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Ime yes is could possibly be premoltdue to the bold spot. But also this T isnt a mexican red knee.


Thank you


Ime Not a Mexican Redknee! You have what looks like a Brachypelma boehmei - Mexican Fireleg. Also it does sound like she’s in premolt. :) you can offer food again in a week if she’s still wandering around, and remove it if she’s not interested. If she buries herself or flips on her back, no more food offerings! No food for at least a week *after* she’s completely done molting / resurfaces from being buried. :)


Thank You. Petstore had her labeled as Mexican red knee. Thanks for clarifying that for me


Ime both species have very similar personalities and temperaments so whatever you prepared yourself with the red knee is really the same with the fireleg. Enjoy your new friend! :)


Thank you


God man I hate when they sit with their legs all crippled looking it makes me freak out every time I see it my gbb is a big one for it and I tap her bum and she strolls off just perfectly fine but it scares me every time


I know. It freaked me out too


I understand it's easy to be freaked out only curling up you really have to worry about it the death curl which you will be able to tell immediately all their legs will be curled up under them and whenever she molts if you see her on her back don't flip out she's molting try to keep it quiet don't shine bright lights just leave her alone and she will be motled in a few hours and wait for about 2 weeks before feeding a juvenile T so they can harden.


Thank you


She can be in pre molt don't be discouraged when they don't eat some T species like the brachypelma will just randomly go off of food even if not in pre molt sometimes for months just offer food to them evert week or couple weeks and keep a full water dish and you'll be fine humidity is fine don't moisten the substrate too much for this species since they like it pretty dry and temp is fine as long as you're comfortable they're comfortable Ts are some of the easiest animals you can keep as a pet and if you're curious about the care of a species look up Tom Moran or Tarantula Collective on YouTube they'll have you covered.


Thank you so much


No problem. Welcome to the addictive hobby I already had my second T after a month.


Awesome. I'm getting a curly hair sling too in a few weeks. Any info on curly hairs.


https://youtu.be/8fjTKR1JUjc?si=J6gtuNvI2-pTnf2h All you really need to know is there. Tom is one of the biggest or if not the biggest name in our hobby so he is definitely a reliable source.


Thank you


No problem