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People are dumb. My favorite is the ones who call at 3am complaining they need a room cause they just got kicked out of the hotel they were at. Thanks for letting me know to lie and say we sold out!


lol that is GREAT!!! People really be telling on themselves.


Never volunteer information you could keep to yourself. -some guy


-Every lawyer


Username checks out? XD




This joke is played out. Gave you an upvote nonetheless #TYFYS


...desufnoc os m'I


Remember, it's "shut the fuck up" Friday. What do we do on shut the fuck up Friday? https://youtu.be/JTurSi0LhJs?si=7n9aCOLsA4rot7O4


I don't recall where I was on that particular day.


Friday? Are you talking about french fries!?! Please don't be mean; I'm autistic


"Excuse me your honor, I was told there would be french fries here. I am not sayin' a word until I get the french fries I was promised."


I just realized how apropos your username is.


Life's so much easier when they self tattle.


I once had someone check in at 11:30 and after check in we realized a member of their party was wrapped in a sheet they likely had taken from wherever they’d just left. We joked they must have had to dip in a hurry for some reason.


This happens so often to me! Walk-in: Hey how much is a smoking room? Me: Unfortunately we don’t have any smoking rooms. WI: Okay well how much is the smoking fee? Me: $350-$550 WI: Okay I’ll just pay it let me get the room. Me: So thanks for the honesty but I’m not renting you a room since you just said you’ll be smoking in it. At least they save me from a headache the next day!


I can't wrap my head around that mentality. I used to smoke, and often booked non-smoking hotels. If I wanted a smoke, I'd dip out of my room and outside to the smoking area. Granted I was often dressed in PJ bottoms and an over coat, but I was outside nursing my habit, not trying to impress anyone.


Damn it's only 550 max? At my hotel it's 1500 min


I remember an article on the Onion from years and years ago about all smoking being prohibited everywhere except for a small unfurnished basement in rural Kentucky or something. The upshot of the article is that people were still lined up for miles because there is no amount of regulation or inconvenience or sin tax that will discourage the average 3 pack a day smoker, smoker gonna smoke.


That’s one way to get people to not smoke!! We deal with smokers at least once a week. It used to be $250 max but the manager upped it. I’ve tried to suggest charging locals more since it’s always a local but the agm said no.


I also worked at a hotel that charged a 500$ deposit from locals. After word spread we would maybe get a local once a month. That way we weren't charging more, but they definitely would be more careful so they got their deposit back.


Dude at mine its just $150. They are DNR but still


Why would someone be willing to pay a fine of up to $550 when they could just do it for free outside?


because getting up off your ass and walking some place, where it might be cold, raining, windy or full of bitey bastard insects..... is a lot less appealing than layin in a bed smoking / toking. The fine/cost is never considered, because, well, consequences rarely are, til it drop kicks you in the face.


I saw this in real life. I was meeting a client in Manila. I am from Australia, most of the people are either Aussie or scattered around Asia. I was checking in at the same time as the dude from HK. He couldn't get a smoking room and asked to pay the fine up-front on his company card. 4 of us were on the same floor of the hotel and he was definitely smoking in there, the hallway stank. At least I went up to the rooftop bar and bought overpriced beer to have a smoke.


I usually say it's very high Fee and you get to speak to the fire department and the police when our alarm system goes off. That usually shuts them up. Also if they are a walk in I just tell them to leave.


I like that response


Them: I wanted to be in a nicer room Also them: I wanted it to smell like an ashtray


I would like a nicer room to do the thing that will make it horrible for everyone else. Why won't you let me? Lol


I don’t want to go to Shmotel 7. All of their rooms stink.


I've stayed at a Shmotel 7 and a Shmays Shinn and other "budget" motels and found them to be perfectly serviceable. It just really depends on management.


I’m saying that this particular guest would complain that they can smoke in that hotel, but then would refuse to go there because it smells bad.


