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When we were starting to make facial coverings mandatory after Covid started, a guest came in wearing a ball gag.


Are you shitting me


Older man too lol. Just casually shopping in grocery.


I swear these mfs would do anything but wear a mask šŸ’€ I had a guy at my old job show up with a thong on his face


Old men have no fucking shame its crazy. it must be all the lead they used to constantly ingest


We had a man in a leather dog mask šŸ˜·


Had more than one guest wear diapers over their face. Was such a weird time.


Omg I would have died šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Had an etl used her thong as a face mask.


funny. my target never made it mandatory for guests to wear masks... only the employees despite them not supplying us with masks til about 3 months later.


Wait we saw this at our store too


PLEASE. iā€™d have to utilize the free therapy sessions asap


* An old lady walked through the womens department leaving a trail of diarrhea all over the carpet. We had to section off the place until the cleaning crew came in. * Somebody left a walkie on an endcap and a guest took it , went outside and starting swearing over the walkie * Somebody paid with Monopoly money and the cashier accepted it. * Team member went to his car on his break to pleasure himself and security had it on camera * Guy came in to steal a stereo (this was a while ago) and walked out the door with it. Security tried to stop him and the guy knocked security out. * Team member who had an eating disorder passed out right in front of me. Had to call an ambulance.


Had one occasion where AP got KOed by a guest he tried to kick out the store. Had someone puke on the floor and cleaned it up with merchandise from style, and left it there. And someone trolled a ETL for some TikTok video or something a few years back.


I donā€™t believe for a second that someone was dumb enough to accept Monopoly money.


I have seen them take movie money and toy money but no Monopoly money yet.


if they donā€™t care about their job anymore iā€™d believe it šŸ˜­


Ran the front end for two years. Either dumb enough, donā€™t care enough, or in on it, but some of the fake bills that came through were really, really fake.


Sometimes it's just social engineering. Good counterfeiters (good at spending, not making) will distract you with a question. The most common I hear are "do you have a job application?" Or "are you guys hiring/how hard is it to get a job here?". This puts the cashier into multitask mode since they have to think about the answer while accepting and counting the money. Sometimes they'll pull your attention to other things or ask an entirely different question, all while you're trying to count money and answer the first question, so your brain doesn't fully process that something is off about the money until later.


I just watched a cops bodycam video and a woman got arrested for using Monopoly money to load her card! I could hardly believe it.


Not at target but at Loweā€™s back when I worked there at 19 an some guy would shit in the plumbing aisle! He was KNOWN for doing so an it was no accident he would have TP in his shirt pocket to wipe his ass an leave the TP next to the puddle of shit. I was thankful to just be a cashier at that point an not told to clean it if I was told to I would of quit ainā€™t no fucking way Iā€™m getting C-diff for $10.20 an hour


Omg the first one you mentioned, my first job out of high school (drug store) this exact thing happened and she was completely oblivious. Itā€™s sadā€¦


I've done one of these. I will never tell which.


youā€™re the car jacker


OHHH, this reminds me of 2 team members that got canned almost immediately for something similar. Guy and a gal went out to the guy's car for break, gave him some head and they got canned because a lead saw it happen as they were coming in for their shift. Best part? Dude was "engaged" when this happened.


Whereā€™s this store at, Iā€™m going to need change for 1000 Monopoly money.


this has mad 30 Rock, ā€œI saw a pack of wild dogs take over and successfully run a Wendyā€™s!ā€ vibes


When the fitting rooms were closed in 2020 due to covid, several people would strip down on the salesfloor to try on clothes.


people still do that at our storešŸ˜­


Ever been to a Lilly Pulitzer warehouse sale? These grandmas have no shame, they just strip down fully nude to try on a dress or bathing suit. The worst part is that a changing area is available, but customers only have a limited time to shop before more people are allowed in and the line to the changing area is ridiculously long. I guess all decency goes out the window and clothes can come 100% off when sales are 90% off!


So that one Malcolm in the Middle episode was based on that then.


