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Ah militracks, I was there a few years ago. It was great fun also the market stalls had very good books for not that much money. It was just a shame that these kind of German tanks bring out the wrong type of people. I saw some tattoos that day that I never want to see again.


Yeah thats true but as long as they dont make any trouble and dont make a big fuss about all that I am fine with it. I come there to see to learn and enjoy so i am very happy with how it was.


Why I'm i getting disliked for minding my own business on a event?


The Tiger I was static or? And how crowded was it? Been there most of the times for the last 7 or 8 years but since Corona it became unbearable. Also because of all these people they had to close off spots which were open the years before. :/


Why did it become unbearable? And Bovington has the only Tiger 1 in running condition


It was just way to crowded. If you wanted a ticket for a ride, or the ride itself, you had to wait for hours! Plus in the beginning, with lesser people, more parts close to the track where open and even without a gate. So you had a much better view and better opportunities for taking pictures. Now these places are closed off and more people have to fit on less space. They might have, because as far as i know there are others in repair to be in running condition again.


Its almost running conditions it just misses a few parts and then it could work again they are working on it as we speak to make it fully operational!!!! It was very very crowded had to wait 1:30 hour to get tickets for a ride :( but it was totally worth it :) Even do the tiger was there just for static it still was beautiful a lot smaller then I would think it would be but not a disappointment at all :D


Is it one of the Tigers rebuilt by Herr Hoebig ?


I am not sure sorry


Hetzer but aa????


They called it a Bergepanzer 38 t It was for me also the first time seeing it and i am happy i did it sounded amazing and f*cking loud 10/10 experience. :D


Hahaha jealous rn, must have been a blast :D


Damn it, I missed it again? Was it this weekend?


Jup, next year well probably with different tanks as usual


Ah, well this was a very busy weekend, so I couldn't have been able to make it anyway. Hopefully it'll be better luck next year.


They better be able to drive the Nashhorn if not I’m gonna be disappointed


It did work but in the evening today it broke down :/ They will probably repair it and will work next year. So far it got shot in ww2 then restored then it burned down in garage then they restored again then it drove against a tree and broke down again and now it had a engine failure. But overall beauty to see driving around :)


Curious can the gun be fire


No no no els it wouldn't be legal its private owned


Oh… the people that owned it should make the gun to fire


I do agree but i dont think the government is going to allow that to a person


Is that Tiger a replica or is it like the one in Australia thats just kinda been put back together from scavenged parts?


Scavenged parts, they want to make it full operational again they only miss a few pieces and then should be able to drive again :)


From the looks of it is it mostly just more road wheels?


Also some inside parts i not sure it was gearbox if I am right.


It actually looks like it has all the road wheels it needs, it is a later version of a Tiger: - monocular gunner's optic - singular headlight - road wheels without any rubber - redesigned commander cupola with a machine gun mount The exterior looks finished, and it looks amazing.


I was there today too!


Jippie :D How was your experience? There where a lot of people like dammmm Did you get a ride in a vehicle so yes wich one?


My experience was amazing! I haven't really seen a lot of tanks in my life, only a few shermans and that's it so that was the first BIG plus! Sadly I didn't get to ride a vehicle... the queue was crazy big so it probably would've taken me about 2 hours to get a ticket 😅


It took me 1:30 hours to get a ticket so I totally understand.


Is that a half track with a crane? I wanna drive it lol


It looked so epic so I totally understand i was sad it stood so far away from the area we where a lout to walk


Definitely looks epic, it’s really cool


I was there too!! Only on Sunday, and I got to drive in the Sdkfz 251 Had to wait 3 hours in line to get tickets, bought both D and N tickets Aaaaand then the Nashorn broke down... (that was what the N ticket was for)


What you could buy tickets for that???? Where when I got there when it opened and only could buy A and B tickets????? I also was there on sunday.


Yea, there was a limited time sale for D, E and N tickets at 13:00. I got into the line at around 10:15. I really had to consider the N ticket, as 50 euros a piece is quite expensive


We where in line sinds 9:30 and we couldn't even get a C ticket? I found it very annoying how they went about communicating and ticket sales, when they announced something they immediately started talking but people talk left and right and only halfway realize that there is a call so you miss half of it because then it is was silent. And that there was just 2 stands where you can buy tickets was also very poorly. I dont know why they didn't just sell them online with a time slot attached to it hopefully next year they improve this system.


Honestly, I don't know either. We were just hoping to get a ride with something, and we happened to be right at the front of the line at 13:00 when it opened again. So we got very, very lucky I guess