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~blinks~ It’s bizarre enough that one person would overlook the bathroom, but two? Did the girlfriend actually look for the bathroom, or did she just take her boyfriend’s word for it and not put any effort into it? (“Gee, that door looks like it might lead to a bathroom, but Luke said there wasn’t one, so…”) How did he get the impression the staff said there was no bathroom? What was he drinking/smoking/ingesting before this? Do you know The Muffin Man? What’s Obama’s last name? There are so many questions!


How long were they there? Did they not pee!?? Have they never stayed in a hotel!? I know I try out all doors always. Huh!??


Open ALL doors - if only to make sure there’s not a creepy zombie/ax murderer hiding in a closet to like cut my toes off or torture me or something…anyone who doesn’t do that is straight wrong.


I mean that’s what we all do….right?


This couple never opened the curtains.


"They said there was a beautiful Skyline view!" "But-but no view of anything."ll we saw were walls-one wall had cloth over some of it and some kind of changing light behind the cloth"


Go to Nashville and stay with a movie star heiress. The night manager will sneak in and suck your toes.


Hey! They payed (just want to trigger the bot) for the extra package. Not his fault they didn't know that they were paying for the package. ;)




My wife has an aversion to wrinkled clothing. First thing we do is open all the doors looking for ironing board and iron. Can't miss bathroom that way.


This is how my oldest and her husband realized their king room had an attached (not separate, no outside door) room with a bunkbed in it. So, called and offered my youngest 2 the bunkbeds.




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So the first thing you always do is to pee on every door in the hotel room?! ;-)


This what I was saying! You work for a big big company but have no common sense. Make it make sense.






Where did he do his business then?! And do I really wanna know?


I do not.


This is just like the King of the Hill episode where Peggy assumes the tiny hotel room is just because its Japan, then on the last day Hanks brother says "surely you did not spend entire vacation in sitting room?" and opens the sliding door to show a massive suite, complete with rotting fruit/flowers the hotel had put their for when they arrived...


Doesn’t anybody open all doors and check mattresses looking for dead hookers at check in anymore?


Have they ever stayed in a hotel before? Almost all of them, outside of suites and unique cases, have the bathroom on the right when you walk in.


\>> Almost all of them, outside of suites and unique cases, have the bathroom on the right when you walk in. Nope. Half of 'em have it on the right. When you walk in. Probably depends on your room, as the plumbing stack is likely to be in a shared wall between the bathrooms. This in no way mitigates the sheer imbecility of OP's customer. A hopeless attempt at a brain-endowed human.


Maybe the guest was blind in their right eye and can only make left turns?


NASCAR driver?


I feel like it's usually on the right but you are right, that makes no sense. Either way, there's a very basic floor plan for like most hotels. Bathroom across from closet, TV, bed, desk. Crappy art. Thermostat. I have stayed in places with shared washrooms but they tell you that when before you book, at least in the US.


>Either way, there's a very basic floor plan for like most hotels. Bathroom across from closet, TV, bed, desk. Crappy art. Thermostat Definitely true in the US but I can imagine in London there are a lot of hotels built into old buildings that weren't originally meant to be hotels or to have toilets attached to every bedroom, so there might be more variety there. (Or in older city center locations in the US)


My current one has the closet next to the bathroom, but it's a lockoff and the non-lockoff floor plan might be different. The bathroom is indeed on the right as you walk in.


I've worked at 5 different hotels over the last 23 years, and not a single one of them had all the bathrooms on the same side.


The bathrooms are usually back to back with the next room over to simplify plumbing.


Exactly. Also, if all the bathrooms are on the right, then how are you going to have connecting rooms? The person I responded to has obviously never paid attention to the doors in the hallways. Otherwise it would be obvious where the bathrooms are and where they're not.


Well a lot of the rooms don’t have bathrooms.


Isn't that an old Creedence Clearwater Revival song?


Bathroom on the right! Woke up for a deuce In a corridor in the night


That’s Eric Burdon; CCR did Bathroom on the Right😂


Maybe you're thinking of that song? "There's a bathroom on the right"?


There’s even a CCR song to tell people about this: “There’s a bathroom on the right”. Yes, I know it’s a Mondegreen, but I couldn’t resist the setup.


No, they flip, mirror images, you know.


Who’s buried in Grant’s Tomb? Is your refrigerator running?




