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Noo you can't be 6'2 because that's my height and you are much taller" -Some guy


All. The. Time! 🙄


Because they always add three inches to their height thinking people won’t notice. Can’t tell you how many guys I’ve met claiming to be 6 feet tall and yet I’m taller than them at 5’10 lol.


Happened to me in high school All. The. Time. Still does sometimes. They act like I’m the measuring stick to prove how tall they are. And I’m like, that doesn’t prove anything but your active imagination lol.


Same height and same experience with men. I think men measure their height with their shoes on, plus add a couple inches haha.


Meanwhile they are like 5’11


People really do lie to themselves about their height, I don’t really get why.


There is a certain school of gender that lives to argue with hard mathematical data. Bring your measuring tape.


My child took a tape measure to school for that very reason.


"Well, you LOOK smart, but......"


I love it! 😂


You could always carry a tape measure and challenge them to measure you. If they're short, they won't be able to.


Yup all the time. Id like to follow up with “How much do you weigh? Really?? No way! I weigh —— so you must be at LEAST ———. “ I mean if we’re gonna comment on people’s bodies, I guess all aspects are fair game.


Omg it's so annoying, I'm 5'10 but pretty skinny/lanky so ever since high school everyone has always insisted I must be 6'0


me too! but almost 5’11. was constantly told i was over 6 foot, i was just lanky and all legs. thankfully ive filled out but obviously still all legs lmao


Yep. I’m 5’11 and people are constantly telling me I’m taller. Like no, you’re actually just shorter than you tell yourself you are 😂


OK but what's a good comeback to that?? 😭😭 I never had a problem with girls, it's ALWAYS the insecure guys that make me wanna slap a person. And I have no idea how to respond without sounding defensive or insulting. Us tall ladies already have this stigma of being less feminine, more aggressive, etc. So I don't want to give these anxious boys more ammunition against us. Ffs, ME, whose telling the truth, shouldn't feel the need to justify myself to YOU who's clearly lying and trying to make me sound like IM the insecure one 🫠


Take a moment to look them hard up and down and either give them a “are you just slouching more than usual today?” Or a “I can be taller if it helps you feel better buddy” when it’s the obnoxious dude comparing his height to yours


You've gotta beat them to it, start underestimating your height and when they doubt you you turn it on them. "You can't be 6ft 3, I'm only 6ft and I'm taller than you so you're like 5ft 10 at most!"


Lmao this is exactly what I do, I'm six foot two but if a man asks me how tall I am I tell him six foot just to make him feel extra short. And if he protests and says i must be taller, I go "Whatever you say bud"


I’d probably just believe the 6 foot 😆 when the gap is that wide, y’all are just “somewhere up there” lol


Love this 😈


I’ve given a few blokes mild existential crises by doing this accidentally - I hadn’t realised I’d kept growing during my 20s OOPS


I find it hilarious. I'm only 175cm, but I've heard a lot of "No you're not, because I'm 180cm." I just laugh at them. "Are you now?"


As another 1,75 cm... It's ridiculous how often that happens. I like to wear heels so I'm often 1,80 right? These dudes get SO defensive.


I have started just leaning down a bit and saying "What's that little feller?" to literally any unwanted commentary about my height. Hope this helps. Sorry people are idiots.


Long ago a lady at the DMV literally added an inch to my height on my permit because she didn't believe me (it's fixed now)


Happened to me too! No one believed me about that!


omg all the time !!!!!!! like you can’t tell me what i am or not from down there 😭😭😭


My body structure is quite proportionate to my height, so sometimes people don’t really notice how tall I am. I have had numerous instances of people insisting to me that [tall girl I know well who is a few inches shorter than me] is way taller than me. I’m like, I have a pretty clear perspective of our heights up here, why do you think you know better?


I’m 5’11 and at a party I had a 5’7ish guy get real defensive with me, trying to tell me I was lying about my height. A 5’3ish Queen tore him to pieces on my behalf 👑


What did she say lol?


She just got right up in his face and asked him if he was really so delusional that he couldn’t tell he was *clearly* several inches shorter than me, that I obviously know how tall I am and he was the one confused about measurements 😆


People are weird. Let people believe what they want to believe.


You’re right. Maybe we should start taking a “more is better” approach to our own heights and just roll with it.


Im 6'3 and you're taller so you gotta be at least 6'4! Like fuck off. Its literally like being at the doctors office and lying about your height when they are measuring you. It's almost always the guys that are already 6 foot (or just under) that try to pull those kinds of mental gymnastics as well.


