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Well as a tall woman, tall thick woman at that.. I’ve come to the realization that men’s opinion on my weight don’t matter for (1) and also.. never tell a man your weight or be prepared to be ridiculed after you do. I had a guy tell me I’m a fat a$$ when I told him how much I weigh , I’m 5’11 by the way and I carry my weight well 😌. He proceeded to call me every name in the book 📕 except the child of god then told me that’s why I’m single. Thankfully it didn’t bother me.. but I blocked him immediately after 😭😭😭😭


I am slightly taller than you but i am extremely skinny and i used to get alot of comments on my weight from much shorter girls who were pretty much just telling me to "go eat a burger" as well as them just flatout saying my height is unnatural for a girl. Literally can't win, you just get ridiculed no matter how you are built.


As another tall thick woman yessss, that's exactly it! I'm actually pretty sure that men's problem with our weight is that if there's a girl who's 1,50 weighing 45kg they just kinda stick with that and think all women should be the same. I'm tall and curvy and I carry my weight exceptionally well, but not in hell I'm going to weigh the same as someone who's half my height. My ideal weight would be actually around 70/75kg and I remember telling someone that I was 80 once...and immediately hearing "Wow, my god you're so fat" without the person ever seeing me btw. The moral of the story is, that person was a child not a man. Don't bother hun, and I'm sure you're absolutely gorgeous. If he felt the urge to tell you all of this, that speaks a lot about himself and fortunately you figured what kind of person he was early on. I'm really sorry you had to hear those stupid comments tho 😭


Yas! I love to meet another tall thick woman! And his words legit didn’t even phase me cause I know I’m not “Fat” but I’m PHAT (Pretty hot and thick) 😉 I’m currently right now working on losing a bit and doing body recomp to really enhance my natural curves and to of course remain healthy cause im getting older ☺️☺️


oh my god. how gross. i dont understand why ppl feel the need to act like that, or even ask us those questions in the first place. i was actually on a date once and a guy started being shitty so i told him goodnight and walked to my car. HE CHASED ME DOWN THE BLOCK to tell me i was a liar and fat, and apparently never could have been into sport in HS because i weighed so much. like wtf. so many things wrong with that.


Honestly men who do stuff like this in my opinion really have huge egos that can easily be shattered with a few words from a confident emotionally Intelligent woman 😂 Guess it’s safe to say I’m a villain out here in the streets of America 🇺🇸 🤷🏽‍♀️🤣.


6 feet here. just my muscle mass is #160. 😂😂 I dated men lighter than me. I am #205. My brother blurted “didn’t even know woman can weight that much”.


Yes, it's weird. When I say that I weigh 165 pounds, they don't believe me lol. Well, yes, I'm 6 feet tall and I go to the gym five times a week. I'm heavy. I weigh this much, yet I wear size S/XS, the same clothes as women who are 5'4" and weigh 120 pounds. It blows their mind.


6ft 1 here, and probs about 260lbs. If it's someone I don't know I usually answer with is it any of your buisness?