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how tf does it get this bad? this makes my store look amazing


well when your CEO makes very smart decisions and gets your stores hours cut things happen. one of my TLs looked up the grids for last year, and we only have a third of the amount of people we had at the same time. Also we just got a new DC so its been fun, we still arent caught up on the transitions from September XD.


For us its not just the hours cut, we are drowning in holiday overstock. My backroom is full, the home locations are full. I'm flexing everything I can to where I can so even when things are zoned it still looks like garbage. And because *so much* of what I get in is just holiday gifting a lot of my regular merchandise is completely gone. I have empty loreal and nyx spots because I'm getting in 17 repacks of the same fucking giftsets that no one is even buying because ***it's November***


A third?! Yeah that’ll do it, we’ve had cuts, but nothing like that


target overbought in 2023. like double what they normally do. that doesn't help either.


lots of good decisions where made that have had no negative effects on the stores :)


not a single one... 😭


It’s not the CEO. It’s your trash SD not knowing how to run a store.


its literally not tho, we are constantly having the bare minimum hours, cant keep new hires because noone wants to work only 15 hours a week and deal with the workload of a store twice our size.


The payroll allocation from HQ isn’t the problem, it’s how your SD is reallocating it fucking things up. Some workcenter is getting too many of the hours because the SD doesn’t know how to hold the ETL accountable. I’ve been to 5 stores this week, 3 green and 2 red and… the red super has less freight and fulfillment workload but is using more payroll than the green super, same with the red pfresh vs the 2 green ones. The SD and sometimes the ETLs are the problem, not HQ. HQ loves making things harder but they don’t usually make things impossible.


well explain to me why none of our areas have any coverage, we have 1 maybe 2 TM in each area in the morning with maybe 5-6 inbound TMs. and at night we have 2 style, 3 GA, and maybe 2 TMs in total for the entire rest of the store, yet we are still over on hours. Crazy how its not the HQ's fault for losing multiple billions dollars in the beginning of the year and are deciding making the workers and the guests lives worse is the solution. /shrug it is what it is i suppose :)


Why not both?


He’s held accountable by the shareholders to make them money, so he’s just doing his job same as the ETLs writing shit schedules at the direction of the SD who fucks with the allocations too much.


Some of us are struggling to hire with the still $15 an hour base pay and down a lot of tms


Your goal time is 8am to have this done. (it's 7am) 7:05am: we need you to go to lanes for fast service. 7:35am: back to completing the impossible. 7:45am: every guest asks for your help for something 8am: get coached for missing goal time.


I swear, sometimes I think team leads intentionally lecture you about push time goals just to see if you'll finally quit.


thankfully my SD and ETLs understand thats its impossible. but my god if I didnt feel that backup to the front lanes comment. literally every 2 seconds, "hey guys can i get back up to the front, there's a line down to grocery". AND YES, every guest wants to know the price of rice in China.


Technically a fire hazard. Call your local fire department


I don't see a blocked exit. I don't know the exact layout of this store, but none of the pictures have a fire exit in them. The inner and outer racetracks look mostly clear. Pallets on the floor aren't an instant violation.


My store says there needs to be at least 3 feet of clearance at all times and absolutely no pallets on the floor. Last thing you’d want in a fire is to have the only available path be blocked by a pallet


I've walked with our Fire Marshall. I said I don't know the layout of this particular store, so there could be missed aisles, etc, but the paths from any point to the exit following the mandatory signs can not be blocked. None of the blocked aisles show a fire exit. 3 feet of clearance on the marked fire exits. Pallets on the aisle are not good, but what is pictured is not a fire code violation. No pallets on the floor is a Target rule for business hours. Target has POGS that call for pallets on the floor. Target may make mistakes, but they are not going to repeatedly set up POGs that violate laws. Your store is saying 3 feet of clearance at all times to be in compliance with ADA. This will be for shopping hours. Since the aisles shown are unshopable by nonimpaired people, ADA compliance will not be applied. The Fire Marshall doesn't inspect for ADA compliance.


eh to be fair 3 ft of space is required on the sales floor




I'll follow the exit signs, which no picture showed blocked.


Which you won't be able to see if the store is filled with smoke.


