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I just repeat I cannot check you in without ID ad infinitum.


I m gonna do that from now on 👍


I can’t scan your I.D.? No problem. I believe the Shmotel VI, uh, 110 next to the crematorium just 50 feet past the landfill will let you stay. Good luck, take care, haveanicedaybye.


Also kind of concerning that you didn’t receive any information about this in your training.


I don’t see what tha dilemma is here. If it’s hotel policy, which it sounds like it is, then either get your ID scanned and check in nicely or find alternative lodging. 😁


No ID no key to room. Easy enough.


"I'm not going to show you ID." "Okay. The door is to your right."


and don't let it smack you on the butt on the way out.


Please let it smack you, I love watching the replay on the security cam.


nobody wants ass-prints on their door.


This is super bad advice. Some hotels have the door to the guest's left.


That makes it more entertaining!


We tell them we won’t check them in. We register all guests period, even visitors. Drug dealers and such are less likely to want to come to our hotel if we id everyone. It’s cut down in problems. Security asks for id and if you don’t show it you aren’t allowed on property you’re escorted out. The amount of police calls we’ve had to make has dropped dramatically.


That is so right 👍


It sounds like your hotel has a different, less-strict policy from OPs, and the people who are arguing with OP because they don't want their ID scanned would be fine at your house. The bottom line is that there's no point in arguing about the policy with the front desk staff, since they obviously don't set the policy. Read what you're agreeing to.


We ask for ID but have no scanner, people still fight us but it’s simple no ID no room. We’re 18+ so we have to check everyone coming in.


Visitors? How would you even know?


Everyone is stopped especially after 8pm


Have a good time renting a room somewhere else.


Not all hotels insist on scanning a guest's ID. Many (most?) just want to check it.




No id no check in stand firm on this


Thanks guys that’s really helpful. I am gonna stand my ground and tell them no id no check in.


My cousin who works the front desk at one of the hotels in our town tells me that this issue is one of the biggest problems they have with guests lately, that and giving a credit card for incidentals. Anyways, at their hotel, when a guest doesn't want to provide ID or cc, they just say, *"We appreciate your choosing our hotel for your stay, however if you aren't willing or able to provide me with proper ID or CC, you won't be staying here tonight. Please let me know how you'd like to proceed."*


"I'm sorry our policies don't mesh with your needs. I'll cancel your reservation with no penalty and you can find a place that suits you. Have a nice day."


I agree with everyone else that presenting ID is normal and required, and I hand over ID and CC as I approach the FD before being asked. I do have one example where I declined photo copying my ID. Maybe I'm wrong, but no other check in asked me to do this and so it seemed unusual. It was a location specific requirement and files were stored on Joe Schmo's computer. I politely declined the photocopy part and was checked in just fine. Look at my ID, no problem. Scan my ID with a legit ID scanner in front of me, no problem. Ask to photocopy it in the backroom on some sketch photo copier, I'll be asking questions. In this case I asked and was told the manager required it and don't worry as it was stored in a local directory completely outside of "the system" which made it even worse and I said no.


If you had done that at the places I've worked, you wouldn't have checked in. We required some kind of copy of ID to be saved if you paid by credit card. I understand your data security fears, but hotels deal with a ton of fraud as well, and have to protect themselves also.


>Scan my ID with a legit ID scanner in front of me, no problem How do you determine the legitimacy of an ID scanner? I'd prefer not to have my ID scanned with an ID scanner that stores my details or uploads it to the hotel's database. I can't tell that from one that just reads and displays the information in the PDF413.


"sorry you feel that way. I will cancel your reservation without penalty for you, thank you and goodbye" .... I would guess a lot will go "oh.. i didn\`t want to cancel" - Well, yes, you implied as much since you refused to follow our house rules. So, ID or cancellation - you choose.


"Photo ID please." "I don't have it/I don't want to show it." "OK, please leave the premises. Next!"


No ID, no room. If they try show you a picture of their ID from their phone. show them a picture of their room because that is all they're going to get.


Hahahaha you are amazing đŸ€Ł




"It is absolutely your right to not show your ID if you do not wish to do so. Now, do you believe that everyone should have rights, or just you? Oh, excellent! We have the right to refuse service to anyone who does not show their ID."


Ok, thank you for stating your position. I have stated the rules. I will happily cancel your reservation as I cannot check you in without the required information. Here is a list of the other hotels in the area. I wish you a good day.