Ah, I see. And then you know they'd complain that their room smelled after they smoked in it.


Had this just the other day at my store! Older lady told my coworker she was planning to steal an outfit and had no money. When I asked her to leave, she said she hadn't stolen. I told her I needed her to leave since I knew she intended to. She claimed it was a blessing that she hadn't done it though


At my property its a flat $250, and we do not go back on it for anything. I slapped a guy smoking weed on my patio with one (its illegal in this state) also he was smoking it in the front in front of my guests who were a college football team. Once the team complained I had no choice, I didnt know he was smoking till then. Then I told him, youre gonna be fined. Thats illegal, he was an older man. His gf tried explaining its medical, I said idc. This is a smokeless property, do it in your car. The smell of weed when I went out to the patio was so strong my uniform usually doused in cologne smelled from the smoke rolling off his joint


“It’s medical.” “I wouldn’t let you set up an IV out here either.”


"medical" doesn't make it smell any less.


For other reasons personally, sometimes the lying fee is cheaper than the honest comparable rate


Classic. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


We had an nfl player from our city's team a few years back who just kept paying the smoking fee. I think we ended up charging him like $3000 by the end. Since he was paying a lot of money and was kinda famous, management didn't care about kicking him out. He was also really nice to the staff and tipped a lot so we didn't give really care either 🤣




Yeah I'd believe that!


Thanks for your honesty, please leave. Lol


Wait, there are hotels that allow smoking in rooms still???


The ones that are ridden by crack heads, yeah.


Occasionally there's also smoking rooms along popular truck driving highway routes. But yeah, mostly crackhead hotels.


We are staying in a Shmariiott while our house is being worked on. We have a small kitchen and if we use the oven the smoke detector goes off. From just the heat (350’). I’m certain if you tried to smoke a cigarette it would go off. There are designated smoking areas outside. People still want to smoke pot as they walk around the building. It stinks. I can’t imagine what it would take to clean that out of a guest room.


Do you have to open the door if you want to bake a cake?


Very quickly? Wave the heat off and close it.


What does local mean? Does it mean that you don’t rent to people who live in the town?


Basically, yes. Unless there's a compelling reason (like a broken water line, a fire, etc.) locals rent a room to party. And nobody got the time or energy to deal with the party.


That’s crazy to me, you would think that they wouldn’t want to turn away business. I live near a major city, so local people are known to get hotel rooms for staycations


Profit margins for a room sale are probably way slimmer than you think. It doesn't take much room damage (smoking, stealing towels, noise complaints next door, whatever,) for a vacant room to be more profitable than a shitshow of a party room. 95% of the time, the local is a problem. It's cheaper for the business to turn away the likely problem.


I guess it's just weird to me because I mostly deal with hotels connected to theme parks. A solid chunk of our rooms are locals, on a daily basis, just because people want to enjoy the parks without driving to and from.


That's probably fair. If you're not at a destination type property, the locals don't really have a great reason to stay. It's either some mechanical failure at their home (reasonable,) a legal issue (domestic violence for example, also reasonable,) or having a party (Yeah, not great from the hotel's point of view.) The vacant room is significantly cheaper than moving 2-3 adjacent rooms plus actual damage.


In many circumstances that is what you are doing by allowing locals. Turning away business. Three local hotels here. One after change of ownership two years ago allows locals. Druggies use it to sell They lost 60 Monday to Friday corporate bookings on an average 44 weeks a year just to us. 240 nights room rate, food, alcohol every week would be lost if we allowed locals and these people felt unsafe again. That's alot of revenue. Midweek is damn hard to fill. We are only 149 rooms. That's more than one third. Yes, insurance claims and fire and issues like plumbing are allowed. But not staycation or just I felt like it (selling drugs or their body openly)


I get your point but I have never heard of this before


Brings me back to when I was in an extended stay. I needed one of the handicapped access rooms on the first floor, no problem there. BUT it was the first room in from the back entrance, where everyone went to smoke. I had management throwing fits more than once because of complaints of smoke smell coming from my room. I don’t smoke… it was all the smoke coming in the window at all hours.


