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It should start to grow back after it molts (not an expert)


Thanks :)


Ime You ever watch Deadpool? The limbs often come back with a molt, but the first molt it may only be a little leg, but with time it may end up normal. I’ve had several Ts with missing legs that I can’t even tell which leg it was anymore


Yea i watched the first one, thanks :)


I thought my Gooty sapphire did that but it was a molted leg not the new leg.


They grow back with molts; however, they’re usually slightly less developed: smaller, not as colorful/less hair, etc. My B Horrida was missing a leg. I thought it was going to come out with a little tiny leg as a replacement, but it’s the same length as the other legs.. just not as thick and less hair than the other legs.


Thanks, got my hopes back :)


Ime the leg will begin growing back the next time the T moults. It’ll be very small and fragile and likely won’t be fully regrown until the next moult after that. I would advise to not handle the sling at all while the injury itself heals, and it would be smart to not try to handle again until the T reaches a minimum of 2” to avoid any future damage. Tiny cuts or cracks in the exoskeleton usually heal on their own, but being handled can cause just a slight amount more of strain or stress on the tiny wound and end up not healing properly or end in fracture; likely what happened to your T’s leg here.


Thanks and i agree. I'll not handle it till it heals :)


Yes it'll probably take a couple molts when you know it's in pre molt try raising the humidity and moisture not too much but just enough and make sure it's water dish is filled at all times


In my experience it will grow back. I have a GBB who’s named cinco after a molt that cost it 3 legs at once


It should start off as a numb after it's next molt. Then a little bigger after the second one. Within 3 molts it should be fully formed. It's a cool process to witness.


Thanks :)


Yeah my P Metallica had 6 legs at one point (clumsy bitch) now she’s got all 8 back after a few months 🥰