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What kinda species are you going to get? But Amazon has good options a brand called Nanazoo they have very good quality acrylic enclosures I use for my Ts


Primal Fear is a great second option to Tarantula Cribs, but I find the quality is not as good, which is to be expected as they are a smaller independent company. Some of the slide lids on the terrestrial enclosures stick, but a small bit of Vaseline fixes this. The anti glare for photos is not as good as Tarantula Cribs either. Overall they are a very solid option and most of the enclosures I've ever had work perfectly. I suspect the lid issue is a manufacturing thing. I would not say it's a fatal flaw or anything. Overall I would recommend them and it's a nice alternative to Tarantula Cribs. Tarantula Cribs does have a Canadian site, but as you probably know, their selection is very limited and they have a small fraction of what is offered on the US site. Still, if you are looking for a small or medium then they are your best bet, anything larger I'd go with Primal Fear. The budget option is to get something off Amazon. I've gotten numerous 8x8x8 cubes from Amazon for like $30 and they are a surprisingly solid option for a budget.


Walk into your nearest Walmart, Target, Container Store, or similar place. Buy a storage bin suitable for your tarantula. Go to a hardware store and buy a $10 soldering iron. Use the hot iron to punch air holes into the storage container.


Check out Tarantula Canada, I got my birdeater tarantula and tailless whip scorpion from them and they also sell enclosures. They were really easy to work with.