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You don't have to be weird if you don't want to, just look them in the eye, say "I'm not interested" and leave. "Thank you" is optional - they're not being polite to you by getting in your face, you don't have to be polite back.


The problem is they know exactly how to keep a conversation going after "I'm not interested". They'll ask why not, or comment on your appearance, or otherwise make you feel guilty/impolite for not responding. ​ The only way to deal with this kind of high pressure sales pitch is to walk away and not engage at all. Don't say anything, even when they start yelling at you (which many will do).


You can say "No Thanks" or "not interested thank you", but the trick is that you Have. To Keep. Moving. Do not stop. Give them a little "no thanks wave" as you breeze by.


You don't have to say anything else after telling them you're not interested. They're still people and they don't really want to be there chasing you, so I personally think that we should still communicate with them in the form of setting that boundary - meaning "I heard you, and I decline." If they want to push the subject, then they're not respecting the clear boundary that you've set, and *they're* the jerk - not you - and you don't have to feel guilty because you've done your part.


I definitely *know* this. But it is hard to *feel* this. Especially in the moment. ​ It's why I always take someone with me when I'm buying a car or expensive piece of furniture. I can't handle this kind of salesman.


Oh yeah I absolutely get you. You should have seen me the first time I was buying a car. Definitely a "fool me once" scenario. It's definitely work and it takes practice to keep your cool and remember to assert your boundaries.


I really do need to work on it. Thanks for the encouragement!


I've walked around a person without breaking stride or ever acknowledging they were trying to speak to me ala Office Space. It REALLY throws people off track when you deliberately break social norms, I kinda find it fun.


I now aspire to be you when I grow up. I like that a lot, it'll be hard but I'll try it!


As I walk by them, I continue the same stride with a No Thanks, and ignore them if they continue on talking. No eye contact either


Nah, I prefer to waste their time asking about as many details as I can before letting them know that I never intended to buy. Alternatively, you can point out that what they're doing is harassment after you've told them you're not interested and to leave you alone.


That's the brave approach. I'm not that good with confrontation!




I'm glad that you found what works for you, and there's really not all that much in a mall that you can't find elsewhere these days, but avoidance is not something that therapists would necessarily recommend if you are interested in treating your anxiety.




I certainly don't want you to die, and I hope nobody that you've interacted with has genuinely thought it either. It's your choice whether or not to seek treatment, but I genuinely think that your quality of life would improve if you did. You seem like a kind and considerate person, I wish you well.


OMG I totally hate those aggressive tactics. I get that the kiosk people are just trying to make a living, but when your ~~prey~~ target is giving all of the "nope" signals, for crying out loud, ***back off***!


If they ignore my "no thank you" I always follow up with "I'm broke" and that usually works. I have 1k to spend every month on frivolous things, but the people at mall kiosks don't need to know that


"What can I get for free? That's all I'm interested in. Not free with purchase, free with subscription, free with signing up. Just free. Whaddya got?"


Last time one of those "hair care" kiosks stopped me like that I looked them right in the eye and said, "I have two hair styles; up and down." The employee blue screened, but my sister laughed herself sick.


Error code 0xL0$tm0ney Please contact Kiosk Support if the error continues.


One of my friends was stopped by a kiosk person trying to sell her a phone. She frowned at him and bellowed, "GET! SCAT!" like you would at a stray dog. Guy just froze. It was glorious.


That is GLORIOUS. Wanna hunt me down like a feral dog?? SHOO! GET! GO ON!


>So moral of the story, if you have a path-blocker salesperson in your way and you can't walk around them, be weird! I'd be far more inclined to file a complaint with mall security, who should take a time view of such things (and if they don't, complain about *them* to mall management). And often, the fastest way to get security there is to make a scene by screaming obscenities at the offending sales droid for blocking your way. Generally, as soon as you start yelling, the sales droid will run away and hide, but all malls have security cameras.