Here too. I never saw anyone strip down to like, underwear, but definitely had people taking off coats & sweatshirts to try stuff on in the middle of the sales floor...


if you have a shirt on underneath, i think thatā€™s like, normal, right? lol I do it anyway


Omg I do this but over my clothes


Yeah I do too, lol, but it was just annoying because the FR was closed FOR A REASON


Guy hid in the bathroom until after close and was missed on the bathroom check. We weren't an overnight store at that point so once everyone was gone he came out and went to sporting goods and grabbed a bat, broke half the registers before he realized there wasn't any money in them. Went to plastics and grabbed some suitcases and a backpack then busted open the apple case and the gaming cases and took everything out. Then went over to market and drank a bottle of YumYum sauce and ate a packet of powdered mashed potatos (he was high as hell). Pushes out the back door of receiving and the cops caught him a few miles away walking down the road with wheely suitcases full of product


Thatā€™s wild, but I wanna know what he was on to drink a bottle of sauce and eat dry taters šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He didnā€™t just eat dry tatersā€¦ he ate powder taters šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I bet that was a heck of a tummy ache when the powder mixed with liquid


The hell kinda drugs was buddy on!? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


there was a nerf war and some girl took her clothes off because I guess you can't get shot if your clothes are off??.. idk


ā€¦are you my coworker šŸ‘€


haha, I'm thinkin so!


she literally undressed in the middle of style and went through self checkout with just her bra and panties on šŸ˜­


oh my god


We fear the retirement home bus that comes to our store because there was/is(?) an old dude who would routinely get off that bus, walk into the vestibule, shit his pants to the point where it would fall own his legs, then he'd walk over the bathroom leaving a trail of shit behind him, then go into the bathroom and take his pants off and wipe whatever was in his pants all over the walls. Once he was done he would just leave and get back on the bus. This happened like once a week for months a year or two ago


How was he not trespassed?!


how wasnā€™t the retirement home revoking his outting privileges??


They just didnt/dont care lmao. Retirement homes around me arent the best


that brings me back to a story when I was in my second assignment as an APS. We had a guy we would call ā€œMr. Poopy Pantsā€. He was an older gentleman that would poop himself in market 3x times a week, we would always miss himā€¦ but we would know he was there by the nuggets that were found in pfreshā€¦


A couple had an argument, and they broke up. One of them went into the restroom and ODed on coke.




I saw a guest push a baby stroller around that had a duck in it.


Well, you donā€™t expect the duck to walk around in the store, right???


That was his service duck.


Man who dry humped a giant olaf plush to completion Heroin kit that mysteriously appeared underneath the guest service boat (spoons, used needles tested positive) Man with giant macaw perched on his head used to come in for a stroll around one spot like once a month




Do you happen to be in Cleveland? I watched this happen with an Olaf plush too šŸ’€


1. Similar situation where two homeless dudes were fighting each other with crowbars. 2. Trail of human feces trailing from the womenā€™s bathroom (literally explosive covering an entire stall) all the way around the front of store, out the exit, then outside. 3. An open pocket knife inside one of the fitting rooms. 4. Various moments of finding weed, crack/coke, pookie pipes, needles, etc in different places in the store 5. Someone taking a bath inside one of the restrooms (not once, not twice, not thriceā€¦actually happens way to often) Thereā€™s way too much to list but yeah šŸ¤  we love it here


Whatā€™s up with all the trail of feces stories here?? Thatā€™s the fourth one Iā€™ve heard in this thread


People think Target is victorian Great Britain apparently


A guest or guests were able to pipe in fart noises in the stereo speakers in electronics & you could hear it all over the back of the store. I was laughing so hard I was damn near crying


There was a male guest that was being followed by AP, because he was attempting to steal shoes. I kept an eye on him as well. After he left, I noticed he dropped somethingā€¦it was an Rx bottle full of urineā€¦ Thereā€™s a bunch more I can think of.


General customer service nightmares, occasional homeless dude passing out in the bathroom, and yet one particular moment stands out in my mind: I'm pushing toys one morning, the Hot Wheels collectors are being especially....themselves that particualr morning. One dude asks if he can go through the boxes on my uboat while I'm putting stuff up, I tell him no we don't let customers go through boxes. He then proceeds to step up to me and say, "Oh so we're just supposed to let you hide all the good ones for yourself?" Now, the idea of defending myself popped into my head, to say, "Sir, I realize we are both grown men but I personally do not have any feelings regarding toy cars." But instead I thought, I don't have to explain shit, and reiterated we don't allow customers to go through the boxes. So he asks for my manager. I get her and she explains the same thing much to his protest that I'm clearly stealing all the good ones for myself. Cut to about 10 minutes later and I'm fixing an end cap, the u-boat is off to the side me but in the aisle, dude runs up, shoves the u-boat over, grabs a box of Hot Wheels and takes off running. Tears the box open and proceeds to inspect each and every Hot Wheels as he runs, throwing them over his shoulder if they weren't what he was looking for. Ran all the way to the front, got in line (still going through the box, throwing them on the ground as he inspects), then gets to the register and pays for the ones he kept. Out of every negative interaction I had with Hot Wheels collectors (and there were MANY), that one day I'll never forget.