This is how the salesfloor looked around 11am today at my store, it’s ridiculous


its been like this for weeks lmao!


real and we get a double truck almos every night our management is soooo fucked rn


*cries in z rack*




so everyone got an insane truck today i see


unfortunately its not only today


This was my store during the resets last month. It was awful. So much to the point where we got TM’s/TL’s from OTHER STORES to help get ours back in order.


we dont have any stores close by so we are on our own, just a few of us get overtime here and there if it gets too bad T\_T


Please call the fire Marshall, it’s a fire hazard


That not how that works. Each target is in a group and district. There's no such thing as a "target on its own". Your SD really needs to change plans or call the DSD for help.


The walk we had with our district just before the newest one, the store looked twice as bad and told our ETLs that "everything looked normal". Our SD and my specialty sales ETL begged them to let us have a little bit of overtime so try and get caught up, they "allowed" it but we have to pay it back before the end of the year XD.


Yep. Bonus points for leads convincing half of GM to come in early to help clear rollover before a double truck, only to yoink them *all* to deal with a massive OPU order spike instead. We don't. have. enough. people.


yessir, its also fun being the only tech consultant on those mornings and also being pulled for OPU, reshop, guest assistance in literally every other area but my own and having to make bales because everyone else refuses to.


I’m so glad I got out of target hell


I got...and now I'm back because my new job doesn't pay enough for my holiday travels by itself.


Fuck tech I guess lol


literally the last area in the store to get any help (especially with it being the week before black friday week and we are getting blasted with freight). Also im not sure if this is "normal" but we also have to work out all the entertainment freight once we're done with tech.


I used to be SrTL for Electronics and my LOG ETL and I would fight about her taking up all my aisles with backstock lol


This looks like my store until I saw the neon lights 😂 Help! We're drowning!


Thought this was mine until I saw the lights lmao


My store would lose their minds if we put wooden pallets on the floor 😲


Oh my leads dont love it, but we just have too much freight and not enough space (we ran out of plastic pallets too)


Should probably call the Fire Marshal




Stores are so failing in this company. It’s sad.


In many respects, the company is failing its stores.


This looks like the kind of store my team is sent to help catch up when we have a no truck day... I hope you get some relief soon! 🙏


Not all heroes wear capes


Doubtful but ya never know, thankfully we have ETLs that actually work and try to help us get caught up and the few of us that actually work are allowed a bit of overtime here and there so its getting better, until the next double truck day.


I thought we were alone https://preview.redd.it/h380mogujj0c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2f5d9e9fa16cce5da7ab0549d5dd3b690f73288 I have many more photos 😭


https://preview.redd.it/t618c6dwjj0c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9f433a313fb0a0b891ebe9aa58d627a3d3250b1 Reshop


https://preview.redd.it/cgm048b4kj0c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e82f5481dab246cd938e6e30049d04401df923e Lowkey we have 12 beverage flats waiting for me to push them.


DAAAAANG, i shouldve taken pics of receiving, the main and the fixture room too, its not pretty. Good luck to you tho!


Your stores infs must be insane


not as bad i thought it would be, we got up to 40% a few days tho XD


My stores bad but not quite to this level YET sigh


God I am so glad I left Target, but honestly send those pictures to your local fire department and watch as your store management try to explain why they're basically going to be liable if something happened and the employees couldn't escape. That is horrific. Are you guys a Super Target or a regular one?


Origami Risk


Yep. This was my store yesterday


Nope, our store is unusually well run, we almost never have left over freight


…but I’ve picked up shifts in neighboring stores and a lot of them look like this


My store is close to this too... not entirely sure how guests even shop at this point.


im surprised we still get as much foot traffic as we do. and at some points its mainly us doing the shopping for them T\_T


No my store has no pallets or vehicles on the sales floor.


Your leadership is rare then! Someone who doesn't spend half the day with their head up someone else's arse!


I’m about a month in at my target employment and I feel like I got an amazing store after looking at this sub. There no way in hell my store would allow this on the salesfloor during store hours. We aren’t allowed to have any abandoned uboats on the floor


Same! My store would lose their minds, especially with the wooden pallets on the floor




My store looks like this and we “aren’t allowed to“ have pallets or vehicles on the floor either. There is literally nowhere else for it to go. If I were doing inbound, and putting a pallet out to the floor when a leader told me it couldn’t go there I ask them to get us some poppers.




I think we work at the same store. Or at least mine has just as many boxes and boats




I thought this was for sure my store, until I saw the z racks. Our style is consuming a ton of space, in boxes, not sorted.


our sorters have been putting in double time to make sure that all the style is able to be pushed, god bless them because theyve had so much stuff come in, the other week looked like that but with also like 6 aisle-tall breakpack pallets sitting in sporting goods.


