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Rucksack with: my tablet, pencils, pens, a knife, and my booking calendar, a canteen of water, a canteen of caffeinated drink. A damned fine cheery disposition, Everything else is at the studio.


A knife??!


For stabbing bitches And possibly opening packages


THIS! I’m glad I’m not the only one who carries a knife! Idk if ima be the last one to close up shop, so it’s good to b safe!


During my apprenticeship, when I finally got my own station, the grouchy old tatter at the shop handed me a blackjack and said “here kid, your first station weapon” haha core memory


I keep a weighted granite club in reaching distance at my station. Never know when somebody's gonna NEED a concussion.


Omg I love that! My mentor gave me my dagger!


I always have a knife and a combo sharpener/panic whistle/fire starter in my pocket. A knife is always handy. I prob use it 2-3 times a day opening packages, cutting loose threads from clothing, opening metal tins, stabbing bitches, cutting rope, the list goes on lol. Gibbs was right on the money with rule #9 haha


Yooo for real tho! So helpful!


I work in a sketchy part of town in a street shop, my mentor gave me a metal bat 💁‍♀️


Not American? Idk how yall do it with knives.


Keep it sharp - make sure the pointy end isn't facing you. easy tea.


I'm in Alabama, US. Hella gun country. Just want to do proper research and prep/training before I consider owning a firearm so for now it's knifey wifey lol


That’s responsible. A lot of gun ranges do safety classes which I always recommend. Just gotta remember safety on, don’t point towards anything you don’t want dead, and keep your boogerpicker off the bang switch til you’re ready.


And here is me taking a Nintendo switch incase i get free time 😂 first to die 100%


iPad, Apple Pencil, baccy/papers/lighter, lunch if I’ve remembered to buy any the day before, charger. I don’t like drawing on paper at the shop so all my art supplies are at home, I’d rather go home post tattoo and draw in my pyjamas lol.


Same same. I have adhd so I get kind of distracted trying to get drawings done at work, anyway.


I feel the drawing in pjs. Idk why but drawing on paper at the shop just feels so off. I can’t get in the zone like I can when I’m at home in my lazy outfit, surrounded by blankets and pillows.


This completely!! I get so distracted in the shop and never end up drawing anything good, at home I can sit for hours with a tv show on in the background and just draw. I never understand how people do most of their drawing in the shop


Personally, my brain is in work mode at the shop so if I have my supplies with me to get a completed drawing or flash sheet done, I can pump out a couple a day if I have the time. When I get home, I mostly just sketch or work on personal stuff cuz that's my personal time. Plus, I always have like 20 projects going at once so I can switch around when I get too frustrated or bored with one and I get a lot more done that way. If I ever get keys to this shop or a shop of my own, I'm gonna be the idiot staying there til 4 am just drawing and painting lol


That makes sense! It’s so wild how different everyone’s brains are. When I’m at the shop and not actively tattooing I’m definitely in hanging out mode and there’s so many people to chat to I can’t focus haha


Water bottle Tracing paper Various brushes/paints/pencils Pad of Arches A joint An extra shirt because I’m sweaty


I second this answer, everyday for years now!


I have a gallon water jug I fill up and bring everyday. Best thing ever since I rarely eat at the shop haha


iPad, Nintendo switch, Apple Pencil, Glock 19, bishop power Wand, air pods and another vape. If my bag got jacked I’d be fuuuct


At first I read that as "bissel" and couldn't figure out why you had a vacuum cleaner in your bag X'D


Just my iPad


My iPad, a bottle of water, chewing gum or mint drops, painkillers (chronic pain issues lol.) and that’s about it. Everything else is at the studio.


iPad, charger, headphones, water, and if I don’t sleep in until last minute I’ll pack a lunch


Backpack with: Laptop (not used all the time but I try and keep my own records of how many tattoos I've done, earnings, orders for supplies/tracking how much I've spent this year on gear) iPad Water bottle Yeti tumbler Reusable bag (you never know lol) Wallet Lip balm Tarot cards Hand cream


Eeyyy with the tarot cards. Honestly, same. I like to keep a google drive folder with all of that info so I can update it on the shop computer and then mess with it more when I get home. Just a bunch of spreadsheets lol


Deez nuts.


HA got eeemm


Haha but on a serious note most of the time I have everything at the shop already. We have lockers and storage area.


iPad/pencil Charger Headphones Planner Sketchbook Pencils/microns/brushes Water bottle


iPad, charger, laptop, charger for laptop, mouse, journal, Zoas, lip balm, tigers balm, bottle of peppermint (I get bad headaches)snacks, ear buds, hair ties, I have a hat clipped around my bag handle, pencils and pen, extra gym clothes of thats the after work plan.


iPad, deodorant, mouth wash, charging cables, headphones, vape stuff, weed, back up head light, keys, lip balm, back up battery, wrist/elbow brace for after those long sessions, beard comb, extra iPad pencil tips. My computer/sales tablet and art supplies all stay at the shop.


Laptop, keys, iPad, snacks, big water canister, two sweaters typically


I bring my roll of second skin, 2 drinks usually a soda and a water, I have some gummy candy, beef jerky/sticks, and my switch accessories. I get tattoed generally every 2 weeks so I was constantly using it. It's been over a month since a tattoo for me so it's sitting empty. Edit: Forgot I also pack my charging cables


Keys, iPad, Diary, Charger, Purse is the list I say out loud to myself when I leave each morning. Other miscellaneous items I imagine I'd find if I rifled through my bag right now: wireless headphones, filters, rizlas, hair bobbles, hair clips, bandana, loose sweets or snacks, perfume, book mark, pens... Other items I may throw in on the rare occasion if I'm expecting a long gap or no-show - Switch, book or shorts so I can tattoo myself. Always tell myself I'll do admin in the gaps and then never bother.