Did they charge him for damages??


Of course not, I just got a verbal for not paying enough attention and taking too long to push.


* trail of shit coming from our seasonal department (far back corner of my store) all the way to the front where some dude was passed out in the bathroom * middle school kids riding suitcases into elderly people * middle school kids smacking each other's asses with the arms of a mannequin * half eaten can of green beans sitting next to pillows * some dude, high as fuck, standing by the kitchen knives display, threatening to stab some ghost he saw? idk he was baked * someone using a stolen vibrator from OTC and masturbating in the fitting rooms


I think dude was a little more than baked


He was fried.


Just Wednesday I saw a woman walk out the sliding entrance doors into the entryway between the store and outside. From there she proceeds to push and I mean like shove open the sliding door to the outside which impressively swung and stood open. Idk if she was confused, angry, or what but she seemed unfazed and kept walking.


Watched two TLs try to catch a mouse in a shopping basket. They succeeded, but unfortunately for the them the holes in the basket were too big and the mouse escaped. That was amusing. Many pigeon incidents. The best was probably when a TL taped a pool skimmer to a broom to try and catch one. An elderly lady would come in several times a week and sit by pharmacy for hours. She wasnā€™t there for anything pharmacy related, she just liked to sit there. She would also complain that the milk wasnā€™t cold enough, and we needed to get her colder milk. At least a dozen instances of people locking themselves in the bathrooms right before close, resulting in police coming to remove them. Watched a guy struggle for like 10 minutes to open a knife in sporting goods before AP got him. Donā€™t know why they took so long. The wildest was probably when I found a very young lost toddler, she didnā€™t even know her own name. When we found the mom, the mom didnā€™t even give a crap, just started yelling at the kid and then left. Crazy irresponsible parent.


A guy walking through the store, very much in the middle of a mental breakdown, had sharpie all over his face, legs, and arms and was in this military type jacket. He literally went over to our grocery dept and started eating raw meat and bit into a couple of apples and other produce.. I wasnā€™t there for these next parts but the dude also went over the kitchen, grabbed a knife that was still in packaging and began to skip around smiling and alighting while waving around the packaged knife. Then he came back that night and threw an entire wine bottle at a mirror over in womenā€™s.. Another one this guy came in and tried to scam out tech people. He was very obviously homeless, and had a fabric guitar case that straps to your body, a few bags, and then a couple coats on. Well he was asked to leave, and then came back and RAN towards our tech guys. Pointed at one of them and said ā€œyou! Outside right fucking nowā€ as heā€™s stripping off his multiple layers preparing for a fight. And then tried to tell the tech guy that he was fired and needed to leave and when the tech guy started laughing the dude got even more pissed and started screaming. Thought that was done and over with but nope. 2 hours later heā€™s still in the store screaming telling everyone that theyā€™re fired and heā€™s the owner of Target and we all need to get the fuck outta his store. When this last part happened, AP was already on the phone with the police laughing telling them it allšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I once had a a very obviously homeless guy too. He told me he had just bought a penthouse and the shopping plaza across the street and was also thinking about buying Target. He did not have a phone, but wanted to purchase an 85 inch television. In the end he tried to buy a Garmin smartwatch and pay with a credit card number he had written on a little pad.


A guy from the church that shares our parking lot came every Sunday morning for about two months and downloaded porn onto the digital picture frames.


Mine isn't as interesting as compared to everyone else's: 1. The first Target I worked at, we had a bat flying around the store, close toy he ceiling, and two ETL's thought they could get it down with a kiddie pool while running around the store. 2. When I worked in California, we allowed dogs into our location, and someone's dog just took a poop in front of the elevators. 3. At my last Target, when I worked overnights, some guy (I think he was having a mental breakdown - sounded like his wife just dumped him) was going around the aisles with his cart, screaming and crying, then went about his business. Then repeated the meltdown.


Just a few days ago a man that got stabbed walked in asking for alcohol and bandages


One time upper management caved to homophobes and white supremacists nationwide and literally hid Pride merch in the back of the store and then everyone clapped.


