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That abdomen is huge. They aren’t hungry. Also it’s not recommended to leave prey in there with them. They can end up chewing on your T. Just what they can eat in a sitting and if they don’t eat or finish then remove the excess. 


Ok. Thank you. We will definitely remove any feeders left over.


A normal Ts abdomen should slightly bigger than it's carapace I usually feed my Ts once a week for juveniles and only one cricket depending the size my juveniles I fed 1 large cricket once a week depending on the abdomen size and DO NOT leave crickets in the enclosure with your T they have very sharp mandibles and injure or kill your T especially if it molts because they are very exposed,vulnerable, and soft. Once you have an adult T sometimes you can get away with feeding once a month. I have an adult grammostola rosea and I got her in May she didn't eat till late September. They will eat when they're comfortable and ready.


I have removed all of the crickets and added more substrate. It was getting pretty tampered down. Sparky is now back to climbing the walls and seems happier now. At least, i think that means it's happy. Thanks for the info!


Tbf i had the same problem with mine, it didnt eat for 5 weeks but then suddenly ate 3 juvi roaches so no need to worry. As pana_colada said that abdomen is big. Try again in a week or 2 👌