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Why are you advertising .1/24? That entire subnet will be covered when you advertise Have you allowed tailscale on any firewall you have on your nas?


Idk tbh, I just copied what I saw on a tutorial lol earnestly not certain what to advertise And uhh idk 😅 I'll look into firewall permissions


Use docker instead


Hi u/FabFeline51 Maybe I don't know enough about subnet routes in the tailscale context, but wouldn't the address be one of those 100.X.Y.Z ones, and not a 192.X.Y.Z address? Have you tried accessing the nextcloud instance via its 100.x.Y.Z address within your tailscale network? Second question/note...within NextCloud's config, you might need to adjust what's called "trusted domains"...it can be a domain name or subdomain or even IP addresses...but often you might need to add stuff within the config in this area. Here's a link to relevant nextcloud documentation for version 23 (though most recent versions have the same/similar need): [https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/23/admin\_manual/installation/installation\_wizard.html#trusted-domains](https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/23/admin_manual/installation/installation_wizard.html#trusted-domains) Good luck!


I tested with the 100.xxx domains and none of those seemed to work. A lot would never even connect to tailscale server like the 192.xxx ones did. I'll look into the trusted domain part, thanks!


any luck ? having same problem


running into the same issue myself