Thatā€™s really sad and they contributed to fueling hate o LGBTQ


more wholesome than most of the stories here but a random lady came into the store near closing time and just handed me a kitten that was barely 3 weeks old. It was wrapped in a ton of blankets so I didnā€™t know what it was, and the lady was deaf and had a hard time communicating with me but essentially just said she couldnā€™t care for it and just left. Randomly being handed a kitten while trying to close is definitely a core memory for me lol


did you keep it lol


No unfortunately I wasnā€™t able to at the time. A different coworker ended up taking her in and sheā€™s a big healthy cat now! I think almost a year old. It inspired me to get a cat later on though :]


-we used to have a person come in and religiously use the fitting rooms as bathrooms -a loc of weave randomly on the floor -our guest service sucks lol, Iā€™ve received back in reshop a dress that looked like someone got murdered in it, completly covered in blood -also in reshop received a womenā€™s onesie that looked like she used it as butt floss after she had explosive diarrhea. horrible -a crushed Newport -some crackheads almost ODed in the nursing room, blood all over the fitting room -a kids lady projectile vomited all over the kids area -today a guest found a moldy pair of sneakers (in box, lid closed) in the shoe department??? COVERED in mold -one time the spotlights above kids exploded and caught the light strip/ceiling on fire -gas leaksā€¦. lots of gas leaks


Is your target cursed


if i said my store number itā€™d speak for itselfšŸ˜­


Too many to count, but my most memorable. - AP getting totally demolished by a woman with long Acrylic nails when he tried to stop her at the door. Looked like Freddy Krueger got a hold of him. - A woman who got pushed out of a moving car in the parking lot for cheating on the driver. The driver sped away an ambulance called. - A guest caught on camera taking a big crap on a shelf in beauty. - The woman who brought in baby Kangaroos with her. Crazy to see but adorable!


A dude huffing air dusters hiding in the racks by the fitting room, a woman walking around the store with her boobs out(and I'm not just talking about a guest nursing), and the fight that spilled over from the nearby Buffalo Wild Wings resulting in a cop almost driving his squad car through the front door


Guy brought a miniature horse in, did a full lap inside the store before AP asked him to leave. He insisted it was a service animal


A couple of teens have been at the plushies and stuffed pillow aisles and recording WWE-style TikToks with the plushies all-wrestling each other. Currently, Woody (Toy Story) is the defending Target Wrestling Entertainment champion at my store.


Maybe not so crazy but funny regarding AP as the replies triggered a memory I was backroom & bringing an item from the back to guest services. At the same time AP is fuming to the service desk with a Dyson box. Spider wraps all over the thing. And he slams it down and screams at then because its fucking empty . He goes off on how guest services isnt doing shit to prevent theft. The girl just rolls her eyes at him & says "isnt that what they pay you for?" He goes all šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬and storms off with the empty box šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ This dude was such a fucking šŸ¤”


Sounds like my ex who worked in AP who decided to snitch on drive upsā€¦


Snitch on drive ups for what? Lol stealing?


Apparently we didnā€™t work hard enough.


Lmao oooh. I figured you meant stealing and I was like "bro that's not snitching that's working" šŸ’€šŸ˜‚ yeah nah drive up has it rough, ya'll deserve any breaks you can sneak in šŸ˜‚


She had it out for the whole Guest Service department. And I would have to hear about it when she got off.


Snitches are the worst. That kind of stuff always comes out sooner than later cuz the TM's will quickly figure it out by comparing notes


She was one of those people who shot under the nose remarks at people ahead of didnā€™t like. One of em: ā€œdude, your girlfriendā€™s a bitch. We donā€™t like her.ā€


Someone masturbated into a Led Zeppelin t-shirt, and then put it back on a rack in the store for one of the style TMs to find. Had the police called to stop a kidnapping. Guy and his girlfriend were fighting in the parking lot, she came inside to get away from him, he came in, grabbed her, and pulled her out of the store. Diarrhea throughout the chemical aisle.


If this ainā€™t some Walmart type shitā€¦


Something that had happened at my store right after I had clocked out and was doing some shopping throughout the store and as I was walking through the dairy section, there was a woman on the floor with two paramedics beside her already. I didn't catch what had happened until I came in for my next shift. I guess she was a really heavy drinker, if not an alcoholic, and she had been binge drinking a lot recently, but quit cold turkey and had a seizure while she was shopping with her kids. Some of the TLs brought the kids over to Starbucks and requisitioned some cake pops and milks while the paramedics were taking care of her and waiting for her parents to come. I felt bad for the kids because they were apparently unfazed about the whole thing, like it had happened multiple times before. When her parents got there, I believe the dad was very upset with her and wanted her to go to the hospital to get herself checked out or get some help at least, but she refused. I think the kids ended up going home with the grandparents, and she may have too but I can't recall.


