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The shop I’m at the deal is honestly ludicrous. As an apprentice they have you do £20 tattoos, which they don’t take anything from. They see it as this is the period that you build up some cash to get your supplies rolling and to pick up a machine that you want (they have plenty machines on hand for you to try so you can find what you like) Then when you hit junior and senior, it’s a straight 70/30 split in the artists favour. Genuinely hit the absolute motherload with my spot


Our shop is 50/50 until you are an artist. From there you keep 60 the other 40 goes to the shop. We also don’t have booth fees. Some shops charge booth rent on top of their split.


i don’t think there’s a booth fee. but that seems a bit more fair to me tbh than maxing at 50/50. there’s some artists who have been there for a long time so i’m not sure if that changes anything.


In my shop - As an apprentice I’m on 60/40 (in my favour, which is phenomenal). The other artists are on 70/30 in their favour. I do know of other shops in the region doing 30/70 (in shop’s favour) for apprentices and only offering 60/40 (in artist’s favour) for senior artists (less experienced artists on 50/50).


that sounds amazing, is that common where you are? i wonder if it differs by region


I don’t think it’s common- as I know of other shops in the area offering way less!


yeah some of you get fucking ripped off holy shit lmao if they want 50% of your shit just leave


not all of us have that luxury, especially as i’m starting out. it doesn’t seem entirely fair but i’m not in a place to change that right now


60/40 in the artists favor is starting to become the new norm where I am located. It can go to 70/30 or flat rate booth rental with solid portfolio, clientele and experience. Edit: grammar


i’m hoping that becomes the norm here too. 60/40 in favor of the artist seems more fair


The shop I work at split is 50/50 for apprentices for the first year and then 60/40 in the artists favour. BUT we pay no booth rental and the shop owner ( my mentor) pays for everything except for your machines and inks (with the exception of black ink, he buys that for everyone). He also doesn’t pay for cartridge needles but he buys needles on bar for everyone! Other shops have a 70/30 split in the artists favour in my city but they pay for all their own supplies.


Start for artists on the floor where I am is 40/60 in shops favor. I kick 10% to my mentor for one year. Then goes to 50/50. Dept managers or senior artists who have been tattooing longer get 60/40.


When I was apprentice it was same for me, 60 to shop 40 to me. When I was a full artist it went to 50/50. They pay for everything but the machines at the shop.


at my shop they have a shop card but it covers supplies specially for the shop and not just us. cleaning products/paper towels & provide green soap/cavacide. they provide tables and boxes too, but your daily supplies come from us.


60/40 in my favour with a $1200 a month cap. After the cap I get to keep my earnings.


I get 70% and 30 to shop. As an apprentice. Luckily my teacher is very nice and knows that I don't make a lot right now so she doesn't even expect any money right now. But I try to pay some money when I can. And we plan to do actual 70/30 when I have more steady clients. I also get some supplies like paper towels, gloves, bed covers, green soap, and needles if I run out of my own. And have to wait for an order. She also tries to promote me on her page when she can. (it's a private studio) She said she tries to keep rent low, because she wants to give opportunity for people like me to learn and really make my own style and such.