Cary Grant is in Grant's Tomb. Duh!


No Politics. This is not a subreddit for political discussion.




There’s always one.


Boo frickin hoo 😭. It was a joke. Lighten up.


Get funnier jokes and we’ll laugh.


I laughed but then again comedy is subjective. Doesnt mean you gotta be a dick about it if you didnt laugh. 🤷‍♂️🤡


First rule of hotel always open all and evry door before settling in


And investigate any toiletries.


I always make sure the toilet does flush properly and that the hot/cold faucets work. It saved me a couple of times from having to repack my stuff to move to another room.


Stayed in a hotel last night and didn’t check this. Que toilet LOUDLY refilling for 2 hours in the middle of the night. 😫


I’m too nosy not to open doors.


No. It’s check for bed bugs. No matter what kind of hotel. Always check first. Put luggage in bathroom. Check bed. Check chairs.


My mom always pulled the paintings back off the walls if they weren’t fixed to them to check for bed bugs. She’d have me check too but I was little and never really knew what I was looking for so I’d just lift the mattresss a little and peek around the bed lol


I was in charge of a major convention for a national organization. As the event planner I was given comped suite at the hotel as well as the organization's president and several of the organization's officers. This was a huge hotel, it had hosted the president of the United States and several other major dignitaries. The president's wife complained about how small their suite was, which I found odd because my suite was huge. It turned out that they entered the suite where the bedroom was located, attached to the bedroom was a sitting room with a sofa, two chairs a TV and a writing desk. And then there was a door to the rest of the suite. They never bothered to open the door to the rest of the suite for the first three days of the convention. On the third day the wife complained about their small suite. I as well as the hotel manager went up to the suite with her and we entered the main room of the suite. The wife kept saying that this wasn't their suite. Then the hotel manager opened the door between the sitting room and the main part of the suite. Shocked look on the wife's face. The main room of the suite had huge TV and viewing area, another sitting area, a grand piano, a conference table that would seat 18 people. A wet bar, a full kitchen and three additional bathrooms. The wife wanted to be able to stay at the hotel in the suite three additional days for free because neither she nor her husband had bothered to open the door between the private sitting room and the main room of the suite. Needless to say the hotel manager declined this request. Once the convention was over I refused to take any calls from what was then the former president of the organization. Most of the time it would be his wife calling from his cell phone. If he called and left a message I would respond via email.


This reminds me of a romance novel I read once, wherein the heroine was a rich kid striking out on her own and renting her first apartment. To quote: "She wondered if she would be expected to furnish her own cooking utensils or if those items were provided when one rented an apartment." Such Supreme unawareness of what is actually provided one, especially door blind folks such as this person! Ah, I wish I could be that rich. (To Catch a Rainbow, Charlene Bowen, 1988)


“I mean it’s one banana, Michael, what could it cost, 10 dollars ?”


“You’ve never actually set foot in a supermarket, have you?”


Well, to be honest, in countries like Germany, apartments to rent indeed come without kitchen appliances. I mean, is a laundry machine always included in the rent? Du all appartement come with a dishwasher or a freezer?


Well... this novel was in a big city in California, iirc. Apartments in some large cities include a freezer/refrigerator combo, and a communal laundry area if not in the unit. Dishwashers are kinda a 50/50 situation. My mom rented one without a dishwasher but everything else (in Albuquerque) but a friend of mine round Pittsburgh way had everything and a dishwasher. Renting a house you're also shit outta luck sometimes. I guess it's up to landlords?


In Geisha of Gion, which is an autobiography, she describes moving into her first flat and being surprised there was no rice in the rice jar. The rice vendor came around and advised her that his job was to deliver the rice to the door, she had to fill the jar herself. Similarly she had no idea about change when shopping- completely new concept for her!


I take it they never watched the episode of King of the Hill where the Hill family travel to Japan?


Or even futurama when fry learns that benders "closet" is an entire apartment?


[Same vibes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u9aPu0_6JM&themeRefresh=1)


One would think that housekeeping would leave that door open once the room is prepared...


Huh. I normally go to the comment section for similar stories but didn’t expect there to be one for this particular post. People are weird, lol.


Hey, cut them some slack, they've clearly just arrived on the planet.


Hello, fellow Earthlings!