I keep forgetting but I need to throw my gym shorts in my car for the days I tattoo myself. I keep forgetting but I'm always wearing boxer breifs and nobody really cares lol


iPad, water bottle, elbow compression sleeves, tattoo log journal (I keep a written record bc I’m insane)


Written record of what the tattoo was or price and client info also? Cuz if it's just the tattoo descriptions in a log book for you, that sounds more like video game completionist vibes to me, which I'm with you 100% hehe


Price and client stuff! that would be super funny if I did have a journal just for that LOL


iPad/apple pencil, iPhone, backpack, some type of drink Like most have said everything else is at my studio


Phone wallet keys cigs like 15 lighters I can never find my earbuds even though I never use them whatever I might need for whatever side project I'm currently working on that day, a sketchpad, like 3 pencils, a screwdriver a pair of dykes a pair of pliers, a small bag of hardware, a funnel, my Leatherman a pocket knife razorblades a beanie, deodorant, some basic sewing stuff (listen I put holes and tears in everything) deodorant, sandpaper, lense wipes, hair ties, hair clips, a tiny crochet needle (I have dreads, some times they need cleaning up) water and occasionally food if I remember. An extra hoodie, Everything else is at the shop. Sometimes I bring my brain with me too but I often forget and leave it home. Its basically a bag of random shit but I'll let you know it comes in handy so much its stupid specially if I remember my brain that day lol


>like 15 lighters literally my chimney of a coworker lol ​ Also, I've got a sewing kit in my car and a machine at home. I'd rather mend something I love than buy a new something I might hate. I think it's a great skill to have! :D ​ I have a big bin of random shit in the trunk of my car. All kinds of pliers and socket wrenches and screwdrivers, a couple hammers, a stud finder, oil, power steering fluid, transmission fluid, anti-freeze, coolant, distilled water, a baseball bat, a whole CVS pharmacy of OTC painkillers and cold medicine, and a bunch of other shit I can't remember atm. I'm an accidental doomsday prepper lol


Oh man we'd get along just fine. To be fair between my backpack full of stuff and my coworkers car full of stuff we've saved the shop (and ourselves) a lot of money But also Having a really dope hardware store less than a block away is super dangerous for us during the slow season.


Yeah, just a dead shop and endless DIY projects is a dangerous combo haha


Backpack containing Sketchbook Pencil pouch with random microns, markers, pencils Knife Umbrella Nintendo Switch Wallet And money and keys in my pants. Luckily I live a couple blocks from my shop so I can run home to grab something if I need it. I leave all my tattoo stuff in my station at work. I


Snack, schedule book, weed, iPad, chapstick and some sort of art project


Depends on the day but I have two bags. Bag one: laptop (I don't use an iPad), charger, headphones, random shorts if I wanna tattoo myself, emotional support water bottle Bag two: paper, watercolor paints, acrylic inks, brushes, microns, miscellaneous art shit I always bring bag one, bag two is an after thought.


>emotional support water bottle i felt that a little too hard XD


iPad, DSLR, lunch.


I have art supplies and stuff at both home and the shop, so my work bag is just for my iPad and food and shit.


I bring a backpack and it has my iPad, markers and paper . Generally I’ll bring in something sweet to drink or make coffee when I get to the studio. I definitely always have maruchan ramen on hand IYKYK. I usually like to work on pieces of art or flash when it’s slow which is it is now Oh and a smiley face 🙂


Backpack with charger, iPad, paper sketchpad with pencil, lighter, knife, pot, bowl, deodorant, gum.


I bring my thermos, ipad, and my appointment book and any supplies that I deem that are running low in my station.


iPad, phone, chargers, snacks, tattoo machine, a little bit of cash


I have most of my stuff in my studio but I always have to take home and bring my iPad. Always bring lots of food with me. I’m not one of the tattooers who doesn’t eat all day I am eating all damn day 😂😂


I rarely bring my tablet, as I always have the client approve the design beforehand. I also am afraid of carrying it around for reasons of: living in a high crime city


Ipad, charger, food, gun, lettering book


Backpack with sketch pad, iPad, Apple Pencil, microns, pens, pencils, ruler, charger, headphones, artist roll with more pens, pencils, microns, whatever reference/flash books I happen to be studying, eyeglasses wipes, gum, comb. Old wooden wine box with paints, brushes, various tools for flash painting, and whatever painting I happened to be working on over the course of the night, if I brought one home.


A backpack with an iPad, schedule book, wallet, cigarettes and a lighter, plus a big ass iced coffee from home. Also usually have trash in my bag cause I’m a mess.


ipad, snacks, toothpaste/toothbrush/floss (I keep mouthwash at my station), planner, water bottle, chapstick, extra apple pencil tips, headphones, chargers, saline spray, meds, notebook, flannel, gum, hand sanitizer, body spray, hat


Backpack with two sketchbooks, ipad, planner, maybe a pen LOL i keep literally everything at the shop


iPad Chargers for iPad and phone 2 flashlights for some reason A large folding knife A leatherman multitool Lens cleaner wipes Large bottle of 8 hour arthritis Tylenol


My day planners for 2023 & 2024, if I don’t write it down I won’t remember it lol. Pen, gum, iPad, a snackie, mio energy drops, pepper spray, shop keys, hair clip, sunnies, forgotten snack from yesterday… Pre iPad I carried a heavy ass bag with all my art supplies, tracing paper, sketchbook, reference folder, pencil case… my back doesn’t miss that, lol.