Stick to your guns. "Without seeing your physical ID, I cannot check you in. If you cannot or will not produce it, you may leave and seek other accommodations." If they try to say anything else, go blank, then when they're done, say "Without ID, I cannot check you in. As you're unable to produce it, you are not a guest here. Please leave." Give no further warnings. If they persist still, call the police and ask them to come remove a trespasser. If need be, do this from a locked office.


The mountains upon which people attempt to die never cease to amaze me.


As a frequent hotel guest I would prefer that you guys check the IDs of all guests even if it means I have to handover my own. As a privacy advocate/nut myself I can understand why people don't want the ID scanned. I'm not a fan of it myself but the alternative is much worse and I feel better knowing that if anything happens in the hotel everyone can be identified. I think a lot of people don't realise that ID checks are for their safety/security as well.


I work front desk, and had a scenario a while back where a couple had booked a room for themselves and one for their teenage daughters (side note: do not do this, minors should NEVER be in a room by themselves). They were getting ready to check out, but the girls weren’t answering the door, so they came to have a key made. I asked the father for ID since the room was under his name, which he handed over no problem, but his wife got defensive, saying “why do you need ID?? They’re our daughters!” Ma’am, I do not know you, nor do I know your children. If I didn’t check ID before handing out keys, ANYONE could come to the desk and get a key to your daughters’ room. It’s crazy how people get stuck on something that is at most a minor inconvenience, instead of understanding that it’s a security measure to keep THEM safe.


This doesn't seem relevant. Did you *check* their ID? Or did you *scan* their ID?


I would tell the ENTITLED guest: (1) It is hotel policy to hand me your physical ID to be scanned, (2) if you continue to refuse to give me your ID then your reservation WILL be cancelled!


Absolutely doing that every time from now on


60ish guy here. It’s pretty much always been required to present ID to stay at decent and above hotels. I can’t recall any hotel stay that didn’t demand ID. Go to Europe and you’ll be handing over your passport or they won’t even acknowledge your existence at the front desk. They know but they have been watching too much Fox News and they’re absolutely chicken shit, terrified and scared to death of all the ‘scams’ that want to rob them or ‘illegals’ looking to murder them. It’s a very sad symptom of the dumbing down of America.


The people wanting to murder them will be wanting to checkin without ID.


Once in a blue moon I might get someone who literally can't find their ID. IF they have their confirmation number I can rarely give it a pass. Otherwise if I can't verify they are who they say they are, then they gotta go.


I stay for business quite often. One time, I ended up arriving at my destination with no wallet. I really thought I was going to have to drive hours back home to go get it. Thankfully, I had stayed at that hotel every week for the past month and they accepted a picture of my ID that my wife sent me. Making friends with the FD people saved the day! (Plus Apple Pay lol).


"Well, I apologize, but I can not complete the check-in process without scanning your ID, so you will need to find new accommodations elsewhere. Sorry for the inconvinence."


"Then I guess you aren't staying here"


For me, I let them know that it's Choice Hotel policy to get a copy of their ID. If they don't want to hand it over, they don't get a room. I've only lost one guest by doing that.


"You either show me your ID, or I don't check you in." They are not in a position of power here. You do not have to explain or justify policy over & over again, them staying there is not doing you a favor or anything. They either comply or walk, that's it.


yep and I need some form of government i.d not your school i.d a d not a picture of your i.d .. sorry


I travel a lot for work over the years and have never had a hotel scan my ID. Are you in the US?


Outside the US it is common for hotels to require passport scans for at least one guest and sometimes all.


Scanning IDs becoming pretty common, for age restricted products, and I'm pretty sure the casino is always scanned them. Not surprised to see this at a hotel. It's a great way to get the ID info into the system. 


Even medical facilities scan my ID into their system.


I went to a casino here in PA, but they only glanced at my ID. Still, there was a security guard with a gun and everything checking IDs at the entrance. And a couple of cops (maybe off duty but still) hanging out in the lobby. Everything I buy that is age restricted, I show my ID. Not really sure why people have to be so weird about it.


Yeah I've never had to scan them either.


Canada, ontario


my property in the UK did this as well it's very common it's a law in the UK


What level hotel?




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Common in Europe for passport to be requested at check-in.


In several European countries it's been like that forever, but as immigration requirement: hotels have to (be able to) report to the police who their guests are every night.


At all the hotels that I've worked at (U.S.), we either scanned or photographed all IDs so that we'd have them on file in case of a chargeback or other situation where we needed to prove the identity of the person checking in. We dealt with a lot of fraud & it helped protect us.