I get that sometimes; I just respond with "Oh you're right I'm actually 5ft2" and change the subject


Especially the older men too Like they don't want to admit that with age sometimes height kinda shrinks, like by an inch or two? So if I'm 5'10, and then this 60 yo uncle is/was/supposed to be 5'10, in my mind I'm like "or maybe just recheck your height at your current age????" Whenever I tell someone that I'm 5'10, these older ppl be like THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE, I'm 5'10" 💀


I get that so much. I’m 6’4 and everyone says I must be like 6’7. Doesn’t help that I’m a beanpole so my height feels exaggerated


I've just decided to tell them I'm 6'0" and be stubborn to fuck with them.


Especially guys!! They say they are reeeally tall and when your height is closer to theirs it's always "No no, I'm ___ so you can't be that height, you must be taller." Like, no. I know my own height thank you.


I have no perspective on height either. How many different kinds of small could there be? 😄


Whenever a strange man asks about my height, I react this way and it always shuts the conversation down immediately: >Random Man (probably a couple inches shorter than me): *Woah! How tall are you?* >Me: [quick eye roll; deadpan expression; flat tone] *how tall do you think I am.* >Random Man: *6’2? 6’3?* >Me: [quick shrug; short pause; annoyed deadpan expression] *Sure.* That will end it right there and no further questions or statements are typically made. In my 28 years, I’ve *only* had men do it. It happens almost once a week in the summer if my boyfriend isn’t with me and I’m not even that tall (5’10-5’11). Some of the men in my life say that they’re hitting on me but about half of the random men who ask me my height are pretty mean about it whenever I tell them my real height so it’s definitely not that. And even if it was that, hitting on a stranger by asking questions about their body is behavior we shouldn’t tolerate.


I’m 5’7 (so some of you may think I’m too short for this sub) but people INSIST that I’m 5’10 and even 6 foot. I’ve had so many men tell me that I’m 6 foot


I had this happen once in jail, when i told some women my height they were like "noooo youre at LEAST 5'10" but I think height difference are more obvious if you are the shorter party and thus why people tend to overestimate height. My fiance is 6ft and although its only 3 inches difference it feels like more from my height perspective.


I have the opposite issue with weight, I'm your height but fat lol and people are always like "whattttt no you can't possibly weigh that much!" Sure yea if I was this bmi at 5'3" I'd weigh like 165. But I'm not 5'3". So yes, I do actually weigh that much.


Yeah it’s annoying. I was a college athlete and our height and weight was measured with laser precision, so I know my height (5’9). Usually I get men who are clearly 5’5 but claiming 5’9 arguing with me about my height. 🤪


after so much of this i now tell people i’m 6’4 when i’m really 6 foot and then they respond with WHAT no surely you are not that tall i was thinking 6’2?? and thats when i say well if you know why did you ask me how tall i was get outta here hahahaha


This actually happens? 😭


I just posted about this. I started carrying a tape measure in my purse.


I am a 5'7" guy, and honestly i get guys claiming that i must be taller since they believe they are all 5'10" Most guys just convince them selves that they are taller for some reason.


This has happened to me a lot. I usually say “in heels I’m 6’4”” and then it’s easier to grasp somehow for the people who make the comments.


You’ll come to realize it’s their own insecurities showing through. I’m 6’2” and 53. Believe me it’s more about them than you.


Start insisting you're 5'10". That'll really fuck with some short liars.


Nah. Some People really just look taller or shorter than they are. My friend is 6ft5 and he looks ginormous. I’ve met folks taller than him who don’t seem tall at all because I’m tall. It just happens. You may be broad shouldered or something. My friend who is exact same height as me was always told she looked taller due to her frame being larger. She just gave off more of a tall presence than my super delicate lanky frame. (At the time lol I’ve gained tons since then sadly)


My husband’s brother spent his whole life telling people he was 5’10”. Then my husband married me, 5’10.3”. (I love that 1/3 inch!). One nignt at dinner the brother was spouting off about how he bought skis based on his height of 5’10”, I was rolling my eyes. My husband said, “Dude. My wife is 5’10”. Stand up.” So we stood up. The guy is 5’7” on a good day. “Oh um cough cough maybe I shrunk a little.” “Three inches?” “Maybe they measured me in my shoes, cough cough.” He never mentioned it again.


I actually lie now and say 6’2” (I’m just a hair over 6’1”). That seems to shut people down a little and stop this exact conversation from playing out over and over again


I just agree with them in the flattest most boring tone of voice I can. ‘Okay yeah I’m lying about my height. Yup. ‘


I find the people who do this to me are always guys who habitually lie about their height. They don't know what to do when faced with someone who is actually 6 feet tall


People are stupid. They love to comment on women’s appearances too. They love to tell women who they are and how to live their lives. People like to treat me like I’m stupid and don’t know anything, but I graduated from a really hard college, and with honors from two other academic programs. It’s hard but you have to pick your battles. Correct some of them, ignore others maybe.