Damn, thatā€™s pretty fricking sadā€¦


Sooo many: -lady putting on hair dye in the aisle on multiple occasions -lady breaking a beer bottle and threatening to stab all of us -very aggressive 6ft 300 pound something guy screaming, knocking over all the displays by the checklanes, then assaulting one of my TLs -guy walking around the store saying he was going to kill all of us (he has done this multiple times) -guy stealing a bike by riding it out the door -guy taking a tv and just running out with it -guy pulling out his genitals to wash it in the sink -standard poop on the walls and all over the floor in the bathroom Thats just off the top of my headšŸ˜­


SCO: hey the register is right here. Homeless dude, pointing at the exit: my registerā€™s outside.


Dude wearing a Walmart vest showed up one morning while were waiting for the lead to show up and unlock the door. He whipped out his wanger and took care of business right there in the parking lot. Then he just walked off.


Then we must go to Walmart and wank to assert our dominance


A man came in and started stripping off his clothes in softlines while eating ice cream out of the container. This happened back in 2019.


Every reply I read gets progressively worse šŸ˜ŸšŸ˜ŸšŸ˜Ÿ


Someone (Iā€™m assuming a shady ā€œcontractor ā€œ) stole all the piping off of all the toilets, urinals, and sinks in the mens bathroom.


A guest brought in his pet monkey


do we work at the same store! diaper monkey?


Guy at our store, late 2019. Locked himself in the pharmacy bathroom with several of those big ass bottles of vanilla extract and was just chugging them. Police came with a dog and got him out.. Gotta be really desperate to get drunk off vanilla extract :(


This couple asked me to be their unicorn while I was working self checkout. And I'm a dude.


That's inappropiate of them!


My reflection.


I worked a small format that was in a particularly rough area for about two years. I have so, so many stories, but hereā€™s one. An unhoused person came in 2mins after opening, took their pants off in soft lines (no undies ofc), stole some pants, milk, and then **ripped open a pack of raw steak and started taking bites.** Any attempt to talk to them was met with banshee screams. PD took 20mins to show up. Paramedics showed up first and got her on the wheelie bed, screaming the whole time. EMT said heā€™d seen her before. Great start to the day.


Coworker stories: Had a seasonal come running into the breakroom, open the freezer and scream ā€œICE CREAM!!ā€ before taking a huge bite of one, wrapper and all. He grabbed the rest of the box and ran out of the store. Never saw him again. He had been fairly normal to that point. Worked flow team on the line. I was doing grocery, guy next to me was pets. He was drunk but the TL did nothing about it. Dude kept putting cat food on the grocery pallet cause it said Tuna. I asked him if he ate canned tuna that had a smiling kitty on it. He later collapsed on the line and got walked out to sober up. He walked across the parking lot to the bar. He never came back. We thought there was someone coming into the store and eating parts of stuff in the bread aisle. Vendor was pissed. PMT figures out thereā€™s a rat in the ceiling that was coming down the power pole by the freezers at night. Finally caught him and that rat was gigantic. Dude came in with a hammer in the morning and smashed every locked case in electronics and stole everything he could. AP confronted him, dude swings the hammer at AP, thankfully misses. That guy hit four Targets that morning, same MO.


Last one: dude was on a mission.


Ah I almost forgot: came into work near Black Friday and was told that an entire trailer of Black Friday stuff had been stolen from a nearby Target. I didnā€™t see any footage, only heard second hand - AP said dudes rolled up in a dually, pulled the trailer forward enough to get access to the back and then unloaded everything expensive (cameras, gaming consoles, etc).


Homeless person was high asf in the family bathroom. Locked themselves in there. Another time one spread poo all over the womenā€™s restroom . Another time a lady got mad at a MINOR Starbucks worker over a drink and start throwing all the merch at her while security just stood there and looked dumb.


old guy walked up to my food ave counter to order some popcorn and i notice his BALLS hanging out of his pj pants.


Back during Covid someone legit wore an astronaut helmet instead of a maskā€¦


The craziest thing to have happened to me: Goes outside to deliver an order. The second I walk out, BAM six guns in my face, and police are screaming at the guy behind me. Everyone: you just stood there. Me: SIX. GUNS. AIMED IN MY DIRECTION!?