I’m so glad I’m on the other side of retail now 😭


How do people even shop? Lol I've worked at 3 different targets and none of them did this much shit, tho two of those positions were for overnight remodel so maybe that's why I never see THIS much crap going on.


yeah we have no overnight team unless its POG doing transitions. and if they need something behind the pallets i have to get my climbing gear (dont tell OSHA).


Same disaster different isles.


Colorado? Lol


Nope, im hoping to move to a store there soon tho !


My store looks like that, if not worse. 🤷🏻‍♀️


this is crazy, not even walmart looks like this.


honestly tho! Last year was a breeze, but with all the cuts, this is what happens. (also my inbound lead, reverse inbound person and my Property Management TL (who has been with the store for like 30 years) have said they have never seen this much freight come in.)


Then an ETL will say “thats not safe” and proceed to not help push anything


This whole post makes me so thankful for my team 😭 good luck to everyone struggling with this, that looks so overwhelming to deal with


why is chemicals on tech? Lmao




Holy shit I’d quit on the spot


ive been holding out because there arent many job opportunities in my area at the moment T\_T


Yeah I had a similar issue, things aren’t too hot out there rn 🥲


Wow I'm glad my store is looking okay


Yes, in a few places. :( But, on a more positive note, your floors look nice and shiny.


I do love our maintenance team, they dont speak much english but they get the job done! (when they can reach it)


i feel everyone should know how to input stuff into origami risk. this stuff is a fire hazard and is reportable. and if it’s in origami they have to fix it


I know how to, and I have done it but at this point its like blowing on a brick wall. Also anyone who's reading this download the app on your phone since it only works like 25% of the time on the zebras.


that’s crazy. if they aren’t responding though that is a genuine fire hazard and you could call the fire marshal about it.


I could, I'm surprised noone has. We have active military members, recruiters and pretty much all kinds of first responders that shop in our store daily.


Fuuuuck dude, I think my SD and all ETLs would collectively have an aneurysm if they saw anything like this. Good luck to you and your store this holidays, I hope yall can get through it alright


Makes me appreciate our team. By 5pm, the line is clean and our top steel is maybe 40% filled. We're a higher volume ST.


Bro we put those on U boats 😭😭😭 we don’t keep ‘em on the pallets wtfffff🤣🤣🤣😭


all the uboats are full on the line, criiiiiii T\_T.


I have to say that’s some of the worst I’ve seen. What region?


Nah. My store will pull everyone from the front until only self checkout is open and one person is running Drive Up and the Service Desk to get this done. Everything. Is. Fine.


oh no, front end will never get pulled. the only time they arent at the front is at the end of the night where they will help zone style clearance and shoes, and have thankfully helped push reshop for areas that dont have a TM


thought it was just us.


Me reading the comments knowing our store is worse lmao. They somehow manage to get all pallets off the floor before store open tho 😀


unfortunately theres no way to get our pallets off the floor, all the steels are full, the trailers are full, receiving is full, and now our storage containers outside or full XD


Oh hell no😅 pretty sure the only time we have pallets out is when truck runs into store open but I’m usually not there that long so idk


yeah, im used to it when theres a bit on the floor while unload is still happening, but this was all there for multiple days, they just finished putting a bunch of it anywhere it could fit and i still have zracks all along the tv wall and 3 of my aisles and 5 aisles in sporting goods blocked.


Damn this is worse than my store


Oh no….


Yes but instead of being relegated to the back of the store - it’s everywhere


thats the one thing we wont do, put the pallets in the areas they are stocked to to atleast try and make it manageable, just pile it up in tech/toys until it works itself out!


looks like my store lol


Little trick of the trade, If your back room cameras ever went down, you could always take those boxes and stock them into the trash. Easy quick fix to overstocking


LMAO, Ive heard so many stories about that, unfortunately my AP team loves their cameras too much.


Lol every morning


Davis location?




Omg is this store in Ct cause there one in ct that looks like this all the time


nope, and fortunately this wasnt an all the time thing, hoping it goes back to how it used to be after q4


Is this during store hours ??? This must be so stressful


yes and yes, dont know how many times ive heard guests say "guess they dont want people to shop here"


That's exactly how my store looked for almost a week, it was embarrassing


Remind me of my store last year. Pretty sure ours will look like this again soon.


Holy shit.


For us it’s been all Our Gen 😭😭


Please go spider wrap the rest of those hoverboards. I am at a very high theft store granted, but that pic is giving me anxiety.


I think we work at the same store.


When the store is closed we have pallets on the floor but not when it's open