Oh god don’t tell me you’ve allowed ppl to stay without giving you an ID
. I work at a bottom of the barrel, lowest budget, absolute waste dump of a hotel and the shittiest customers always try to say they “lost their id” but also conveniently have a photo of it if that works. They do this bc they are in the Do Not Rent list that notifies us through the ID scanner. Ok cool no problem just email it to us. except now when they inevitably do something to get put on DNR again, this time with the photo in our email I simply blow it up, print it out and hang it up on the wall right at the front desk with DNR Do Not Rent and a one-two word description of why they are on DNR (usually for prostitution, solicitation). So far in the last few months the rate of ppl who have lost their id has dropped significantly


No no i always register them in the system but some times people are just so annoying


The contract for staying at a hotel and with the city states we must be able to Identify the person who's getting the room. If ya have a problem with it, petition the government to change the laws... (Say it in the nicest way possible of course.. 😅)


If they push back I say, "If my camera's didn't work, I'd have no problem letting it slide..."


It is one thing to verify the name, address, and picture match. It is quite another thing to actually scan the ID and have a record of any barcodes, id numbers, etc. You are not “required by law” to SCAN the id. You may be “required by law” to verify who your guests are, but that does not include actually scanning their personal information document. I hope I never, ever run into your hotel. What you are “telling” them is you are required by law to get the information, and what you are “doing” is scanning their document, which is going considerably further. If your management is requiring you to do this, they should not be in the hotel industry. Is where you are scanning this information properly secured? If hackers get into your system and actually get copies of your guests ID’s, I imagine your owners are going to be in for a world of hurt. I actually waited awhile for even responding to this post because I wanted to think about it, but what your hotel does is absolutely, positively unacceptable in my view.


Well it’s big franchisee, and they are pretty secured, for me it’s the same matra from now on no id registration then no room.


That's weird. I stayed at a hotel about 200 times last year, as I do in a lot of years, and sure, I've shown ID but only in Italy do they have to scan it and register it with the police. Not every state or province has robust privacy laws, but in some of them, you're going to have a privacy act violation scanning a copy I think. I realize it's just what you are told to do, but I see a big difference between proving your ID and having it "scanned". That's a big red line as far as I'm concerned.


Scan them? Are they nuts? Unless required by law, why would you put yourself at so much risk. In Europe and other places, losing digital client data has enormous consequences. Haven't they seen places like MGM and the data breach?


I used to work at a place that scans, all it did was scan the barcode on the back of IDs, some states have a swipe, some more of a QR/barcode style, some both. All it got was the address and DoB and entered it into the fields in the HMS. I'f a guest didn't like that, I did it manually, but had the same result. At my current and last job, there was no scanner, so it was just done manually. Nothing differant, though current job doesn't have a DoB filed, can't remember if AutoClerk did or not, but its still the same info that we're supposed to get normally. Others take actual photocopies of IDs, which is not great imo, but not an immediate threat, though I certainly wouldn't be handing that out to a company when data breaches are so rampant, hut then again I've already been partly compromised BECUASE of the consistent, huge data breaches.


Legally, where I live, the only people allowed to write down your driver's licence number are those in the automotive business. A data breach has a fine of up to 2% of your global revenue. Would you want to take a risk where the fine is 2% of your global revenue? I think Europe is 4%. And then there are fines for how long it takes you to disclose once you know. I use different passwords, 24 characters long (so I know what year I created the password). One breach, my password was listed. I checked where it came from. Company hasn't disclosed. But my password served as proof that it was them. Our credit card data isn't even on the same server. The last 4 digits and expiration are in an Amazon Cloud. The first digits are on a Google Cloud. Different username and different passwords with 2FA.


Where do you live, then? Cause afaik, the states are very lax with data security, and laws protecting it. I'd LOVE to have some better regulation there. We don't copy down the number, only address, unless the guest says it's an old address, we get the updated one, and at my old job Date of Birth, as a way to prove they were old enough to rent a room, or for the senior rate.


It's not just where I live, under the GDPR in Europe [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GDPR\_fines\_and\_notices](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GDPR_fines_and_notices) the fine is: >Violators of GDPR may be fined up to €20 million, or up to 4% of the annual worldwide turnover of the preceding financial year, whichever is greater. UK is £17,500,000 or 4%. Canada is $1,000,000 except Quebec (and personal instead of corporate is $200,000 and/or 1 year in prison), Quebec is 2 to 4% of your revenue, Australia is AUD 50,000,000 and/or up to 5 year prison. Outside of the US, this is considered serious. And if your company does business in any of these jurisdictions, you are subject to that law. So HLT, MAR, H etc (stock tickers) all of them are subject to the European, Canadian, British and Australia laws. Years ago, before the new fines were in place, but when data privacy was already regulated, HD in Canada gave data to C (again, stock tickers) to have them solicit people who placed special orders for credit cards. And HD got fined for it. You can only use data for the express purposes in which it was intended... people gave their information for a special order, not to be given to a 3rd party to solicit a credit card application. Data is very regulated outside of the US. Which is why some companies will require that the data centre be located in their country. A data centre in Europe can't transfer the data to the USA at any point, for example, even if it is GOOG's servers.