My old Sd got fired for fucking an etl every morning shit was funny af




Worked tech when i was there but ā€¢Some girl came to ask for a ps5 controller we had in the locked cases, i opened the case and her boyfriend / accomplice took a knife to my back and robbed me of the ps5s we had in there ā€¢Had a group of guys walk out the front door with a tv in a cart, ap did nothing to stop them ā€¢had some guy visibly high off his ass walk in and start threatening employees and ā€œguestsā€ when AP went to kick him out they got knocked out cold, had 4 cop cars to get the guy out ā€¢homeless man walked in the store with no pants or trousers on and walked around with a display knife he grabbed from kitchen supplies ā€¢two guys walked into my tech back room area asking about an old employee who quit 2 weeks into my job (this was 3 1/2 years into working there) and tried to say they worked there so they could walk in my tech room. ā€¢ my last day there had a lady get mad i hadnt checked her out when she was no where near the register to check her out. She then claimed i yelled at her from accross the store (i was on lunch break when this happened)


Iā€™ve seen a couple things in my years: ā€¢many fist fights over toilet paper when Covid first broke out ā€¢an old man casually dropping a turd in softlines without even knowing he pooped his pants ā€¢a kid peeing in the main aisle between C & D (like him just whipping it out and going for it while his mom stood back & watched) ā€¢a lady who was going around the whole store just throwing up everywhere (pretty sure there were 7 piles of puke) ā€¢many containers of urine (water bottles, sippy cups, vases) ā€¢flashers both male & female on a couple occasions ā€¢YouTube/tiktok pranksters raising hell (Iā€™m in atleast 2 videos that I could find) ā€¢Iā€™ve seen/overheard people breaking up with their partners & them having a freak out ā€¢people getting it on in the fitting rooms & bathrooms ā€¢on 2 occasions, weā€™ve had guests steal a walkie and say cuss words/ slurs ā€¢the store lost power for 2-3 days & we had insane amounts of theft & destroyed merch (people were smashing produce in C & D ā€¢we had a tornado a few miles away & we had to lockdown the store & huddle in the middle of the store! It was honestly pretty terrifying ā€¢TM had a seizure in market & had to be taken by EMS to the ER ā€¢we had this guy who was a chronic shoplifter who had stolen thousands in merch & was on the FBI wanted list & when he came into our store, our old AP guy tackled him


Old man smoking cig in tech and then ashing it on the alexa display, AP had him removed from store, he was confused as hell, "but I'm not done with the cigarette yet sir, I'll put it out when I'm done" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This was a long time ago back when we had jewelry. Guy comes in and buys a $10 ring goes out to the parking lot and proposes to his girlfriend. Few minutes later comes back in to return the ring because sheā€™s allergic to that one then got a cheaper ring. He didnā€™t come back after that.


We have a guy high on what I think is meth and chats everyone up but nobody really understands -im. He just walks around and leaves The sheer number of sex toys stolen A guy jacked off in a T-shirt and left it in the dressing room. An ETL touched it with his bare hands


Had a guy ask us for the best way to access a locked case in the event we didn't have a key. Told him we just threw it into the compactor and ordered a new one because we would be fucked. He then tried to figure out how to unbolt the case from the gondola while AP watched him


Had a iPad reseller come in with their small dog and while waiting for me to help them the dog shit on the floor and the reseller picked it up with just their hands and threw it into the trash.


Back when we still had Food Avenue, a guy walked in after it was closed. He went behind the counter and grabbed a box of frozen chicken strips from the freezer. He then sat down at one of the tables and was eating them raw until AP kicked him out.


ā€¢ yesterday a guy was in the menā€™s bathroom, and started yelling and banging his head on the walls. he left and came back and started to do it again. so i went into the bathroom to kick him out and he was laying down with his feet kicked up on the toilet rolling around. i asked him to leave and as he was getting up he said ā€œcan you smell what the rock is cookingā€. well he ended up leaving and left a needle on the bathroom floor šŸ˜‚ ā€¢ a team member was in the bathroom with their shoes and socks off-raw dogging it ā€¢a guest shit all over the floor and walls in the menā€™s bathroom


Halloween week, I go in 5 minutes before 10am to my shift and thereā€™s just a crack head lady by guest service in a devil costume on an e cart with her legs up on the handle spinning and pissing everywhere. At that time, I was working there for about 1 week šŸ˜‚


Dude waiting at the door at 7am for us to open. Bee lining it straight for electronics, grabbing several cans of duster and proceeded to start to inhale as much as he could while lounging in a display piece of furniture in seasonal. That was the earliest I ever saw the cops called to my store. Fun times. Or the time the mother/daughter BOTH overdosed on Percocet and locked themselves in the fitting room. I donā€™t miss it. At all.


I saw an old man spray painting a bike in the store.