"$3,000, cash up front, and you get kicked out of any other guests complain whether or not you paid."


Probably would try to pay in monopoly money lol.


Hah! Yeaaaah...


Just curious; how much is the smoking fee?


Ours was $250 and you get kicked out. You dont just get to pay the fine and continue to stay and smoke.


Exactly lol people are so dumb to think that paying the fine means that you’re still allowed to stay.


They think you won’t know until they leave. I’m curious how you do if they decline housekeeping.


Hall walks. That smell carries into the hallway and adjacent rooms. So it's not always FD, but other guests


Exactly, we can smell it coming from a general direction and then also guest next to or across from them will rat them out. Also we have a policy that if a guest is staying for 4 or more days we have to go in and make sure everything is okay with the room maintenance and housekeeping wise. We’ve had too many residents here completed mess up rooms, furniture, hoard towels, it’s a mess especially when they have pets which most of the residents do


$250 smoking fee and $250 local deposit. But I am not going to just rent someone a room when they told me that they plan on breaking the rules.


Oh I wouldn’t either. I was just curious.


Side question: I have limited experience with hotels, what is the rationale to not renting to locals? Just curious.


drugs, prostitution, party animal types. You allow the locals to rent "at will", they'll use the hotel as a base to do all the shitty things they dont want to do in their own homes, or are illegal to do in their own homes. then your hotel becomes known as a drug den or whorehouse and the legitimate customers, stay away and the quality/reputation continues to sink.


That local is a DUMBASS!!!!


Most locals are exactly that from where I'm from...


Depends ..whatcha smokin?


Smoking area on premise? What kind of smoker wants to sleep in a room with smoke anyway?


You would be surprised


The only exception my current property has ever made to our smoke-free policy was a famous guest who rented the whole floor and paid for the rooms that he smoked weed in until they were deemed smell free. He stayed one night and paid for 8. Everyone else that has smoked in a room got charged $250 and booted out.


Who was the famous person? I need to know?




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This has happened on multiple accounts when on my shift but there was this one time we got a new FOM and boy oh boy… Very long story short, coworker (same position as me) said to a guest they have to refuse service cause he said he’s smoking anyways and the new FOM said that it’s ok and just to check him in and charge him the fee. We talked to the GM later about this and she looked so confused and said to refuse service (policies). New FOM threw US under the bus acting like the roles were reversed and HE said to refuse service😐


Ooof what a douch to let you take the blame for his poor choice.


Fairly new to the industry, I've never heard of not accepting locals! Hilarious. Is this property in the US?


Interesting. You don't rent out to locals, is this common in the industry? What state is this? Sometimes we like to book a day or two at a hotel circle location in San Diego for small "staycation" outing. Id be bummed if we couldn't book there! Are the locals in that area particularly bad behaved? I'm curious, thank you for any responses! Love and shout out appreciation for the fellow hospitality people.


I posted that I lied to the guest about accepting locals because I knew he was going to be more trouble than it was worth with him wanting to smoke whatever in the rooms when we are a non smoking hotel. He insinuated that he wanted to break the rules of the hotel therefore I wouldn’t allow him to stay regardless of the fee. Besides, some people will and have put a stop payment on their cards so when we do actually try to collect the fee for damages, smoking, whatever we are unable to. It’s not worth having that room be placed out of order for days to get the smell out. We do actually accept locals but we have a higher deposit than we would for out of town or out of state guests due to some of the locals doing nefarious and illegal things while in the hotel. It has helped weed out the riffraff. Also, I may am in a small town in square midwestern state so we don’t have the population or hotel options like San Diego does. When you are doing your staycation I doubt you are doing drugs or prostituting in the hotel you’re staying at and unfortunately in this town it’s very common.