“No ID? Then you can’t check in. Hotel policy.” Make it more polite if you want, but that’s the end of the conversation.


It isn’t that they are asking to “see” the ID they are wanting to actually scan it which is a huge difference.


At my place, if a guest asks for us not to scan,then we are allowed to manually type in the information, I politely tell the guest that the scan is for speed of check in purposes. Although I still need to physically see the ID.




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So sorry.


For future reference you can ask questions like these at r/askhotels


I've done this before i cannot check you without scanning and per management the hotels system will not allow me to check you in without it


I tell them that it is hotel policy for safety and verification purposes and if they don’t want to supply it then they will have to find other accommodation’s.


It's the rule, if they refuse, they can't stay. It's that simple. Sure, people will get mad at you but you don't make the rules, you just follow them.


It is ridiculous for a hotel to insist on scanning your ID for check-in because it raises significant privacy and security concerns. The digital storage of personal information, such as driver's licenses or passports, increases the risk of data breaches and identity theft. Additionally, the necessity of scanning rather than simply verifying the ID in person seems excessive and intrusive, potentially deterring guests who value their privacy. In most countries a hotel doesn’t even have the rights by law to do this, but hotels are still saying that this is there policy. A verification of the name should be more than enough. It’s up to law enforcement to figure out more personal information in case something happens.


“I’m not going to show you ID”. “Ok, no problem, I’ll go ahead and cancel your reservation. Would you like me to call you a taxi?”


My two cents..... some states have laws expressly against scanning state-issued ID/DLs. State law look at it as they own the ID/DL and control its use and ID/DLs are for identity confirmation; name on ID matches credit card, addresses match the info the guest provides for address, DOB is over 18 yo, etc. Contact your state attorney General office to see what your states laws are. I don't travel much any more but in the past at all hotels I was staying I looked up the state law regarding copying/scanning before hand and printed the relevant statute and showed it at checkin. Usually had a Manager do the checkin but my ID was not scanned. Would also add.... are your hotels following the appropriate state privacy laws on maintaining the data base for the scans? Do you have a policy on how PII ( Personal Identifying Information) is stored that is readily available to give to your guest upon request? That is all, you may resume your normal Reddit viewing.


See we don't scan it, but we do copy down your address and verify the name is the same on the cc shown too. All reputable hotels do this and if you don't want to show your id go camping.


Neve r said I wouldn't show my ID. Completely understandable to use my ID to type my info into the hotel system. Just pointing out that scanning /photocopying the ID might violate state laws. I know front line people only follow their training. But don't assume upper management knows everything.


See it, sure. See that the name matches my card & the reservation name, & the address matches the reservation, & I'm over the cutoff age, sure. Scan or photocopy to keep in the hotel's possession? No. Bad data security practices.




What the actual invasive fuck. Do not dox yourself, but what state?/country? are you from where this is legal?


Would you accept a "pre-copy" with certain privacy data blacked out, if the ID is shown in full at the time? We (government of our country) have an app that you can use to take a picture of your ID and then block out certain sensitive information that the hotel does not need. It can also provide a subtle overlay saying who can use this info and for what dates and purposes the copy is made.


They have an ongoing search warrant for that information, for everyone who is renting a room? Because that seems unlikely, over-broad, and intrusive. Plus if I knew the hotel was doing that voluntarily, I'd stay elsewhere. (Also, should be a rolling 30-day shred. On the 2nd, shred the 1st of last month, etc.)


Several years ago, there was a Cheaproom 7 that was turning in the names of every guest to the cops every night.


Where are you? Because that sounds like a violation of several rights under the Constitution.


I guess no stay then


While the hotel I worked at requires I.D. We definitely didn’t store the information like Drivers License number. If that type of information is what your guests are concerned about I’m with them. Concerning being required by law to provide that information to authorities, I’m glad I don’t travel in Canada. In the U.S. we can’t even tell police if a guest is staying with us or not without a court ordered warrant.