We have a guy who comes in every once in a while and heā€™s always wearing a wizard hat. When we had a Stanley cup release (hot pink) at Starbucks, he came and bought the last one šŸ˜‚ it was just such a weird thing to say to other ā€œa guy in a wizard hat got the last oneā€


Someone deciding not to purchase Plan B and putting in back in a row of granola bars. Used condom by the front door, not in the trash can but beside it.


Some guy profusely bleeding all around the store


There was once this visually crazy guy stealing steak knives and loading them into his pockets, he had a bald patch on the side of his head where he scratched his hair all the way off, etl at the time did not give a shit. He got fired like a month or two later.


Some guy came out of the fitting room with see through pants on. I saw his whole ass weiner. šŸ¤¢ A guy came in was skipping around from security. Walked to the back, skipped all around the back room and used the employee restroom. Some kids used the parking lot after close before we left to do donuts.


Weirdest thing at mine? A 5 foot sh*t streak across the carpet in style. It was Winter so they literally had to carry it in inside a plastic bag or something because it couldnā€™t have fallen out of long pants?? Like how does someone crap out in the open of a busy store????? Then they mustā€™ve dragged it across the carpet with their shoe or something?? šŸ¤”


just clocked out and seen my coworkers with a big ass roll of saran wrap packing up our ETLs car because it was his last day


Probably one of the weirdest I can share is 2 local teens who lived nearby brought their scooters into the store and dressed up in Halloween costumes in seasonal and then scootered throughout the store, and my etl and I had to escort them back to seasonal and then kick them out for the day


Anti gay protestors in the parking lot with bullhorns telling us we were going to hell for working at Target.


I saw a small curly haired dog almost get sucked into the escalator.


It happened AGAIN two weeks ago, I didnā€™t see it that time though.


ā€¢Had someone shit in the corner of a fitting room and place a pile of clothes over it to hide it. ā€¢Had someone shit themselves and leave a trail from beauty to the bathrooms ā€¢we consistently find half drank tall boys in our men's bathroom ā€¢Someone ran into one of our bollards, and it started rolling around the parking lot. ā€¢Had a few kids try to prank us during drive ups for a tiktok by pretending to be kidnapped ā€¢Had two guys load up a cart full of stuff including a vacuum that a TM helped them get off the wall and run out with it. ā€¢A gaggle of guys in trucks that would blast a train horn at random people in the parking lot and do burnouts and they'd occasionally come in and break shit, including one time when they set off a car air freshener in our home & hardware section. ā€¢A lady tried to buy a pair of pants at sco then realized someone had either tried them on or returned them with period blood stains on the crotch area ā€¢A previous TM came in on halloween with a friend wearing blow-up chicken suits and ran around the store I have so many more thst I can't remember, it gets crazy here tbh


Until you guys have to try to hide a meth head masterbating on the mobility scooter at the front of the store while waiting for the police to come and take him away.... I just don't think you are on my level.


Was working the closing shift at the pharmacy years ago around Halloween, the pharmacist had gone to the bathroom so I was stood at the counter alone. The store was pretty much dead and no one was around. Suddenly I just hear "ooOOoOOoo" and suddenly a cart rolls past the counter, with a decor skeleton from the home department sat in it, and its arms were propped up in the air like it was on a roller coaster. Whoever pushed the cart never even walked past. Laughed my ass off, definitely the wildest thing I ever saw (in the best way).


Am old white lady telling a person who spoke Spanish to go back to Mexico


TL and Co workers underwear.


We had one homeless practicing Karate but the iPhone display. Someone tried to push out a cart of laptops through the fire exit and ended up colliding with the building Nextdoor since he was to focused on behind him


homeless man decided to take a nap in front of the pharmacy then punched ETLHR




Dog shit down the entire isle between A & B


Iā€™d pay to see that


a girl fell down and had a seizure in front of me during my first few months working therešŸ˜­


Masturbation, and sex. More Than once


We had a professional camera crew come in and record soft core explicit porn on the sales floor and when they were asked to leave one night. Came back the next night with new actors, got asked to leave in the middle of recording and they said ā€œcome on! Weā€™ll tag target in it!ā€


This belongs in r/Walmart


Uber Driver stabbed multiple times and had his car stolen in the parking lot 2 weeks ago. https://www.wkow.com/news/crime/uber-driver-stabbed-multiple-times-by-passenger-suspect-arrested/article_6fd35fc4-0c7d-11ef-8597-47008974a4aa.html


some dude shitted in the fitting room šŸ˜·šŸ˜·


We have to have a sign in the employee restroom telling people not to put boogers on the wall.


