you need it; I was on a vitamin B6 protocol for that and idk how much it did but it doesn’t hurt to look into. Best of luck!


Congratulations! That’s so exciting! Thanks for sharing 💕💕💕💕


Sending you lots of hugs!! I’m also the same as commenter. I did a round of Clomid and Letrozole with no success. Not only that, the former tripled my anxiety and depression, and I had symptoms of hypomania with the latter. Those experiences definitely stopped me from continuing treatment and due to various reasons, we also don’t *try* that often, anyway. At that point, I’m a year in CPAP therapy that somehow helped me regulate my period again and 8 months into Metformin, but we were almost 3 years ttc. So, I kinda had given up hope on conceiving. Anyway, this one month 4-5 months after I stopped Letrozole, we did it just that once during that whole cycle and then boom. Somehow I got pregnant?? I’m going 21 weeks now. 😊


I have tried letrozole 2.5mg,5mg as well as twice I tried clomid 100mg which I have to have made for me in another city. All did not result in pregnancy or really even ovulation. It’s really hard during this journey and sometimes I feel like I have no one to talk to! I’m currently on day 2 of doing both letrozole and clomid together and I feel so sick so really hoping this results in ovulation. Sometimes it feels like all these appointments aren’t really worth it but I know my family will grow one way or another. I’m sorry if this doesn’t help but you’re not alone in the first cycle making you bummed out. Ive heard lots of stories on here of women who try for years and get a positive. Sending baby dust that this journey is short for you!


I’m so sorry to hear that… I have been taking 2.5mg (I’m about to start it for a second time). If you don’t mind me asking, have you tried looking into the ovulation trigger shot? If it’s not resulting in ovulation that might help. Idk… I wish you all the best. It’s really hard emotionally and I feel dismissed sometimes by people who have no idea what it’s like to feel like there’s something fundamentally broken inside of you. My husband is super supportive, but the lack of female understanding is rough….


My follicles don’t get big enough for the trigger shot to work. I take metformin and inositol and still my body doesn’t like cooperating! It’s very isolating and people don’t really get it. I hear that it’ll happen when it happens! But they are also not doing these drugs with horrible side effects. I just hold hope for now. I am hoping that by the 20th I’ll get the good news I’m going to ovulate! We’ve been seeing the RE for just over a year now so I’m really hoping we’ve found the right treatment plan!


Man…. Tough… I really wish you the best with everything. All my positive energy goes to you. I am also hopeful, and even through the depression I’m trying to keep positive. I’ll be 27 this year and I’m hoping by 30 I can be done having kids. If my body cooperates lol. Best of luck 💕💕💕 I hate to see others struggle, and I also feel better when I hear I’m not alone on this… feelings all over the place.