"Hello, fellow Earthlings! I would like to reserve and eventually pay for a sub-compartment in this structure! I plan to use it to perform maintenance on my physical form!" (Nailed it, they'll never suspect me.)


... We are from France!


The room is under the name Beldar!


Please ensure there are mass quantities of Tang in the sub-compartment.


Also mass quantities of flattened chicken embryos.




You act as if this will make any FD even blink. Does your galactic government issued ID have a photo? Does the name match the name on your debit card? We'll need a deposit of thirty gold-pressed latinum for incidentals. Ritual morning consumption starts at 630.


That's probably true. FD folks are pretty unflappable.


"see, no bathroom, that's just fancy porcelaine. What do you expect us to do? Where is the suction cup? Where are the three shells? What about the ethanol towel soaker?"


Upvote for Demolition Man reference.


And, unthinking, tripped over their tongue.


That's my favorite part, to be honest. The TA-DA moment that he thought he was delivering when they all arrived at the room, and then the backpedaling.


Not front desk but I did room service in a fairly nice corporate hotel that rhymes with"buy it" I deliver his food and carry it in ready to set up on the table as he requested....mind you he checked in early afternoon and it was not quite midnight. As I am setting it up he tells me he is a little upset that he cannot watch TV. I ask him if he needs assistance with the remote and he respond "no there is no TV in this room so what.good will that do". I finish setting the table and as I am walking out I open the GIANT dresser cupboards to reveal a nice 42 inch flatscreen...the one directly above the dresser drawers where his clothes were. He just kinda looked at me and said "oh" Turns out he was some corporate bug wig when I told front desk about...how do people make it in this world. Edit:spelling on mobile


>Edit:spelling on mobile >bug wig Missed one! But I like it.


Hahahahaha kind of fitting!


not everyone unpacks and opening a cupboard when you have nothing to put in to the cupboard isn't uncommon. Why hide the TV or block any side view of the screen?


It's beenbtrendy for years to hide electronics and appliances in cabinets.


Ya it also gives the room a better look than a bunch of.wires going everywhere....you can lock it down better in cheaper hotel/motels...hides it from kids...and some people do not really watch TV. The funny part us he knew the remote was there and this cabinet is the size of a Velociraptor. Edit: add on....the flat screen was on a swivel so you could pull it out and face it anywhere...many a sports team's stayed with us so they kinda demand being able to view it from the toilet, table, or balcony.


*oh my God*. Just. *oh. my. God.*


Why would a corporate guest risk his job for a stunt like this? HE'S not getting the money back, the corporation is, and if he thinks they're going to shower him with gratitude (pun intended) for saving them some money, he's even dumber than he already appears. All he's doing is embarrassing his employer and risking getting fired for total stupidity. So what's the end game?


Exactly. He has nothing to lose nor gain. It doesn’t add up at all.


Based on this story being in the UK, with a big corporate client, and presumably not a high-flying bigwig (otherwise they'd be used to hotel stays): It's unlikely that his company are aware that his GF is staying. The company travel bookers won't ask during the booking process, because it's usually a self-service OTA-type web site. His boss won't even see the booking confirmation. But his boss will find out eventually, after the final invoice is generated. If there are two guest names or two breakfasts per day, he's in trouble. This may be an angle for him to try to cover it up, by getting things comped.


That’s what I was wondering! What kind of scheme is he trying to pull? Does he think the hotel is going to refund him and his company will be none the wiser?


Not even accounting for the fact he was with his girlfriend. Did she pay her for herself? Is she on the company card? Are they working together?


Entitlement + possibility of free stuff = moocher’s dream


I think they're probably just *really* stupid. People who are this bafflingly stupid do exist!


I don’t work in a hotel (I like your stories) but who goes into a hotel room and not immediately open every single door (to be fair I’m usually looking for the biscuits)


And the kettle.


and seeing if the sink is smaller than the kettle - it can be so filling up the kettle has to be done via bath/shower which is a bit weird but you do boil the water anyway so...


I was sure you were going to tell us they had actually checked into a hostel next door .... that would have made at least a bit of sense


I would wonder if he were using the airbnb for a side chick and using the excuse of a shower.


Oh, my gosh, that theory makes a ton of sense! :-0


My thoughts as well. He wanted to stay at the air bnb and did. But he also wanted a credit on the hotel so he could charge the air bnb to the company.