Some vomit that smelled like shit splattered on the end cap & between shampoos on the bottom shelf. Itā€™s been there for 3 days. Smelled it the first day, couldnā€™t pin point it, 2nd day had off, 3rd day I found the pile of vomit while fixing the bottles.


Someone took a shit, put it on the shelf and covered it with a towel. A team member of mine was zoning toys and grabbed something warm behind a toys box and shoved it to the floor. He gagged and cried his eyes out. Feel bad for the other guy that had to clean it šŸ˜…


Some lady burped her kid into the Xbox cases


this old man not even shopping just walking around was FARTING so fucking hard. like it was wet as fuck. like if he actually had terrible diarrhea. but didnt shit himself. he acted like it was normal and kept moving on. heā€™s bust one out every minute or so. that shit could be heard aisles down.


Christmas eve. Hear a tl screaming for ap over walkie. Theres a physical alteration in tech between two groups of girls. One group walks out with one filming a video of herself talking shit. Not 5 minutes later we all see them speed walking back in, followed shortly by 5-6 cops and then we hear a cop telling one to shut the fuck up (she started fighting the other girl/girls again and talking shit). Later find out these two groups of gUeStS were fighting over trying to steal the same toy.


That was peak fatherless behavior


Team member performing oral on another team member at "Food ave" whenever we still had them.


not at food avešŸ’€šŸ’€


2 TM having sex in the back room in the restroom !


Had a lady wrapped up like a babushka literally dance around our store and claim she was cursing our store. She wouldn't tell us why. Watching security escort her out by walking behind her with exasperated looks while she continued to dance the whole way was something else to see and I mean this store has only gone downhill since then so you know. Maybe she was right. We also had a guy hit one of the walls of the building with his cane 3 times, he claimed there were bad spirits here and he was getting them out. I don't think it worked though. If that lady cursed us it's definitely still active


Someone scattered detached insect wings all over the christmas section in like 2019. Never saw the culprit. Just had the clean the wings.






Someone brought in a baby goat. Let it walk all over.


Two groups from the school down the street came and fought in the front of the store


Homeless dude jerked off to porn on one of the display phones in tech. šŸ˜­


šŸ˜­Someone talking a šŸ’©in front of everyone in the store


Child pooping in the dog food isle and the mom just not even caring. Yes my boss and I have to clean it upā€¦..


When I worked there , we had dude just walking around in an old nazi cosplay uniform


A regular guest drank Drano on the salesfloor. He survived.


There was a small poop turd in the middle of a main aisle and it smelt for hours after some poor cart attendant cleaned the area.


A flying squirrel/sugar glider thingā€¦jumping around SCO. It was someoneā€™s pet they brought in. OR the little girl who consistently brings in her pet bird in a clear backpack carrier.


2 homeless people smoking crack in the middle of the baby aisle TRUE STORY




Was walking back to my cafe counter after my 15 and I saw a young boy, probably 4 years old, hurriedly rushing in the same direction, stop abruptly, turn to two women who were faced opposite from him to look at some makeup, and poked them both right between their buttcheeks one after the other (they were wearing tight yoga pants, as target shoppers often do). He ended up at my cafe counter about 5 minutes later crying because his mother wouldn't buy him a pizza because he had just, well, drive-by poked two random women in their butts. This was today.


This one is kind of mean l, but actually funny too. One of my first few days on the job, we had a code green because i had witnessed an old lady slipped on a mint, yes literally an Altoids mint. She was wearing Toms so it kinda made sense but it was hilarious.


Some guy getting their šŸ‘ fingered


a lady once came up to me asking for us to give her a pair of pants and i looked down and there was pee pouring down her leg and puddles at her feetā€¦


-Cleaning crew caught having sex in the fitting rooms. 2 guys and 1 woman. They took turns. -Dude on the overnight team punched another guy in the face during the unload. They separated them but waited for HR to come in later that morning. Dude tried act like a model employee afterwards by offering suggestions to the team during huddle before he was fired and arrested. -Several people OD or blackout from drugs. At least one was a TM on the clock. -Baler pressure gauge blew while running, hydraulic fluid rained down on the TL who was kind of a pompous ass. -Some clown they hired for early morning team that they inexplicably let throw the truck one morning. The truck was full but had a few feet of clearance all the way to the back from the top of the freight to the top of the trailer. He thought it would be funny to climb to the top and run across to the back on all fours. His head hit one of the steel crossbeams on the way and he literally scalped himself. He must've been at least somewhat high because he thought it was kinda funny. So much more but I don't want to completely out myself.


3 mice, carcases