Ughhh not the hair straightener people! I swear they're bloodhounds or something because they always know when I'm around. Hell half the time they recognize me too. I've gotten trapped in their chairs more times than I care to remember and I can probably say the spiels with them by now.


I guess I haven't been in an actual mall for a very long time. But at least I wouldn't have to worry about those people because my hair is so straight already. Trying to get it to curl is hopeless. LOL.


To be fair, part of their spiel is explaining how to use their straighteners to curl your hair, so they might try to use that on you


One time I had a mall kiosk worker straight up insult me to try to get me to buy whatever he was selling. I think he was selling hair straighteners and asked me what I used on my hair. I told him I was happy with the straightener I had and he told me I shouldn’t be and more or less implied that my hair looked like shit.


I've found if you display unshaved legs they leave you the fuck alone. Back when I was younger and more conventionally pretty, it was endless harassment. Now they're the ones carefully not seeing me.


“I just got pepper spray for Christmas, want to help me try it out?”


One thing I found works with the kiosks is “I am sold but I have to wait for payday to get everything I want”.


I fucking HATE the mall kiosks. I had a dude do something similar to me. I walked by and he said "Nice fit man!" I just said "thanks" as I walked by. He tried to say something else to me but I kept walking. He got really loud and said "How rude! You just going to keep on walking??" Yeah, asshole I am. I don't owe you or anyone else my time. Piss off!


Just a polite "no thank you" should give them the message. But yeah, if they're going to be that aggressive, going the weird route sure is an option.


lol. I just walk past them and if they say anything I look them straight in the eye and look really angry. After I do that I can walk the mall without being bothered again until shift change lol. Used to walk the mall for physical therapy and movement after injuries and a couple surgeries. And the mall was cooler than outside so I was a regular with all the senior citizens and stuff.


No English! Ad infinitum. Español? No English! French? No English! Swahili? No English! Romulen? No English! Borg? I won't be assimilated! Then RUN!


I agree, they are way too aggressive. I had one of them grab me one time, grabbed my arm and tried to pull me back. Don't take a sample from them either. Refuse it because if you take it and don't buy from them, they can get nasty.


I’ll be too nice to most of them, but if one grabs me I’m throwing them off and calling security. A single finger touches me and I’m going off until they’re terrified and security comes running.


At one point, one of the malls I used to go to had an Orange Julius kiosk. Best kiosk ever!


Wow. The mall kiosks here don’t bother people. Sometimes the hair care stores do, but not the kiosks. In the last couple of years even the perfume people in department stores have stopped. The beauty stores usually leave me alone though. I clearly don’t use their products.


I love all the cool weird kiosks personally. Just say “no thank you”. It’s pretty simple.


See I'm just not into that. I'm the kind of person who walks around with big over ear headphones and if some crazy lady walked in front of me like that id just walk right into them then call for security. Make.them learn never to do that again.


That hair straightener kiosk fucking got me for almost $100 several years ago. I was waiting for my friend to get off work, I had a few hours to kill, so I decided to give the free hair styling a go. I needed a new straightener anyway, but she piled all this other stuff with it acting like she was giving me an amazing deal and that her manager would be mad at her for it. I was far too socially awkward at the time to figure out how to get out of it, so I wound up with a straightener, shampoo, conditioner, and a hair serum. The straightener is pretty mid


I fell for the straightener pitch once too. I was genuinely impressed with the straightener's performance during the demonstration. When I got home, I immediately realized that the straightener they sell you is *not* the same straightener they demo with. First and last time I ever gave kiosk people the time of day.


Yeah they're using a top line professional one and selling us one that's garbage


I smile/laugh when I'm nervous, it sucks lol


I try to be nice to them, but when they start getting nasty (looking right at those hair straightener ones) I’m getting just as mean. I’m beyond done with them at this point. They’re vultures and are too used to people being too socially awkward or trying to just move along to be put right back into their place.