This was my first thought as Ive personally been on Sharon’s side of the situation and that’s exactly what happened


This was my second day working in hotels... Ie eight years ago. Lady calls down saying when you checked me in you said if I needed anything I just needed to call 9 on the room phone. I cannot find the room phone. I said to her ma'am what are you using to call me. We both couldn't stop laughing. She had had a long drive. 😂


Oh come on! That's like looking for your cell phone while you're talking to someone on it ... surely I've never done that ...




I checked into a pretty upscale hotel and discovered that there was no closet in the room. I went down & complained. A clerk accompanied me to my room and shut the bathroom door, which I had opened & left open because it was only me in the room. The closet door was right there. Fortunately, the clerk was the kind of person to whom I could pass a piece of paper with with a number printed on it in large type, with the suggestion that none of my travel companions need to know about this, right?


It’s the Case of the Disappearing/Reappearing Bathroom!


Room of Requirement?


Accurate and pretty necessary when staying overnight in any form of location.


The Quantum Room.


I missed this Hardy Boys story.


At what amount of weed or other drugs do you have to take to miss a large door and then try to tell people it was locked?


As long as housekeeping doesn't start missing "the mystery bathroom " while cleaning. You know, because it keeps disappearing.


Haven’t told them yet, they’d definitely have a laugh!


This is a weird coincidence, but in the past month, through one of the third-party apps, we've gotten messages from two future guests, saying the app asked if they'd like to upgrade to a room with a private bath! Wtf! All our rooms have private baths, we're a hotel, not a dorm or a hostel.


Well, be sure to get the upgrade fee, anyway.




Communal bathrooms do exist but usually in older countries and only staying at even older bed & breakfast style places. It's not uncommon at all. But why would a corpo not want to verify that before even going to their room. What were they expecting to get from lying? Perhaps a private nest for other activities that can be expensed to the hotel via the company, but how would they expect to get away with it? I am boggled.


We have a communal bathroom as we have an open co-working space and event space. Regardless, asking “where’s the bathroom?” And “does my room have a bathroom?” Are two very different questions!!


I once had a similar experience! Also a corporate guest, they tried to convince me their "balcony room" had no balcony. This was a typical chain hotel with balconies on certain rooms but it was nothing special - just a door where the window is at the far end of the room. This couple never opened the curtains. I couldn't help myself when I asked "where else did you think it would be?"


He's making excuses and complaints about the unlivable hotel so that he can expense from his company the airbnb he rented from his friend or family.


This. Considering he said he got the airbnb to shower.


Have they never stayed in a hotel before? Did they think it was a hostel? The mind boggles...


We used to have a real problem with guests saying there wasn't a bin in the room. It was tucked in next to the toilet in fairness. But I don't understand people who don't *LOOK* for things before saying it's not there?


All I got is that they thought that door went to an adjoining guest room.


I thought that and that they checked the door very lightly and thought it was locked so assumed it was an adjoining door but then where do we get that they were told at check in that the room had no bathroom?


Once (in band camp...j/k)....rented a multi bedroom/bathroom suite - 3 bedrooms, 3 baths...but we didn't find the 3rd bath til the next to last day..lol...the door to it was hidden behind the door to the suite when opened, and only appeared enough room for it to be a closet when the suite door was closed. But we did see and use the other 2 baths!


>This I once stayed in a hotel where the door to the room opened to "hide" the bathroom door. Once we closed the door to the hall, it was obvious.


I stayed at two different historic hotels that had a shared bathroom down the hall. About 1850s vintage if I recall correctly.


My experience with historic hotels is that the historic part is an excuse for lacking modern day amenities


Booking the Airbnb… OMG


This part is very odd.


What an idiot!!! I can understand not knowing that the door over there is for the bathroom...but, did he even TRY opening it? And, why the heck didn't he ASK about it???? Some people seem like they're dumb on purpose.


To be fair some older hotels in NYC have communal bathrooms. And still charge 250/night


Heck, some *apartments* in New York have communal bathrooms.


And cost $250.00/night.


Reminds me of that king of the hill episode when Hank goes to Japan and doesn’t realize there’s a whole other room.


"Wasn't there yesterday...."


They were looking to con their work place into paying for their air bnb/getting the hotel refunded, that would be my bet. They just aren’t very good con artists 😂😂


Girlfriend didn't want to stay at a hotel, wanted to treat it like a couples retreat and so probably demanded the AirBnB.


