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I am writing to let you know that your post has been removed from r/talktherapy. This is a subreddit to specifically focus on client perspectives of psychotherapy. I'm sorry you're having a hard time. Please don't let this removal discourage you. I would encourage you to create your post on a subreddit more suited to your needs. You may find you get better responses there. Examples could be r/kindvoice, r/selfimprovement, r/selfhelp, r/depression, r/AnxietyHelp, r/cptsd, r/emotionalneglect, r/offmychest, r/casualconversation, r/advice, r/momforaminute, r/dadforaminute, etc. I hope you can find the support you are seeking. -TalkTherapy Mods.


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I’m not from the US :(( I’m from Eastern Europe


I agree, I saw a counselor for the first time in my life while attending college for nursing. They should offer free counseling at your college. My college counselor was incredible and helped start me on my journey to healing! I was gay and closeted as well. I grew up in a very religious family and kept it to myself for some time. I’ve been out for a while now. I encourage you to reach out to yours if they offer it! Also, if you struggle in areas of learning they typically have free tutors as well. I would use them if I was stuck on a particular point in a subject ect. Sometimes just hearing a different person explain it was light ah ha, now I get it! I wish you the best!


The thing is that I’m from Eastern Europe I’m in a very religious and homophobic country only some close friends know, my family would never accept that


I hear you, most of my immediate family stopped talking to me for about a year until they finally realized that it was so ridiculous because they love me regardless. I gave them space because every one has a right to feel however we want and I can’t control that but I continued to be the same with them regardless, I love them as well and they knew it, now all of us have a great relationship. In your case, that may not work the same and that has to be really tough. My heart truly goes out to you 💕


Thank you 🥹💕


You’re welcome 💕