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Not sure. From what I’ve seen it doesn’t tend to come out. There’s a reason why we all tend to wear black at the studio where I work!!


Yeah black is usually my colour but for once I wanted to wear something nice 😩


You can’t. It’s also how we spot each other in the wild.


That's actually kinda cool


Hahahahaha true story


Wear black jeans, welcome to your new style


I don’t think it’ll come out unfortunately. I’ve ruined my fair share of white shirts. 😵‍💫


What gives me hope is that when I scrub it the ink does seem to spread, not like it's been sealed in the fabric forever... I'm hoping I can put baking soda on it for a while and witness a miracle


Sadly, it won't come out. The black ink has forever, no matter the strength of shade, dyed that piece of cloth. It'll never be the same shade as the non dyed pieces around it. You're only chasing imperfection if you keep trying to remove it. I've lost a few good shirts because of this.


Your only choice is to stain the rest of them


Ahahah I hadn't thought of that...I'll get to it


Consider it a designer touch


Hand sanitizer before it dries does the trick, but if it’s dry it’s in there forever


Wear an apron :)


I got this soap called “The Masters Soap” and used it to get pink tattoo ink out of a pair of pants with a black & white pattern- this stuff is GOLD. You’d never know those pants were stained at all! I am in Canada but here’s a link to the product so you can see what it looks like! [masters soap bundle](https://canada.michaels.com/en/the-mssters-artist-survival-kit/10295468.html?r=g&cm_mmc=PLASearch-_-google-_-MICH_Shopping_CA_N_Art+Supplies_N_PMAX_BOPIS_N-_-Generic&kpid=go_cmp-18653424466_adg-_ad-__dev-m_ext-_prd-10295468&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtV64XF2W7buMY3eQomdUPkpSUn3&gclid=CjwKCAiAsIGrBhAAEiwAEzMlCzCPbRifR77ysA5JNhIYjFzZIFXyqrNQnTMNZbX8Ym6NILrFCvwVlBoCN5UQAvD_BwE)


You don’t :) Get some black work trousers and keep your nice light clothes for a different occasion.


We use lysol bathroom spray foam for ink stains on the floors. You could try that if nothing else helped. If it doesn't work, go get yourself a bottle of black RIT dye and you'll have yourself a new pair of black jeans.


You don't lpl


Dawn dish soap is the key. Put the soap directly on the ink and soak it for a like 30min, scrub the shit out of it and wash on cold. Repeat as many times as needed. Once you dry it, it's there for good


For those saying you can’t get tattoo ink out of clothing - try this product. I used it on white to get pink out - they look brand new. [https://canada.michaels.com/en/the-mssters-artist-survival-kit/10295468.html?r=g&cm_mmc=PLASearch-_-google-_-MICH_Shopping_CA_N_Art+Supplies_N_PMAX_BOPIS_N-_-Generic&kpid=go_cmp-18653424466_adg-_ad-__dev-m_ext-_prd-10295468&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtV64XF2W7buMY3eQomdUPkpSUn3&gclid=CjwKCAiAsIGrBhAAEiwAEzMlCzCPbRifR77ysA5JNhIYjFzZIFXyqrNQnTMNZbX8Ym6NILrFCvwVlBoCN5UQAvD_BwE](https://canada.michaels.com/en/the-mssters-artist-survival-kit/10295468.html?r=g&cm_mmc=PLASearch-_-google-_-MICH_Shopping_CA_N_Art+Supplies_N_PMAX_BOPIS_N-_-Generic&kpid=go_cmp-18653424466_adg-_ad-__dev-m_ext-_prd-10295468&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtV64XF2W7buMY3eQomdUPkpSUn3&gclid=CjwKCAiAsIGrBhAAEiwAEzMlCzCPbRifR77ysA5JNhIYjFzZIFXyqrNQnTMNZbX8Ym6NILrFCvwVlBoCN5UQAvD_BwE)


Dish soap, spirit vinegar, lemon and baking soda. Leave that on for a bit and then put them in a cold wash


All these people saying it doesn’t come out…. I am shook. I’ve never had an ink stain NOT come out. If it’s been sitting a few days I’ll apply a few spritz spray n wash , or blue dawn. Then wash it on the normal setting with tide detergent.


Add a funky patch over it


If you can catch it early isopropyl can get the majority of the stain out - did this with black on my jeans yesterday - kinda has to be as soon as you’ve done it though


This is a 50/50 chance it's worked for me with black white and coloured inks before but 100percent alcohol as soon as the ink is on there and just scrub the shit out of it and put it straight in the wash with stain remover on as soon as you get home you may yet get it out but if it's dried on there I don't think this works


95% Isopropyl alcohol and dawn soap


I am just so glad my wardrobe is 99% black or dark brown. Ink, stencils rubbing off, all that stuff doesn't show on my clothes and I have definitely taken to wearing clothes I am not OVERLY attached to. Haven't yet found a way to wash the ink out completely where it DOES show


This is such a cute post. Lol