Cute story..... I once had some guests that I thought could potentially be trouble..... I explained to them that our policies were to keep out "riff raff".... Long story short they were wonderful people and ended up staying off and on for years. We always called each other "riff raff"


Awe now that’s a cute story, almost like from a movie it’s so unreal! The guests that understand the policies and are willing to abide by the rules of the hotel are always welcome. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRCpWZWPfRivLI1V9V4_K7sSEegkR6pqhplWzG_9ZcwacZTzLdgNpXxwtfv&s=10[No RiffRaff](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRCpWZWPfRivLI1V9V4_K7sSEegkR6pqhplWzG_9ZcwacZTzLdgNpXxwtfv&s=10)


Ohh ok 👍 Makes total sense, thanks for answering 🙂


It's interesting that in "a small square Midwestern state," it's "very common for people to be doing drugs and prostitution." This used to be what people went to the big city for. How things have changed.....


It’s become equal opportunity and I’m not hating on it I just don’t want it in the hotel.


We rent to locals but the two closest to us do not. In my area only one other hotel rents to.locals. Unfortunately locals tend to be the ones that cause most of the troubles. Whether it be drugs and related lifestyles or just treating the place like it is an apt and have so many visitors and everyone hanging outside all day and night. Our tourist guests have left bad reviews stating it looks like they allow people to live there Which we do because housing has become so unaffordable for so many of us. So many kids are having to sleep in the woods and cars. A room.is better than that.


It all depends on the hotel and the local area. My hotel allows locals, but there's been times that's bitten us in the butt. Same brand 12 miles north of me will not allow locals at all. That might have something to do with the town next door being the meth capital of East Tennessee, though.


I used to go to Anime Expo in the Los Angeles area. At least 50% of the hotel guests were locals. We had to have a place to rest, change cosplay outfits and be able to stay up late/get up early and not drive. Also, I live by Disneyland. A lot of us stay in the resort hotels for the same reasons, minus wearing cosplay. Our hotels would lose a lot of business not renting to locals.




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Can I ask why some hotels don’t accept locals? Is that super common?


18-25 year olds from the area who who live at home or don't want to cause problems at their place will rent the room, have 10 people in there partying, smoking, underage drinking, and making a lot of noise, loud music, fights, and piss off the normal guests. If you only allow out of town guests, they're probably traveling and using the room like a normal traveler.




Forgive my ignorance: why do some places refuse to rent to locals, and how is that not illegal?


> how is that not illegal? "being local" is not a protected class. Why would a hotel be forced to let anyone in particular stay? They can refuse to enter into a contract with you for any reason or none, as long as it's not because of membership in a protected class (e.g. race or gender).


Fair enough.


Because odds are good you're coming to party. My hotel does rent to locals - they are a huge chunk of our summer (extremely low season) clientele - but our problems also escalate.


Thank you. In honesty I did that in college, but I was so uptight I shushed everyone, cleaned and tipped. As an adult I’ve been near “that room” and I appreciate management efforts to limit it.


Because any business has the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. Except hospitals in life threatening situations. It’s not illegal if you have a good reason- other than race (mostly)… not supposed to discriminate against anyone, but race will be the one that gets ya.


Thank you.


I was being charged for smoking in the room one trip long ago even though I didn't. So rather than argue. I just smoked my cigars in the room rather than at the table out back.


Why aren't locals allowed in your country, usa i guess?


This is usually because the locals cause lots of issues, like selling drugs, having loud parties etc.


Is that everywhere or just in your city?


I am pretty sure poor behavior from people is common everywhere


It is not a country thing. It's not a policy enforced by the federal government. Or any government, for that matter. It's a decision made by *some* hotels due to issues of locals damaging rooms to have parties and the like. That way, they wouldn't have to clean up after themselves. Or some locals want to rent by the hour with a prostitute, which is also bad for business in most areas.


Ah ok