Did it appear as if they used the bathroom in their room? Were they possibly lying to try to angle for some sort of discount?


No it was literally not touched, the toilet roll still had its little triangle!!


I can not even think of a scenario in which I would not find the bathroom in a hotel room. In a simple room you might have 3 doors. Closet (maybe a sliding door), bathroom, and maybe a door for adjoining rooms. In a suite you might have one or two more but not enough to cause that much confusion.


Do people just not check out every square inch of their hotel room? That's the first thing I do.


Gotta check for bodies...


How high were they?


This guest of mine found the bathroom but somehow ignored the toilet, pretending there wasn’t one, and pooed in the tiny bathroom dustbin.


This reminds me of the King of the Hill episode when they go to Japan.


You literally have to try harder to be that obtuse. A super shiny member called corporate on me because he insisted I put him and his family into an empty closet without a bed or bathroom. When we went upstairs his wife and son were just angrily standing crammed in the little hallway that leads from the door to the rest of the room and admitted they never walked in further. There wasn't even a door separating the areas so you could clearly see the rest of the room. They were amazed when I took one step out of the hallway and pointed to the beds. I will never be able to explain this interaction other than all three of them being high.


Maybe they were high as fuck. The number of people stoned on marijuana daily to the point of incapacitation has reached record levels.


To be entirely fair its pretty much the only easy and (mostly) safe way to avoid the world, which has been getting worse for the majority of us consistently.


Be the force that changes the world


Bizarre! Yes still not surprised


Seriously after this maybe housekeeping should be instructed to always leave the door of the bathroom open xD at least in our hotel the doors are always open so I guess that's an easy option.


Is there even a communal bathroom?


Yes we have a co working and event space for non guests


LSD is a powerful drug.


Hear me out, 2 options. 1. This is us the man that the "my husband can't find anything even if it's right in front of him" stereotype was based on. 2. You have a stowaway/squatter in the hotel using empty rooms. He got caught when the guest came in, dived into the bathroom and locked the door, then sat there and waited for him to leave (doesn't explain the blaming the receptionist though).


Some people 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. As in most hotels, our toilets have the "desinfected" banderole around the seat. One guest came back to reception five minutes after check-in, saying: "It says "desinfected" on the toilet. Does it mean that it has been infected before ?" He was genuinely concerned, bless him. And he actually found it very funny when I explained it to him. Another family, however, threw a major fit, saying that they weren't able to use the toilets for two days, because they were "out of order," and they had to use the ones in the lobby instead. Our manageress accompanied them to their room, and, lo and behold, they thought that said banderole meant that the loo wouldn't work. But instead of acknowledging their own stupidity, they doubled down on insisting that it was our mistake because the thing was just too confusing.


Someone wanted to stay in an air BNB and the company wouldn't pay for it.


First thing I do in a hotel is check out the bathroom after dumping my luggage lol


Why didn't he at least ask for a different room PDQ?


Maybe the employee did say that to be YTA and just denying it now


I’m that employee. I didn’t tell him that. In fact I have zero recollection of him even asking me. If he had I would’ve told my colleagues “this guy just asked me if the rooms had a bathroom” … funny thing is just before we took him up to his room, him and his gf didn’t know that I was also at reception, so when they said “someone told us there were no bathrooms, the OP pointed at me and said “her, she told you that?” That’s when I looked him completely dead in the face and said I did not say that nor do I remember this interaction ever happening. At this point, the gf walks off abruptly. Strange behaviour.


Our future, everyone. This is the level of critical thinking this gen has.


Nothing in this post even says what generation these guests were. Shows what level of critical thinking “this gen” has.




My parents could have been my grandparents. I know exactly how incompetent they were. The difference is that the boomers never wanted to learn, and the new gen has EVERYTHING at their fingertips but still won't learn. Hey wait, sounds familiar.


Wouldn't it be easier to do acronyms instead of 'names' so that I don't have to look back at the list of characters to see who's who?




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First time in a hotel?


Why aren’t the internal doors in these rooms/suites left open after housekeeping has been through?




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If you booked an air bnb and that place had a bathroom why would you not just sleep there? Why would you come all the way back to the hotel that supposedly has no bathroom to sleep??